�'�p h.�� c.[ ,r t c,. �..y���, �" . f s� , ; " . • : �
<br /> .'�:'�,T�- � ,�-, � ...4r �1• v� �..`,-�..� �,s. ���}� . . . / �c
<br /> ♦ - � . C � 3 � , .}'ikll$ . . %r . �C'
<br /> �•�+1. A
<br /> � .--- � c P��--s�,°s �'.<— - :: -..��e= ' ..��.�-�+�- — --- — - -
<br /> ���_ � ` � _. . . . L�f .<'i5��"' . .. _ y.... _ 6 _, '
<br /> yt` __�_J�Y . � � � �� - �, . +������� L
<br /> ti Y :�'J��.�':�ir . . .. : .
<br /> - - ` l7.'t1�ladc�ot tQe Frog�or s B��i��t'i���8�n�p�t:If alt or pa4t of the Prape�ty ar any it4terest in ii.`�
<br /> ,_ !a so24�r aunsPeRed(ar�f e b ciat ia�,��b�'isj�:.ot.�sferced eud�rmwer is nos a aannal persq�wtt8out �
<br /> Lendor's prior writtcn wn�nt, Lender , �.,ti,�s��O��1 ~ i:�diete Paym�nt ia ihU of alI sua�v sekot�d By tbie; .:�
<br /> - - ---. ._�' �t���s�is�tian�t.� a��. °byf�t��-aasa€'�,.=�� -. �
<br /> = of tN�urjty Insttument. ' �'�--" �=�5`';;<;:�';s� . �: : f .
<br /> . ii Lcndor exefiises Wis o�tion,Leader s�` va��ter no�'i�e of aco�ieiation The co�ce si�al! ra�►ida a perfod of imt `;��`.
<br /> a!g
<br /> lcas thnn 3a duys from the date the nodce is�i��pr_;m�e�.�whic3i Borrower must p�y elt susns s�by.tbis
<br /> - ti In�nJtnznt.U Borrower faiIs topa th�s�:-�: .� tzat�e'ekpire�on of this period,`Lender may iavakt aqy�es 6
<br />_ �it�ed b�titia S LtsWmeat witho t ��oE detl3at3�•S�D BOiiOwei. � :. � �
<br /> � 18. rroxrer's to RetnstaLe: �ii+kver;�° "�� wnditioas, �ompwer�ha!!`�ave the r�ght�to bava
<br /> ��'-
<br /> -�� G1fUiC2l11CIlL Qt�B�Incht�mpnt djS� � ._ - '. 40 mC C31�1E!Of (8�S.(�S(Of S1ICl1 d1�Gf pClFCQ B4 _ !
<br /> ~ �ti �' �r j
<br /> �^m.� ; apPlicaDte [aw mt�yr,spec�fy for neim�atemenl�)�ib���`;f:,3`Eie`�rvPertj►_Pursuant m aay powero�sate wntaiaed�iu tAis :
<br /> Pa
<br /> -- �-=- S�puliy-lnst�ment;.Qr.�G)�n�profaj�dgment:�i�agt�'- '-_.-,.;;n�me�t.T�ose.con�tionsa�_that8orrowerta?p�a i
<br /> � � - - Lender atl swna which Uten woutd be due��shis S�I�}r��and ihe Nufe as if no�coeie�tion�ad accurre�l;�)-- -----t
<br /> S3�Yti :�
<br /> �. �::�x cu�es any default�of atiy other oovenanta or�Seements;�.te�pa..;�53��pensas incnmed ia enfac�ing this�ecutity.tn�ument. ,. �
<br /> '„Y - � inc[udfug;but nol timIted.to.reasonabie au`a�i�ys'fees;�d(d�ta�E�actcon as Lender may reasonably reqwre to essure :
<br /> that ttte Iten of thja Sec�uity instrumem,Leade�g�gh?s urshe PmPer�3'and Bou+�wec's ob}igation to payr the swms seruret�6y �.
<br /> ` . ; , this Security Instrttment shaU'oontinue unchau�;;�Tpcia�.n:insta� (ry Boaoa�er, this Secutity Insteument a� tIIe ;
<br /> obligntions secured Rereby sha}!remain fnUy effediv�as`i�no�aooelera�iaaihad:occ�ed.However..ttus right W reinstate s4:a1t t
<br /> � '-�''� not ap fy in the case of aoceieratioa under paragzap�1'�_ ` . ' ` .
