__ �r.. J ... .� .���i � �a ,.'v.i �, `.�y . .,z� � . .. .- . � _
<br /> � . � �-' � -. - ` ' � ` . . � ��Y •'� . _ F` �� .c ...
<br /> i t ��_ � .... � ` — -.. . - . . Q _.
<br /> C �
<br /> _.__ ' . ' ��� ', �' � •- ._ _ __ r 'sw .,...+6.d4\�"7_—. _ _. . __ _'_"— _ _ . . '� a _ - __..
<br /> ` i �f � � ��� w `� -��.co� 3--0 �c�
<br /> ` � ' . ;.., � . '�____--_�� . . ' —..,. �'��.�Q �� . _ �_��a:''� �--
<br /> _ - ' , , W Int�faet tn BAntawor..tt e�ar an� ot tne Plrop�eriy Or '�'_:`��
<br /> _° � 11. Tnnsitr of ths Prape�ty Qr� Bsn�flc Y R� :�:,,� �, .�
<br /> - �.. .�;�� •:���.'.=
<br /> �,zc��I;,~��' �• ,"r:.. .:'��. ,• amt inteast 8�h Es eotd a►trenafened(or tt e benaHrdal U►te�1 G�Hartow�t�sotd or Vanatanad ene Boaowa�S nat l 1ll�lit81 : t ..•..�tf� ��i._:
<br /> ":�-:'�c' t \ �F `° ;�ev,�yt� .G��.st__
<br />�: s ` �: - persa�wBhou!F.�Q�19 pdot wsr�Cten eanscnf.l.�e�da mty.at fte opHan.ceguico�P��t tn fW ot e�eUma eeauredlsy
<br /> �,. . '•.',�' r'�� � lIL� �Q_�,�.�.l��� .ii41At�(8!!!!�3�s!!Q�!S4!�"����L " �i3��i�d4!!l4 i�!lW_ ' . c__� 4� • �`k :
<br /> e :n . .�` �������°M"°7��. c k �y�` i.,� '�`�,.
<br /> � L. � `�`� � � . H lettdv e�cerdses lNis option.Lesder s�a8 8Me Bcrtower noU�ot aoe2taadtan. TAe no�ae pAaB provide a Ddtad at not . ° a �" ��, '._
<br /> � . �`� ' . tasa than 9D daya Aam tAe date tAe noUaa ts de3veced or rt�sIIeQ viMN vifite3� Bosro�+rer mus!psy eB swas seaaeM by Wa .` - .. '��: °,
<br /> -• .�� MN .,�cE. . •'.r- �
<br /> . . `t v - ?�� °'rc.
<br /> ��`� ' �' ' Seatdpt tnstrwnent It Barrower taIIs to pay these swns prFot to the e��atfon ot Nb pmtcd lender may 6�YOke etry tem� � .:':
<br /> �.�� ' � a�,� ;,:.:aa . � � � .: ..
<br /> ��• p�nd�ed py thia Sewr�y tns�wrt�t�vithaut tluM�notlee ar dema�►d on 6ortower. � "�,§"� `` :
<br /> - ._ .�:.• _ ., -.. ;., .
<br /> �`; . - 18. BOirowePe R[ght to R9lttstato.It Bor�ower meecs ce�ain con�tona, Bmror�er sftaD Nave Ne d�t to hava �.�y.;Y. - •� ` �
<br /> _`� —= edoseartent ot tFds Sew�@y► MsQument d�sooMfiued ffi m►y tarte prtor to the emHer at (ej S dnya (or such otla�Omfod a� -�-,.��.'.��-'--a='`,-"-''
<br /> . . eppt{apte faw may sPe�i tm reh�st�m►e�heime sate ot the PraP�71 Dwsuant to en!►P�er oi safe ooMaDted 0�this Seau(!y � � ` �
<br /> 1. �,. .--�-_-' :�. --- fistr�an�ar @)et�try►oi a ju�t entocc�8 tA�3eauitl/�Those eon�tiaa�s ere ti�at Banrower.f�pays tende e8 �S` - .
<br /> _ ; _ ; • ;:. , • surtss wAhA tAe�wmdd be�a�md�Ws Seau�Pry(nstrmnert end Ue Nota Bs B ns aa�a�on had oecur� @)auas erry �`y�» `�.,�_ ��.
