1w�.�. �V.� . :�. ' j _ . . - . [ _. ` � . . ' t _ ._ "°_' — ..—.
<br /> � .J� ^��,Z � +y• 4` �S
<br /> '�. `C�-� ' ".� . 4�i�tr" i yy' �` b J
<br /> _.0 , �_.. _ _ �_ _ c�ti J•. �'" " - _ _ . . v
<br />;�_ " " ., i�..L G '�1... .... . . .._.....�ti. -- .__
<br /> .`__ .!�:-_ . _ _" . � ` . .. , ._.��.�___ .
<br /> -�`.�.�r = �+�` �9�•�0�3�s
<br /> �����:.:
<br />�_�.��:�=.� _ . � � , _ � . .
<br /> ":: ,�'�'��.:..'' �ut�,�t�ic�aR cefeeced to� h 2,ot chaz+Se the aaiaunt of such paymeNs.' As►y exaess pcuo�alrer sn
<br />_ _ -�-,-���, - - � -- -amauat to pay a11 autsiandia��ua�de�tff�i�a��t�ls _ stisii bcy�v t�r��- --= - _
<br />=- �-V- �y�thec�w - . , . �_—_ _ -
<br />_ e� ',���"�:c�`�� `.�-; 8.�. I.eader msy a+llert fees and cbarges authorized bX the Senetazy._ • _
<br /> ` .�.d``.`. ".V . . 9.G�+oaad9torAcoeleratlonatD�L � .
<br />_ ;� �. ,r�„�c;
<br /> . .��-� ._� (a)Dehui�. l.eader�nay,exoept as limiced by ngalations issued.Ay the Secrefary In the case uf Oa9'ment defau�s. --
<br />� '`° ,.. �. :�'"�'-`F nequlre immediate t in tiill of aU sums sc�uced by this Seturity Insorument tf ---
<br /> �. �-�' "�_�`�� (i)Bmmwer fa�its by fa.�tag tn pay m,ti�t!aaY��Y WYm�►t�9�DY�S�Y�F�' �-
<br /> .``�+:`�;:: .:`X� wmont�edttedate ofthe next�utldy gay�or `— ------
<br /> �:<_ `,,-.^,:v
<br /> -- '�'�'���,� (ii)�mroaa defauits by failing.far a petiad of tAiny ti�►ys.to pertotm any other ubl�anons contafa�in this ---
<br /> S�autC�t i.endersUali if l�cabieluwaaQtvidt�te o€ttte �
<br /> .: - ��� . _ tb)Sate ADProva� . PermittedbyaPP' {��P�� - -__-
<br /> .��.,; Sec�ejt�ary.zequiie immedu�te gaymeat in full of eU the suma secuted by tAis Security Instrument if: ��>-� --
<br /> ,� ' .;2�-• t�)All or pact of the Ptv�erty.or a b�eRcial intezest in e wst owniu�al!or psut of tho Ptoperty.is sold or ��uy�-��.
<br /> s i��, •; �� atheiwise asn.dared todter tbaa by devisc or de.soent)bry the Borrower.and "� ---
<br /> �t �� , (ii)7he Ptoperty is aot oosapied by the pw�ct�aser or gcantee as tda�her principal Rsidenoe,or[Ae purcbas� , � �- -
<br />_ �:�'��:":-. � � or gtannLee does so oocuPY � �P�!' �ut 6is �r �er ciedit Nas not been appmved in accordaase =_ -
<br /> - ��fi: �. .'�� ' a ��
<br />_ � �- - with the ne�itetnents of the Secrttary. .