<br /> . :;.: . . �
<br /> _ -:.; . ...,- ..-
<br /> 9.5ate of Note; Change of Loau �eivtaer.Th�,:Nor�;o�a;�at.ig�st hi the Note (together witD this Seceirity
<br /> �' r ' instrument)ma be.sold one or more times without i�.biice.tc3:�oivrbltear.'A sz?��aY iesult in a
<br /> ��, ch�wge in_the e�tltyr(ka�wn.
<br /> .�;'°°'•„•�� Y �p'ic? ..
<br /> r_.. .� as tAe°Loan Servicer°)that wlleMS monthly.PaYraents��iuni�r che I�iose auc��is�curiry Instrument.l�ere also way Ee one
<br /> �?w~�ti.�-.-'-�-`��h, or mare changes of the Loan 5ervioer uac+etated to a sa[e�ah�:No2e.If`tt�ere is a c�aage of tke Loaa Servioer,Boaower wU�be �
<br /> :� r=�::�.'�';��:: � given wrftten aotice oF the change in acoo�dartce with pat��pla 14-"above aad aP'plicabte law.T�e ttorioe arill state th�aame and ,
<br /> t ' eddress of the new l.oan Senrfcer and the address ta�vhicahpajmnents s�evtd be made. 1Yie ao�ve wiU also oontain any otfler
<br /> .���h�e:�� l.oa
<br /> � �:�: infomnation regu��ed by applicable taw. . . � .
<br /> ''�•"� --:-_."==i'__: �_;. 7A.Haz�rdou9 Snbstauces. Borrower shal! not_oa�se or pernii''t.Y�e presenc�,�tse.disposal,storage,os ret�se�of any
<br /> � �"=U�°�'� � Hotardous Substanoes oa or in the Fmperty. Borcowe�..�hait aat do,.nor allovrrr anyone ei�to do, anythia$a�xing the
<br /> �t:�",. ,.�<�
<br /> � ° ,.��"��g:�`` . . �+'�PeKY that is in vialation of any Environmental I.aw�e pr�ding taro senteaoes sLa11 IIot a�ply to t�e paesenoe.use. or
<br /> .'�`='": -.::�•. :��� sto�e on Me Property of small quai�titIes of Ha7ardous Subs�aces ti�at�ace gerie�a�iY r�o8nires!to t�agp�ipriate to normal
<br /> �. c : residendat uses end co maintenar�ce oF the Progerty. . � � : '
<br /> ��. °:�. `-'�.���`�.:-` Botrower siialt promptty give Lender written aotice of aoy nnve5ngasioa,clai�,demaBd tasvsvit or other ection by any
<br /> .'�..�.,i. .4'.. .. .
<br /> .,��<. �;..;Y:i:•�;�,��;'.�:i. 8ovemmental or regulatory egency or private party involviag the.Pr6pesty.aizd my hla�ardoas Substauae or Enviromnental Laa �
<br /> ����s� of whfch Borrower has actuat lcnowledge. If Bomawer le�s,.or isnoiif��d by atry govetmnental or regulatory authorlty,that
<br /> .�:;�,��i{`,` '�_ '��'.' any cemoval or ottter rernediation of any Harardous Substauaeaffecdng th�Propeity is a�sary,Borrower shall pmmptly take � !!.
<br /> : .-.��: ": � all necessarY remedial actions In aocordance with Environaaentai i.aw,. . . _
<br /> ,J��l�'�". `.: � r. ■ ! _
<br /> ., Aa used M,thte�pafagrapA 20. Hazardous Substances a:e thos�t�bsta�xs d�fiaEd as tass�icc or harardovs subs�no�by -
<br /> ; •�{:��:•;,;� ' Enviconmentat��i�w��aad tRe foitowing substanues: gasoline. �ems�.ot'h�IIaqnma6le or toxie petcoleuu� products. toxie _
<br /> �'-t��` `�` �� pesticides and her6ioides.votatlle soivents,materials oontaining asbessos or formaldehyde.and sadioactive materials.As used in =
<br /> ��-.'���;,: ' .�:'u this paragraph 20. "Envimnmenta[Law" means federal laws and Iaws of th�juas�tioa wbere the Property is tocate4 tbat �
<br /> � ' `. relate to health.safety or environmentul protection.
