_`.�• �F��� - . t . !2- -. . _ - _"_ . ._�. —` _v _ _ _ __. —_.
<br /> :� � . � �Y'�. _
<br /> , ` �h •� �.+ ��--�— � J �' - - .;::•.z�. � — -
<br /> � � . .._. . � ^L 7 ;* �° ..i..�,F _ ' _ �����- -- - .. - . . -- — — -
<br /> ��� .Y' ` � ' ' _ _ — _ . . � � - , �
<br /> __ '_=-__°"�=���'` . • , _ : . , � �;�'�i��3�� �
<br />-��—�� ` �7.'�rAn.dpsott�te IPra�or a Bea�tcfal�t ia Borraw�.�f all ar aay part oYthg Progeny or any i�s.st in it .. F`
<br />-��•-a..-��- Is sotd ai tr�ssfereed(or if a dal iate�st in Bornower ia soid ur mansferced end�omawer is not a�a!�etsoa?withotit ;. F
<br /> _'--
<br /> - Lea�ter's prlor tvtttten wasene� Leader mal!t at its option._re�uire imutedlste_pay�nem ia fWl of�all sums secu�by t�i.s �: ,• :� � �
<br /> � .- fadeaafiaa�vr`��- -�--
<br /> 3 . 3�y��iowev�t.�s'op�toh sltiall ao�6e exe�-sy�endtr if ei�i+ase�s Pmmo�i►Y L - _
<br /> �- i o�tbis Securiry Iactttument. � -
<br />_� - If Lender excrcises tIIis optioa.Lendec stiall give Bonower notice cf acceieiation.'�e nntioe st�aU provlde a peri4d of�at • ,
<br /> - tess Nan 30 days from tt�e daze tAe notioe is detivee�ad or maifed witLia Nhicti Borinarer must pay�il sums seaur�by shis .
<br /> - Sec�rity InstrumenL If Bormwer f�ils to FaY these sums prioT to the expi�oa of this peziod.Leader may invot�eny remodies.
<br />;s, .�: . . permttted by this Secnrity Ltsuument without fnrther uodae or damaad on Bomo�ver. � . . _
<br /> - 18 Bon+nwe�a Rigbt to R�wt� If Borrower meets cemain oonditIoav, Somawer sbai! �ave the rigbt to have
<br /> ..ti. � :,.:�, e�fortenteut uf this Secu�itg Ins�t disooatinue�at any 6me prFor to the earlier of: (ay S days(ur s�ch othcr�iad as , - _
<br /> F. � applicahle law may spe�cify for ceinstatemeut)6efore sale af the IRoperty pursuant to any Quwer of sate confaiaee in.thls _
<br /> --`� "` � � Security I�t;a�t��cf s;ad�nt euforcing ttis Secu�ity I�t.1ha�oondifio�s er�that Sorrawec(a�PaYs- -- - - - --:
<br /> � ' �� , . Lender all sua�which tltea arould be due nader ttis Sxuriry Inslsument and t6e Note as if no a�celeranion dad eca�aed;(D) �, - �
<br /> du;., c,,.,:
<br />- - -��K ° '` aues any defautt of azry other oovenants or ag�eementa: (c)Pays a[t expenses mcvried in enfoicing this Security Instrume�t. ��,��_-..-�__
<br /> - � `.. : . � inctuding,�ut not limited to.reasonabte auomeys'fees:and(d)take.s such action as I�d�may reasonabty requine w assure .��.-=_°=:-
<br /> �:�:�:::: , r° o—_— --
<br /> �:�;;s.., � that the lien of this Se�uity Tn ,ro�t I.ender's rights in the P r o p e r t y sud Sorcowa's obligation to pay the sums secu�d 6y =__- _
<br /> ' .r this Seauity Iasiru�ment sLall contimie anc�anged. Upoa��teme�t bY Bo:cawer, Wis Secariry Insanm�nt aus! the __ _
<br /> n*.�;.::`'�. .' �
<br /> - � :a..�..:-:;-. oWigetioms se�vred hereDy shall�emain fully effeaive as if aQ:aooeleratian Gad oocaned.However.this rigat to reinstate shall --- —
<br /> °� ,.;`�<,� : •"' mot ep�ity in the cas�of aoceleration under paragraph V. — -_-
<br />� `-^"_ ,. °�.�• t9. Sa[e Q�.Noi� CGange of Loan S�vta�: 'Ihe,Note or a - _-_--
<br /> �. �:;7,,. : ` partial interest in the Note (�with this Secarity
<br /> - • Inmumeut?mag;he�oae or more times without prior natiee to Borrowe�A sale may resutt in a cir�ge in the eabty(lucown _�
<br /> _ � ��` as the"Loan Servis�e'i€tt�ePllects moathly paymeats due under the Note�d this Security ��„�T[iere also may be one ��-�,..�_--
<br /> ` , - �:.`� ar more caanges ag#L'�e�.oaa Seivicer muefated to a sale oF the I1ote.If thene is a change of che Loaa Servioet,Bomower w71 be �;��_,- �
<br /> ��' ::; �_.
