',�T ,Q"�° �/ 2`_ . c, i . . � . . {, _ _ _--_ . . c .
<br /> � � _
<br /> . . ,.. � . . i - ` ._ . - . � `� r ��`15� ��__
<br /> . ✓a�Y.�:�:,`.�} TLa r . .: . e n - 3 - ___.
<br /> .. �1•1,i'� � '-d `}.� .i.�^��t4_L2_���-� .1 � -' - - -.•- ' _ ,. - � '' �-- -
<br /> � 1K �—..b'c j - �".'2 ' __ X' _ 1 �` _ _" _ ' ' . '' _ 4sa- ... L - -
<br /> �� �.�— --:�-,� w '� _ - - �.
<br /> . i.� t4 a ��f[ts�:�;�..� .�:.t.�...o�.:c�,s —_ -
<br /> `;�,'� • - - - ' - ---- .
<br />_.�_ '� _ .�� � , " _ � � �� � ��a'���
<br />- - — . .S. �trd or Pt+o [msaraa�e. Bn arer ��� , ' '
<br /> -,=-- -----_ � •� t�9 tm sha11 YeeP.�e Imp�+oveabzuta Qow�e�a�g or tcereaRer erectad o�n the; .
<br /> --- __---___' i - .---.�'Oeitlt i�utzd:against2usshg.fine=.ba:�ds_i.n.�lqded wlthi�tti�.term'e�edcQV • �_.._...--T _. -
<br /> -- _- .ry,�,,i,,,,.�`�.�,, �,+ �=� ` � - -
<br /> —�'Z-----�#lpods or ftooding,for whic�Leader requires instuan�e. •l!W u61W W q�y�YG t11A1f1►AIi1B(I����IlII�S�.UI YiPr pPrrl� �:
<br /> - _ - � • that�t.ender reqvines.The iasurence carrier providing the iasu�auoe s4�at1 be chosen�y Boimwer subject to Lcatder's eppmval
<br /> --- - - wiucL shall uot be unreasoaably wit�heid. 1f Boaower faits to maiata9n.coveragd dessribed aDove. Leader may.at Lender•s
<br /> _-_— -__--- ' agtian,obtein ooveiege m protoct Lendcr's iigQtsin the Pmperiy in aoao�d�nce arith paragaph 7. . .
<br /> _--��.� ; AI!mssuanoe pol'mes a�neaewids sbatl be sooeptaD2e w�eaWer aad�s6a11 inrlade a staadard mortgage clause:Lender
<br />�=-------— : . s4all have the right to t�otd the potic�es ends�ewals.If iaender cequines.Bomower stialt prompdy give tb Lenderell reoe#pts of _ .- -
<br />_�: ; . . �P�����wa1 notiaes.�n the eveat of loss,Borrower shtill give prompt notfce ta the ins�ance can�er aad Lender.� �
<br /> '_ ' � L.�nder may make pmof of loss if not made promptly�y Borrower. � .
<br /> - � -. • - - - - - - --
<br /> - _ -- . -Hnt�t.�uder and�oizdwer othenvise a_. _��' ---- _ - - _ _
<br /> ,,. Scee' tmg.�asu�aneo groceeds sball be epplted to restoration or repair of the
<br /> Pi�nPerty dsmaged,if tAo restoration os repair is eooaom�cally feasible ant!Lendes's s�cvrIty is nat'tesseaed.If the restoration or
<br />- repair is not econoatic�lly feasfbie or LendePs seauity would be tesseaed.t6s insurance pmcaeds shall be applIed to ths•sums --
<br />- _ seared b tl�Ls Secuti
<br /> _ whetLer
<br />- Y �►�. or uot theo due with an e
<br /> x
<br /> _ , oess to Bo' w
<br /> - tro er. If Boaow
<br /> Y er
<br /> aDendoas
<br /> pa�d th6
<br />-_ Prnperty.or daes aot answer witbun 30 days a antire from Lender that the insuranoe cazrier bas offered to sett[e a ctaim,then
<br />- �- I.ender may coltect the iaisutanoe prooaeds. Lender tnay use the pmceeda to sepair or restore the Property or W pay sums
<br /> 1'.`� secured by ttis Serurity Insorumeni,tvhether or aot then dne.Tbe 30�da}r periad w�7i 6egln when the notice is given.
<br /> - ' UnIess LendBr and Borrower othe�wise
<br /> . ., ' Postpone the due date of � in writiag, any apptication of pmceeds to.principai shall ttot extend ar � __
<br />__ ,�- thc moa�ty paymelus referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of tke paymeuts. If
<br /> ' �_. uuder parag�ap�2I the Piope�ty is�i�d by Leader,Borrower's rig6t,tc►any.insnranoe policies and pmc�eds resWting from �'
<br /> y� .
