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<br /> - ___ -= City of Gsand Yelaad. Ra2I Ca�a►tp, Rebraeka, and more �, ��L==_
<br />_ — particalerlg deacrfbed as follo�ra: � � ��`'��'-_--
<br />_ — --;�:-_-_---
<br /> � � HeginniAg �t the Sonth�rest corner of eeid Weat Haif of F�'`�`-�# ug:��_
<br /> • t�e Northorest Quastier of the Sautiteaet Quarter , ,���'�g-_°_�_
<br /> -� . . (W�NW�tSB�}t the:►ce N 00°4�'�b" �f fass��d bearing} � :��"=��� -
<br /> ..� . a2on� and upon the West line of said �Test Half of the Y �`�� '�-
<br /> :_. w
<br /> __ _ =- - - - Nortbwest �issrter af thg Soa�thea�t iQuarter �B�). _ --
<br /> � � �� a dietaace of �ro Hundred 1200.8) feet: the�+ce ., ,�_ a �` `
<br /> : ` ' N 89°52`SU" S, pasallel witb the Sautb line ofr said `A,�:2�'"..4. .-.�; �;.._
<br />_ •'�_ ` West flalf of the Narth�test Quaz�ter of tihe Sautheset y' = � °• := �� �
<br /> _ `'�• _� Quarter tW�N�SE�), a distance of 83x Hundred Ffftp- ^`�"''�' _ �`' _
<br /> : --�-�f=-. Seven and Twenty-Four Hundredths t657.24� feet to a ; ' �-- ,..:.: _ ,.°
<br /> � - �-�`'` point on the Sast lfae of said W�st Aalf of the Narth- � '`� �°- - ''
<br /> � ;�=- �,�,. �a
<br /> - : '��`"' � west Quarter o�E .the Southeast Qnarter t�I�SS�}: ."`.`�,°°°;°�' :
<br /> - �`;��< -�=.`- _ thenc� S 00°39'37" E along and upa� the Esst 13ae of '=:���- ---• - �� •-<'
<br /> .a. _ � ._�..�
<br /> '��"� �nF°��'`�� � said West Half of the Northw�st Quarter af the South- °`. z-`'` ���`�
<br /> �` �"� east Quartes (W�I3W�S��), a distance af Two Hundred �'-" ��"�
<br /> <�.. r"`�.°� (2Q0.0) feet to th�� Southeaet corner of said West Half � � `�`` � �`-
<br /> ;�,..
<br />_- �, `'��._`". � of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter _ � �� ,��:'
<br /> �..`�:- �;�;-:<`u .� (W�IQW�CSE�)s thence N 89°52'S4" 8 along and upan the . - i '1 ..
<br /> _ � = r� .--�`���� North line of sai�c] South�vesC Quarter af tbe Southeast - � , �<`�.�:"::�,��
<br /> _ i:�.:�:�_,..,. .: .�. ,.
<br />- Quarter (SW�SB�>, a diatance of Four Hundred Ninety-Two . .� ��.: _
<br /> - .`G� . � and Seven Hundredths (492.07) feet: thence S QO°40'17" B, - ����y�::.s
<br /> �- �-�:`'�•` ' �,� '�:� a distance of Sen�n Hutidred Z�wen and Tc�en F£ve Hun- .�:".: .
<br /> :�, � �.���� � dredths (72Q.25) feet to a po1A on the Na h line of � ,��i,
<br /> - '� � � °' Wal Mart Suhdivi�ion iA tbe Citp of Grand Island, � �°� �
<br /> - < . _ . , �� �:
<br /> '{- ':'� '����.` =. Nebraska; thence S 90°00'00" W along and upon the North •
<br /> �� � � .. line-of sa£d Wal Mart Subdivision, a distance of Sevea . ���''�
<br /> � �• � Hundred Ei h Fiv�e and Six Six Huadredths (785.66) � . '�"i ht�� :
<br /> ; ,.�.� :
<br /> � .. .. ..
<br /> ° �'��=° ° ' feet to the Nortbwest corner of said Wal Mart Subdivf- '��`�`
<br /> _ y. V , . . ' [f• _.
<br /> s` � ,�fr �- � sion; thence N 00°42'36" W. a distance of Fiftg-Eight � �ti�� ;� �� -
<br /> °` .° . ' ;::��'." and Sfxtq-S�ix Avu►dredths (58.66) feet; thence S 89°52'S0•' W. ' ' _r,�: �� ;;.=
<br /> �' h
<br /> : l. , ` ..' ,��t� �,...' a distance af Three �iundred �ixtp-Three (3G3.Q) fe�et to . .:�`��� • � �'=.
<br /> �. . a point on #�te West line� o�:,aaid Southwee�[.'Quar�er of , . `' '
<br /> : a�_.,,. - - : : the Sautheaat .Quarter (5�1�5E�)s t&ence N QQ°42 '36" W . - . `,-f. �+�
<br /> ' ... .. .��T�'f:��-.
<br /> - � t��"��� • • ��f�• ' along and ugan the ZJeat lfae o£ said Soutb�rest Quarter � . � �
<br /> ? �°��'�t� of the Southeast Quarter tSW�SE�) , a diataace of Six � � ���',``� '�
<br /> . . .; �,..;
<br /> ' ``''�3;5� ���:;� ,#.4
<br /> ; �`;.'�:'� :;�'�=3.;�;si�' �, Fundred Sistq (660.0) feet to the point of "beginning � � �"::�;.�- '�;� �n
<br /> ., .. �'�_=
<br /> � '�`�.' �� and containing 21.495 acres, more aY lesa. ' ��:��`_�
<br /> t :c ` , E � . . �i;��=
<br /> � ����� � � 5. The date that the last materials were last furaished ta . � � _� '
<br />�. �. ;�� � �. said psoperty wa-s on or about Julq 8, 1993, and the contract � , �
<br /> ' .<'�=: '.. grice for tUe mvst recenClq invoiced materiala was Five ThousaAd
<br /> ' ':``. . � � � �" Thirty-Six and 82/100 Dollars (55,036.82) upon which contract x .� _" .�. � :
<br /> � �- �� ' � price Wilson Concret� Company has received payment of One Hundred � , , .
<br /> . � � � � Thirty-Three and 71/100 Dollars ($133.71) whicb was apglied to � , . ' .
<br /> �� ? . ' _ ' these remaining unpaid invoices. � � '
<br /> . ..
<br /> -. , ;.':-.: r- � ..� �. 6. Wilson Concrete Company claims a lien on the above- < <.�
<br /> ;f� . `:i, • � � descr�.bE� rea2 estate €or the full amount of the account due of i ' �
<br /> _ _ �. .
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