<br /> • give�wcittea ctc�:�er.�the�in a000ndanee witb paragrapb 14 above and applicab2e iarA'3he notioe ar�l state the name and �*y�'.-
<br /> � ° 4 � adda�ss�zf the�.kAan Sena�c�fd the address to w6id►gaymerus shauid be made.'�nndoe will also oomain si►y other -
<br /> infa�ation requiic�c4by applicabI�laar. .. -_
<br /> _v�_=—`"=.'' 2tl. flazardoms Sabstances.Borrower shaU not ca�se or permit the pmsenee.use.disposal.smrage,or zeleace of any fi - :
<br /> _ - ` Ha�i�dous Subs�nces on or in the Property. Bomower s�not do,aor allow anyone else ta dara.�ything affecting the :.F�;;. -
<br /> � � � - Ptv�.ty that is in vtolation of any Environmental Law. 'Fhe�azeceding two senteaces s6a11 not agFt �'@te preswae.use,or �_�
<br /> �'•.� • smr.�on tQe Property of sinall quantiHes of Ha7aMaus S�tanoes t�at are generally reaogniT�to�approp���nozmal �::��=J�_
<br /> ;:.,:,.�
<br /> • •• ` �idrs�tiai uses and w mainteaance of the Propeny. . :� `"`:'� _
<br /> •� , �o`.,: ,':� '`� :� 'Homuwer shall promptly give ixnder written aotice of any investigatioa.claim,demand.tawsm:t ur other apion by any.•. . `�` -
<br /> ,t = , �,� � �;'s` govemmental or regiilatory agency or private party involving the Pmperty.�d aay Hazardous Substaa�or F�vironmentat Law ... • fr - �'
<br /> , � of which Borrower 6as actual Imowtedge. If 8omnwer leams,or is no�6y any govemmeatat ora�Iatory authority.that ` � ���'
<br /> `° nemoval or other nemediation af an Hazazdous Substance affectin the Fro is Eorro er sha11 ro tI take
<br /> � - : ;. ' • any Y � Per�Y �ao�sa�]'• �r P mP Y . � :�ti��.<<�.�:..
<br /> - ��G:: ' , .. all�recessary rc�a0dial actioas in aooardaQOe with Envituamental Law. • • , � ��
<br /> � ��+--
<br /> �r'> �:•.
