> ��' 11` �.;;-� � -r' . . . '��
<br /> a � -
<br /> . �vt.-�—�� � .. . �`i.� .�}�, a "� ��" '�'C , �,.:. � . t• . . - -
<br /> i, t�_ .�J4-� ,. � _�. �,a`�"'�_ '� � �L'y'o�� !I' _ . , '�i .. ��E .
<br /> S ` ��'�� J �_ �- R`°'3'-�. ,`�_ C` _� 7 e�7"S� _ _ . _ S ' 'Y` _ "`L �.:.�
<br /> Yf�
<br /> � � ', `.r . + ;y ti.:�, - -:�- ..__. _ . ._._ -.�: - - ..
<br />-— e. -?�� • ' ` � ee 8orroatet slaeli tha i�n`__ve`m��ta���hena�ttei ercckd oa —
<br />:; - . . 's.lEVa�rd ci Y'iropocty Lasv►te� �P � o -- _ _
<br /> - . the Propartp�naurod against l�by_�re.�ze�+ds tncludad within 4h.e merrn exoeaded oov�ge�and eny atAcr hs�ard� -- -
<br /> - -- � inr.luaie�I1o_a�s or floodi�i for�tAtch�Les�t�r roq�dres ia�u�uM.Tli1s inaurenca shatl be maia�einec�.ia.tha asaaw�� ==___-—_--
<br />-_ ;-�, ' and ior t�a�a��ta��i�uu�.TAe�a$u��e�arpravldiiigtke�t�s�sti-aa�=�►'�oreowar � -
<br /> � : suajeat tu Lemder•s ngp�val which s1�a]�a�t ba unreaso�la�ly aithheld.It Eorroaat falls to maia►t�ia cove�age describa3 � �,_--
<br /> � aT�ove.Leador aaqjt,at Leader's opttoA.obmiir wverage m prouxt Leuda�r's.righta ia the Propertg in aocordasice aritl� ��.-�--_-----
<br />-�° • P�taS�aFh� , � . < •' ` : ��—---
<br />� +d ;.Y�� : �a�r�--_—
<br /> .;.fi�;� � All�asurance poltcies and e+adewats shatl �a ncoeptable to L�ador and ehall i�clude a�tandafd ano�tgsga clausa.. --� .��__�__---
<br /> = � '�'",-t t�-�' Leadar sball Mve the E to aold the policies attd rene�If I.endetc+�uires. Barra�rer eha11 proruptly glva i� �`� ,�� 3 ---
<br /> , , .
<br /> �z�;�� - I.en�i a1t reo�paso!pa��premiunns r.ad renearat aQtio�In the eveat oi lose�,�rrower e�elt give pracnpt aoti,oa tu tAe---• ` _-n- _
<br /> '� 5 � � iasurenoa carrFar and Leader.Lender may ma�a psoo!of toss ai not�eada pi�o�nptly�y Horrower. �"� ;r���� _
<br /> '�--- � ; �.:� -- Ut�L�tdar-end Bormwer oth�t�e agrea in wri�lf�g�3nsuraace ps�shall�appli��restaratioa or.tapair . . � � `��'` -
<br /> _r,_,,.. : of ths Propertg damaged.if the t+�storatioa or e+epair is ecoaomicalty ieasl'62e aad Leades's securitq is not I�ned.itthe - � ,� .. `" G ._ �..
<br /> ' ° ``` restaratioa or e+epair ia not ecoaomically fea4ib2e dr Leadar'a securIty�vould be tc�ened,the insursace procads eball be� w<,���'- ��'` ;� ` `
<br /> _.<: �: .:'{ , �t.�_ applied to the suma secured by ttna3ecunt�Inswmen�wh�ther or aot then du�witb eay eaces9 paid ta BorroHer.I� �=::�'. � ��� .
<br /> :; . ..- I` ` ... .�M1<.,.. :�. '�<.:'.h r� .t ._.
