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<br /> , aJ, _
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<br /> > - ' / _
<br /> � j: �� .. `^__,::.. . ��`_
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<br />� - �;,.: � � • • � R��REQOROED `,��� •�-:� :� � —
<br /> �:. :° � - �� • '93e�.o��s 83- a
<br /> �. .:r
<br /> � � ;` 4,� ; by th�rt Socuiity Iastettmt�e.U 8o�ower fa�a to pay�esa'�ma prtar to tha m�gitaHa�a of t!� ��a�dei.� mvdoe - --�
<br /> ' t
<br /> . °�'•- :� �qy:nmodies parmitted ay tnia Seca�rity Iastrtimeat wlthout further afltioe o�dem�d��atra��er. _
<br /> • ' <_ : '' 18.Ba�r�'�Ri�ltt ta It�astste. If Barrowac moeta oa�ain oomditi�s.Bmmw�sbaU dave tE�rig�t to�+re =
<br /> ' `�..`.,�.. . mfmoemeat ot�is Sac�u�ty Iasteumeat diacoadauod at my timep�or t�the aditr oP.(aa S d�ys(ar�h at�rpe�tod�t
<br /> , •� � �' . �FPl�b1a IavK msy�fot seiastatemeat)b e f o r a s a Ie o f t n e P r o p a t y�n i s u i n t t o a►Y P o w a r o f s t t�o�i m e d in�is -
<br /> _ 3e�vriry�os@ entry ofa j���t eafa:cic�t�is Secu:ity Imso�ucoeat.7h�e oondItiaaa are�ot Bonowes:_(s2 _
<br /> � _=_. _—,p � __� ptya Isader ali eums w�ch the�wouldbe diae ttader tbis Saaairy Ins�uaoent aad t�Namo�if no�ootleu�m mo -
<br /> ' • . ' ao�ed:(b)au�aay dafaWs of any oti�er ooveaaats or�t�t�)P�Ya���ia�tbis
<br /> _ -�r Se�vYi ta�fiumtat,insludmg,but not timited t� m�b2o att�aeys'fees;and(�bloes woh�ca a�Ler�de,r aasy =
<br /> :- - --- . - �ly�ui� ���of this Ia�t abaU�I�dar's sig�ts ia tLa P�x�ty.���s _
<br /> -�`. • tLts�S .er�rity Insteumeat�ad t�e obi gakons�IIemby sU�il remaia fult y�v�a�aooe2aeati+en��ad oc�ed.� _
<br /> � � t� : � Howevet.tbis:i,ght tQ:einsmte sLall aotap�Iy in Ws c�a of�ooele�ttioa uade:�19. _
<br /> ;� 19.S�leoiNo�Clfange oiL�an 5ervt�. Ths Notaora p�mtecr�t- m tTmNote���s �►
<br /> ` �:`�::- � Inswment)m�y�ba so2d oae or mom ames withsut� pnor aetice to B A w2e a�y tesntt a in @e�
<br /> � : . � . (�wa ag @�`Lam S�viod')t�at�ollods�n�ty P�Y�due t��e Not�aad t�is 5a�tq I�uma�.�
<br /> : � �<° atso msy.be ona or more changes of the Lvan Semcec unretared to a st�e of tite Nota If t�Ce is a cfim�a of�e Ivm
<br /> -� � :. Seavicer.Borrawer w�l�a givea wtitt�uo�ce of�e cBange ia 0000:dance witb pa�aQnpb 14 abuva and applica6le Isw
<br /> n
<br /> �.`� ; ; 'l�aasioe will smte tha name aad sdd�ss of We aew Loan Semcer aud tho addr8as to whcch paynaaats sh+ontd bef a�de.
<br /> ` '• �':. '. 1Le notioe w�l�lan canmia any other informatioa requirad bY sPDlicable law
<br />� ;� } ` ' ' 20.H�rdotB Sa�naes. Boawver aLall sot cau�or peimit the pre.veaoe.usa.dispoa�l.�or�ease of
<br />- ;`' , '. aay Haxrtdavs Subst�aces oa or in tha Pio�ecty.Hanaa�s shall aot do.nor altaw myane rlse to do.��8 ' °
<br /> � `' � . � . the Pmpetty Ibat�a in violation of aag Envnoa�l i�w'!ae prooadiog two seatmas sLall aat o�d�p�e,
<br /> :.i: ;` . . , usa.ot s�a on the Pmperty of snmlt quoatities Qf Bs�cdcr�s S�tbstaaces th�i asa geaesliy reou�to��aa� --
<br /> .� . � to nouoal rer��uses aad to uminteaance of ths
<br /> ;;� �- . . .. Borrowes eUaU prumpBY 8ive I.eader writtffi�a��p��aiioa,cisim.dam�d,ttv�uii a�a�ee:ias�b}* ' -
<br /> ;� ��. : _
<br /> ;:. � . aay gavem�eaW or tegulawry ageacY or.lmva��tq���D�!►a�aay Baarda�Su�a+ae or Fa►viz�
<br /> � ;' mentallaw of w1�dt Horiower 6sg actua!lmowiedge.- �f Boa+�tea�a�.or ie aotified DY an7 S���
<br /> '.• t .. ' ' aa�urity.that�►y remnvW or ot8er remediation of aay Iia�s Substance affe�ting tbe Properiq�d�►,B�acert . -
<br /> ? . ` ; sball Pnnmptly taTce all n�ry�eme�tial adious ia ecxosdamoe witL Bavit�l tiw. • �
<br /> � ; . . : As nsed ia d�ispa�a�h?A.`Hamrdous Substanocs'a�Wose subs�noes dafwed as tuaic os��
<br /> ,. . by Eavimnmental Law utol the following snbstance�gasolime.�0. other�Ie or tasic g�o2erm yr�.
