�'t� i�� t f�r . �Q^� �._�i.--F� 3- L,s. � C .��. s �c..�E , , 1�er�•` ,� . � . � a.�: -^s �� -.�_.
<br /> . \=i
<br /> -�',ri_ 1, ��=�.__. '= ��-� �� L-- ��`- _ -rz. _ . - ' - y�—e"1L�,`�- _ xc .
<br /> 4_ � E' �5`y '�-�, <c � ' 'a_.--a � - ' i _ ' ' - —_ - .. _ __ -..� _ .
<br /> � '. .' �. � . �. . . . . . ` • �. _ . . � � ' - _.. .
<br /> `� i�'=. ` � `� � . , ` � � � �` � � �� �O� . .� ` _ ___---
<br /> ° st the dptto� o!Leadar. ii mortgegeanaurance wvaraLre(in t�o smount and for t�e perlod tbat Le�ider�quires} _� —
<br />__ _ ' �sovided by en tusuPer apprnved by La das sga�a.�ecamea ewitable and ia obtei�b.Borrower sha11 pay tha ps�em�ums � �-.�-- --
<br /> - - — �r�ui�sE W±ni�intain mortg��a insurance tn eitect.o:to pmvtde e,loas tcserve.untit th�requise�neat tor inortg�ga � - —
<br /> --- �- iusueauceendsinaimcordarioe�vi�ai�wiittiena�vin�ntbetwee�Horrowereridl:endarorep�bte�tdi�r.== - --- -:='���, __
<br /> us au
<br /> S�.�nspection.Leader os t4s egant may aneYe eoeasanable�ntties upan end Inspecttons oi the Pmperty.Lendar'shall � y��;A.����
<br />= give$orrQ�ere�not�oe at the time of or prior w ah ins on sprcityl�teasortabte aauea for the inspecdon ' .: . ,���,�`�'°`���- --
<br />_- �K • , `. ` l�Condemaat£oa.The pmoe�da ot eny aw or ct�im Yar dama�es,alt+xt or�o�qtieattal,in coaaeatioa wit� �� :-� r =
<br /> � :-����� any�ondamitation or otl�cr taicing o4 any pare o!tAe�t�CtpnMy.Qr ior convegance In lteu oi coadamnation.are Dereby � �'�Y����k.� �'�.
<br />_ k_ � ' >�. .'�::�:-:-'
<br /> ` :r?���: �';;' " ssslgned aad shail be paid to l.mtder. � ' .. , .�� - �°-
<br /> �` �, �.=�-�-` ` t. �-- .. . -- -In the avent of e totsl tsYing a�ths Praperty.tAo�eJ1#�lt be epplied w the sums sec�+ed bi►this Securit3± ___ . ` ��'x ,w�
<br />�,�'� ti � r,: tastFament,whetheror not t�aa due�aith eny eacesa paid to 8otemwQt.In tne oveat'of s partiel ta�'ng o3 the Property in y t � }
<br /> � - ;:k'- - - �v h i c b-t h e t a i e m a r l c e t v a t v a o f t 1�P s a g e s t y I m s�►c d t a t e l y�b e f o r e s h Q t�i n g I e e q u a l t o o t g r e a t e r t h a n t h�a m o u n t o�t h e_ .. - - � °. =Y '_
<br /> � snms secw�d by thia Securityr Instrument immediately 6efora No taYin��untesa Borrower ead LendFr�thenvisa agree "`.,4 t;., ; � `
<br />�; '� Y �, ,�' y -4 in writing,the sums acured by tlus S�uriey Instrument�Aaf1 be reduxd by ttte amouns oY ttte praoede�s�aultiplted by ,; � . <
<br /> `Y��tf �. `�::.V..•:�;� the ioltov,iag fracrion:(a)ttie totel amount ot th�aume sec�(mme�ately befor�tha taking,dividedl�;����the fuir �°�:::t._ : ;;�` -_-
<br /> :�..
<br /> ,r `�� t''�t a��`.. marlc�t value oi th�Praparty immediatefy before the taking.Any�alance stittll b o p a i d to B o r r ower.I t i theev�cit.o fa < -. f _� �
<br /> �t s s r partial taking of ttie Praperty in whicli ttu tair rnarket value oi�he Ptopotty nmtrtediaLely before the taking i��.�.. � � "�°� t :
<br /> ` � s� :.r:'Y:�.� � the emount og the sums secured immediataly before the tskin�,unle�Botrower and Lander otherwise a�ree in wri�iing • ,, �e�� . � ,
<br /> �'����!fl ,�'� or unless appl�cab2e Iaw otherwisp ptovides� the ptaceeda shnll be applied to tlte sume secured by this Sec�rity ' '`�- " `'�^��
<br /> `�; . �. ., ry `' ' s�b '�ia.�tru�onx wh�tAe�or not t1�a stcros are then due. � ° ��
<br /> �, L a i��,�F f� ' i � If ttise Praperty is abandoned by Boirawer,or it.eiter nodca by Lender to Hortower that the candemnor oNera to <
<br /> �� ��4 4l,. y '� `,:.; ''maice an award or settle e claim for damages�Borrawer iaitg to respond to Lender within 30 daye after the date the .. `" ` ��. �
<br /> z�,; �. � �a? notice is given,Lender is authorized w collect ead appty tAa proceed�at�ts optton.eitAer ta restoratioa or tepair of.the ' .'�. '�.�. �—� . �-
<br />�r.:;�:;;'��. 4��� . .: ;;I�roperty or to the sums secur�d by thia Seeusity Insttumeat�whethes or not then due. .. ; �
<br /> � '� � > `: ` <, � ` ' • Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise egree tn wtiting,et►y appltcstion of piaceeds to principal shall not extea3ar ; '� '�
<br /> � = s�;�u .