<br /> - °' a 8orrower a�a n dons t h e P ro p a r t y,o r d o e s n o t s n s w e r w i t h i n 3 Q d a y s a n o t i a e f r o m L e n d e r t h a t t h e i a s u r a a c e c a t r i e r d a s . .. _
<br /> , c.-�_
<br /> t '� - �`--.� --�� offered to settle a claim.then Leadar•ma,y oallect the insw�nce pmceed�.Lender me�y use t�e mceeds to repair or ..� ��� � .-�:``
<br /> Le p
<br /> � '. ,... �� . :�a��. , s+eatare thpe�Proper�ty�or w p��apy^sums secuied by thia Security Inswmeat,whether or aoi then due..Tda 30 day penod will <�`����,�.,_>�,?`�`
<br /> ��. ��.\.. ���V4�e LIY�W�a�VY� � '�6Sl.Y. F- l` .
<br /> � •` '� �`'����� Ualesa Lender and Borc�ower other�vi�e a�+ee in writiag.as►y epplicatton ofpro�eds to prtacigal shal!not eatend or �,,
<br /> � ' ���� p�tpunethe daa dateof themoathtY PgJ��serefest�d w ia P�S�PAs 1 and ar c paymeam.
<br /> 2 8ange theamount of the
<br /> �`` �� r �"` If uader�t�a�aph 21 the Ptapecty is�q�t+�by I.ender. Horrower's r3ght m s�y�nsuraaoe policies and p3ooeeds � t .�
<br /> ;`"�.,� ��`_;;'� s: � resulting from damage to t�e Fraperty prias m the acc�uisition shali�pa�to Lc�adet to the eateat of the suma�'by ��,,,> � -
<br /> :•s ..����,��. �; t4is Sec�uity Instrumentit�lnnediateJp prior to the asaqwsition, . L;' �f� ��,�
<br /> r F' k . S 6.Q c c n p a a c y.P r e s e r v a t i o a,l 6�i a i a t e a�n x s a d P r o t e c t t o n a f t�e P r o p e r t y;B o r r o w e r's L o a n A p p l�c a H a n; . ��.� ..- ��h `4-
<br /> c vr �r
<br /> - � -•t'�F- _��. �,easeholda Bouower sbsll aocupy.esta$1i�fr.and�e Wa Pmperty&s Borrower's psincipal rssidence witlun siaty dsys �, -��
<br />� :'ri,�� tt`�� i•.... , c. � ��.�-
<br /> �;. ;��.�, after tl�e esecution af this Security iastrument aud�II coatiaue to occupy i�e�PtoPerh+as Bnrroere�a priaeiP� er �x� r
<br /> .;,�'';;._ ;��;" r�idence for at least one yeas aftertha date of oocupart�y.untesa Leader othesartse s�s in writing,whic6 conseat ehatl � �: � °���,
<br /> � ` not be vnreasonably withheld,or untess eateauadAg cinums�esist wAich a:ie beyond Bomnwe�s control.Bormwer , ' �:�,��,'_:
<br /> ' '::,; shall not deatroy,damage or impair the Pmperty,ellow the Property to deteriorat�,or ca�cq��waste on the Property. ` , : �:l�f,
<br /> %�.--.� . . Borrower shaU be in default if aqy forfeiture action or proceediag.whether civil or crimiast.3's.begun t1►at in Lender's = ..h� ;:�-�:=
<br /> `> >; ;,,` • goad faith judgmeus could reault in fodeiture oi tha Property or otherwisa materislly impair the 3ien created by this .``� � .�
<br /> ;'r . � � Security Insmsaient or Lender's sec�dty inter�st.Bomower may cure snch a d�sult and reinstate,as provided iA L ��` "
<br /> 'Ry l
<br /> P��Ph l8� by caumng tt►e action or proceeding w be dismis9ed with a ruling that� in Lender's gaod faith ,. �`,
<br /> ,i:. �'��` . c . � detenninatioA.precludes forfeitune of the Borrower's interest in the Progerty or o�er material impairment oi the lien � � ;::r�4`
<br /> ,,, .. ' ce�ated by this Security InstNment or Lender's securityr in�Barrower shaIl aLso be in default if Borrower.during '�..:��«`.
