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<br /> . �:__:�r � •, -t" ,i".� L �`. ��P B_ �.r ,' �
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<br /> _�` .r�s r��`,�`���', T0�3SPI�R WYT�a11 the �ements aotiv or Q�reaficr emcxed a�tba�property�at�d t11!le�s:�Yt1d ,
<br /> �° �. s�..:. -�_.r ._ ! �° ...
<br /> � t� ��� - $attues aow ot �ec+eatLer,a part of�the pmgerty. Al! replace�s arid'_�ddittons sAal! atso be �ove�ed by thi� 3�CnrIty'
<br />--� �s��<c�_ �=.Al�efet�fs►z�i�i�.�tcun,tBiA�ue��a4tL�'Pim�ttY�__ � �
<br /> '��' �'L�}�. � B{)RROWEtt L'�VSNANfS tbut Bairoater ia laa►R�lly seised of tbte�c3atB hereby camv
<br /> - '��,`'��'',�� oonvey the Property aad tAat t�e Pkag��rty iaw�eaaimbeaed.except for�i0noes of reanr�.Bomawer wartanta'an�wW� • �
<br /> � Pka
<br />�;'� , . x�, �z�,~�"' � � deferid gea�raiiy the�itle to the Fmperty s$einst all daims and dernands.sahjoc�ta auy encwnbranaes of ceaord. . ,
<br /> "�T� THI5 SECURTfY WSTkUN�C combfaes wdfo�m coversants fon�asiio�use and non-unifoan oav�wltH.limited_.
<br /> ' y Y�T'`�,{: • �
<br /> ''�=j;�;u�`��:#'.�`: . veieatians by jurisdfctioa to constt`iute�a�unifomrsernricy imss�wo�t aov�eaiq�i+eal property: .
<br /> ��:.�� UN�DRM�OVBNA3VT3.$umuwer and L�der cove�s►t aRd�ea.�follows:
<br /> ;?l' ;�,,��Qi.,,_� '
<br />- ��- :3^�,:;:-,.,-��=;:'� , i.I�ymeat of IArincipul sud dn�Prepa7m�at and�-�ail�es. Bore�ower shall P���1!P�Y�d��'
<br /> . �` �. � �_ priac;pafofauu�inta�sto�thedebr:'evideacedbqtRei+Ioteandasg-pr�ym�tsndaate�aages-dsu�uad�dt�.I�tot�-- _ ---- --
<br /> ¢_-{; ���..t,�.:;'>�_..'�„�� �; 2.�utds for Taxca aad Insaraace.Subject M applicabte law or�tu a�vrittea�vaivea by Leaider,Borrow�s�all Pa,Y� `
<br />��'. <;;���L'=-;': .�°_ `�' Lender oa the day monthiy pa�vmenta are�due uad�the Note,uatil the I�dte is paid in full,a sum(�Fnnds`3 for.(a1 Y�Y� -
<br />�,- rarl Ieaseho3d
<br /> ,'r� ... amf assessments whic8 may attaia F,nnrit}R over this Serurity Inshum�itasa Ilen an the Pc+aperty;N)Y Y t�a�
<br />_'� ����:;- ��� or ground rents on the Piaperty,"if'sny;(C3�y�rIY h878i+d oi ptOperiy i11Si�t8Jtae p2emiUAls:(t�YeadY 80od�+ ___*Anae p��L4� . .
<br /> _ :�:����:�:;:..>'" ; if any;(e)Ye,az1Y mortgage itLStvrance pm�iums:i�?aY;euci(�sny sums p�ayabte by Bormwer to L�.jn a000t+datjoe adth .
<br /> ;:• sa
<br /> - .�:ti�.��.;;r�;:':.;.?:� ; the grovisions of paragraph S,in iien of the�t�.�gage iasvuanx psemiva�s.'[9�es�it�ns are cal2ed°Bscroiv Items.°
<br /> _....
<br /> � .
<br />_,:. 3`'��:_.::.: ,.:. .,i. I Lender may. at any tjme,oolleck and 6old Funds'i��i'a���not w exc�ed the maaimura amouat a Ieu�er for a faderall}�
<br /> � sY'� ��,� ::'' ; related mnrtgag�Iaaa may�qui[�fur Bornower's esciow�'s��uu3ea the��r�f R�1�Es�sate Sepl�t Proo��ct of. ..- ._.. .
<br /> _ _ _ �� '��-';-': � 1974 as amended fmm tttne W time..IZ U.S.C.Sectian ZfstlF�seq. ('RLzSPA�).uatess aaoihea taw tt�applies to We Foads
<br />- '�:Y ' sets a lesser amonnt I£sor Ixnder a�sy.at anY ame. collect and ho2d.FUnds in aa amount not w eaoeed the tes�amounts
<br /> _-; ���;= �;;, `N� i Lender may�riu�e thc�aaamu�t of.Fanda due on E�e basis of aureat deta aitd masonable estimates uf ea�ndid�res af�'upue
<br /> .-�� F. , .
<br />_ °� �^�r'�±-:,..:.� Estmw ttems or otheiwise In a�ce witL ag,��ble law. •
<br /> ' ��-:,<.
