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<br /> -c--�r.�..,..`n"'-_.�—v . ---�-- �-
<br /> � • shalibepaidtQi.endar. ' � � . . : . . � . : �: ----,. ,
<br />— � � Ia thg event•of$tota!takiag of the_Ptapertlr.the prnoetds s9�ll 4�e apptis3 w'the sums's� by t�is°5ecurit�► .
<br /> — — . �nsuument.at�xthar ar not.thm due:.whh any�arss paid�o. Bormwer. In the event af�a pa�a��cin8 of Yhe'Propenyr in. �`• . -
<br /> - � � whid�We fair ara�et vatae of�e Pmperty immediate2l+before the taktng is equal td or gc�tcr than t2cz sawumt of six sums -
<br /> _ so�by thIs SeWU�Ity Lasuument�ixune�iately.be�fore the�tainag,unless Borrower and Let�der otharwise�gcee!n wrStinB. ; .
<br /> - the.sums searned by this.5ecu�ty Instrument shall 6e redueed by che amannt of the prbceeds aiuitipl�ed�by dte folloanng `. `
<br /> _ _ __ '. _�fra�ian�ta}the mmt amount of tha sums secured immedlately befose the taWng,divided by(D)the fair maricet vaiue of tue _ __
<br />�. — - `. ' Propeny immeiliately before the taidng. Any batance sh�l be_paid tn aonower. In the event o�a Qartial�n�of the �
<br /> �: �P�Y�wbIch the fair market vaIue of the Ptaperty umi�tety before the taking is tess than the amouat of t�ie snms :
<br />-:- --- - - -- - - - --secure�=i�t►ediate�r befot�e-the t�g:vnIess Borrawer a�cRLeadcr othe�tvise agr�e-�a smting os u�SS.app1L'�ab2elaur---- -�. _.-
<br /> __ __ - --
<br /> otheiwise pmvides.the pmoeeds shall 6e applied to the sums sec�apd Dy this SeCUrity LnstrumenY w�ether or not the sumg ate
<br />�;i tiieu dne. �
<br /> _ — If the Pmpe�ty is abaadoaed by Bomower,m if.after notice by Ixnder to Bmmwer that the oa�cdemuer offei's�to aiake `
<br /> y"� an award ar seule a claim for damages.Bomower fa�.s to res�wnd to Lendgr within 30 days aRer the date the n�tice is,given,
<br />=; Le�tder ls suthorized ta coltect and appIy the procceds,at its option,either to nestotatton or repair of the Ptoperty Qr m the
<br /> ne
<br />-- suYns socured by thIs��ity L�s�ument,whether or not then due. - -
<br /> - Unless Lender and Bonower othe�arise ag�e in writing,any application of pmoeeds w prinapat shall nbl.extend or. _
<br /> = pnstpone the due date of the monthty paymems refe.aed to in parag�aphs I and 2 or cAange the amount of�h ��. , -'`
<br />- - IL Boisoiver Not�12ele�..'d# Fo�e�ratt� Hp LEx►der Not a Waiver. Extensiqn of the-�fi�,�t,or . ',;:: .--------
<br /> � medification of amomzation of the sums secuted by tliis Security Insdn�ment gramed 6y-Lender to any���t .
<br /> of Barmwer shall not operate to release the liability of the originat Borrower or Bormwer'�saceessors in interes�;�.- ,-
<br />-- '�:'�'�` �. shali not be requited m rnmmence pnnoeedings against any succe�.sor in interest or refuse w e�ctend tim$fas pay�.�ii' �
<br /> . � otheiwise mad'if�+a�rtization of the sums secured by t6is Security Ins�umeat by reason of any demand made by the originai , ,� .
<br /> -�'`:.p-'�':''�-:':°-;�- Bonower or Brnso��s sueoessois in inte�est: Any forbearance by I,ender in eaercising any ng6t or remady shall not be a � --- - --- . --
<br /> y -!4.�.��t:v'l . . • , —`
<br /> � ,, waiver of or pietTude�the exeicise of any right or remedy.
<br /> - �' ' � �`+� iZ. 5uccessors and Asslgqs Bound;Jotnt end Several ldabilitq;Casigners. The covenants and agceements of this
<br /> .'-:`4:}�';,��.
<br /> - ��;_ •� ;;��:? • " Insuument shalt bind ar.d beatefit the successo�s and assigns of Lender and Bornawe�subjecc to the pr�visioas of
<br /> - *.:..< ��;,����. : �►tY
<br />_ „.��i':4;,;'r.,:= p$Zg�[$j121 17.Bmmwer�covene�s end agreements shall De joint and�everal.Aay Bo►mwer who co-signs this Secariry
<br /> �<?��°�<`,'.:�. .,��- Instrument but daes not execute the Note: ta�is co-signing thLs Secarity Iruuument only w mortgage.gTant and oonvey that ___
<br /> �:�,'',�.. �. : � Boaower�interest ia the Ptoperty under tite f��af this Sec�uity Instrumei►t: tb)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br />_:� �;';';�;:':,,���.':.= :.F,t., secuied by this Security[nsuutnea�and tc)�gtaes that Lender and aay other Bonower may agree to extend,modify,fo:bear � �"
<br /> :..:,,:;:,,.:,�;:, . . or make any aocommodations with_tegard to the terms of tbis Security Iastniment or the Note witltout that Bormwer�s � -
<br /> "•i ;'.. , '�-:;;'..:; `�..., CoilSCilL . �_.
