t . t. , , �,��` .^� - . , G �Y,4„� � .. Z �w:-.
<br /> � ^e i ,t��c'._, r . e, ` �, r� _ ` b � �. �
<br /> . .._ � { . . � _ �� ���::�i.�.�:.��="'� •..c.� ..� ' __ � . .....�+ au�,'ti..ra--�-� - _ .
<br />_ .. .�;.�:�.iF::'k . . : � ' ' . . . � . � . . �.�'� � , .
<br /> ; -:`��r�'":-<< '� . _ �REC�RO�E�'� � � . ,. . � ; � . � �, • ��. —
<br /> �_:- . .. � �' i�93�.� � � � � � `
<br /> � r ,�t . , . . . '
<br /> , �� <_ i �,,� . . � , ` --
<br /> '_----,.;,�, ��LL� ___��.-��J��..���*�r,eman��—a��8e=enx4o�_-�-t�-� �-�
<br /> �:,.�,, . . �m!�Cttued now ot•6cte�t aput ai tba ./113 ctplaoemacb�u3�s�i��D c�- -
<br /> .�;`��.< . � � �y�s3avdty taet�umen�AI!of t�e fara�o r�3�refennd m ts Secwisy fa�cum�nt a�tie•Pnopwtg►.'
<br /> ,:.;. . .;: �:� ;:,,.:� �-
<br /> ,�.° . �aa�v��ov�rr[s tA�t&tem�arar it�durAiliy�3�ed of�is es�D�bY c�veiyad and�a t�a cig�t f��mt md `
<br /> ` �;>'�. �` .� . :.ouovey ebe �t�t(�e Pcvpeit�is�d.aucce�t tbr a�Limoes of t+e�on�.Bue�aw�►iwaa�►�ad
<br /> - :� . .,. .4 t -
<br /> , . ..s t� :�.t,� .,:;�������IDtot��Y�ilt���.wbja�to�ay�oi�a�.
<br /> ' ,�Y� r`��i.• '.z .. .� � �� COY�1s��!��{iS0�10�4t�LII!�Ml�f��50�
<br /> , ,.,�,�':.•., 'r ,���i�m�tom��{IDiSQYttleec�nity�t�ov�r�!�c�. ,
<br /> �� r � � . ' __. _ _ _ _. —
<br /> - u�aav�iu+�.so�vtr�ad`L�r oo�►aa�ae.a��ee a�fo aw� - � - �. —
<br /> � ���: �-- �' > _ � �; �,p�td�!am!�-��_e�0 L�t��u�._�aawer s�tt pro�� w8�dna � - - �'=
<br /> �'`"� �� � of�tnt�estan d�dentevideaced b3r t6eNoteaad+�qY p�spmeat�Gaoac�u8�sdne �lg�e: -
<br /> `s: �;��
<br /> , ' z°� � ° ��f��Lasaf and Ins�uanoe.Snb,�totppl�caDIa taw or to s wnt4ea waivar 6 lmder,Ba�ow�r a�l1 ---=--
<br /> - ! : �1�=�`,' ' � to I�det oa�e dsy�antatypsymentg ua du�v�er t�Pia�ay,.uatil t�NnOo is�d�q�.7i#�!�'A�Oda f�r:�a __.
<br /> :.�'� � . � o�ass so�aa�ra�mta wLicD msg atni�p�ioatr ovar thfis Sa.�ity Iashument�s a I�ea►ou tha 3+taj�+etty'. D�Y �-�
<br /> -. �=`=�-` " ( � �Id psymmta ar gm�md tmb�th�Ptopeny,if+nY+(�?Y�7!�or ins�r�ce p�routc�.�D.�tY -.-
<br /> ',•`��,:�`��: , Qoac!ia�ttaooe peeffiinms.if anY'(e�Y�9��Se iasur�ase Oreauum4.if wy.asrd an4►stt�p a Y�!b3"� -,_
<br /> _ ' :.•�`,`: .:,�..'� . ta I�eader.in t000idmoe witb tne�o v�s toas o f p a�a�n g�8, in I c e u o f 4 h ep�y�t o m o i t�e m 5 v a�s�a p �:-
<br /> ' � ` �.;�;.. _ � 'Ibeae i0em�tm caitad`Bsemw Items.•Lehd�r maY.�m,Y�.ootteet aad�o�d Fw�ds im m amotm�aot ta otaoed tae ' �_-�,---_-
<br /> ;; ����-�-_'. ` ' m�m v m�m�m m t.a i�a d_e r f a r a f e d a r a t i y� [ava ms y t e g a i r e for 8oa+a►v�a�'Q�vcnnwo�ao�nmt e�tae
<br /> ;i ���...�: ` • fa�etat Ral FstaLe S�tle�eat Proad�es Aat oi�ama�dod fiv� time ta time. IZ�U:S:� �'260t�d-�qi �-="��_
<br /> , :� ' I.ead�s m� .ua»��m.caltut aa� �"'`=--•-
<br />-:. ';�' ..�`:'.' .,�' ('RESPA7.imIesa�law t�tapplies to tbe Ihmds s�a Isssr�amnuat.If so, p -- -.-.