<br /> ._-' �?.' �, •'�.- eC ' � _--e
<br /> ` �� (c)No Waicer. If c�waes a�u that would pemut L�eader to require iaimediate pa�aent in full.but Ixnder �:�:=___
<br /> �:�_::' '�.�;'.;� dnes not requue such yaients.lxnder does not waive�ts rights witA res�ect to subseQnent events. :-u-.`--
<br /> . .,� :�. - . ��, M�enmHnn ��:°"` .�__�_—__ .—
<br /> _ �:;, . ` (d)BegWatFons Ssp�arY. In many ces cegWstions�ssued by ttie Seccetary w�l timit Leader�s � �:�_-
<br /> �,,. . .. . �,�..y-�-
<br /> - �,,:�'.;�:.: ..`=.�,_: ..� righu.in tbe case of paymeat defau[ts, to�q uize immediate paymeat in fiill aad fareciose if notpaz d 1Lis .:�.:�:_:_=_----- -
<br /> - � .� Sec�aity Instnrment does not autitorize acccle�atIon or forecl�uce if aat permitted 6y regutations ofthe Secretary. �� �
<br /> : ``. � "u` � (e)Morlgage Noi Insvred. Boaoarer a�Cees t6at shoWd this Senuity�ent8nd the note seaued thereby aot . +��
<br /> — 1� . . er . �,- sOIIT� �. .,:�.
<br /> be eli ble far ias�traace under the Natiunal Hnusing Act withi�e fmm the '��;ts� -
<br />_- r.'�� _ _ 8� ,..tir�.
<br /> ° '�!:_,�r__'', date Itereo£Lender may;atim option and natwithstanding anytRing in Pgragrapb 9.requis�iaunediate ptiyment in ,� ;:;
<br /> :•` L= :. full of aQ sarns secimed by,�tns Se�rIty InSUUment A written statearent of any authoriztd agent of the S�et�y '=`�`,�"�"'-'--- °-
<br /> - . �'�°�� dateA suh�equent to t� �oIIE� tmm.t4e date tie�eof,dectining ta insune this Secarity - :'"� --
<br /> °' . _ `_�:`'� _
<br /> - � Insnument end the note seciue�ihereby.skWt he deemed caactusive prnof of such ineligi'bility. Notwithstandiag -
<br /> . -`°�. ',�^''�- the foiegoing,tliis option may aot be exencised by�ader when tfte unavailability of insuranee is soieiy due to .` .
<br /> � ' . " Leader�faiiuic to remit a mortgage insuraace piemima[o the Secoetary. � • ---. -
<br /> :.o•- '�� ' 10 Reinstatem�L Bmrower 6as a rigAt w 6e�ciastaa�if l.ender has cequiied immediate payment in fuU be�ause ,
<br /> - ,� -" •' � ."� of 6oaowerIs fa�u�to pay an amount dae urtder the•Nate or this Sec�ity Instrumea� 7tis nght applies even after �=
<br /> "�`,.,,.. f a t e c 2 o s u�e p i o c e e d'm gs aze u�tuted. Ta zeinstate the Sec�ri t y Iaswmeat.Borrnwer shalt tender in a Uun p swa all •
<br /> :,,;' � "`,•.����:r�. '{�- amounts required ta b3ing Bortower�acoount cument iacluding.to the exteat they ac�e obligations of Bomuwer under this �' �`��-
<br /> '' "���-� • - Security Instrumea�fmsctosa�e costs and ceasona6le aad customary attomeys'fees and eapeases pmperly assaciated with ' -=
<br /> � `��'k ; '• the fam,closure pmceedin UpQn�eiustatement by Barrower,t6is Sewriry Instrumeut aad the obligations that it s�cuies �: { �-
<br /> � s ; - :., �s':",:�• shaU zemain in effect as' I.ender had not�y unme�iate paymeat in full. However.Lender Is aot �emtii ` ' �"�'-,`'
<br /> � ained' cequiied to :;:,��, -;���.
