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, .:. : .�_, f ... .. .. . <br /> - ,• . - - - - - - <br /> ... <br /> __ - - � - <br /> . .. <br /> �. <br /> . - _--= -= - - - - - - - <br /> s..,;- -. ��:;�' - _ _ . -- --- - ---- ---_ <br /> _ . �,�.'� , <br /> , �`�,.::��' - - � - " - <br /> ��� . j"_'- . . ._... _ . . .. . , _ . . . . _. . _ <br /> __ �.� . __ _'_ . - . . . . . . -. .. . - . . __ � <br /> _-- =. - - - � , ^ - _ �1=� _10�123 . : <br /> _ . . � :< vxn�c���►xr� �eor�ma r,�a«�r,u,a,��fou�: ���y P�Y Mhen due <br /> - � 1. lbrt�f Ri�etlr a�I�e��Pe�Mt a�i I�Me�.7�s. Borrwv <br /> _ . ���.�u����������y�y�ytandluechugesdueuadertbeNctd . <br /> .2. Firs pirTiss M Lwra�oG S�bJecttoap�lia�bk 1�!N asto a�rnttm Ma�vtr by L�der,Bori�rar s�il ixY . <br /> ` t'o Leeder ca tbe dsY��Y WY�u�due u;Wa tl�e NotG unb'1 the l�te is paid in fuit.�wm("Fwids"1«luai to <br /> `anNt�fth of:�,fa)Yeariy'tszes and�s�smeats�rhicie may attain prioriry over tbis Security lnsuument:(b)Ycar,Iy . <br /> 1a�eLo�f P�Y��6��!cs on tbe P�opa�tY,d any;lc�yeu�y ba�ra ms�ce prem�um�s;a�Ea>y��. __- <br /> morty�e ia�wraxa premiwas.�f any.Thae iums ue caikd"escrox items.",Leader may estimue ttx Funds due on ti�e: � <br /> __ , basisaEwr�reacdatafondtr�som�eestimatesaffotore.esccawitmas. ` . . , <br /> - � '['6o Funds sball be bdd�m inuituti�oa.fbtdepostts or�ccounuof wltich��re insused osguarantoed by s feefeixl or . <br /> �,�.q C���g���g sucb an;t�sritation).Lender s�ll appt�t1�e Funds to pay the escrow itaas. <br /> t� � ��nsy nat�harge for hoidinE and apptying.tbe Funds.analyzins the accoan;or vciifying the Gscrow itams.untess . <br />- - �.Pri Borroxer inu[e3t oa thc Fwids aad applicable ta�v permits Lendar to maico sucb a cLuge. Borrower and <br /> ,�. L�dSx.msY sgroe in writing.that,iatqest s1Wi be p�id on tiu Funds.Unkss�n agrammt ic a�ade or applicable 1aw <br />-'`-`: reqµires in�er+est to be paid,�.sba11 not lx roquircd ta pay Horro+�er anq mc�st or amings on tf�e Fands.Lendcr. - <br />- - s�ll=ivc w Barro�ru.witl�ant.charg�sn sonual accoanting ofthe Fn�lsshoaring c�edits and debitsto tbe Funds and thc� <br />--� purpoce for wt�ic6 ach d�bit to tbe Funds Nas made-The Funds areptedgad as additional seeurity for the sums���bY <br /> . - tlusSect�tity►Instiument. .. <br /> � ' if the amount of the Fwtds hetd:by�r.together with tLe fiiture moathly paymenu of Funds paya6le prior to <br /> .;•.� tbe due dates of thc escrorv itans.�ha}1 eRCeed thc aniount roquired to pag the esctow items wben daG the exces.s sball be. _ <br /> �h <br /> - st Borra�rer's option,ather prompQy s�epaid to Bortawer or creditod to Borrower on monthIy paymaiu of Fancts.If the _ <br /> ��� anwant of tl�e Funds bel�6Y�.es�drt is not�t tv paY tha escr4w itec�s whm due,Borrower sha11 pay to Lender any - °_-- <br />``:r .."` aa�oantneccssarytomaicSupthtdd�ciencS'inonebcinorepaymentsasra�,uiradbyi.eader. �-- <br /> UP�P�Y�t ir['aIl sn�secured dy this Sacurity.�astwment,Ler�d�shafl promPtly refund to Borsow�r . �K <br />, s . - �ny Fu�s held by I,ender.I�ut�der p�agraph 19 tLc Property is so7�ar acquired by Lendei.Lender shall tate�•: - � ._-= <br /> :..}';•' than immodiately prior tq the salt of the ProPerty or its acquisitia�b�I,�nder.any Funds held by Lender at the time 6f_. �"-� <br /> <<I`:�, . ppplicatianasacredita�tliesc.�socarodb�thisSecariry�insuammt.. .. '_ - - <br /> Sec <br />-`�,,;�• n .- f.:s 3. A/�lie�tios��le,F�b.�•UnJess appGt�bk Iaw provides othecR�a11 PaYments receivod by Lender under � - <br /> • '•�''�' t�ragrsphs 1 and 2 shallbeapplied:ti�st,to tate charges due under the Notr,secau�,to prepayment charges dae under the tr, ��- <br /> se .