<br /> _ _ r�f�<`�; �. "... �damage to the Properil+prior w die�fla�mt[�ass to Lender to t8eei�t of the sums secured Dy$ris Security Iasnnment '---- , -
<br /> '' � - , immediately prior to the aoqwsitian:' � �•. . : . . . ;_
<br /> �{'"�;.,��:�;:V �} I fi.�acuPanc9,Pe+eservatton,.$�teaauoe�sad Proie�en�fttse�perty:BormweWs Loan Applfcatton;�oldv. � - -
<br /> �w��, ! � , BQa+QS�a�ha1!aecupy.esta6lish,�d.use the Progerty as BorcoRer's principat residence witlun sixty days aRer the eat�aition of : .
<br /> „ 'ha! ���`_
<br /> ��. - ,� - ' I . .•�• �'itzs:�tY Inst�ument aad sLall`ol�nue to pecty as Borrower's principal rrsideuee for at[east one yar after ".:�
<br /> � �PY
<br /> the Pro
<br /> :� - " r � C:,:. �•.t . _ . . . �
<br />-- .,., :�r, E ,:.;...,�.�tHe d�te of accupaacy,unless L.ender otherarise agrees in writing, whictrco�ent shall not be anreaso�bly withheId,or unless -
<br /> �. �`�y�; . ,� ..-. extenuaring cira�mstazcces exist wluc6�are 6eyond Borrower's control. Hoirower shall �toi destro . ''��''s'�
<br />--_ 'k• ,'s,s�;��. Y �8e or impair tl�ee �«,�_---
<br /> �LL �-�- � �: Propert�r,allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Pto Bono r -•_}._`��=,f
<br /> •.:;'�° _ peiiy. we s�ll be in defautt if aay forFeiture� ��;�,���;
<br /> � `��•���.,� actiaa or pmceeding,ahether civil or criminal,is begua t6at in�.ender's goad faith judgineat could resvlt in forfeiture of the `=r-_.;:A.5'�::
<br /> ` . en
<br /> _ ��• •: � � Pcopetty or otherwise�aateriaUy impair the Qen c�ated by this 5acurity Insirumem or I.ender's securiry interest.Borrower may °.'"�`.y=�,
<br />- .:�x.`
<br /> e�f��e t•� ����
<br /> �'�.T�A�.".:;+�.S'r.".5'�• � �YaY SIICL a deftwlt and reinstate,as prnvided iaparagraph IS,by causin8 the action or pmceeding to be dismissed wlth a rWing - • �'��:
<br /> Y`=-:�' �:-: , - i .,.,r....
<br /> c- - .. ' ` .�. t1�at,in I.ende:s good.faith determination, predu��g forfeiwre of die Bormwer's interest in WB pt+operty or other material -x S��•`
<br /> _•a.;ar�r,: . �-`1.`..
<br /> '=,:� .�; �„� , i m p 2(m t e II t o f t he l iea C re a t e d by lhi&SeCUrltp tnctfvment pi�tde�'s se�u�ity iuterest. Bonower shaU atso be in defaWt if `�'ti•-`�:�,:��-
<br /> "'� Bo�r �.��::•-�s;::<.- -
<br /> �:��:::i�,�;.�,,�- ` .dwing the taan applicatioa pmoess,gave materially SIs�or inacc�itate iaformation ar statements to Leader(ar•failed '"•'�"��^��
<br /> •. �S_''�±l. 2 .,� to provi�e i.ender with eny materiai iat'armation)ur connection with the toan evidenoed by the Note,iacluding.but aot��iinited '=.�.�r�..,>.,...�
<br /> �,a 2, , r� :���
<br /> ' . ' ' '� f �,�P�sentations conceming Bomnw�er s oca�anry of the Pro ',`y����_-
<br /> r , perty as a principal resideaoe.If this Security Insuvment is on a �. Y H,��_
<br /> '� • f leasehold, Borrower shal! comply with all [tiee_provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee ti8e w tha Property. tha • '; �a`��,�,��:
<br /> t ..r�'� teasehold aad the fee title shall not mer e unless Leader a �� �'����
<br /> . g grees to the merger ia wriilng. :;i��,;:�+-�
<br /> �.x_,�_�. :•, � '`..:�,�.
<br /> `.� ,;,.�;, . 7.Protectton of Lender's Rt�6fs in the Pmperty.If Bomower fails ro perfarrn the covenants and a ': "' �:
<br /> •}� (�,,�,._ greements coutaiaod in � fi . ,(�;T.
