_ �� ' � .�-C'- �- � �[ .°����y-�]�'����p��,� _ � .r '` � �� r� .�`• �c<"��-�5'2'"•: ` . rf. ca.�r•• a - ._�_ ..
<br /> . .. t -- � .:� ---'--' �'L—..���. P c"` Z �~� T!�_r-..
<br /> • ' I� ,�-�2�6 _ .J._� G. '.b ..
<br />- i • " t�—'+-�6=_-. _•� n. .A.4— _ ,,,,� . • _.._�— —- '� -- -_
<br /> Y e
<br /> ' . . ' _.
<br />- .���v�:.'�i`��••Y',c.�� '
<br /> ::���. � °� 93- ��94A� -_=_-_-
<br />" k}�m .F o�� ,•`,C� —_-_-__-
<br /> � iLn'' �.' ���� _
<br /> - °4.= � L :<:.,. " I.endertoprotectthesecuflryofthoNot�(c)thepadarmaneeota�ICOVenant�ac�dagreemenbetTrustarsettartt�harelr�andt�ell � __
<br /> ,-�:- , pr�►��a�6 ft�ra t�sd�ss anQ e�itg�lene ot Be!re�ar��c sny Q!tt�em if more Man one)to�endar wQether diceeL Indirect u� x�'" ---
<br /> - :3 _•� absotuUa ar eonHrtgent snd wheiher arising by ao4e.9�arantY.averdraR cr othenxise.The tsate.this OeeO Ot�st�d arry ar�eii },_. •-�. ��,°�--_�
<br /> �SF othetdocueMstl�etsecuretheNoteoeoinenvisee�cecu�edtnee�aecttonlAerswith,inctudingwittroutltmitatlonguara�tees�secunty ;. � ?;<�:.,,� �-
<br /> ' ,�''�.:;.,k;'�`-...�t :� agceemenfs artd as9ignm6�ot toases and�ente.ehall6e ceterted tar hereU sa the°loan tnstrumenta". x,;;:�'.�;��'_ �_
<br /> 7�ustor covenartta and ag�ees wi�Lender as fal[ow� ` '�''}��*.� -- _
<br /> • � : i.Payinent o!(adebtRdtee�.A�I indeDLedness eecured hereby 8ha11 be paid when due : � � ,�'2"�` -
<br /> 2 Titta Trustor•fa thq;owner ot the PcoAeRy.has Ma dght and auMo�iry to convey the PropeRy.8nd wananb that tAe lien �° F °�'� �-
<br /> ; s`:; ��„ �° ' created hereby[s a first ans pdor tien on the ProAerty,except tor t[ens and encumbrances set toM by 7rustor tn writing anQ �"� � -_
<br /> ` . ir c-3,v• -
<br /> � detivered to Lender betate,execuflcn ot ti�is Oeed otTrost and the execuHort end delivery ot this Oead of Trust does notviofate eny � '_ � ��--•.
<br /> S ; y� � � co�ract or other obiigadan t0 whtch Tivat�r i9 subject :.. � ` � �"'��
<br /> ,c
<br /> .� ;rr-�:
<br /> _, __ 9.Ta�es.JlsaeatmeMG.To pay beforede�inquencY a!!taxes.specfa!asssssments end elf otRer charges against the Properry .��.,
<br /> ,..� - now or heceaRer tevied. . f'' -� '� ° -
<br /> � '•r q,Irtsurence.To keep ttte Property lnsured agairtst damaga by fire,ha�rds inciuded within the term"extended coverage".8nd ,
<br /> ` rts � -
<br /> . . � such other hazards as i.e�ddt may requir�in amounts and with companies acceptaDte to Lender,rtaming Lender as an addNtonal -
<br /> - s-. named insured wtth tass payahle to the Lender.tn case ot loss under such policies,the Lender is autho[Izsd to 8djust coltect end . f �r,�
<br /> `� ' compromis�at}ctaims theteunder and shall hava tAe opUon ot applying aIi or part of the insurance praceeds(�ta any tndebtedness �„ ,,
<br /> - � � seCUted hereby and in such•Order as Lender mey determine.(i)to the Trustor to be used for the repa[r or restoration.of the Prapercy _.,•�'r:�a=
<br /> _ . . _�.:x �a';�' �'`-
<br /> - � m�ii)toranyotl�Brpurposea�objectsatisfactorytotertderwithoutaHectingthelienofthisQeedofTrustforthetullamountsecured '�`�'�` �
<br /> ��:lq`:,�� ',�,.iY: ,�...; .