�.� <br /> ��'��'. � -"•s,��"�,f Not�third,toamountspayabCeunda�ragraph'2;t'duttb,toiaterestda��nct�toprincipaldue. - - - <br /> ; .�,,,� <br /> -,_:�:�;�:. ,' 4. Gsr�Lie� �Orro9re+r�Sa11 pay a11 tazes,assessments.charges,fines and impositions a[tributable ta the`:.. . ;A.<<r: <br /> � �::..°:'= . Prope.cty whieh may attain priority t�w�ths Socurity In�trument, and leaseholc{ paym�u or ground rents, if anY: - ., - <br /> Borrowu shall pay thae obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paiditrtliat manner,Bonower shall , , � <br /> � -: .:;u.`, �•', ��• pay them on time directtg to the person awed paymen�Borrower sha11 promptic fi�-raisb t�.�ender all nati�of amaunts . , . .�'„ r _ <br />:;;.;::. �� � . ��:�r�,: to be.paid undtr this paragraph.If Borrower makes thae pa9ments diroctly.Ber,orier�[promptly fur�-�to Lender ��•:-. . _- <br /> , � �-i,. :�. : ' ' � - . : .:. _- <br /> .:� �•�%, receipt�evsdencingthepayments. � � ,.. � <br /> ' � :� Borrower shall promptty discharge any Gen wbich has priarity aver this 5+�ccr�tY instr!iment untess Bonowee:(ay . , •_. - <br />•:�;::;`�_ . :. 1;;., •< .c;.! <br /> ,�.;. _ ` ."�.��= , agtea in aYiting tp thGpayment of the obligatioa se,C:xced by tttc 1"ren;.�s a maarce�adcep�able ta Lender:(b)contcsts in good <br /> � 'i;._ faith the iien by.or deFeRctsagainst rnfareement cfthe iien i.�,tegal proe�n�v�+�icb in the l.ender's opinion apera,te� :• j:.,;� : , `. <br /> • . prevent the enforcemeu�of the titn or forfeiturt af�scy part of the Property:ar(c)secur�from the halder of the 1'reic i�.*n ►: ,� '. ' <br /> �. agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Iien to this Security Instrument.If I.ender determines that any par�af � �.;:'{�R <br />'''�`' the Propeny is sub}ect ta a lieri which may attain prioriry over this Security Instcument,I.endcr may give BorroKer a � . ;,�:.:;� •. - <br /> • .�� ` notice identifying the lien.Borrowec shall satisfy the lien or take one or rr�ore of thc actians set forth above within t0 cfays , .�;:,,,•,.� . <br /> ���`.�' ' afthegivingofnatice. �, � ,^ �-�_:� - _ <br />' . S: H��d lnsurance• Horrower shall keep the improvements nnw eaisting or hereafter erected on the Property { . ,'JL:.� <br /> ' insurod against Ioss by fire,hazards included within the term"eatended coverage'and any other hazards for which I.ender � •, ;_-.. <br /> ,.,,;� .,� ,` ;` ' roquires insurance.This insurance shall be maintained in�he amounts and far the periads that l.ender requires. The .� ` . ' '' ��_;:� <br /> �t � " �� insurance carrier providing the insara.zce shall be chosen by Rorrower subject to 4ender's appr�val which shall not be � . � "�"' <br /> • , , � � ;��;:;�•� , <br /> , . � • • unreatonably withheld . , . ..:: -_`s <br /> ''�.,�, .,. - _� <br /> - AA insurance poliei�and tenewals shall be aceeptab!e us I.ender�nd ShaA include a standard mortgage ctau�e. k ,. : ,�•�,. ;'._�-_: <br /> ' �� •,. ,.,q,��,,-�.:,,. <br />� � •� • Lendes shall have the dght'to hald the policies aad rdi:wats.If g.ender�equisc.s,Borrower shall pramptly give ta L,en�es.. !`,', -�.,: ,;_ <br /> ',:. � ' atl receipts oi'paid precaiu:ns and rene►fal natices.In r�re e�er.i cE�ass;BorroKer shalt give prompt natice to che insatartce' !':•;;, :���•�,�k` �; <br /> , (,;. . ,.;s;,�;�r�;'s. -: :�! <br />' , :��tn�?�:., qrrierar•.�#°i.ender.l.endermaymak.p:ootoftosssf�otmade�rar^pllybyBorrower. _ � ,,y.