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<br /> �: ` .�� .�� � , ; , _ . _ �93-�.�t��� -.�;� -- ---_
<br /> -_ -_ ���u�c�����er e�cn�a�►ct���r«�►.�e�u�:�,� ,.�` -
<br /> - -- - --- • 5�mnes now or her,�ftee,a part of t�e piopeity. A!1 cepl� and eddit�Ons sha11 afs�t=e cove�cd hy tWs�Sac�uIty'
<br /> ��.
<br /> —�_.��.s ,
<br /> . � �
<br /> —__----_ Instiutneu��il ofthe fom�oing ia t+efen+�dw in dus SecurttyinsW�ent as 2tq"I�roperqr" - ,:.� ..
<br /> -_-^- � �atR�er,{Q.JBwAtltv r.�icecl of dte���j[Q�ly¢7CCdti��183 th��LtO$FBAt Y�k x. ___
<br /> __ ����p��•sfld tte�t ihe Pmpe;ty is unencnmbered,e�coegt for enarm�rattoes of�rit�rmwer wa�i�a fs p�sd wN -
<br />= -- defend genetally th�tide to the Propetiy�t ell claims atul dca�astds�SttD�bC!�O 6riy CA�R1IItblaROOS of iG00ld.'`: ,', , ,
<br /> . : TEIIS SECtJR1TY INS°I'RUMfiNT oambiues uaifo�oovenan��'or aational us�and Qon-ut�form ooveannts wit�Htt�tod.- � .` .
<br /> - � � vatiudoas by jurisdtcti�to'�ns¢twte v uaifotm securIty it��mtsnt covetitig ceal p.mpettY• ` � � �;:.: �
<br /> ' UNIhtaRM COVBNA1e17'S.R@rrower end Lender wveasnt an�l�agnea as foliowa: - � �` = :� < �
<br />-- .. - �. YYytrieN ot l�inctpat and Iqt� Pe�p�im�t.and Ltte t��es. 6arcower shap p�omptiY pa�►�wAen du'� tLe '�
<br /> - .
<br /> .,�' pt;asip�l of and interest on the deDt e�eaoed by the�Vate o�l an9 prcFayme�t w�d I�tc charges d�e��r�iel�T�e:--.------ ---Y-
<br /> - , _
<br /> — --� . - -------
<br /> - =��. - - —3;�ttd�for`'Taxt��ad i�Sabjertta appf�ca63e-factr or-ta-u-W�ttetrwa�x-t►y Lead�r.:�er�i�to-. -.
<br /> - - ' ,t � �r oa the d�y momhtY W�yma�ts am due uc�ec the Nate.untii t1�e Note is�at�In Po!!.a sum CTwrais")for.(a)Yeurty ttuca-
<br /> and assessmenta ivhlcfi m�r attain prtoriry over this Socurity Instrumettt�a Hen on tke Pc�npxtty;(b)ye:triy teascAoJd paymenta
<br /> •or ground rents on tbo Propeay.i[uuy:(c)��ulY�6�ar�d ar pmperty Insurence prc�nniums:(d?Yeerly Qaad insuraace p:emiw�as.
<br /> it any:le)Yearly monguge Intiveanoe p�iiums.if aay:and(�any sums p�yu6te by Barrawes to l�endeq ia aoaordaIICe wtt�
<br /> tha provisIoes of paragrayb 8.in ltea of We ps�yment of tuortgoge insuraaoe premiums.'PAese items are ca(led�Escrow Items.'
<br /> - Lender may.at any dme,wllect and hotd Fuads in a�i tumouat not to exceed the maxiraum amount a tend�far a federally '
<br /> �• .�
<br />��t,:. - -. r y..: retat� martgage toan r�y cequu+e fos Boirower's�ccow aeoount undec tRe federai Reat Estate Seutement Pease�ures Act of
<br /> = ,�.��;>._. . _, . . . �._._.....�. . _.... --
<br />- :�,:�"'�'"�;�: 1974 es amend�from tinte to time. 12 U.S.C.Se�eoa 2601 et seq.( RESPA ).unless anofher lanr fbai appl�s-fo the Funds�- ----�-,:-
<br />-��`:-..` -:,:'>°'a' sets a lesser amount.If so, Leeder asa . at any time.oolt�t and ttold Fuads in an amuunt aot to exceed the Iesser amnunt. �
<br /> �,�.;_:..: . . . .. Y
<br /> `�:'�{` Ixnder may estimate the emonnt of Funds due on the�asis of cument data and reawnubte�tes of exp�aditures of futun
<br />���-'°�. . - - :<. -_____
<br /> -_:.�>:�;j�,�-,;.:�;,.:%��' _ Fscrov�Items or otRerarise ina000idaace with applicable law.