<br /> . ��•
<br /> ��:''';;;'°:°'°: '.. •;' 13� Laan C es. If the loar�secured b this Secure Insorument is sub'ect to a law wluch sets maximum loan �— —
<br /> �;:,�... ..:
<br /> � y �+ � ��__ _
<br />=�� ..,,:,::.. :'.` .,:�,:, .�°� charges.aad Wai 1aw Is finally interpreted so that the interest or other Iaau cdarges collected or to 6e aoltected in connection -- —
<br />"�, " with the loan e�cead the pemutted iimiu,then:•ta)any such loan charge s�a[[be reduced by the amaunt ce�essary to reduoe . �•��
<br /> :', .f';.�{..;Y',•...:''.,' the charge ta the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already.collecteei from Borrower which exc.eeded pemuaed limi�s will be ' w�_.�=:
<br />- . �;<. •:r refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund�sv teducing the principal owed under the Note or by makdng a '� . �
<br /> � �?":.;';��-':.,_ d'uectpayment to Borrower. [f a cefund reduces principai,the reduction wiU be a+eated as a partial pr+epaymeet witho�any ��^'t f �"`+fi '�—
<br /> �:\"' � �.;,-,. p�epay.ment charge under the Note. :. . � ��`
<br /> , �, ..,,e , _
<br /> ,r:�• ..� :�,,;-�•; 14. Noticea Any notice to Bomower pmvided t'or in this Security (nstrument shall6e given by delivering it ot by
<br /> °" '• ,.-�` •-� ',' ` mailing it by fust class mail unless applicabte iaw reguires use of another method.The nouce shall be di�+ected to the Property '�^Y: �'� :;_
<br /> ; � ;.�c,". �°•'�.`��::;�:.,��,:,: Address or any other address Bar�uwer designates by notice to I.ender. Any novce to Lender shall be given by fust class ' `•;•�,,;�:.-'.,�::���, `-`
<br /> • ,„ '�:::,,;,,;;�;. ,. mail to l.ender's address stated herein or uny other address Leader designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provude3 for � , � ,' ���
<br /> ' ' �'��:��;'. '. ' in this Security Insuvment sha11 be deemed to have been `i��en to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this � .•< f=
<br /> ; ; ,� .
<br /> . `�;,' paragtaph. � ' --
<br />_;�;� ='••� r 15. Goverciing Law; SeverabQtty. This Security Instrument shaJ! 6e govemed by federal law and the law of the ; �_� `�-
<br /> ;.'` .• ..
<br /> L`�� ' jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. In the evem that any provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the Note . . .
<br /> •� .. conflicts with appiicabte law,such conflict shatl not affect ather provi�ions af this Secwity Instrument or the Note which can . , . '
<br /> ' _ • be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Note are • <: �•-�: '
<br /> � .l,.:,�; :...: ..
<br /> • . • � declared to be severable. .,`�'��,{;r '�•_:" :''.
<br /> 1 +� � • " 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be�iven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. ,
<br /> 17. 71�ansfer of the Property or a Bene�ciat lntere�t in Borrow•er. if all or a�y part of the Property or any interest in ' " �• �`
<br /> ' � '� � it is sntd or transferred lor if a beneficial interest irr Borrower is,old or tran+ferred and 8orrower is nos a natural person) _� . , � .:r'p. `' ''
<br />_ • without Lender's prior written consem,Lender may,at its option,require immediate pa}•ment in full of atI sums secured by . ,• �;�: : "��
<br /> �. ';.�,; : ; this Securiry Instrument. Hawe�•er,this option�halt noi be exercised by Lender if exerci�e i4 prohibited by federal!an as of • � ;
<br /> • `•;�,i.�':• . the date of this Security Instrument. '
<br /> ,� �.`�,� �``�� ; � if Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Bo�rouee aotice of acceleratian. The notice sha11 provide a per.od of � :+��;•` ' .
<br /> �'`:� ' �.� • •. not less than 30 du}•c from the date the notice is delivered or muiled wiehi���fiich Bonower must pay att sums tiecured by this
<br /> � f •• ' � • Security Instrument. if Barrower failc to pay these tiumti prior ro the expiration af this period.I.ender may invoke any , ' .
<br />-�'�'° `�� ,; remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice ar demand on Barrower. •
<br /> � �° t8. Borrower's Rtght to Retn.State. lf Borro�ver meets certain conditions. Borroa•er shall have the right to hAVe �
<br /> ,.��
<br /> ' ,}; • . enforcement of this Serurity Instrument di�continued a►:uiy cime prior t��the earlier of: ra)5 duys(or such other period as ' . .
<br /> . . . • Singlc Famiiy»Fannte�fae:FreQdle�1ac l�1FOR�f 1!iti'fNl:�tI:�T••L'nifortn Coven;mts 9/90 �paee4 r,t h po.¢e.s� ' '
<br />_ ' �' � ' ' . � .
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