<br /> ' As�sed in this patagraph�F "Hazardous Substances"ane those substances def�E as mxic or harardous sah�faaces by ' '�`� —
<br /> . � \�
<br /> °'� - Fs�vimnmental Law and the foltowing substances: gasoliae. kerosene, oWer flammaDTe or toxic�tmteum�, toxic . �;�� ,, ' —
<br /> � �aticides and he�icides.volatile solvenu,materiats containing asbestos or�Ormaldehyde.and radtoacxic�e u�t�rra2��As used in . �.E .: ��t �s:�___;�_
<br /> , . < " ` -�;`.j, ttus R�B�Ah 20, "Eavironmental Law" meaas foderal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the�ns�aty is.fi,ocated thaz :ti.:,;'��f+y+'• :-
<br /> ,. , �'e t�heatth,safety or envimnmental prntectian. . << t, �
<br /> , ;� � NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.end�further covenant and as follows: '� �`� ,
<br /> ,:a '. � �t:Aaoe[eratian:Remedtee.I.emder sBall give notf�ta Bo�a�uwer pdor t a�ocelerattou following Bor��'g 4�reac� ;��l`� ,'-
<br /> `�, <:.:- �' = of a�cy covenant or agreaneni in t6is Secudty Iastrumwt (6ut noi pdor to aaeteratton under�Sa t�unless �� Y�
<br />- ; .'.,°�,;:�; `� .. � - aPPUcable TaN pmvtdes ot6erwise).The aotfce s4alt speatfy: (a}tfle:�ult;(b)t�e actlon required to enre the ddantt: ;' . ���� .�°
<br /> , ,��, s's
<br /> '� ; t ' (c)a date,not t�s t6an 30 days from the date t8e notice is given ta Bas�nwer,by�vdich the detaWt must be cuied;and ' �=
<br /> - `� � (d)that failnre to cure the defaWt on or before the date specifled in tBe aoUFce a�y �esalt ia eooelerattoa oY the sums , ���1? � `';r_
<br /> ?� ;-.` •:'�Z�,,,�.:..; •. s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e�v r l t y I a s t r u m e a t a a d s a i e o t t h e P r o p e r t y.T h e n o t i ce s�a ll f u�h�r i n f o r m B o r r o w e r o f t h e r i g h t t o .;:°c�.':.;?:.:5 •, �
<br />- ; ` -��t��,�,;.�•. .. . :. reiastate after aooeleration aad the rtght to bring e court action to assert the aa¢fi.�tenoe of a defaWt or any otlter :a;���s�° �` _
<br /> c �; �: ,,'`, . �� �,:,}.
<br /> s .n.1 �.t
<br /> detease of Borrower to aocete�atton and sa1e. It the defautt is not cu�+ed on or�'a��r the date spec[tied in the noHoe, +�����,tc : � _
<br /> ��+ : `�1�` Lendeq at its option,may require immediate payment in fUU of all sums secured by this Searrity Iastrumeat�vithout � ' �� �
<br /> i. � i':.E � .;.a��i .
<br /> - ' � <{� ti�rther demand end may iavoke the power of sate and aoy other remedtes permitted by applfra(sie ta�s.Leader shall be �1 *,�
<br /> ;�.>�;.•,'.'•.'},g' enitued to ml[ect all expenses inivn�ed in pwsning tde er�edtes proYtded in this[�arag�aPh Zl,i�uding,bui�ot Uratted " � ��=�:.-=-
<br /> ` t :;�Si�., �,, t� - . --
<br /> ° ;a}�:'',� ' � to,reasona6ie attorneys'fees and oosts of title evtdence. . � ;`
<br /> , .:.;.•22?:;':..�,'''` ':� Lf the power of sa�e ts Invoked.Tnutee shall reourd a aotIce of defantt frr e�6 wunty in�vhich aay pxct of the ` �" `
<br /> � • Property�S lacated end s�all mall caples o!sucb nottce[n the manuec prescrIbed by applira6te taw to Borcower and to • . :
<br /> � ' • the other peesoas presc�i6ed by applicabie Iaw.Ai'ter the time reqaired L-�appl�caDle taw.Tnutee s6a11 give puDlic aottce .
<br /> �,_ .� =• . " , � of sale to the pe�sons end ia the manaer psrscribed by applEcable law_Ynzstee,without demand oa Borro�rer.sball sell • � � •`�� � ��.'-
<br /> ' � � �` • the Pro at ublic aucNon to the ht est btdder at the time and la�e aad under the terms desfgnated in the aotice of .' ;�.•
<br /> PertS' P � D � �;•':�'';�,'~r.:,. .
<br /> ' •• • sate in one or more parceLs and in aay order Trnstee determines. Tn�stee may pastpone sale ot all or aay panccl of the ._,,�1_; _ ;�r .{s : ,
<br /> ' i � 1 .. � Property by pu6Uc aanotwceraent at the time and ptace of any prevtonsly schedated sate. I.ender or its designae may , �,��t �.�+: .,
<br /> � �; . ' punhase the Property at any sate. �ti;`,� -
<br /> ::�: >. • :,+� .'s�,±.;�.,.
<br />�.'.� :: •�`, ••� '. .'�.� .� � �.�f 1Zti;k'
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