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<br />�f t � �: �= . ., A8�ldH�tENY�F R�NTS WQ�R. . � :° �
<br /> �` �. �° -- ` THIS ASSitiNMENT OF REN'[8 EtiD�R[e matt�and execu�ed tMs � `d�Y of Q��O��� --t�,�..-« !►d�s -
<br /> . ., .� .., �
<br /> -�� ` incorporated Into ae+d ahal!ba deemed to an�b��artd aupAtemon4 ths Mortga�cr LteaQ dtT�►uek.tterelrtafter relerreQta: 4.ti�<��
<br /> ::�'.. �t :�. 1
<br /> ,-i.;�,:� �::::;.''�4�<. -� � n e : . .
<br /> P , ti --_ �- .`Security InstNment .o!tAe eame dato�ivan by tAe unQetsipaed,Aarei f�er raf�nD�(d����4n����l� :t0� ,Bcswt��efe�sw'.�•ti��y���l��u�'e= `, _�
<br /> '`i'` N — —'_ _�$��.���.��° v ;�anla�u���* ��!r►YA�lGGC11CQ01 �A�siiVea�nN�LOA�.lt�LeMw�1l'YCi�l�:
<br /> �a ` ` � GRAHD tSt,AiVD�Nerelnafter retem8d to as tAe"Landa�".ot the same��te antl covsHng 4ne pmpetry descrlDed tn th�.�c��t,• , ,
<br />- `'�s°F.°.k:`. '.Y�`:�, Instrument artd located at ` �. � .
<br /> ~ a`Y.;P 4, : �.� ,C�') . . i . � .
<br /> '':�.�.�:,.�:.� ; 908 S. �AK, GRAND I5�,ANDs NEBRASKA 68�1:� , �
<br /> _ �s`< ;5;r. � � ' � (PropeKY Addresal .�
<br /> �.� °��:h WITNESSETFi: . .
<br /> o�r 4 ` WHEFiEAB.Borrower ani!Lender�ave agree0 that any rents artd proftts att�ibntab(e�to�tha Rrojterty shoutd constHute •
<br />� `� ' : t
<br /> � 8ddit(dnal secutity t6-the Cei[de��or tha paymenf o�tRe Nots; --- �' " � "-
<br /> � - -- - - - -- - - -- --�- --�
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<br />- ..:.r.,.'; • . y ,. .: .
<br />_ �� :<,..r»:� ..; ,.; . NOW,-TNEREFOAE,itissgreedthatt�aSeeuritytnstrumentshatl6eamendsdperebyartddeemedto(rtctud3thelolt�>Vittg
<br /> `'�"�"Y` '� prav(stor�s: .
<br /> t'� ;�l . . . .
<br /> 'Y- .Yti:, . \_� . ' . ... . _
<br /> ' �, ,.` ` 1. �gtnnment af Renta artd lender Rentr�t CoitectfonRiyAta 8otrower Rere�y,eAsotutei�/8nd untondltionaltya&s#��►3a11�
<br /> ` tanta. tasues and prot(te ot Me property to Beneficiary. Lender sha0 have.�tAe�rtght; FQtivar an0 au4hartty dti+rtn8:tt►s
<br />�;�'._:w;.:=':;-i'•,.. �` �;� continuanco of Me Secudry toatmmeM to cottect the cents,tssues and protits:kif�the�pmperty and of ang parsonat pa�lft�P
<br /> �'�� ` tocated�ttterson w(th or wititcut taktng possesston of the property-sffected h8reby.Lend�r,-h�wever,-RBreUy�corbsettZ&ta �
<br />_��..:r.��s..::�;.t.��:;�t. Q _.. .
<br /> ��w��:.:��� -:;::;:
<br />��--'`nt`---�-�. _�=-r�°=- BorrowePa coitection and retenttoa.of sacA rents.lssues and profits.as they aca�ueand Ise�mna payabte,so ton�a�9ozrot�Br
<br />-- = -::.e��..,�_ is not,at such tima.in detautt with rospect to payment ot vny indebtednesa segured Qtaret3y,mr In tRe perfomtan�e ol�any
<br />=�:- ' agreerrtenthereurtdar. .
<br />—=�f� " � ���� � 2. �i000tntment of Receiver. If any event ot defautt in[espect to the Securiry.InatrurtteM.shai!heve accurr+ed an4 Qb ---__
<br /> �"•��`-'z���=`-�:�'' � continutng,LsndOr,as a matter ot right and without rtotice to 6orrower or an one alsitnln undgt Borro�a�c..and wYtn�itt
<br /> _�.�;.'...�<-�.- -=-�._ Y g �-�,�.