<br /> _ � hereby betore such paymeM:ever took piace�Any apPlication ot praceeds to iadehtadness shall not extend or postpune ffie due �`-,£ ,;r�:<_�'.-,,:T,\::_'
<br /> - , date ot ar►y paymenb undet•the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder or hereunder. _ ���.' :
<br />- ''=.�--'� • �- .� = 5.Eacrow.tJpon��vrittan demand by Lender,TrusUOr shail pay to Lertder.[n such manner as Lender may design8te.sufficient ._ , �
<br /> •., - �3..�`� �
<br /> '` sums toenabte tender to pAy as they beCOme due one or more af the toltawing(7 all taxes,assessments and other charges against �; � <�-;'
<br /> ;_-.
<br /> the Properry.(iq the premiums on the property insurance�e4uired hereunder,and(iii3 the premiums on any mortgage insurattCe :-s '�°-""�`-�-'
<br /> � . required by Lender. --
<br /> ' :�. �� 8. Maintenance,RapN��aod Compilanee wiM Laws.Trustor shaU keep the Property in guod conditiort artd rapalr,shatl _- �
<br /> a
<br /> i prompUy �epair,or reptace any improvement which may Ce damaged or destroyed:shall not commit or permrt any waste or ', �� _
<br /> ' ' �v �` de�e�ioratiart of the Property:.shall not remo�a demolish or substantialty alter any of the improvements on the Property:shall rtot . �;�,--
<br /> �S . : '.. . ..:'Yi;;i.i.:; . .
<br />- - � v '�:. �:�<i����� comm�,sufferorpertnitanyacttobedoneirtoroponthePropertyinviotaffonofanylaw.ordinance.orregutation;andshatlpayartd <-�-,�;:=�-•,:?�;
<br /> • . . ::''l,•�.i�h;;•.: •,':�Y~
<br /> ` � ,;.,�..<<,.., prompUy discharge at Trusiors cost artd expense ail lien-s,ertcumbrances and charges levied,imposed or assessed a9atnst Me ,� :, ��
<br /> f�. _ •;'�,.•�..-; Property or any Part dtereaf_ � ' �`';'-�-
<br /> :�::��?�` 7.EmtneM Qomain.leader is hereby asstgned all compensation,awards,damages and other payments or relief(hereinaft9r --:.s�: �'+-=`_
<br />- -`�^•°�•'' ' "Prpceeds� in connection �etf� condemnation or other taking of the Property or part thereof,ar tor conveyanee in Iieu ot :;;:�� '��. '� _
<br /> � ':�� �•� condemnatiort_Lender shatt�be entiUed at its option to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own name any acUon or �;.:;..° ��"
<br /> �,`- : � . , �:�:��' ��=
<br /> f . - . •'�'F�:<;�.; proceedings.artd ahaU also Oe entltled to make any compromise or setttement in connection with such teking or damage.�n Me -�: �',._�Y�-.�`_,.
<br /> ' , �< t'' eveat eny pprtion of the Property is so t-�n or damaged,Lender shalt Rava the option,in its sole and absolute discreUon,to appty ..�s::_:
<br /> - •�`?z;:� ail8uch Proceeds after deduding therefram all costs and expenses irtcurred by it in cannection wilh suCh Proceed�a upon any ' �� �_r
<br /> . e
<br /> ` inde6tedness secured fie��d in such order as Lender mSy detertnine,or to eppty atl such Proceeds.after such deducNons,to �,�.`,, �. �-�`
<br /> Y. `r th@�estoreUen of the P�cp�tty upon such condi�ons as lender may�rtnirse.Any applicatian ot Proceeds to indebtedness shaii °:�� � �
<br /> ��� � � �'�Y v rtot exGend or os�ona ttia dise date of any payments under the Noi�cr cc�re any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapptied `- �-.:�' -
<br /> „^,t,'43 � `,,�r, .