�f.,. _ <br /> . , � �, �,;, tJr.fess L�mdcr and Borrower o�herwise agree in writing,ins�:rance praceeds�+hall be a�p!iec!to restoratian ot�e�.ir . { . _� <br /> oPthe Fiopeny damaged.if the restorarion or tepait is ecor.os�s�s�z:�y�teasible and l.ender's se�:rity is nat tEte � � �,'' `S,s�7 � <br /> • ` '1.` �� � ' restaration or repair i�not economiCalty feasibte ar l.ender'b sec::rity wawld be 1�sencd,{P,e i:ssarance�rrneeedc sbali be ! . - ._ <br /> ' � �• �•'�':, . applied to the sums secured by this Secuaty Instrurrteni,ahetl�er ar not then due.with any eacess paid tn Satrower. U � . ,- <br /> � "�;�. =: •_*.�;~:��' Bonowet abandoas the Property.or does not ans,�et within 30�fayS a notice irom Lcndcr tF.;;t the insursr•.ce carrier has . ; <br /> =:',:.- . . . <br /> • -:� '����'�;;,� oSered to scttlr a claim.then I.ender may collect�he insuraace gni:reds.Lcnder may use the[�r�gcteds to repair or restare <br /> . ' , " �'.'�;.`.;;;;`' the Property or ta pay sums secureQ by Ihis Security tnstrument..whether ns nnt then due.T�:�30-day{�eri�d wi1)begin . . , ' <br /> .;,; ' �' �';:�' when the natice iy given. : - . <br /> ' � �`+,�: L'nless l.ender and 8nrrower athetwi5e agree in writing,any applica�ian of proceedr tn Fr,ncipal shall nnt eatend ar , <br /> � ' . `•���•• ' postpone the ducdateof the monthly paymems referred to in patagraphs 1 and 2 or change the�r..cunt of il:c payments.If. <br /> , ° � under p�rap,raph 19 the Properly is acqnired by Lender.Barrowefs right lo a�y inwr:�nce pr.;_cces and prexeed�resulting <br /> . t'tom damag.ta the Property priorto iheacquisrtion shall pati.r to I,endrr Intheextcnt uP�he•um.r.recured b}th��Sccurity <br /> ' ' ' Iastrusner.timmediatelypriortotheacqsiiyition. � � . ': - <br /> � 6. Preserration aed Malntee�ece ot PraOttt);I.easehdlds. Borrc+wer�hall not destra}•.Jamage or�ub�tantcatly � , . <br /> . � . � change the Propeny,allow the Nropeny tn detex�or�tc ur commit wastc. If th��.Sccuritp In�trument iti on a learehoJd. � ' � . <br /> , ' ' Borrower shall rumpiy with thr pravisivns hPthe lease.and iP Borra�vrr acyuirc!�fce t�tle to the Yropeny.the t�a.�chold and <br /> fee titte shal!not merge unless Lender agrecw to�he merger�n writing. _ <br /> 9. Protecttoa u! 1.ender's Itlghts in t1�e PropeHy; �tortp,age lesurance. 1P Bnrrawrr fa�la tu perfi�rm thc - <br /> h <br /> � covenani�and agreements cantained in this Serurtty therr i��lrgal prc+�:cedmg that may signific:�ntly affc�:t <br /> � ' - • Lender's tights in the�Prnperty(su¢h aa a praceeding in bankruptcy�, probate, fi�r condemnauan��r ta enforce 1aN�ar <br /> ' - reaulauoas).then l.ender may do and pay fos whatever is necessary tu protrr�the�alue of thc Property and l.endei�right� . <br /> � •� � in the Pruperty. I.ender s aetions may �ttrlude paying any sums securrd by �lien which has pni�r�t� vicer tfiic Secunty - <br />:..__ . <br /> � . <br /> - --.- _-- - tnstrument.appearing in caun.paying seas�inablc attnrsse�s lees and�!!!erir��m the Yrapertv t�.make repau�_Althuu ^ _-- __ , <br /> � ' Lenderm•ry�akeuctianunderthisparagtaph7.Lenderdi�notha�etodosi�. . <br /> � ' Any:�mountsdisbursed by Le�det under this paragraph?shall becume add►tiun:�l debt nP H+m<•uer�ecureci by tNi. <br /> � . .' Security lnstrument.Untess liotrower and Lender agree to other tec�.of ra}�mem,the�e ami�unt��hall he�r mterest fr��m � . <br /> • ' ' ' the datt o1'disbursement at the�1ote rate and shap b�p�yable.�ith mterett. upuu nolt:c from Lendrr t�� Hnrruacr , <br /> ', ,� • , <br /> .___.-__ .-`�._�._—____,_ requcstingpa}r�senl.-.. . � . . <br /> . . , � - - - - - . _ _ � .. <br /> _. ,.:. ----- - � - _ � � <br />