. . �.._ ti'1 '� 'l. i �-'F_ \ . ' 1.k1�Ci � 1�;L'v . � .
<br /> ♦� .� � r � � �?♦
<br /> � . F' - .t V Q�.� .�_- •� _ ,�._.. � �+«._a�,�` - _ �.. -
<br /> " _ . . , . i-•:>sat�� �"�c:-�,ci',-N.-•6 ' ��._:�z2��t:.•.t� , ' " � -�� _� -
<br /> Kw�a�RP�YR�1t
<br />_ � � ` ?,i q. °4 T'Ya ` • ► �► . �` ` . . ` �4.. .� , �` ..`� S -�.
<br /> ,. . .G 4 ' . . . .0�. . ���� .
<br /> ;..� �� ��: }� , '• ,'�t� - .. " . • ` . :` � � �,- `c _ r .
<br /> _ `�' �� �z� . . . _ _ . . ' + �'O/���' .—
<br /> _- � .b' }�,�, . ' ' ` �� . -
<br /> � - — — - -'_. -.- • . . _ .— - --- .. . -_-___ -- - ------ - — _ � . � ' . . _ < ' _ .
<br /> 5� K ..f
<br /> � '? ��s`� ��� .� . � . � ' _c � . , �
<br /> & �� �'<``' � °���� ` . . Jo� e. goxo�s anct �tx�► ��.qa�, �iuben� aa� �i8oq � , � �.
<br /> � °r" f U �' ::; 3� Partial con�sidesatfor� of, t�r� aana�llatio� st� �ndtlot �ss � � �
<br /> r.�C..+.c<, ,S,.r, '. . . . -
<br /> _ � ���;,��::�.�:�-';:'::-��°i; � �tl.ng from GRAt�ORS �o G�iT�: cos�vt�y to �Ol� ���1lR1iL 81�tJlNG.B . ,. -: ,
<br />-�' .�,�; -; `°A=,`` . � �D� LQA� �4SOCIATION OF QRlitiD I$I+�t1Di A ftd�lA1 ��V1A • AAd lo� ,
<br />-::; -=- --���=-- ---�._. - - - � � � -
<br />-.x., '�t` --:::::;:�,� .; , assaciatian,- l��tTBE, the �ftai�o�g�a�a�ibad ssl ! e s `(A9 . . � -
<br /> _ � :. ., `
<br /> ,�
<br /> -� -- - - :-��d��ined fn Neb.Re�a�t��e_ 7C�-�1�- i�t-A�1. �ot�E� Nibse9k�t�--=-,- ----
<br /> r - `� -
<br /> t �Y'�� `S�.�.�u�E�` � � • 3�ia tracte of Ia�ttd ita th�.. Sou�hea� pues'!er �t Al91/4) oi� � � .�
<br /> ` ,: �' P: ,. . 3ec�ion R�eaLp-Faur (2�� 3a To�eg11p t � , w'�. ---
<br /> _::; .;�,,.Y r-,�. .��..:,• Bleven li North ����_-_=-
<br /> _.. � � .�:Y;`�°� 'r�'.��: . - �Y° _West of t3t9 6Cb P � Ha7.1 C�uA , ,� �--_
<br /> -�:; ° ,��.. �..,.:•' '�'�:..'. :�:>; 'RTange Tea t iQ) . ., �y � - , ___-
<br />_ � ,.�'�'' -.`� � :���t�` .•4'`�-', •'h`ebzaska, more garticularl�y descr3�ed as foilo�na � - -
<br /> .��: :�.{, .'i.a :g �: � 'b•:• , . . .
<br /> �� s i��" . ,'.
<br /> ;i � ..1 �n;- ,
<br /> tt�< _t�. `�� � . . - �: 8egfnniag at th�a aenter af eaid B�atioa� a4, .
<br /> `�� z=�-: =�:': :=�:;�' . tli.�eace- runaing southerly along �d�upoa�he-lino� � � - --- ��_
<br /> °� -�
<br /> ' ����'t���.��-w' . � ` through the center o£. said Section Z4, a clistenae of ;,�-__
<br /> ' . <•,4 .�:��������;` � . i,16s.4 feet tQ a pofn� on the nost�t►erly right-of�ay ---=
<br /> y�. i 1 �
<br /> �• ��,`��''2 1l�e, of II.s. Hfgh�ay No. 30; theaae xuna�a northea�t- Y=
<br /> : �� , rrf���,��.��. � � , . �
<br /> � e��� a lon g and u p on �ai� nart,herl,;..sightro -�v line oF .� .-.
<br /> � r � �4
<br /> k. �� .; ;,:,-��'�, ; ��: . U..S».. Highway ido. 30, a disteaace o� .i;384.3 feet �o the �.
<br /> � _, � ;; � ac�usl place of b�gianfngi thence s�unning noxth�eetesly �� �_
<br /> �
<br /> f� <�.�'� �s�'t;�a���., ; .. � � perpendicular to saitl narthern sigbt-of-way lina of • � =
<br /> �"�'��� " " U.S. 83.ghway No. 30 a d�s�ance o� aao.0 geetf LhettCe
<br /> :� ���� � �-��*,.a: � L�Y-
<br /> .�;� . ,.e�,;_,,
<br /> . ��r.1 TUAIl3.A °
<br />- 5 ��' �p��.�� -�� g northeaeterly p�cailel to eaid northesly righ�k- . . ��-_=
<br /> �; :�.;.;. �, ��... , = __
<br />_ ''.�: {:- 4.���� '.-tiYS;� �� of way line of Q.3. Sigbi�ay No. 30, a die�anae of 128.7
<br /> ,.�.:.,, ,..�;,-, ;,. �=-
<br /> ���°,.:. �::•`��';;*:�: •�:�. feet; t.hence rw,aing soutberly, a distanae of 234.7 _�
<br /> � � � '��:���r;��z,` feet to a ofnt on eatd`. noxtherl ri.qbt-ol�-v�ay Iine ot �
<br /> . � �.�:�r��. y
<br /> �L '''", � ' ;�:�c��:��'` II.S..Riqhway No. 30; thence suuning eouthweeterly.e�long.