<br /> . . detauri of airy ather cavenant ar a�eernents:(c)P�ft����Inairr�d tr�eMordng Ws SearHl/U�stmme►� ine�du�g.but �
<br /> . � not t8n$ed Lo.reasanahle attcmays'tee.�;,and(�ffiices such edion as kender may nzasonabty�e4uhe W assure tl�at the Qen of. _,: ��.. .i::°�<. ;; ��:
<br /> � .`.•. . �at...
<br /> - -� . . ws seauay mst�ae�a. l�a�'e �gh� in tAe Propaty►ana emrower$obu�to�co pa�►me sums seouea ey ws seani�r ,�-;:-'-:: � .. -
<br /> � s°�-��,_ `� . InsWment sAeH e�me und�snged. Upan �dnsta�nait by Bmrawer.tNs S�°curity I�sWment and the ob�gaHons seausd � -;_, "�-`,-...'`'::.'
<br /> r. +. P� -':r;,.: ,.: ;;
<br /> . '• ��:� . �aeDy sNaU[�n�a�IIIIy eRecd+re as H no aoceteration had ocamed. Howe�rer,Ws right to�etnsffiLe shaD not ePAty tn the case �'� • •�.<y . .
<br /> :�:'�;,..`.�
<br /> _�` .. otacc�eragon tmd�pars�aph 1T. .• '�• :; �';,' __
<br /> , . � �, , ..`:`',:;.z,`. L. .
<br /> ��'.�: 19 Saia o4�toRe; Ch�nge of i.�oan 6e�vtceor.The Note or a a pe�interest in the Hote (to8athm wttrh th�a . ��, :':,a r:c:`?�` `.
<br /> ; ' S�a�itl►�strume►�ma�l 6e sold one or more t6nes wfthaui pitor nat�e to Hortotve.A sa�e may resuit In a d�ange in the entiry .•'� . ,.,7-����_�; ...:• -
<br /> �:�.� �. .. :.._..,,
<br /> �� • •:: �.. : ,.�:-. .. : _
<br /> j':.., � . (kiawn as the'loa�t Servte�r')that coQects mor�Mty payRter�due�mda the Nate and Utts Secutiry tr�shun�ent Thae e�o may •:�;:� ..� •. -.: �
<br /> Y - • .c �m ': � t-.�`.'c=;-i1:��::=::r .
<br /> - ?� ` ' � . s be one or more d�anges oi the Laan &ervlcer �mr�eu to a sais cf the Ncta if there is a cAange cf�a�n 3ervtc� ;;K�`r?:; �. � �:.,,.;�.�
<br /> - , .. . . ;��•�r�'.�°.:,. ss
<br /> �.w Bomower vn'D be give�w�ttan nodce af tAe chenge in accordanco wfth para�apb 14 ebo�ce and appII�aGle faw.:.'iTnr��otlee wt� -i•. ; ,:,,�-a:.E���•�,
<br /> f���:. • s�te fhe name end address oi the new Lnan S�vicPS and the add�ss to whicA enta shouid 6e made. TP�i�ia w�� ea,°., .�=:,7 e-�s�°_.•.i -
<br /> ;_ - _..y,.._� __ �any ofA�hdammlion re4uhed bll ePPQeabie law. p� �, �. . F �` ���
<br /> '; �` ` .. s °•`T 20. HaaBrdOVS SabshrtCeB. Borrow�sha0 rtot caase a� tAe pres�nee, t►s� �sPus�.�•ot r�ease ot . �� � ` �
<br /> p�"it �. �'.>,_4:_
<br /> �• :. �� : - • erry Fiamrduua SuLslat�ces on or in the PtoQary. Borrowei sQaD not do. nor apow anyone etse to do.�9�eetln9 the �' `. ` ._-�*`�-
<br /> ,;:- . � F�opety thei is tn vfo'aHan of e�ry Envtmnme�t L�v. ihe prece�ng two scntencea shaU no!appty to the pr,�s�ee.use.or " :;e i�,,��F:%�`.,,
<br /> : _ storage on ffie Roperty o}smaA q� af Haiardous Substances thet are generaQy reeA��!to�e eg�irdpriffie to nom�al �.�•t��'�;;,5:�
<br /> , restdet�al uses end to mabitaiance�t�e Ptopatyt. ' . `�`�z'��� ;.