<br /> � tunds shall tre�id to Trustar. �� t •
<br /> 7;�i" y'.; '
<br /> `�T t'`,` �.:I
<br /> � 8.PeAeve�e�nte by Lendar.Upon the accurrence of an Event o�aet�sit hereunder,or it any 2ct is taken or Iegai proceedirg ,�a 5�,-�.��,�+��. ��,
<br /> " :l`�=.`•`.w:>:..' ., .,
<br /> • �� � . >���� commenced wF.ich materiatly atfects Len3e�'s mterest in the Property,Certder may in its own discr��acG:butwithout obligatlon ta d� �� . • •.t�;���,'�_�- ;'
<br /> j ���'�^'�1�'� �� •��` so,and without notice te or demand upon Trustor and without reteasing Trustor from any obtig2tcn,do any act which Trustot R� �.;"' ,-.• .':. �_ • ,- •
<br /> r'tii't:;;•: , i;f,�i ,
<br /> �ia;= . agreed but faits to do and meyratso do any other act it deems necessary to protect the securiry hereot Trustor ahall,immediaiely �' -,•_: �'•..•'�" �
<br /> -` �.`"` � upon demand theretor byl.endet.pay to Lender ali costsand expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connection with "z:' �� . "
<br /> y.�::,._; ,.. �
<br /> the exercise by Lender of the foregoing rights,together with interest thereon atthe default rate provided in the Note,which shali be - . ,..�•_
<br /> } A�. ' addeQ to the indebtedness secured hereby.Lende� shali not incur any Iiabiiiry because of anything it may do or omit to do � _ � • ' �,�►
<br /> - - � • hereunder. 4�
<br /> ' � 9.Haiardous Metetial9.Trustor ahall keep the Property in compliance w�th all appticabte laws.ordinances and regulations � _
<br /> � refaUng to industrial hygiena or environmental protection(collectively�eterred to herein as"Enviranmental Laws").T�ustor shall � •
<br /> keapMePropertyfreefroma115ubatancesdeemedto6ehazardousortoxicunderanyEnvironmenffiILaws(coltecriveryreterredto �; - . _
<br /> ` ;;;;';.;'."� herein as"Hazardous Materials'7.Trustor hereby war�ants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardcris t�lateri8is on or s :
<br /> � 1 � � :?:�i:{:'. underthePropsrty.TruBtarherebyagreestorndemnityandhotdharmlessLender,itsdirecturs,oHicers.emptoyeesandagenb.and ,,,.,;' �. _�
<br /> : � "`��'�'` any success�rs'o LendePa interesL t►am 2.nd against any and all claims,damages.losses and liab:°nes adsing in connecUon��}h: . �;,,_,,.•...::-_._
<br /> the presEnc�e,�5e.disposal or transport of•any Hazardous Materials on,under,trom or about:.*�Property.THE FOREt30iNCi ��'.�.,��,�
<br /> ' , . 10. A3��nment of RenUf.Trustor hereby 8ssigns to Lender the re��.issues 2nQt firc`.its Ot tha Property:provided that Trustor :
<br /> ehall,urttit t�s¢accurrenCe o}an Event of Default hereunder,have the nr,nt�o collect dhd retain such rents,issues end protits as theY
<br /> � become duo and payabte.Upon the occurrence ot an Event ot De�uir.tender may,either in person or by agent,wiM or withOUt , .
<br /> `'� � bringing ariy actian or p�OCeeding,or by a receiver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of its secutlty,enter . .. ,
<br /> ;;:.:. - upon and take possesston�f the Propeny.or any part thErect,in i:s own nama or in M�name of the trustee,and do any acts whlCh It ,a:
<br /> �; deems necessary or desirebte to preserve thevalue,mar�c-��ility or rentabfliry o1 the Property.or any part thereof or Interestthereln.
