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<br /> -`_�.. . Thfe DBSD oF TRIIST•ie ma8� as a� the � d�Y o��octobeie,
<br /> ,r.,,r_:.�}�.:.. . . .
<br />_ �'`�,4:°"�: .'�'�r„ 1993 hy t�tc1 amQIIq the Trua _ IL aa� H�LSN � H�IL
<br /> i; ��.�,.. tor, LARRY�'`R. 8E • �
<br /> `'+� Husband aad Wife wHose mailitt st�drese fpr pttYp�ses o� thi� Deed
<br /> . :�>, ;d;':c;iW�;z.i,'• :5r� � . ,
<br /> --'' ��.'.�•::;, `:�;.,>;`,' � of Trust fe= R. R. �f1 Hox 433 � g ,Grand Island , �iS 688Q'! • . .
<br /> - :��.��;, :s:tJ:���;�^>'�`: ss� _� A. . ,..
<br /> �,z� r�-r=� , -- . (herefa "Truatorar e� ether one or mQre)f � Trust - .
<br /> ...
<br /> - - =-- . -
<br /> r�:: --
<br /> t`? r r ,, ��Qt� �t.t��By Sti ZtBW� �vhoae �liag. addres� fe p• 0• 8��.790� .
<br /> �-�� �-
<br /> .. ,:.�. ,. . _;.. .
<br /> ;,:.�.,,:>,;:�: . [frrar�d-Ysiaad,_PtB.-_688EiZ-d�9Et f hegeia=�+Trut�ea�3? �td�lhe 8aae - - - - --
<br /> "'°'�W"_:'� .<' • 'iaiY. HO� EBDS�tAL.S�9IrYG8 �D IA� 8880CI�'I'ION OF GRAND I�LAND�
<br /> .: l `:`;;:'.,,�,,�.,.•_�; '..` whos� mailinq addlress fe P. O. Bog iQ09, Grand Island, Z1B 688n2-
<br />_ ��.�_'r,;°4°° �;:; - 1009 (herein "Lenderp). . -
<br /> a�s� j . — . .
<br /> �; ,,,:,-.._l�., �-�` Foit v�v�L� CoNS�iSitl�TIO�t, iacludfn� Len�•s estensioa� o�
<br />_ �_.;_ :'�;�::tf ' credit ide�t3fi�d her�ia to ��R. �IL aYtd 8f3LB� J. BBII. � -
<br /> - ^ '::: ,`r�:... `sl.':.
<br /> ; r�-� :'�.�.�:_::�<•.�,::_ (hereln "Bo�1.ro��ra� whether an� or• aiore), and �4.�e trast heraata
<br /> -, "` `�: �°:`����-;�:=� crea�ed, the secefpt of �vbich fe he,geBig:ac�ttitmtl�dg�d, Trustor •__.. •
<br /> . . 4.i���
<br /> _ :'.�,;�:'_i�.:,�r�,_'�:•��: bereby ix�evacatmly qrants, tranefers, �cconveps end assigns to , -
<br /> t. , s;.�.�.,. c
<br /> - ::-��-�.:..,.�;;.���r�'�:�.. . .
<br /> __ �z�-A r-. :..::-::���-� Trustee, �8d°TRIIST, WITH PAWBR OF SALTi� �a� the l�eaefit and secu
<br /> - ', \a<`:'--'- a' ,�� rfty of r+e�de.rr. widet eIId $1�bieCt !o t8C=�<t�I�tB BtIId Co111d�tfOAB
<br /> ' S:n,:: �-=.t�;\,'}i'�i'ry' - . . _.
<br /> !`•; •:• ''-=;'.�.���''��� hereinafter set forth, leqa2ly described �s follows: . _
<br /> ;�. =:� :�:.���_ -
<br /> —=_.�—r5:.�:'�_.
<br /> -:• ��-��_�•.:�'=�:;�;'`�,`,,;�:: ` Tw� tracts �f land ia the Sontheas� Quarter (3H2/4�:of . - _
<br /> - ;;,.:�.: `".-•� Section��ienty-�l�our (24) in Towa�I�p Bleven (13)�L�arth�
<br /> ; • _,;.>;�;�. Ra�ge Ten {'IO) West og the bth P:�i°., Hall Couatp• : _
<br /> � ,,� � '�-:"�- - Nebtaska, �s►re partiaularly descrfbed as follows: �
<br /> i,. . ;�:3tr,ts:� . . _ -
<br /> - •,4?��v..^�.�r�F.. . .. -
<br /> ��'•....i... . . %• - � -
<br /> :t s•;_�., �: .� ��„�: �9eqinniaq at th@ center of eaid Se�tfon 24, _
<br /> - �` ' � ��` ' t�c�:ce rcianing eoutherly along and upon the line -
<br /> � }` � , t��c�m �Q- center of said section 24. a dietance of �.