<br /> ; •' .p` '•�t3 �-. lillS 7RYi'ty Instnunent,or there is a legal prnceeding that may sigaificantly affect LendeYs rights in the Property tsush as a � "�•������;•,..':t:��_
<br /> .� � �',.: .:.� mceedin �n baz�iccu t g � • ��
<br /> P S� p�y.pfobate, far rnaderbnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or re ulations),then i.eadet ma da and -...�����::�
<br /> `r t'�:��''` °;.;` :,� ' pay for whatever is aeoessary to piutect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. l,cader's ac�ions may � , '`''�. '+
<br /> '�� include a in an sun�s secured S a_lien w}tich has nori over this Securi Instrument. a � �� '
<br /> - '� �� , ' `t .� P Y 8 Y Y-- P �Y �Y PP�S in c�ourt. gayin$ ,`. ,
<br /> �'t t A , ,�:; � ' reason�sbte 3ttomeyrs'fees and entering on the Froperty to make repairs.Aithough l.ender may take acrion under this patagtap� �� '� �', =
<br /> _�.� `�. �` `��t������� 7.I.Emdecdoes not have to do so. � , ;:
<br /> ,�. ..
<br /> . �;�:`'�.'��- �3�r(� An�/ amonnts �isbursed b L�nder under this ara h 7 sha11 becvme additional deDt of Borrower secnred b this �• ;;y:,;�.
<br /> . �.l:1�• Ff:. � 7 - • : .
<br /> ��•• '•. :<_;.•�: Secwiry Insttumem. [Fnless Borrower and Lender P �P ec y • :•,,�:_.
<br /> _. .. , - � agree to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> • , '••� � date of disbursement at the Note rate snd shall be payable, with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting `�''{'`
<br /> .. � � . �`. ��„ payment. . � : : .
<br /> •,Y�••� �, 8.Motigage Luurapce.If Lender required mottgage insaranCe as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security ``•�j' `� ;;;����'•'
<br />-�: ..4 'w.,` , Insmiment, Borrower ahall pay the premiwns r¢quired to maintai»the mortgage insurance in effect. If, far any reason. the
<br /> - _�, � .,. � mortgege insuranoe coverage required by Lendes lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to ���` '�;
<br />_ , ��"� ���'�:. ' obtain caverage substantialty equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cast substantially equivatent to the � - • �`���"``���';"-
<br /> -. :.:: �., cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previnusly in effect, fmm an altemato mortgage insurer approved by Leader. If �� � ''�`'•-""
<br /> �'_'"°;;.�: `'. � substantialJ '� � �;';
<br /> - ° ,-� �:! ;�:. �1 � y equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avai[abte,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ���:,,,'.' �r .,:: .
<br /> one-twelfth of the yeariy mortgage insurartce premium being paid by Borrower when tha insurance coverage tapsed or ceased w
<br />_'t; � -;•� �:`S�::: ` be in etfect.I.ender will acce t.use and retain these a '
<br /> •�•• �-• • • P p yments as n loss reserve in lieu of mortgage inseirence. Loss reserve �• � � �:
<br /> ._•�,..� ''.`.�•' Farm 3028 8/80 _1,.. ....�r',i;;`.�
<br /> y��Yi'r'��' vaooads `�;�ryy'� ,._,
<br />_ �' �+�;`• .'���.rX`;�•i.:
<br /> - � . ,
<br />�..� . .. ,..
<br /> �w� � . Y : `, .
<br /> `,.
<br /> ,:
<br /> -y� ^__�'ti'q _ - , l} �;�c:.
<br /> _ . — '�c� _ ' , - • ,E��,� . .
<br /> M� . ' ,_ . � t ..# P�� `• , ^ :,t�l�`�', '
<br /> � +��1� . .. . ". ;,� o-:r.1. i 'i> tl• `_ 3 ti � � `l+�.p.y_ . F� r . t . . .. .
<br /> --.'F�Y+rr . ,� " 1�� '�i � ,.t, rt.-�. � t'�dQ�', :-,l, ' .� .. . -� - - .. �.
<br /> _ d :.. .�'.' '�'�y.T �if _
<br /> _ -�... ,`µ .s,��:.: .•`e y �t. ' . • • ' . -
<br /> .,w »i . -i+� t - ,1. - �t-i1''`.... JF�S �:rva .1 - .. . J� • .. ' . ' - . .
<br /> i:r'ti� • . . � � . � - . . •
<br />- +T - ' - . • �, - .l'r . , .�_,�� • .
<br /> - - -- _ :a��t� c . . • ' - x�.A1. -�+. ti:. �+ ' . ,- . ' . . • -_�..
<br /> - _ — �..,.��$ 'r � � � • � .: .t�,-, �„ � :-,y . `. y � ; .
<br /> _�. . . ��Ca ++4`�� '��� CY",l t'�^uF � 1 •°r� . n'R` a: . ` ' , � � t ' . , .
<br /> :_�.�'�..,3�..�i%i.�. �'e_� ._ .....,_.'.. ,$i.lr? t . (it ..,�'' . .'�' . . . ... • .. .
<br />