<br /> � �� ' NON-UMFOAM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender further oovenaat actd agme as fo2tows: �
<br /> t :: .•:a ;,.,,::: ; -
<br /> Zl.Aaeteratton;Rentedtes.Lender shaU gtve naHce to Hon�aas��rtor to a�ae'l�f�a fo1lowing Bosrowe�s breach
<br /> '" :•::K` �'�, .�;,` .... . of aoy wvenant or agepeaient in t6ts Secudty Instrumeat (but rs� �staz tQ aaoed�ra'tiE�mcder parag�raph 17 untes9 =
<br /> appltcable taw pmvid�otheewise).The nottce shall apecify: (a)th��dPBa�it;(b}tt�ea�m�uteed to case tIIe default;
<br /> n' �'�~"`s ''�� �^ (c)a date,aot l�s tdaa 3ti daye hom the dete the notice ts given tn�omozver,dsy�vbfcfi the default must be cur�d;and `
<br /> � �� �. �` ' (d)tt�at Patlure to curn the defuutt on or befom the date specitiedt in the mo��e nsay m�It in aoceteratIoa of the sums F
<br /> �'4#;�}:::y':.��;'-"��`� secuned by this Security Icuteuntent and�ate of the Pinperty. Tle noiue s�Ti�4t1���s i�form Borrower ot the rtght to
<br /> � ';z�'�:.,;;; ..��;._�::r
<br /> h �,
<br /> �:t,t��_��;� � : ' retastate after aos�t,e:etton and the �ight to briag a courl acttaa tn rissert ths Qo�dsieac�of a de�aWt or any other E
<br /> � 1'����?>.��-+l`'';;,;.;::•. detease of 8orroner to aocelerattnn and�te.If the default is nr�c�re�on or t�+`ic�+e the�ate specified in the not[ce, r.
<br /> •� ..:���yt�+,5.s;�� �. f.
<br /> - ki�s�..�:_ I.ender,at tts optioa,may requtre[mmediate payment tn full ot a91 st�ms sea�ared bv t�is�ecurity Inshvmeat w[thout .
<br /> '.� < '';k::;t:;'���.?;��°'�' ti�rther demand und may invoke the po�Yer of sete and any other xmsrfies g�m�im�sl by applicabte[aw.I.ender sttaU be �:
<br /> ' � • ' �°'"''�'Y``�' entitted to wl[ect etl expenses[ncurred in pursuG�the remedtes pro��tdea fn tGss�agre�b Zi,inctading,Dut not Umited .
<br /> � � to,reasoaabte attoraeys'fers and rns�v ot ttite evtdence. � :.
<br /> ' ' " • If thepo wer ot st►te ts tnvoked.Trustee bhaU record a notfce o�default En eac6�c�uzsty in w6icb aay part of the -
<br /> - ' ' .� � . Property Ls l�cated und sh�ll mul)cople!�oP xuch notice tn the ma�cea�presai�by ap�i€s�Tule[aw to Borrowes and to °
<br />- � : �.� � •• the other persons prescribed Dy appticnbfe(uw.After the time requi�by appticabIP[aw,Tr�stee s6ai1 give pubiic nottce =
<br /> ' .`����_��:"�� ' of sste to tde persons end tn the manner prrsc�ibed by applicable taw.Trusce�g�¢d�ous dea�and on Borrower,shatl sQU =
<br /> ::. ,. _
<br /> �r •. We Peoperty at publlc aeMion to the hlahest btdde�ot the time and place and��the t�s desigaated in the uotice of -
<br /> •t: �` ��'';.?!�;; ;;� �' sate tn one or more QnnceLg pnd(n ony urder Tnutee determines.Tnistee may�posipoae saie oi ap or any parcel of the �,
<br /> '�`;: `�'�° 'f�'; ' �� Property by publ[c announcement ut the qme und place of any prevtously s�edvl�s�� II,eader oe its designee�ay
<br />