<br /> �� s ��. �3�.� �one t 1►e dne d ate o i t he mon t h ly paymea t a re f e n+e d t o in pategep h s 1 en d 2 or c Qange t h e a m o u n t o f s u c h - ` t�;� �
<br /> ��`:. {7 `.�. S • :' ,Y"'�I]�'�IISB` . y- .r � T-�Y �`:�.
<br /> �;; . � I1.Bonower Not Reteased;Forbessaace By Lbnder Not a Wdver.Bxtension ot the time for payment os , .. ���;.
<br /> = � `� � ' modification oi amortization of the suma secured by this Security Inattument gcaated by Lender w eny successvr.in � --`
<br />- � ` '�= iaterest of Bosrowet shalt not operata w reteasa tha liebility of the origtnat Boreower or Honower's successors�in , . �� ;
<br /> � interest.Lender e}�all not be required to commence proceedinge against any aucce�or in intes+est or retuse to estead � -� F "�
<br /> r°• time for payment or otherwise modify amostization of tha sumssecured by tNs Sxurity lnstrument by s+eas4n oi az►y � �'� " . ,.��
<br /> - j� ' demand made b the ori nal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.My forbeatsnee.6 Lettdet in esercisia '�
<br /> ; �, ��. Y � Y g;� . '�`�.,__:
<br /> t �: . :+5, any dght or remedy shall not ba a waiver of or preclude the exercisa of any right or remedy. "" 1 �
<br /> _.`.• ��� �:�: : . l�Succe.asors aad Aeslgns Bouad;Joiat ead Several Liabittty;Co-ai�nere.'1'he covenanta and a�reements , '' �?3��=
<br /> ,* :{, �,c ..
<br /> • ;� . : � � af tbis Sec�m Instrument ehail bin�and benetit the euccessore and essi ot l.onder end 8orrower�eub ect to tAe � � _ �.y��:�
<br /> � ' �visions of paragraph 17.8arruwer's covenants and agreemente eha11 be Jo�and severel.Any$orrower who co-signs ��':° 'r'}:;
<br /> -� � 4= ��� � a�is'S�urity Instrument but due9 nat execute ttie Note: (a)ia co-signing thia Security insttument only to moRgage. �- �;j',: }� ';
<br /> ;< t� �� � - graat:aack canvey that Borrower a interese in the Pmperty undet the tetms oP thle Securlty Insttument; (b� is not ti�:;: €f "
<br /> �' ��``: . onall �b1i ted to Y tY � F,;
<br />_�:� �._,. pess y � pay ttie sums secured b this Securi lnstrument;aed (c�e that Lendor and erry ather t �• „ •-•���,�;•h-._
<br /> �;� � •, . : . � Borrower may agree to eatend,modify,iorbear os meke any accommodatIons witA regatd to ehe terms at thie Security :;:..� . :���L �
<br /> � . lnstrument or the Note witt�aut thbt Borcawer's cansent. .t`• " `
<br /> s � ' 13.Loaa Chasges.If tAe loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a!ew which sets maxlmum loan �;•' - � - ' �-z����
<br /> � � . � charges,and that law is finally interpreted so that tne intetest or othet loan chatges collected o� to be collected in �� � � �� � • "`
<br /> : _'�.=
<br /> Y � � connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charse sAall he reduad by tAa amount �:,;.�
<br /> : � � necessary to reduce ttie charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any suma already collected from Horrower which � �
<br /> ; 3 eaceeded permitted limits wi11 be refunded to Horrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the r , .
<br /> principal owed under the Note or by making a direci payment to Harrawer.l4 e cetund reduces principal.the reduction (. .
<br /> � ' . . �s71 be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge unde�t he Note. ;_ � ,
<br /> �� '� �'` t4.Noiices.Any notice to Borrower pmvided for is►this Security lnst�umem ehall be given by deliveting it or by :l; ' �°�i
<br /> ' �� ' mailing e�b�fisst class mai l u n less app lica b ta taw requires use o i anot her mes ha d.T he natice s ha l l ba directe d to t he ��
<br /> � � �� Prop�erty add�ess or any other addres�Borrower designates by notice to l.ender.Any nuttce tn l,ender ehall ba given by : . ,..
<br /> � ! � � first clas,s mait w Lender's address stated herein or any other addresg l.ender designatrs by notice tu Hott��wer. Any i. '
<br /> ,:5 ,",:;;,;'��. ' notice procided for in this Security Instrument shali be deemed to have bean given t��H�rra�ve�ar I.ender when given ' '�,'=���_� � : :
<br /> '� . , _ as provided in this paregeaph. i �' � � `�.;: �:<;•.
<br /> � ��• 1S.Go�erning Law;Severability.This Security Instrument shall ba gaverned by federal law and tha lacv at tAe , . •
<br /> risdiction in which the Pto rt ia tacated.In the event that an • ����- ''�'
<br /> : �` • -� ; ju pe y' y provision�r clause��t thiA Security InAtrument��r the : , T,..•.: .
<br /> ;,..� • _ _�iote conflicta with applicabte law.such conflict shall not a4fect other provisions ot thiA Seeurity Infltri�mant ar tho Nate .
<br /> - wUich can be given effect aitQout the conilicting provision. fo this end the pravisinns of thig Secu�ity In9trument ond ' �- �
<br /> :� 4..; ��.';.�•� the Nots are declared to beseverable. ',
<br /> : ; s � .
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