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<br /> { � � '_- taJ�rtow�rNotR�tHd..Exterrs[onoftl�etl�,toxpaYm6ntormodtflaattonatan►ortlsaffonotttieaumsNCitradbyl�h�< .
<br />_ ;. ��..:-:� ' . Qee�ofTirust�tra� r�ttdbyLendertoanyauccessortnintereslotBorrawerahallnoto�ersteto�ei�ertn�rryn�nnsti�tiabtllt� '
<br />-'_. ��; . ,. ,� olth�odpEn�l�arro�rerand8orrowePa�ucce�eslnte�raa�len�lerahatlnot0ere�lutredEocornmancsprcc�edtn��InN .
<br /> � �._. �z:-_�
<br />��'��` ;�:...r�� ��t:� . : • aucheucnataorarroivastoexte�tdtl�etorpaymento►othe�wiaemadHyamor�attonotthasumsaecueedbythtaWedat7n�st �
<br />-�� � ���'.�:r����.==:�Y: by reasan of any deman�s made bY the ortptnal 8oirowe►and 8crrawer's ancca�.iora In tnterest � . •
<br /> _ <!:: � �.: .:�.�.�;-,4�
<br /> _ " =�-,F���,.. R,'s� (b)Lss�i Rowua.WltAaut aH'ectlrep the tlab[tityr ot any other perton Itabte for,ths{isyment af any obllg�tton hantn -
<br />- -• -�.� ' . •• m�ttloststRese4e�it�oulettectln0ittelisnoscRetgeoftt�isDeedotTruatu�tonanYDortianoltheP►oDe�Y�t�m�e�m
<br /> =�>� ' k-"�- . `� re3ea�daseeeuritytorMefullamountotailunpe[dobiiga8ona.Lentterinay.ttomttmeto�me8ndwithautnOtice(ilreteeso8r� . .
<br /> . ,.
<br /> ;� ` - `; - peraoneoHei�tat�exbndtrtetnet�rit�►or�t�anyol�katem�ao=ary�micRabl�s�oAS.{qil��athsciadW�cs�(ivlret�- -- --- -- -._.__ _ ----
<br /> 2 �., �'' or reconvey,or cause to pe reteased or reconveyed at any Ume at lendeta cptl�on any par�el.portlon or atI oi ffio Prop9rty.
<br /> - '°`-.���. �,,.�"`'.'4 (h taKe or retease airy other or aaditlona!security for any obtlga8en herein m�ntlene0.or(vi�make compoaiQions or ojAer
<br /> . . :•�. emsngementa wEthde�ttore fn reiaUan t�ereto. --
<br />- ` ��.��`l_ (c)EoeE�araaes ay�+tnd�r Nat�Wsirt�My torEearanee�y L9nder tn exerctstn�a�ry dght or remedy hereander.ar
<br /> �`��•�.;;;;�;�:;�°;
<br /> '���.7 .�. ..�, . �'��... otherwise 8ttorded by epAltcBDl�(aw:eAal!not be a waEver of or preclude t�10 exerciaa of any sucA�ipAt or remeQy.The
<br /> -�" �:� .s`-'�°::�.���s^�;,= pce�,wrementotlnsuranceorthepaymentof�xesarotRerttensoreAar�esbyRenderahallaotbeawatverott;ueder'adSMto.
<br /> '�`° �" � �° ` acceterate the mewrtty ot tAe tndebtedness secured by thts Ceed af Ttust
<br /> ,;;i �-�;�_;-:�•,:• �°
<br /> _ ,�r.�:�,; :..,•: :,• '� (d)Su�ssm�and A�Bound;Jotnt and Sswral LtaDlUty:C�ptl�a.The covenants and agreementa herein con- -
<br /> - .:;� ro ,-- -- :"' taEned aAatt bind.and the Hghta hereundar sRal�inut�t4.th�resABCtive&accessors and ess�gns ot Lender an0 Tiustor.All •
<br /> � °°��:' covenants and agreements of lrusror s�atl be jotnt and severel.TAet�A�ons and Aeadings o!1ha paragraphs of this Qeed asY. •��
<br /> - !�� `�-`� '��`�`,-' Trust are.tor e:onventence orily and are nat b be used to tnte,rpr+@!ord8ftna the proWStona R�aao! '��• �. P� _
<br /> '��-�' •�'° :`•.�'�-, 'y (ej R�quastioiNoficd.ThepaRlesherebyrequestthatacopy.t�ianytaotfceotdefaufthereanderendaco�yotenynatice :•. ;: .
<br /> = �`�'Y°'* �''`�`r- �'.°a' oi eate hereunaer be malted to each party to this Deed of Tnrst at the add�is@t torth gbove in the manner prescdbed if�r .:-' = =-__
<br /> �.�����A'�''�'°:�':=� appiteabte(aw.Except tor�ng ot�8r�tfUce required under appllceDte taw to be�ivan in another mannar.eny nWice provldad;..��.:�.;.��
<br /> �:�:.�����```��:"` tor in thia Deed otTrust sh�t��gCveri�ma0ing such notice by certi8ed matl e�re�seQto fhe other partles,atth6addresssa2 '�
<br /> , `., :`�� :---�:�..' = fortli abwa My notTce provide�tar�t�fs Oeed o!Trust sha!!ba oftective upon mal!!ng!n 4he manner deslgnated herein:ifi•. . - -tm_..
<br /> �-. �7:'t'�r_.`..`._-r._'"_"'�.. ' ..' ��_
<br /> - ° . :<� -;,.;;�.�.�::.:�: Trustor ia more ffian one person.notice sent 6a the eddress eet torth above Snali be notice to eU aucA persone. ., . ,_. .