<br /> ." � '< Jti ' .
<br /> :' f 'b`�'a�,'•.;�����` ` liae. of g:� Hf h a� No.�30�then eherrunninq aortheast -
<br /> ;, � �_" ���'�'�:�`•��= . ,. er�.g �2ong' and poa said northerlg. riqtit-o�-va�r li.ne of .
<br /> � �. .... . ;, ,'. : � II.�. ��ighway No. 30, a df stance of !.,384.3 feet ta the : . _
<br /> : �:. ; , :•, . • � actual place of Iseg�nning; thence, �taning northc�eseerly ,`,:.�.
<br /> � : . � perpendicular to said nor��ern ris�t�-of-way lfne oE . .
<br /> : � .'� U.S. Hiqhs�cy No. 30, a distance of�.200.0 feet; thence
<br /> ��: ; '� ru��tq northeasterly parallel tv. said northerly riqnt-
<br /> ���' '�, ' of-�ay line of U.S. Highway No. 34, a distance of 128.7 � :
<br /> �a � � feEt; thence running southerly, a distance of 234.7 :.
<br />- � , ,t;. feet to a �oiat on said northerly right-of-way line of : ��:'' ;
<br /> , . � II.S. �.ig�way No. 30; theace running southcoesterly alonq •
<br /> �� � aaa� e�pan sa.ad aortherly right-of-way line of II.S. Siqh- ,
<br /> �' �° � � �� v�ag No. 30, a distance of 5.83 feet to the actual place ' -_ .
<br /> � ;:;. �
<br /> ,� . _ ef beginning, and contaiming Q.3o� acres, more ar Iesa, .<<�,:.
<br /> : ;�.,. �. as surveyed, and �
<br /> r' � • .
<br /> ' �'.�, .
<br /> `� ';, �'����•�' ' TR.ACT 2: Heginainq at t�n� ��nter of said Section 24;
<br /> � � � thence runninq southerly aloag aad upon the line .
<br /> � " t�rouqh the center of said Sectim� 2g, a diatance of �
<br /> - � i,I65.4 feet to a point on the noa�herly right-o¢-way
<br /> line o£ U.S. H3qhway No. 30; thence runnircg aortheast-
<br /> r�rly along and upoa said northerly riqht-af-way line of
<br /> ' � .- . F�.S. H#.ghway No. 30, a distance of !,684.3 �feet to the '
<br /> ��t� , ac�n�al place of beqinning; thence running r.,.+arthvr�stierly
<br /> � g�rpendicular to said northerly �ight-of-�sag line of
<br /> ' � , � II.S. Hiqhway No. 30, a distaace af 195.8 L`eot; thence -
<br /> � ruani.ng southerly a distaace ef 22�a8 fee� to a point _
<br /> '. ;,�.: ' aa sald northerly riqht-of-way Iinb of II.3. Highway No.
<br /> ; ;:_� � ,. 3Q; thence runninq northeasterly alonq and upon said -
<br /> �. . aortherly right-of-way line of II.S. Sighway No. 30, a
<br /> :. j�'��, ' distance of 114.57 feet to the actual place of begia-
<br /> ninq, and coatainfng 0.257 acres more or less, as sur-
<br /> '';• ;�:�'� �� . " : veped,
<br /> 4 � .
<br />_ e ;,i.,; , . ' .
<br /> f(3' ' aad
<br /> " iY�
<br /> � i� � � 8 tsact of land in the Northcvest Quarter of the South-
<br /> . ;},_'� �; �� east �uarter (NWi/4S81/4) of Section �venty-Four (24)•
<br /> •� • � � . Toavaship Bleven (li) North, Renge Ten (10) West of the
<br /> . ,:�► � . � ' 6th P.M., described as beqinninq at a pofnt on North
<br /> , - xight-of-way liae of the IInfon Pacific Railroad Com-
<br /> . � '• .
<br /> ��-,�--�-�.-
<br /> � � ' 1
<br /> � :E' . . . : —---- —
<br />