<br /> ;. � _ ' ieinstatement iF (i)Leader has accepted neeutsraternent af�r tbe commena�ment of fo�eclosa�pmoeedings witIua t�srv , '_
<br /> • '`� :%.� yea�s imrnediatety g�eoeding the cammencement of a camat foreetosuc�P�accetin8. (u) reinstatement w�l pieclitde ��.�. ,n
<br /> te
<br /> ��,. • < <, . � fo�eclosute on difl5�rent g munds in the future,or(`ui)ieinstatemem will adversei y affect the p r iori ty of the ken created b y :
<br /> .��r ::i :' , thisS ryLlstcontenG ` � -
<br /> �` � �Bonower Not Released• Forbearanee b t.emder i�Iot a Waiver. Extension of the time of paya�ent or ' �-
<br /> �� . - - ma�"u�tion of amortization of the sums secured by th s Secinit�r I�strumem granted by Lender to any successor�n intecest ' ' °+.�,� -
<br /> � ' of Bdmuwer shaU ttot o rate to release the liabili of the on inal Botrower or Borrowerk suaessor in iateresY. l.ender '' �'` �
<br />-:'� <��:;.� .. . Fe ty � ? :,. ..� '`� ��i�
<br /> ; <>r��•.. • shall aot be tequimd to commertce proceedings against any suocessor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment or `� �� . , ��_
<br /> ` '"'"' � ' � otherwisa modify amortizarion of the sums secured by this Security Inmament by reason of any demaud made 6y the • ��
<br /> .; �����.tfi;.;'.,..•� ,`=:,_ .; originat�otmwer or Soirower�i suceessois in intems� Any fotbearance by Lender in exe�ising any right or temedy shall � _ ; ' _
<br /> �� •. , �,�:i, not 6e awaiver of or preclude the eienhse of any right or remedy. �.�,i,�;:' �:�
<br /> :;.,. ',''';�s�.���i gZ. Sueoessors and Ass',gas Sowed;doint aad Several LiahSlity;Co-Sigaess. The covenants and agceemenu of . �.•,w��,, ,, .�>
<br /> ..t�i;,i'�_..
<br /> ;���.;;: '.', :� ° tt►is Secvrity Iastrument shaU bind end benef it the successors and assigns of Lender aad Bomower.subject to the psovisions , .;.,�,, -
<br /> � ;'��p' of Paia h 9.b. L�orrower's covenants and a ments sAall be aint and several. Bormwer who co-si this � ' ''
<br /> �. �,:.3 . . �: .. 8�P S� J �Y 8� ����i� , �:�
<br /> �°{ • Security Insoiume�tbvt does not execute the Note: (a>is co-signing this Security Instrument only co amrt age.grant and a•�'. -
<br /> ��� � . .� convey that Bormwer's inteiest in the Pmpeny under the terms of this Securay Instrument;(b)is not person I obti ated to
<br /> .i; : . �Y g �;. .: ; ':.:.
<br /> f � � � ' pay ttie sums secured by this Securiry Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lertder and an}�other Borrowermay agme to extrnd, '._. �,� •' : .
<br /> ' ` , '; ' • modify.forbear or make any accommadations with regard to��e terms of this Secunry Instrumem or the Note withoai that " `�' � •
<br /> ' � - • Holrower's consens. . :+��� �;,.•
<br /> "` i�1� '�: , . ' 13 Noticea Any rtotice to Bormwer provided for��is 5ecuriry Ln�trument shall be given by d�livering it aFsp �• ••.'�•• •�� �
<br /> ;�,�7�:�,,:'�: •�,. � ' •. :�.',�:_:..
<br /> ���; • mailing it by first class mail unless applicable taw reguires use of another enethad. The notice shzll L�dincted to t� �� �. , �,:,--_ ._
<br /> ����.;, ... • �.� � Ptoperty Addness ar any other address Horro�ver des�gna:�by notice to L,e��r_ Any nofice to Lend�s�all be given L'+3r 4,.,;f,�`;:�;� •`:�,�.�.,�. :
<br /> ;�r�r ;�st5��,� .�- first class ma�l to Lender's addr�ss stated hemin or any�u4dmas Lender desi�caces hy nc�.ice to Borrower. My no�ce �;���
<br /> � :�,��!' � �ovided for in this Security I»savm.nt shall 6e deemed ta.m�:�been given to L�rnswer ar C,�nder when given as grovr8ed r�
<br /> ��`��t 4
<br /> •..� ..,,"�,_?�`,� . �n ttus paragr�ph. . ,�.t.;� ..