<br /> increase the income therefrom or protect the security hareof and,with or without:aking possession of the Property.sue for or
<br /> � ;� otherwlse:o�teCt the rents.issues anC protits thereof,Inctuding tho�e Dast due and unpafd,and appty the same,tess costs and • :
<br /> ,. �,;,,.,.,.:: � 9 9 •5.. .
<br /> , •t .•Y,� expense5 ai operaUon and cotleetion Prtc adin attorne s'tees,upan ar f:ndebtedness secured he:�hy.all in such orde►a9 Lender .`'�.;;
<br /> '�`%• ��°� '�'��•� may dc�rmirte-The entering upon and taking possesslon of the PrC���'y,the collection of suctr rents,issuess and profits artd 1he ,;,,
<br /> �.,.�,:,':. • • . .
<br /> � 3�;. app;�ca*crr LReseof as atorea{Q.shatl rtot cure or waiue any defauli or nottce of de!ault hereunder or invalidate any act dorm tn ' ,
<br /> ` responseto s�cfi defaultpr Gursuant to SuCh notice oi detault and,notwfthstanding me tonUnuartce in possesslon a�the RrOAer.y or �.,�;
<br /> ,�; • the Cottecalen,recelpt and epp�►cation Of rents,Issues o�D�otits,anQ Trustee end Lr-r,der shatl be entltled to exe►GSe every�ight
<br /> �E �. - provided tor in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occur�ence ct any Everrt ot Default,including without Iimitation the right ,
<br /> �a� :. . to exercfsQ Uropower ot sate.furtMer,Lender's rights and remedies un�tcrthis paragraph shall be cumutative with,an0 in no w�1 a
<br /> : ��� , - � OmltaUon on,Lender'e Nghts and remedles under any assignment of tca�es and rents r�corded agalnstthe Properly.Lender,Tru�e
<br /> �;+ , ; and the recelver shatl be liabte to eccount onty for those rents actually received.
<br /> . 11. Evenb of OoteuH.The following shall Con9titute an Event of Detault under thia Deed of Trust
<br /> - � •- � (a) Faiture tn pay any instaltment of princlpal or Interest of any oiher sum secured hereby when due:
<br /> - (b�A breach of or detault under any provision contained Irt the Note.thls Oeed of Trus�any ot the Loan Instruments,ar any
<br /> ' other lten or encumbrance upon the Property:
<br />-.'e , l�:, �•��. � ' �.�,.`'. (a)A wNt otexecuUon or atfachmeM or any slmitar process shall be entered against Trustor whlch aha�1 hecome a Ilen on
<br /> the Propetty or anyr portlon thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> � �,� .,; , ; (d)Thele sh811 be fited by or agalnst Trustor o►Borrower an action under any present or fuNre tederal,sffite or otAer �
<br />-� , ��,���' sffittrte.law or regutation relaUng to banktuptcy.insolvency or other rellef tor Cebtors:or there shalt be appatnted any trustee.
<br /> ��'.r. ;� tecelyerortlquldatorolTrustotorBorroweroroielloranypartoftheProperty.ortherentaissuesorprofitathereof,orTrustot
<br /> � , or Borrower sh&tl make anY Seneral asslgnment lor the benefit of creditor�
<br /> �-` ,'�•:` � , • �• (e)Tfte sat�tr8nsfer.tBase ess+gnment conveyance or furfher encumbrance of etl or eny part o!or any interest in tAe
<br /> w�'�.�3}==L Properly.eftfier vatunffirity or involuntarity.wlthout the enpres9 wdtten conseM o!lender.provlded that Trustor shall 0e
<br /> > >,.•,,_, ;••i:: � pertntttedbexeeutealease otthePropeRythatCoesnoteontalnanoptiontopurehaseandtheteanofwhlchdoesnotexoeed
<br /> ort9 yesr.
<br /> (�Abandonment of the Properry;or k . - . ,4
<br /> . �---�—•_-_-...__ ..
<br /> - r-
<br /> � , �
<br /> . f{ . • ' '
<br />