<br /> �
<br /> + • Barrower shall pmmptty ghre L�der wr3t� noUce o! any hvestigatlon, daim. demar+d, B�s:� or atRar adlon by any
<br /> i � _''`, govemmerna!ot reguiatory agenayt or pfi�ate partyt 6nroMfig the Property end eny Hazerdovs S�stanae or�'mironmet�l Law of . :',�:..
<br /> y whtcA Botrowe� has acWal imaHrl�lga H Borrow�leams. or fs notlNeA b!►eall BevenmedaC ct�ulator�euthorily.that arry • _ '�-=
<br /> 1 ; ; . . .. � ��� .,�F���.�•�.
<br /> . • rertoval er oth� r�nedlagon of eiryr Namrdous BUbstance aftecdng PmpeAy ts rtecessmy:.i�crr�weJ sAaD ptomptly ffiice eD ,- ;,#Y�'':.;�;.
<br /> n retnec8el acUona in aecare�rtee with 6rv(rontne�l Law. ` �`�`: .f:`� -
<br /> �f - ` ����:;";;�•;_�,
<br /> ±. ` � As used tn this para�aph 20.Yta�rdous�►c8s'are.tlrase substances de5ned as tcsbe or hamr�doua su6stances by , . :.i, _
<br /> '� � . � • Env�ronrr�tal Law end the foQowfng subslance� gasofine kerosene. oth� t�mnable or toxta pe0rotatn pro�cts. toxfe ' �- .. .-_'`�::
<br /> . pestidQes end hebtcides.valahTe sotr�te.mater�conffiining ashestoa or tormaldehyde.en4 ramoadive maLa(�: /Lg used tn '� °� � ,`:� �`•�-
<br /> . t.:;;
<br /> . . para�aph 20.'6atronmentef Lew• means tederai iaws end laws of fhe juds�ctien where the Pmp�ty ta(aiated iflat telate W . .:;'�;•``
<br /> `n.'•.-,•' `_�-
<br /> � � ' ' heaith.sdety or�vlronme�l pm�n. � • ;'s..:te,:;°.r;_:
<br /> L ; . .:;�i«%;����;:• r
<br /> NOlV�UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barrower and Lender turther eovenaM end egree as(oQaws: . r . � ��:�� ;'`'��� .�' _.
<br /> T,.�.. .. ':F.4�ti�� .-
<br /> �, 21. Acceter�tE�a; Remedies. Lender shatl give notice to Bo�raw�e �rFor Ea a�sceleratton ����*�:�:��;r>;;t�':.""��-�'
<br /> ats 1_-':<-��;.,:�,.Fy , ,•��
<br /> fottowing Bo�rar�ea�'s �reach W any cavenant or ag►eement !o thts S6sae�P Qr�ru�tter�t (6ut not ,,r , . ��
<br /> �;.::.���:�:.,�.�^
<br /> prtor M acceteratton under paragraph 17 unless appUcab4e tau► provit�a��e�wis�o�. tite notice ��:ti�ta�:?;�rt�,`.,'�;: • .^�
<br /> 0
<br /> j,� s.�,,�...:\+�..
<br /> shall epeGti�: (aj the detaut� (b) tAe action requlred to cure the de9aub�. ��D �date. not fesa than �`� �t�� .:.,� � •
<br /> �:i��`•i'�'�" .S�i±:,� .-
<br /> 30 days trom the date the nottce is ghren to�orrower,by whtcf�th�defautt must 6e cured; and t�sa`���:���`:;�;;;;'�:,;; ` ���
<br /> l;;�::,�:.�<.:...;�.�. r, �
<br /> � (d) that fatture to cure the dafautt on or before th� date epacifled In the notice may �esult tn �,. �: �� . . �
<br /> ` 3:;:� � � � acceleraHon ot tha sums secured by thts SecurRy Instrument and eale of the Propea4y.The nattce �2��� � � �;t`;
<br /> { �:��_� . � shall tuMer t�orm Borrowar of the r�g�t to reinatate after accel8ratton and ffia �t�'ftt to brtng a t
<br /> ' � couR action to assert the, eon-ezfston�� af a defauR or any other datanse of Bo�rower to { . r.;. .