<br /> the loaa applicatian praces�, gave materia}ISt false or iaaccurate information or etaLements to Leitdet (ot failed tn � '
<br /> i:-�• � Y_u�,
<br />_ ,� pmvide Lender with any material infonaatian)in oonnection with the loan�videnced by the L�Tota.including,butnot �
<br /> i �' � .,�r.:s;.;: :`" • limited to�t+epresentetions conceming Borrawer's accu�saacy of ttte Ptop�ty ss a principal residenoe.If tbis Security „,�, - '�,.^�;� `,i,;'`;==
<br /> . �:= � In..ctse.iment is on a leasehold,Horcower shall campiy wit�e sIl the provisions of the leas�.If Borcower aoquines fee title to '� . . , �
<br /> �; - ;��� ; < .-:
<br /> F , , t�e�perty,the leasehold and the tee title shall not merge unless Leader agree.s to the merger in writing.
<br /> � 7.Pmtecti�c►of Leader's RigLts ia the Proporty.tf Barrower fails to perForm the ca�nants aud agreement9 �.�} � �'
<br /> �:� i . .�;'' � coatained ia tbis Security Instrument.or these is a legal prace�ding that may sigm�caaity eff�Lender's rights in the . . _ '�'�t{,�
<br /> .. � . . �_ � . � `
<br /> � progerty (such as a pmceediag in bankntptcy, probate. for condemnation or forfeituce ar w enforce laws or �
<br /> �- ; negaiations),then T.E.nder may�do and pay for whataver is nece�ary to protect the value af zfi�e Property and Leisde�s _
<br /> .�'
<br /> sig�ts in the Property.Lender s�ctions may include paying any sums secured hy a tien c�hich has priority over this :: y
<br /> ' � Security Instrument,appearing in caurt.paying c+easoaabla attorneys'fees and entering on the Pcvperty to make repaire. . =
<br /> . Atthough Lender may teke action under tixis parageph 7.Lender does not have m do so. � � �'` ,'-
<br /> � ' Any amounta disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall becoma additional debt o€�ot�oAer secured by tlus � �
<br /> � : - . Security Insttivment.Unless Borrower and I.ender agree w other terms of payment,these ainaums shall bsar interest.
<br /> ; s fium tha date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest.upan notice from Lender n��otrower �:
<br /> . � sequestingpayment. ;::'i:�;;�:;;' •` ': ,,,
<br /> ! ' � 8.Mort e Insutance.lf Le.nder uired mort e insurance as a condition of makin the loan secured by thss • �'���-�' •'��'�'�"
<br /> • 888 �4 P�8 g , .��s,,=;::: .
<br /> ''" � � � Security Instroment�Borrower ehall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect.If,ior ar�y �� . .�>.,�
<br /> ,� ` reason,the mortgaga insurance coverage tequiced by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the _ � ,
<br /> - � ptamiums required to obtain wverage suimtantially equivalent to the mortgage insurence praviously in effect,at a cos� , „
<br /> � .• �,;.';;��. substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuranoe praviously �n effect, from an altemate • .
<br /> _ ,, `:5�:� mortgage insurer approved by Lender. It substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available, , �
<br /> Horrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-tweltth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being I ��'`
<br /> =, .
<br /> _ ���--- - � paid by Borcower wlten the insnrance wverage lapsed or ceased to be in effert.Lender wi11 accept.use and tetain these k
<br /> ��, . payments as a losg reserve in lieu of mortgagv �nsurance. Loss reserve payments may no tonger be required, � �
<br /> � �� i�
<br /> �t ' �� � �
<br /> � , � f�s a'T�II 4l2Q �
<br /> � ' , �-6R�11E1�9+os�or wo��e�e �nittata ' ' .
<br /> ' ' t
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