<br /> �; � ` �::.M�i"•.`F',���..,:-;� ..
<br /> _. r,•.` �.����,�,�',,,,.; and upon eaid northerly riqht-of-wep line of 0.8. 81gh .
<br /> � :��..:� .; ..� . ,?:.. . w� �o. 30, a distance o£ 5.83 feet to t1�e actual placa
<br /> �.� :+-~;;, ,�:�'.,;�." �::: of ��nning, and cantaf�niaq 0.3Q9 acree, more os Y9B8� , ,
<br /> ' ���' .. ,'��'�+�£;�:�; as sRurveged, and A �
<br /> . ;,.�;
<br /> �� ::_' �.:���t;;;�?�i'F�, _ . -
<br /> '� ,r..: " '.;��?���r.9;F,: • TRAC2� 2: $egfnning at tLe center of eaid Sectton aaf
<br /> ;r�� � . _�' theace running southerly� along and upoA the liae ,
<br /> ' ' �����`;`�>> throuqh the center ofr se�d SectioA 2A, a dietanee oi . �
<br /> '� � � ` '�`' i,165.4 feet to a pofnt �on the northerly right-of-vrsy
<br /> , , .... :,,.;;.>;.
<br /> :��•,��- line of U.S. Highway rio._ 30; thepce running northeast-
<br /> i ' •� �� �_�';�; erly along and upon eafd northerly right-of-way liae oP
<br /> .;,,.,�..
<br /> ` ? ���'"`� �'� U.S. 8ighway NQ. 30, a aistanca of 1,68A.3 �eet to the „
<br /> ..,,, ,.,
<br /> : j � � ,•. �.�.;:;;,' actu�a]. place of baqinning= theACe running northwestesly
<br /> � : ����.:�.. per��ndi.cular tQ safcl nartltarly rfght-of-way line oi'
<br /> s i.' :.;!���'�e: ':.: U.S. Highway No. 30, a clistance of 195.8 L•eet; thence
<br /> � :c5;i�i;i��t:.r �:
<br /> � .:�f;,:,. .� •� running s�utherly a dfatance of 226.8 feet to a poiat
<br /> ' � ��� ���"" " � on said aortherly rfght-of-way line of II.B. High�oa No. �;
<br /> : -;�.. . � �
<br /> < �R�;. . 30; �heace ruaafng nartheasterly along aud upoA s d
<br /> - , <;+.�;: . northerly riqbt-o€wray line of U.3. Hiqhway No. 30, a
<br /> ' ' �;r��I��`'•�, ';,� t�StaIICE of 2l4�.57 fA�� to the actual place o� begla-
<br /> �� ; '.� • ���••�• . ning, amd contaiaing 0.257 acres saore or less, as suz-
<br /> � ` • ., �'� . .' veyed,
<br /> �� . „ •
<br /> ° „ and
<br /> j ``°`'.. A tract of 2and fa the Northwest Quas Cer o£ the South- �°�
<br /> � '`'"� eas� Quarter (NW!/48E1/4) of Section Twenty-Four (24),
<br /> ,�: _ � � Tawaship E2eveu (21) �torth, Ranqe Tea (10) West og the '
<br /> ::,�.;•. 6�8 �.�., desarfb�d as begfaning at a poiat on North
<br /> .?a:;;. ::' ' rig�t-af-way �fne o� the Onion Pacffic Railroad Com-
<br /> :�Y; •.�:,�:��;�'`�;;�.°,.:., , Pany� said paofnt beiss�� located 1,184.3 feet northeast-
<br /> #, '�,;.+�; ... , esly alonq said r�gbtrof-r,ray lfne from its interseation
<br /> -�, +��,'' .1��•��`',`-��� • � �. wi�� the North-So�tL liae t�rouqh tne center of sai�.d � �
<br /> • � ' Section 24, said pofnt of fntersection beiag located �
<br /> ��� i��� �' .�`'� • i 1,165.9 feet more or less South of the center of said �
<br /> ��. Section 2g; tkeace n�rth�eaterty 200 feet perpendiculer y
<br /> 3�' � . ��"�` �� ' to seid riqht-of-way 2iae; thence northeaeterly 200 �
<br /> ��' � . �eet parallel ta safd right-of-oray line f thencn eoutb- ; �
<br /> �.��. .� ��.,: , • easterly 200 feet ta a paint on eaid right-oE-aray line; ;
<br /> , .. th�nce sauthoPeste��y 20a feet along eaid right o£ way �
<br /> . °�..: T.��::.t'"�';::� `�� �1 line to the pofnt o� begfnnfng, and containinq 0.918 �
<br /> ,� t: :,. ., � �s�'`�"`� acres, �ore or 2ess, ESCEPTINQ a certain tract deeded . �
<br /> .� .
<br /> ' � •. i .
<br /> -�_� . .
<br /> � " �. . . �
<br /> 11`�' . . ' .__. —" .- —_. _'" ___ -___. �.. .
<br /> _ �L 1 _• :'- .. _
<br />