<br /> — �`'.- � 'i7ie Fuads shall 6e heict in an institutian whose deposits ame insured by a federal agency. inst�uin�tality, or eatity
<br /> k��:-.�'v� :- � ,r, � --
<br /> ��i +.,..,...:i�: . . �.:
<br /> �:}_ "� =7-�= tinctading L�nder,if I.enderis wch eu uistitution)or in auy Federaf Nome Wan Bank.Lender s1r�U ap�y the Fuads ta�ay the --= ---
<br /> `-;n,:��,�-�:�tih��; � Fscrow Isems.Lender inay aot cUarge Han�tper for t�otding and appiying the Funds.anmtaltY auai�z►ng the esaow amoa�v�or , .
<br /> — �•::-��`�� verifyring the�scrow Ioeans,eintess I.eadsr�ys Bflrrower inte�sc oa the Funds aa�applicabfe tatv permits Leuder w matoe sticD
<br /> • _`���i -
<br /> . �.;:�k`� a chatge.Nowever.Leader may c�equire Emtutver tQ gay a on�time c6arge for an iadepeudent real estate taa c�ortiag service
<br />�_��: ��:'Y�°::.'��°:�`:«;:�,.• used by Lender in connection witb this;[�ian; ani�.s's applicaDle !aw pmvides otherarise. Untess un agree�,ent is made or
<br /> _ ° - ° ��_;;,;�,<<, appficabte law rec�uins intei+est w He pafd.�i�der sball�ot be required to pay Borrower azry'iatecest or�on the Funds.
<br /> ,,'�;;.;�:' �:-�:;>���>�,,:��• Borrower and Lender anay agnae in writfa�,,t�owever.that interest shail be paid on the Funds.Leider shatt give to Bormwer,
<br /> `�.'��,��,�,' without cdarge. an annual a000unting Qftke Funds,showing credits aad debits to the Funds aad the purpose for wluc6 eacb -- -
<br />- ;�ti�-Y;S::�Yt',�}... v — ...
<br /> #r;;,,�"�^��`��:R`�a�`' debit to the Funds was aiade.The Funds are pledged as additional security for ail sums secured by this Seau�iey Insuuucent. --
<br /> 4:�:v�.1:;:}s•.f �r :`-
<br />- `~���'`;;�'���1�=��'•�� ' If the Funds held by I.ender eaceed the amounts permitted to be held by apg1iraTrle law,Leader sl�all aeaount to Borrower
<br />_ ?�4 �.\.�,5•t:e��L:`a.'.' - �
<br /> .°YT;'C';�5�'�'i3';':•�k'.� "•P'.' —
<br /> � � for the excesg Fnnnds in a000idance with the zequirements of appUcable law. If the gnount of the Fuads held by Lend�ac�any
<br /> '���'����� time is naE suf�cient ro a the Fscrow Items when due.Leader ma sa noti Homnwer in ,
<br /> . .;::. �.:�:.��.� in such pse�`aa�er ---
<br /> ,��.�.�,f;:,,:t 4`��.`�?: , P Y Y fY � � .
<br /> ' ' '����� shaU a m 3:�c►der the amount nevessaiy to make u the deficie Borrower shall make tfte deficiency in no a�t�an —
<br /> ':� �:k;`� • �_ P Y P �Y• uP ,. .. .
<br /> <<.