<br /> :,�`4 I . 4;�
<br /> � .� -� .�;��, � acceferatton and safa. H�aa cdefau,.'�6s nat cured on or befote tha data specifted in Me noltc�,
<br /> . : �,.�;.`:�::�`� ' Lender at tts optton ma��qca5re irsacet�llate payraent in full o!all sums seeured by lhis Secur�ly � .,.`�~:", �
<br /> � �`'° Insfirumeni witPcoesB t�artlt�� demanQ �us� may tnvoke the power oi sate and any a�¢ar remedle9 ��� . �-. ' -
<br /> . '.f��;;,' '.. • '�: u
<br /> ;;�;! ,� � parmiSed by a�licab(e tarx. Lender shall be ernitted to coltect all expenses incurre� t� pursutng •
<br /> � °�� ��:;�.` Ne remedtes provlded i��ais paragraph 21. inctudtng, but not limitod to. reasonabte attomo�s' � � � Y:+��;;�,�
<br /> ` :j • , `:`2;'y... ..
<br /> :S:•: tees and costa o!title�rt��nce. .
<br /> `'�� � . �����'� H tho powe� o! sate le invoked, Tnastea ehall record a notice of detault in �ash county in � � � •
<br /> , i�;•Y ' � which any part of the Property is tocated and shatl matt coptea of such noNco trr mhe manner �
<br /> � ,,:��� ` � � prescribed by applicabfo taw to Borrower and to th� othae pm�sons prescrlbmd by mis�ltcabta law • .
<br /> 'r�'t� ' Aftor!ha titne requlred by&pplicabte law,TrusEc-�sha11 give public no�ts�ai safe to th� porscns ;
<br /> ' ^ :lr
<br /> ''� . ..`��':' withcu!domaera�on Bonower, shail se�t
<br /> �� � '��;::. ar¢a➢[R th�manner prascr(L� by appltcabte lav�Trustee, , .
<br /> ' `�:. �.:;���;;�?�:i�'4, the t�►�speRy at publdc�c� to tha highest bEdder at the ttme and ptaee and under the terms � • �
<br /> 'r.;:,:;;:.��=>>���+ desigar.aied tc� C�� notie+� og saie in arto os more parcets and in any order TrusUee determines. �
<br /> _ . ����'�,�.,.�;t'���,�t TrusEe� nr�t �ta�o�e saEo �! d! Qr � arcel o! the Pe+c cs ubllc announcement at the ��
<br /> ��,. .::,�::::r�;;� Y P R K!I bIl P
<br /> : �?;��•.:�.. ':;,��1„:::., ttnr�e �d p!�ua•f arry RvovEousty seC�eduted sale Leat�er or ite destgnee may purehass tha
<br /> Y�' ,-�ii�X=• - �/Q����y�iYB
<br /> .:i= �: . Itpon re�etpt at payme�ed ot th� prieo hiQ. Tnastee shait dottver to th� purchaser Tmstee's .
<br /> - :'�= � ds�d eomeytng the Pro�erty.The�e�4ate U the Trustee's deed shatl be pNma faete evidenee af _ : , .
<br /> z `• �°.`.. : � ' th�t�tt� a! tho s4aEomettts mado�irt. Tn�stea shalt aApN tlta praasads of ffi� sa[s ttt ths
<br /> � � _ . tattowtng arder. �a) to all casta and expensee a� axerctaing ths power of sate. and the sat0, •
<br />- � :�.,�; tneluding the paymertt o!the 4rustee'81'�es actuafty tncurred.nat t�o�aed thras � ,
<br /> . , 46 0�ttc�prindpal anaount o!the �
<br />_ � .� nab at�ttmo o�!the deefa�atlan o!deiauk.and�easonabte�ttomsy's taes as perm�d by[aw; i
<br /> � .::y �`: � � (a)to all sums setuned by tlUs S�e�uriy(natrumer� and(e)any sz�esa to tt�e perscn ar persons ; .
<br /> � ' (�Ily ettt�ed to Et i
<br /> . �`:�:� : . .'^�'��, � �
<br /> -� �_'';--�: ``'' ' Fina�eea cs1�7 �e o ot s �� �
<br /> -f� .• �1i�i.M__—_ . . . .�_.."___ "
<br /> 4:�- .- :.u: . .
<br /> ':�-'*. , i 931�itlN �
<br /> . i�,
<br /> ''�'`�_,:."i ' �, .
<br />