<br /> ' .x�:'. �� >�.=.'. La2d Faads ia m amoaat nnt m eaceed the Iesmr amwmt.leader u�y estimata the�vnt of Fumds dam cst tM btais af ��_-
<br /> '�� c�urait dam aatd reisonabis�of�d itaces of#aWie Eaiow Dtea�s or otiut�visa in�ocotd�co wIttt�fct�Ie Fz_-�.,.-
<br /> -:.i <� ,,::.t,. ���_---
<br /> i _ �w
<br /> '� t�°Y� < � 1�e Foa�sbail ba Qeld'm aa snstitution wh�ctepnsIts�e insu�d bq a fede:aisg�cy,�lity.��tyr �; k-:
<br /> - ,x - I�=if Leader is saeh an institubion)flr ia sny FeQeral Home L�ow San�c.Leader sh41t �jr ths Faads to
<br /> �' y��;`:n, °`:. �•� L�rde��maq Bouio�ver fo=ho2diag aud ap�lyiag t�Fuads,. tm�g t�a �'�- -_
<br />- , . . . .:..: I�- not _---
<br /> ;. ��;,S;; •�t�;:�°:: � :s�i►�mt,or vea�ag fi�F�coiw It�uaIesa Leader pays Bonow�r�oa tLa Fa�d4� tab2+a iiw --_—
<br /> _Y: . ;.'�,,-::':�;�.,:�:��.:�;, � Leader to ma1a� �t s c�aige. Hnwever. I�eudec may �quua Bomav�to psy a aae�tim�t� for m' _ --
<br />-- ; (�, `�:�'�_ > •�deat ne���t�g se�vica.use�by L�det ia oaaeectioa witD this ta3a.��miess tpplieaDte 1aWt pi+uvidea w
<br />- .`•s� � agteectcad4�ia m t a d�or cpp l i c a b i n!a w�tt�'as i n t e c e s t o�b e pai d,I�e h'd l n o t b a t o q t s i t a�
<br />_:�. i „fy`��,�',, _���,''.�:,_,.:, ; otaetrvise.V� sa � �_
<br /> • '��°�•,�js:• EorroWer a��01 e�dIIg9 on,Hr��imds.Bmtowe�aIId Leader may ogte9 u1w�g.ttOwever.t�t iIItCiE6t
<br />�` � �:fi�,;�'�;;` �;`• � on tha F�Ex�der.�Q�tve w Bonower.without c�arga.aa annual accounting o�tse Fastda.sEawi�a�a�1s�od =
<br /> `�'�r. .,,� F�. �to the Funds sad�e � for wbich eacb debit to the Funds was mad�T6Q Fa�ads ara p2edge��s Wditio�l
<br /> '� t •�r1�k�.}S}� •.F[•
<br /> �; , ,�`.i y�-S.�Z�'•• -.a : „�l}f fOi v1811mTJ 80CI1tOd�SCCati �tt1DiP�t.
<br />_ � �_,��SrtiY'�.� .�'`�`t=t:�• - .. �C
<br /> s r If the Fi�ads held by lender�tLe amaunts pe�mitted to ba hetd by apptEa�ta laur.Lea�dee sbsll�xutmt Oa
<br /> �c;� '�f�. . �`,� ' ��armw�r for the exoesa Fimd9 in soo�dauoa with the�qui�ts uf s�rLi�sbia law IFtII+a�ount of�Funda Ledd�p
<br />-- ` ::`: ���: • : I�det at any tima is not suflia�t topay tha Escrow Itemv when due,L�der may so aotify Bmmwas in wdito�,saa.ia
<br /> =. i �.t+ ���';,'. , . s�case Bonmver s�aU puy to Leader the ammmt necessary w ma�a up the defidemcy. Boao�ve�r s4a11 m�Ye up�a
<br /> t :�� .��s:: .