<br />--� ;.:�;•. - 't--`,:A: cagard to tlie vatue ot Me trust estate or the interast af the Borrawer thereln�shal!have tlte dgtt4�to appty to any courtliavin8 `
<br /> _ ' _ juHsdictiort to appotnt a�ecelvar ot the property. � � •
<br /> — '``F� ����;��..�^' 3. giaht to Possesston.tn case of detault tn the payment of the said prtnoEpaLNute cr intes�or any part tAereat,a8 it =___
<br />�:���� �, st�a91 mature,or in the case ot taUure to keap or pertorm any of the eovananie or�agreements co�tTatned in the Security inatru� a _ -
<br /> :P��,�� ,� ; . � rtranf,then tAe Lender.Its ssscceasors or essigns. ahal!be and ts hereby authorizad srtd empcwared to tafce tmmEdlata :•A•�;u
<br />_,;.,.,�<�,,;, , ,.�.'.,:-�:: possesston of the sald premfgas thereln described and to coltect tAe rents theria�m�and to apply the proceeds thereot toth9 �''��==
<br />"'+-��'.�t`-' :.�,;; payment ot tha Note. , . —
<br /> � � `'� �``,:�;����'" �. 4. Aonlication of Rsnts.issues and Profits.Atl rents collected Dy tender or•ttta recelver sAatl he applied Niet to pay�nsnt.
<br /> ;:. :�.�,. _. �. � .
<br /> t . �. '�,: .: •` ,�?s�:p of the casts of management ot the property and collectlon of rents.includtrtg,but.nQ4�imited to,recetvePs tees.ptemlutos pPr-,; ; '•'-----
<br /> ,-_
<br /> S';, ;���;:-•..:.:.� 4'.:��•, r�ceiver's�onda and reasonable attomey's tees.and then to the sums seaured�by tNe�Seaudty tnst�umenL Lendar and t(re:<';:;:�_�;��=°=
<br /> ''� . e�a�tver shatl be liable ta eccount ortty for those rents�rairy received. :,' . �_ -
<br /> �-:� fi� ` .�. �: ConstruotlonofPiroviatonaEachotthe rovisions�zrlairtadln.thlsAs81 nmentofRentg{�iQerandtheSecuri 1 �� -
<br /> ,.•.. ':�.. • P S tY tlStrf+r;;�, -
<br /> �,r !°co�nt shail,untess othentifse spectitcaity required, be construec3 in aacordanae w lth Nettr^�law.en d In t he eve n t��;y p'.� • '�==�.�:"'__
<br />- � �..r. : ; .'_;tr�. ° ` ,-�_+�—
<br />-" �+;.;�`�,;�;,:.,..,,;,,;.� !pc�visiOn herein or therein contained sAalt be determfned Dy a court�fr¢�bRetaat•JudsdiOHoa t�@e urtentarCeBbt�,th9�s8ncG;'�� __
<br /> �� :• ,�� � •, . s�t�31 be construed as thougb such unen#orceabte provision were not a part,here�fror tRereaf. -
<br /> �` '�„ '''�� ., . � .� �Nect of Rtder.Except as apaclfically modified by or inconsistent with.this��s.aignme�t of Renta Rider or by any WtEer - --
<br /> ' � ���- --' �� � �' ` ' apptlea6[e rider,ail of the tenns and provisions contained in the Securlty Ittattum�c�t 8hai1 continue In ful!torce artd eitect ==
<br /> :x i-:=:_,.
<br /> 's ': '`' : •';,�l. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this Assign ent of Rente Rider cn data first oted above. ��
<br /> �'. : ' , � .."`.--�� _- -
<br /> . .� SOOOP���wer ��
<br /> - � • . � � 'N� {IN L. � / :.
<br /> . � �� a�s"�� _
<br /> ; '. . 8o►►ower
<br /> ' ° ."�;, '' BARBRRA A. SOA0t4KA. _-_ -
<br /> �'• �`�ii��,)�• STATE OF NEBRASKA) =''°'`�`
<br /> .:��,��;: • . (ss: ::,v��' -
<br /> �„_
<br /> � ,` COUNTY OF HALL ) =-
<br /> :; . --
<br /> �" On thla ZZN� day of OCTOBER ,�g 93.before r�e,the unde�sigaed.a Notary P�mltc duty�commisstoa►�d an� ``=:�T
<br /> ;�4.�� � ' • ��alified fo:eaid county,persanally cama NORmRN L. SODOmKA ANt} 6ARBARA A. SOUDf�KA, HU5t3APJ�J ANQ '�:�
<br /> ; ���;,
<br /> ; S�•. '� . . •. I � . ,��!tF ,to be the identtoat pereon(a)whose name{�p t��a su�ibod ';}*�
<br /> i;�•,• • � � � � tti the toregotng instrument,8nd helahelthey acknowtedge the execution the►et�f�co be hislltedthelr voluntary 8Ct endd�98d.
<br /> . 'y�. .. '. . - . .�...��.
<br /> ?• '`� - - '� GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASK{I • °'
<br /> �•i;�t,�,r,, W(tnesa my hand and Notarlal Seal at ,����s
<br /> ,�,t� � • _
<br />• �';,��+�ry�'�; in said c y d8te a9ore . [��"��"�_
<br /> _ ��=,i'��t;� `.. . • iilll IaIA1Y,S�11M M�ritb :�'���.
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