<br /> �� ; 14. Gove�2a�Law;SeveraSUlty. 'fhis Securiry Insuument shall be govemed tey Federal law and the law of tPte �� r.
<br /> � ' "" jurisdiction In which the Property is tocated. In the event that uny provisio•1 or clause of this Security instrument or the '�� " .. . '
<br /> .���•�.�.. �,�`:�„'�.1� •.�". Note coMicts widrapplicable law,such conflict shall not affect other pmvi�ions of this Security Insuvment or the Note �� . . • •
<br /> .. �` " which can be given effect without the conflict�ng pmvision. To this end tI:e provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the � .,. .
<br /> - ;,°�3 �, . •�.. •�.. Note ate decltued to be severa6ie. " ' .
<br /> ' �l::-,,",c',•;°��i•,_•. l5. Borrower's Copy. Bomnwer shall be given one�onfamsed copy of this Securitg Insuumem. ' ... .
<br />- i, E �,`rtp� 16. A�i eat of Reuta Bonower unwnditionall ss:i s artd tra.n.fers to Leadsr�li the rents aad revenues of the
<br /> ;�*..�.�'� •l'ii'.�4^,i'j� a�Y �m y � � . . .
<br /> �';?�i{�;•?'4�;# a f� Ptoperty. Bwrower sutharizes Lender or Lender's agents to coltect the rents und ravenues znd hereby dirrxts each tenant of •� . .
<br /> ������.
<br />__'�• ,����:,�•����r•�i the Roperty to pay the�tnts to Lender or Lender�s agents. However.�sriar to�E.eadet�aatice to Botmwer of Bomower's ' . ;,':�,.. .
<br />_� ���,'��.0'' brea�h of any coveaant or agrexmem ia the Security Insuumen�Bumo�ver slti�ll coilecr and►�ceive aU rents asd r�vemtes of .: ;�`::;,:': .
<br /> �_ v��;:�'. = Wa Prupeaty as trustee for the beuefit of Lender and Bomnwer. This assignment of r�rsts canstitutes an absolute assignment �`',;��-.�;.
<br /> � ' and not an a�sigament for addldonal seciuiry only. �. :`.: � �
<br /> __..: ;� If Leeder g�ves nodoe of bteach w Botrower: (a)all t�ents received by Bomower shnll be held by Horrower as teustee . ,' :�� :. .
<br /> -_ --_�_— for beaefU of Lender orily.to be applieA to the sums secured by the Securiry Insmimem;(b)l.ender shall be entided w �i: . . . .
<br />:;` aollect ead reoeive a1!of tRe rents of the Ptopaty:and(c)each tenant of the Yroperty shall pay al!rents due aad uapaid to ,. �
<br />�,. l.�der or lenderIs sgent oa Lenderk wriaen demaad to the tenan� . �
<br /> _.� p Bortnwer has not executed an�y�uader ttus R�rugrapb 18 nts and has not aad will nm perform amy ac1 that wou�d �
<br />_ nveat L�dolr ftvm exen3sin$its n ru .
<br />- Leader sLall not 6e eequued w enter upon.talce conYml of or maintatn the Ptvperty 6efoie or after giving aoiice of .
<br /> —_ — breac6 to Btgrower. Huwever.l.�der or a jadldally ep�ointed receiver may dv so et any tlme th�e is a bceas�. Any . ,
<br /> =- spQll�fion o!rmts sha11 ant cune ar waive aay defaWt or mvalldate any oWer right or remed�r of LenGer. 'Riis assi�meat . ,� . .
<br /> _"``, of rmts ottLe R+apeity sball mminate when d�deM seaired by the Security Iactrument(s pud in full. .
<br />�� '
<br />� tP�39fQP�S�� —.--_—— _��—.._._
<br />�<: . _ .. _ _ _ ..' _ .. _ . .
<br /> � � � ,; . � '
<br /> __ � ;,.' . _
<br />