<br /> ��';,�:r,;,��°��;��� twelve mu�iy payments.at Lender's sole discretiaa. � , - _-
<br /> - �� ° �-'.;�z,,�b�{:�`�.;�,;��� Upon paymeat in full of aU sums secured by this Security Inmument. Lender shall promptly tefumd ta$amower any _
<br /> .<•; ��,. ,:
<br />-- ,. ;;,r. ;:; ,.�� 7`.��'��� P 8�P Pen3'.Leader.�rior to theaoQu�idoa or sa(e _�
<br /> ` �k1��_,\ Fw�ds held�y I,ender.If.under ara h Z l.Lender shall acquire or seil the Pro
<br /> _, ���_4� of the Prog��.shaU appfy any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisidon or sate as acm�it�gaiasc the�i�ms secured by .��s-•___
<br /> �.�_,.. ..L. •
<br /> � ,.;. ,:,'.,.. '��,.��:; this Sec9uitgC�sttument. � ,�,y,'�:_-_
<br /> t`�;,• ,'. ,�, ... 3.App�ication of Pavm�nts.Ur,tsss appllca61e law pmvides otherwise.alt pavments�ze�by Lead�r under patagtaphs r :`�..`_-
<br /> ,.,.,,...,, . . .
<br /> '�'� '� 1 and 2 sha116e applied_fc�st,.to any prepayment chargcs due under the Note:seooad.to amoants paya@te c�der paragraph 2; 3 `��Z
<br /> • ,�:lYlt.,,,. `':,. . � . .
<br /> _. ,. ,�,,�, ttntd,to interest due;fourttr.sa princi�.*at due;and tast.to any late charges due undertf:e Note. ,._
<br /> 4.C6�;Liens.Borrower�tsatt pay all taxes.assessmenu.charges.fines and imposiacr�s attn'butabte to the Progerty
<br /> � . .o-., �a?TL`..; r �- �• --
<br /> - � . :.n. �.�.tu?o ' ..�.�—:__:
<br /> ,;��� whlch may�in priority over this 8ececrity Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground re�c5:if any. Borrower sbal! pay
<br /> � ,� :;. � •::r<��ti..�:., ':':;,Yi`.r.,--_
<br /> � � . these obligauons in the marmer provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that marmer.Bomower shall pay tI�em on time directiy :.,,
<br /> � to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish ta Lender atl notices of amounts to be paid ur�dec�this paragraph. �*�;
<br /> � � •� '�� If Borrower makes these payments directly,Horrower shall promptly furpish to Lender receipts evidertcina t�epayments. _, '��`�'-=_
<br />- . ` : , ,,.;;f.:-. �•;,'•,�',;":-.
<br /> :. ,=•.+�,.:,.,,A, Borrower shall promptly discharge�ny�ien which has priariry over this Security lnsirument antess 8orrower.(a)agrees in ___
<br /> •`'`� ��`-��""`��"' wrlti to the a tnent of the obli an 9ecured b the lien in n manner acce table to Lender.(b)oontests in ood faith the Gen �`i • �';��
<br />_ ;:�•; ;.y�,r`;:..: � P Y €� Y P S :'��•;
<br /> <i�;"�:':"�,�:`-r't?r��;;��� by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings which in the Lenaer s opinion ap►erate to prevent the , �;�^��
<br /> � �•''�''''°''<<���`;•• " enYorcement of the lien:oT�c}secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Le�der subo�d;nating the lien to °� �� '
<br /> � ;.: -:r:�<.,..;...�..
<br /> ?' ::•:'������''''��;�`f':' this Sec�uity Instrument.[€Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien w•hicb may attain priority over '� '`�.�`-•?`�•'�`
<br /> _ t_ - :• :);,;,,._,- ��' .
<br /> � ;�''•�.:;�;3�z�;e�, this Security Insuument.Ln.rtder may gi��e Borrawer a notice identifying the tien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> � ,';���� "��'�` �`' mote af the actions sec forth abuve withi� t0 days of the giving of notice. .�
<br /> ,i'.S<<��.�`�,•1+t'
<br /> � ,�;:����;,;�;•t`'�';j.' '.
<br /> :t�.,1r >,'.:,:�,:?��.• Form 3028 9190 �
<br /> ..�yy��t�ii.;:� PEpo2018 • .
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