<br /> - � P'.�k ��;,�� ' Ti�e Funds shall hc hetd ia a�m�ssituuoa:tv8ass deposits are iruuted by a fed�al a�, insnvmemality,or entity
<br /> >--�,-- ,,_�'��f-:-c,`. �iacludiag Lender.if I�uder ia sucir a�i�ciisd�or ia any Federnl Home I.oan Bank.I,endes s6a11 appiy the Fuads to pay the
<br /> < .'�' . . anatyang Ni�escmw acoannt,os
<br /> � : - Escrow items.I�eader may not.charge Sorrowec�f�frolding and applying the Fuads,mmually
<br />- �'� � verifying the Fsccnw Items�unIcss Lender pays.�l��tiwer imerest on the•Funds and applic�ble law peamits I.ender ta make sucb
<br /> .�:,�:`�. �_ �`�''•.,` a charge:Hawever.I.erider awy neqaice Bormwes eci pay a o�-time cbarge for an in@epende,at real estate tax reponinp service
<br /> '� nsed by,#xnder in oa�ectian with tGis luan. an!'ess ap�2ica't�e Iaw provides othetwise. Unles4 aa agreemeart ts��3e ar
<br /> . • • applicabte law requires imerest to 6e paid,Lender sHail.�t'6�i�qni�d to pay Bouower any interest or eamin ott�i$�ds.
<br /> � c •:;� f� ,:.,,.
<br /> .. Borrower and I.endec may agt�ee in writing,however,ffiat�uL'�sha116�paid on t4e Funds. Lender sha11 give ta��
<br /> Y-�: :�'.. � .� ' � without charge, an aam�al accounting of the Fu�s, 's2¢Qa�g c�dits and deM'�s to the Funds and tne purpnse for w�ich�each :,
<br /> -' < �` -::�,•,.:: • .. � debit to the Funds was inade.The Funds are pledge�as additior,�S serurity for ail sums secut+ed by this 5ebttaty�:; i;�;�t'�`
<br /> _ :<�.;��4��+=,�;;�.�-. If the Funds held by L.ender ez:eed the amounts pemutted rv be held by agplicable law,Lender shall acoourn#a}�9v�
<br /> ",�-�.t��F���t'• for the excess Funds in accdMance wcah.the requirements of applicable lew.If the amouat of the Funds held by I:w��t:any� '
<br />_ •.t',�'3J�.z3;'f�''-:`_
<br /> ��� •... ' :-:,�•�t�.�,, . time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Itcros when due,Lender may so noiify Borrower in writing,and,iA such case�owet =
<br /> ', . � :. ;•�;,,,�: •<..,� ._..
<br /> �,.,:��;,�_�,. .,, _;, shall pay to Lender che amount neressary ta make up the deficiency. Bflmower shall make up the deficisacy iu no mo�than " '�-,«
<br /> "t,•..a�±}`% T�t}��or•,,
<br /> >,,.;.:..: :;��;;,�_ twelve moatlil :��.;.��
<br /> „j,-L�Q���� ,� . Y PaYme�s�at Lender's sole discnetion. i,.�
<br /> II n a ent in full'af aii sc�ms secu�+ed b this Security Inshument. Lender shalt 8 refimd to Horro�!er any . `��
<br /> - ?.��`::�:;_,�ti�zc:�,:<'• .' P� P Ym Y i��P Y
<br /> „ t: :'..•`::`}i`;�;itt:•.� Funds held by Lender.If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,I.ender.prior to the aoquisitfon or sale
<br /> ` �- + • • of the Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of aoquisition or sale as a cradit egainst the sums secuted by�
<br /> �;' `�c,: ' , • '� i this Security Inmument,
<br /> ��.� , . . .
<br /> �; �;� : � 3.Appl[cation oY Paymenta.Unless applirable law provides othenvlsc:alI payments reoeived by l.ender uader patagrapl�s
<br /> `� '� ����`��.�`� 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under the Notc: seoond,to amoums payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> '�:ii"`A,.,.•.:
<br /> �,�•`'�;;�����'� I third.to interest due:fouRh.to principal due:and last,to any tate charges dae under the Note.
<br /> ' '"`'�`;��4��'�'� - �� � 4.Charge�s;Liens.Bomower shall pay all taxes. assessments.charges,fines and impositions attn'butable to the Fmperty
<br /> i �'-i��i:�t�5i:;;;''..,,.. . ., ,
<br /> ��. .. : whic6 may attain priority over this Security Instiurnent,and leasehold paymersts or gtound rents.if auy.Bormwer shall p�y
<br /> �''s`�����''•' these obligations in the manner proti•tded in par�gr�h 2,ar if not paid in thas manner.Borruwer shalI pay�em on dme dit+ectty
<br /> ..; «..,. , . .,.,.
<br /> ' � �''''�� � to the person owed payment.Burnower shall prompqy fumist►ca Lender al!notices of amacmts to be pa�d under this patagt�tph.
<br /> , : ;,�:1:;::•
<br /> '' � �`�-�7°� If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shatl p:o�tly fumish to Lender r�ecEipts evidenc9ng Ne payments.
<br /> ~`�`.: � . �i����• Borrower shall prompuy discharge any lien which has priocity aver this Security instmment unless Bomower:(a)agiees in'
<br /> �'� '�! .� �}�= �� writing to the payment ef thc obligntion secured Cy the lien in a manner acceptable ta Lender, (D)oontests in goal faiW the lien
<br /> �;1:� ,
<br /> .��,,': ,, by. or defends against eniorcement of thc lien in, legal procecdings ��•hicfi in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> " �s "' . 't;;�•�.± enforcement of the lien:or(�)secures from the holder of the lien an agreemeni satisfactary ro Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> .� �:,:,. �:�:i�i;�.�'_�: �
<br /> this Security Instniment. If i:ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a tien which may auain prionity over
<br /> `�z ��` � I this Sccurit In>uument.[.endor ma ive Bomawer a notice identifyin the IIen.Bomower shall satis the lien or tafce one or
<br /> . t�,; ,. ' Y Y s 8 fY
<br /> • �,�' • . .
<br /> more of the actions set forth abuvc within 10 d,iy�of the giving of notice.
<br /> ••,,� j� iortn 8028 81fl0 -
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