<br /> . . . to�ic p�ticides aad ite�bic�des.volan'1e soZve�s,mater�als oontaimng asbm�tos or fonualdehyda�am��va�18.
<br /> '• t' - � . . . As usoa in ttis parag�aph 20.'F�vironmantat Iaw•meaas fede�l laws and iaws of the j�c�t�a fbs I�topaty js
<br /> • � . located tliat re2ate to healtL.safeti►or mvironmeatal pmtection.
<br /> i � NoraUxu�nmr CavsN�xss.Bonmver and Leader furthea wvemat and s�cea as foltoar� �
<br /> ' ; . . � 21.Accel�an;R�i�. L�der s6aA giva n��ae to 8mr+ower pdor to aa�tfon foBowl�F�rnntr'�
<br /> s � ��+eacb of sny aavraant or ag�e�at iu t�is Senuity Ia4fraffient(6ut not pr�lor to aoodaatioa uodee��7
<br /> � ; ; :: ' ; anlcas law giruvides otherwa�e).The v�li�shaU sQedfy:(�t�e de[sui�(b)ttre adlm�tagaired t+o w�e�tfe
<br /> : �� defant� c)�date,m�des�tLan 30 days f�+a�s�e dafi the nottoe is gioen to Boi�+ower.b�wLic6 t��aa��� :;`��
<br /> '� .:�;.;..' ` . ;. cured;and(d)tl�t�w�to cura the d�avSS a�t or D�re t6e date spedfied iu We nuttce m�q e�.a�dt ia�ocelan�iat. : ll:..-:
<br /> ;'' '� ,`� . ;;.;, of t6e s�rsns senn+ed by tUis Secfuity Ins�n�snd saie of We Pbp�rty.T�aatioo st�U t�uftiar udonn Ba�sar �,�'�-
<br /> . . • u!tt�right to reiastate atter aoceteration and We rig4t tu 6riqg a eowR actfon to�ert tbe non�oe c�'s
<br /> ' ' dePaWt or eay other detense of Bon�uwer ta�celeratioa and sate.It tbe defaWt is not c+med oa ar bdnre tbe date
<br /> : ... • spec�'fied in We notioel Lender at its optio+a ccray require irame�iatep�ym eat in fuU a�P�ll wa�secared Dr.tLis .,.
<br /> ` �. . �'� SecurIty Iasbnunent�nthout fiuther demand�d may invoke the power of sale and aoy o�r e+�s�peem►tted�b�
<br /> -,� . • � appllcable 1aw.Lender shall 6e entitted ta x��ted all expa►ces incurred ia piusutu�tae isae��dd�tA t[�s . ;;:;
<br /> �. �- pa�agra�ph 2l,induding,6ut ao!limited to,reasonabie attoraeys'fees snd oosls ot WPe�� .
<br /> ; � •: ,. . . L P tde power o f s a te i s imv��d,T'e�tee s h a l l r�d a no tice o!d e ta W t in ett c e o a c�y i n w b i e II a�p u t o!t b e
<br /> � � p r+o�y�tacated and shall��pies of sucb nottce acn�mana�r pre�cntbed by m�acable faw to Bar�ower�
<br /> ;: �; � � . . to other peisoas p r e s z r,'@ u�i b�app i i c a b iE l aw. ��Ge t i me r e q u i re d by apy h c e b i e I a w.1 1�t e e s d a 1��e .
<br /> ' � public aottoe of sate tfl the p�sans�at�d iai ghe�tann���6er1 by�plicable law Traster,wit�ont a e m a a�ou
<br /> ' .� Bormwer,sliall se11 the Propert�at pub9ic an�n tu e�e�h�t bid�r at the time and place au�nadar the tenw � �..,���;
<br /> desig�ated in the nottce of sa�am one or mon+e�anc�s�nn any order Tnatee dete�miae,a.1`nstee�y
<br /> sate o�all or an parce!oP the�no�y 6y pub�ic a��at at the time and ptaoe of aay pnevto�ty�a�i��
<br /> i _- . .... -...,..�.d b�.... .
<br /> saie.II,�der or fs design�a�y��the A o g at say s a i� ., ,
<br /> BTpoa reoetpt of paymeaz off the�nce 6id,�rustee s�a11 eleliver to the p�a�ase� ,�� �e�av t�e
<br /> �ty. The recitats in tAe Tiu4tee s dee�s�all De prima facFe evidence�ot lti�?tri���e made .
<br /> . t��.Tn�stee shall apply the pmceeds of¢�e sale in the followi�order:(a)fa`alf oosts' O�cet�asi�
<br /> . :: �
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