<br /> . ,� ��e�cy in no mo�thaa tweive mnnWY PaY��+at Imder•a soIe discretion
<br /> '�;,� :.. , . Upoa gayment in faU of all avms sacoied by tLis Seaariry Iastrumeat,I�sball�pcansptly refim�to�ms�awer
<br /> � :,; eay Famde held by Leader. If, uaderpa�a h 21. Leac� sball ecquire or se�;rrE�Piape{ty,.,I.mder.Fr�r�o the
<br /> ' acqulsitioa or�Ie of tbe Pm�eAy. sbsl!app y aay F�mds Qetd Dy Lecder at tti:�:l�ea of acquastttoa or s�as a c�edit —
<br /> . . , . against the aum9 secused by tWs Secu�ity�nst�me�t. �
<br /> .� . • 3.pp pltatttoa oi P�ymeuts. Unless applicab2a Iaw psovides otReswise.eD PaYa�cnts:eoeived bp Lmdee�der _ -
<br /> � �.. • p�ag�apbs i and 2 ehall�e applied:first,to anY P�Paymeat�es due undect$�No�secoaa. w�b[a►Yabla -
<br /> : � _ . . �mderpa��g h 2;thud.to ir.�raest due;fowM.to PnactFat due;and Iast.to any t� dee uader thg Ndt� _
<br /> . � ; . 4.Charges;Li�. l�rower shallp ay ali taxes.a�ent�.charges,��imposltloias Wii6emb2s to tha
<br /> as
<br /> � Pmpeity w�icn amy elmin.�siority oves tLia Security Iastn�ment, aad leaseho?��rayaa+eats or g�+aun�re�. if tay.
<br /> � � Bomower sttell pay tQe�o6L•�ioIIS ia the maaner pto�nded ia paragrapL 2,or if not p3id in tAat maaaer,Boauwet s�tl _
<br /> ., . . pay them on time direct2y oo�a persoa awed paymen�Borcmn+er sltal�promptly fumssb w Leader all notioee of amcu�cb °°;-
<br /> ta�patd�mder tLia pazagt�pl�.If Borrower makes Wese payments directly.8o��nBa sball Pma�t1Y litmisb to E.�det =-
<br /> ��s evide�cing tDe pay�. �`-
<br /> • Bmower sbaU pro��Y�r discbarge auy lien which bas priarity over this Secwity Instiumeat ualess Bomn'�rer. a _--
<br /> ;: c) �;:;;:__
<br /> ` ag�es in wriuiag W the pay�aat of the obligatioa secured by the liea n�a manner acceptabie ta L�der;(b) _oont�ta � --
<br /> � " good faith the d�en by,a:defeada again�enfo�ement of the liea ia,8 at�ee�mge which a o}�LeadeYe opinIoa E t _
<br /> operate to pn-v�t the enforcement of the lien; or(c)secums from t��older of the lien ea agreemeat satisfacwry w r_,,,_.
<br /> .;� , L�der subos�as'sag tha t'ss�t rt�t�is Secuary Instrument.lf Lender d�t�smiaes that any part of tbe �s-suDject W a y!'��;;;;��_
<br /> � �.: liea which may attaiapn arity over thia Security Instrumeat, Leader may givs Borrower s notioa�tifyiag ttte lien. Ei. :����--
<br /> :' �`�,-�T:i 4;'; Bormwer sbaU satiefy tfie lies�a mka oae or more of the actioas set torth above within 10 days of tIle givIng of notioe. 1=._�,�c«;F.,
<br /> S.Hezaed or Progett�IImsuraao� Borrower shall keep the im,�mvements aow euisl�ng or heresttes erectod on th� �1�����";;:..
<br /> ;; Progarty insnred egatnse los9 by 8re, �ds inctuded within the ceam 'extended wve�aga" ead sny othsr hau►rds. .
<br /> . Fann 30a8 8150 lpepe�0!8l 'x •� � �
<br /> � BA�ocnte sreTwAwc.,er.aouo.ran fe3041t�BOG2�37d3at1 iONM r�0-�*E�518t
<br /> ,;�. . ; . .
<br /> '�
<br /> :;j ,[,, �
<br /> Il` � ,1���}Z�l�. �1� .
<br /> t:� •�>\;:, �. . � ,t .
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