<br /> � �1�;,: �� ".� • (�In�peation.LenQer may mske or cause to ba made r9asonaate entrias t4pon and InspeCNons o1 Me Property.provi��. . ',�>�.• _
<br /> � ° �• ��� � that Lender shall g[ve Yrustor noUce pdor W any such Inspectlon specHytrtg raasonabta causo therefar reiated to lend�r'e•� •�°�:::.. -
<br /> ��: .` <;�;:� ,
<br /> tnterest tn the Property. � � - -
<br /> , (g)R�eonv�yana.UponpaymenlofalisumssecuredEythlsDeedotTcusl,3.endershallrequestTrusUeetoreconveyt�a
<br /> Propertyrand shall aur►enderthis 0eed of Trustand ait notasevtdencing Indebtednesssecured bythta Qead otTrualtoTiusteu
<br /> � . .�`'<=' ?rustea shall recanvay the Properry without warranry and without char�e to the persan or persona legally entlflled tlrereta � -
<br /> : '_'.' �. - Truator shatl pay ah costs of recordatton,N any.
<br /> - � r ��•: ',"'� (h)�onat Pco�erly;Secudry Aproement As addfUansl security for the payment ot the�tote Trustar hereby granbs
<br /> ;�'���,:��f'.��_ ' Lender under the Nebraske Unitorm Commercial Code a secuBty interest tn ati�ext�res,equtpmen�and ather peBOnal properry �
<br /> - �~ usedinconnectlonwithtflareateaffio�nrimprovementslacatedthereon.andnotdttaerwisedectaredordeemedtobeepaRot
<br /> ` Y `� �� � ��{y the reat esG�te secured hereDy.Thistnstrument shail be construed as a Secudry Agreement under satd Code�end the 6+�nder �
<br /> ;• :. �,.�`•�•� �.�` .� �.:����' • shall haveelt the�tghtsand remediesota secured paAy under said Code in adttttton to the Hghtsand remedtescreated under �
<br /> .' � ` `' ' `��'�`�� andaccoadedtheLenderpuBUanttothisDeedotTrus�prov(dedMatlender'scightsandremediesunde►thisp{tragrapAati�fl .
<br /> � �``•• � � �e CumuiaUve with,and in no way a limifation on,LenQera rights and remedtes under�any other securHy a�re�nen!slyned Dy
<br /> . � '. ��' - � . . Borrower or Trustor. '. �.,r � � .
<br /> ����� �.- � `� ��� (Q Wns aad Eneume�anees.Trustor hereby waRants and represerns that there ts no detault under the provts(ons otu�y
<br /> • s .•� '���. :� � moRgage.deed ottrust,teaseor purchase contraat descrlOing all cr any paR of the PropeAy.or other conbacL instrumantmt •
<br /> ,j ` . . , , egreement constttuting a Ilen or encumbrance agalnst all or any paA of the Properry(coltectivety."Uena'�,exisUng 8e otthe '
<br /> � date o!tbia Qeed ot Tnist,and that any and all exisUng Liens remain unmodified except as disctosed to Lender in Trustore
<br /> �� ' •�'�`��'' � wdtten disclosure of liee�s and encumbrances provided for herein.Trustor sl�att timely peKorm a0 ot Truatora Obligatlona,
<br /> ':i;,f> . . �. „ .
<br /> ' �`"+����';-. .. cavenants,representationsand wanantles under any and all exisiUng and tuhue tiens.sAatl promp!(y forrvard to Lender Copies
<br /> � ? ;'tt•:::': •. of all noticea of deTeult ser�irt connecUon with any and s0 existlng or tuture Lie�►s,and shall not without Lende�s pftor written
<br /> � ��`.' -^- -. �' consent tn any manner modity the proriafons of or allow any tuture advanceg under any exlatfng or tuture U6na
<br /> -'..,.� - ' .���;;,;•''r; Q}AppttaaHonolPaymenta.Untessotherwise requtred by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder.including witAcut 1imi�ipn'�
<br />--,, .;} `<..;;. .<.�° � `•��_��1'� payments of principal and InteresR insurance proceeds,condemr+atlon proceeCs and rents and proflte.shell pe appltetlbg
<br /> � � { � . '"; • LendertotheamountadueandowinghomTrustorandBo�rowerinsuchorderastenderin(tssolediscreHondE�madesirabie.
<br />_ �`�: .' ;`:�' .
<br /> �.�:��'?�..; (k)Swerab(Uty.ti any provislon ot this Deed of Trust conilicts with epDl�bte law or is declared im*�3i�or oU�eMr(Se
<br /> ,,1�:�� • unentorceabte,euch conflict or invatidity shail not aitect the other provisons ot this Oeed of Trust or the Nate whtcb can 08
<br /> , � gtvenef(ectwithouttheconilicUngprovlalon,andtothisendthepravisionsotthis0eedotTruatandtheNotearedectateStobe
<br /> ``. `: , . .. 88V@fflbl0. �
<br />_ . �,,4:. . . (1�Terms.The tertns"Trustor"and"Borrower"shail inctude bo�singuiar and plural,and when th9 TrustOr 8nd 8omaa�0r
<br /> ��.•� � � • sre the same person(s�,those terms as used In Mls Deed o1 Trust shatl be interchangeabie.
<br /> � "1�;���'`�� " (m)Qoveming la�ar.Thta Oeed o1 Trust ahall be governed by the taws oi tha State of Nebreska _ ___
<br /> '•�'''<�''''`�•� � � Trusto�hea executed thls O�d of Trust as ol the date r��itten above. -`--
<br /> :5i:-=--y:-
<br /> '.i .r�r:,;i. . . .F ``�,�
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