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.. ,�; �•�� :�� t:p�. .... �. ..�.-', ..� r . . ,_�� .. r' <br /> • ' � A � i. -_ b , 'Q •_. . � ti (� � Y:�. ' ` ` _ �. .�'�� ' '�•. <br /> Si- � . �4��: 4'C . �'. . � , C <br /> � c� � �� ...,. �. ..�, �—T�`��— . t4 c��5"�� �,..o.t' .:.,a�.°.�. .R-.�brevr-.�w.+..s:vs.._ . �_ _ - _ _ . —��. _., _ <br /> _ � ._ • � . - � _ _ .�—_ �_ � ' , ' ` . . . <br />- . ��-`n`���._��,;� . <br /> _ �:'�� :�..._ - - , ` . ' � iQ�3�5� -- <br /> � 93- <br /> X.� _.: :�:��,r . . , . . <br /> : . o i�c..Q::.A4(.% . . • <br /> �^`..�-^_"....�'..�', .:V: . � . ` ' . . <br /> h`�. l <br /> ''.�'.:. ':C`'': S,.. .� <br /> _ ._;=;"�.;�•.:_^a, tT=: P�I1EII�W�f;�!UR!���O IY]Pd� 2.or chBage the amaunt of snch gnymeam. Any eaoess prooeeds ovet en _ <br /> _ -` -- -�������s�s�;,,,--� -��,r t8e Notc and this S�curlry tas�mmens shall 5e K*°--- , <br />. - �.-iS,J;%h�ye....,�.,, �w�w�1}}���./��M�} M , . : . . �����-- . <br /> .CX.��,l:y�i�4`T.. ��WYY��lM� . . . . . . ' . . <br />_ �@:_'.� � r�;�°�h�' b�s. l.ender cas�t coL�a�es er��dti�r&es�utfioriu�by the Sec�s�ry. ` . . <br /> -`� 't�_;`:'Ryt�`-'-°���F` 9.Grottmdsft�A�taat3iv�t�3�D.�. � . - . . . . <br /> t. <�.�'�,�'.`�,°n :A:j'`�; (a)QetiW� t.e�Qrr oa�qc.�ca�Qa limite�!by regWAtions issued by tha S t�ty in tfie aese ot payment dsfaW�s. . . . <br /> � te! ti <br /> -- �'d.'�.t,�"d"��-,:,.�..�•�- c�qutneimtat�A1�ps��c�t i�fth!l�ctilisumssec9t[�edbytO�sSeat�ftylactrum�ent� � . <br /> ;:�,,=�� r�.�`' (i)Honawcr�fa�s bgfir33�topay isE�ll any monthty payment��y shis Se�rIty L�suvm�na Psior , <br /> °. ;�,,;��,;':�„.;�=�` tooroptitedued�a9t�io�citi�anthl�rFaYare'ar+°r . �—_° <br /> ti ..� <br /> �."�' � .. (iij Sam�by t�,:for a p�d of t�► perform�iy other oDligado�s a�e�a� - — <br /> ..�_ ,,� _ --� : _ � , _ <br /> ' '�-�x ([�)Sa�r�CrediZ Ap�a�. Lender shaU.if Pe�miued bY aPPlicable Ia+x and with dre prtor aggiovaiof tfie-• - -- <br /> ' 1 . <br /> �.��',� "� .�.;�-;_ cetary.req�ir�ina�e�u}�t m flill of a1!the su�s seceue�by this Security Insuument if: <br /> ', � , - �(i)A!t ar pan c F t h� :�a b e ne f cci a l in t�e s t i n a tr u s t o w n i n g atl oa p a t t of�he P r u p e rt y,is sa2d or — <br /> `"�.'"•� � `�� othenvise transferrad(�i,�''�tbc��n�y devise or descent)by the Bmtower,and _ <br />. .�_.��-:. . �.•�,�,'.. —_ __ <br /> �{:F;,:^;�;:::.t:;� . . (ii)71ie Ftape�is raot u�oa�by the puschas�er or�antee as Iris or her Qiincipal�deaoe.oT the p�haset <br />_ :�..� ..�;.,.:; or gcanoae does so ocu;�,y�,the Pt�opeity but Lis or fler credit 6as not beea agpiov� in acootdaztoe <br /> ,;.��,;-:=� �-'.'V:, witbtheieqvir�eatso$t2��saetary. ---- - <br /> :k Y �- �. (c1 No Wai� If�*��ocivr that would�emiit i.ender w require ir4vnediate paymcnt in fiill:�ut Leader, -- <br /> } ` - -�� k:,.� daes aot tequire stuiZ " lander does uot wa�ve its rig6ts witb tes�ect w sub3�ueat evenfs. � -- <br /> �s (d)Re�utatiaas a1 H�SscreZRty. ln mauy cucua�sances reguiations issued by dte 5�xetary w�7i lim�LenQet9 ���--- <br /> ;•.st E.c; ... <br /> -c. - ag�ts.ia the c�se of Paymx'�-t�� rec�uine immediatc payment ia full and forertose if not paid. This � � =- - <br /> , �-=- <br /> _ . - ,, -' Ss�ciaity!s,�**+�men*dues�ascborize ac�eterahon or foreclacute if nat pe�mimd by m�Iations of the S�mtaty+. , �=, <br /> ., , .�_. .� <br /> _ . � i. _ ..: (e1 Mortg�ge Plot I�urcd. Badrawer agrees that shoutd t8is Securiry Ia�umen��nsd tt�e note secured thereby nat . '::.. :r,. <br /> ; f � be elig162e for insuraace w�ei itte Natianal Nm�sing Acc witiun �oa _ fmm tbte �" �"= <br /> ��T `. date heceof.Leader may,aE iss 4ption and notwit�standing anything in Parag�aph 9.re4uire immediate payment in �- <br /> - <, -�`r'j�=--+;�•�'' full of a!1 sua15 seCU1�2d b t1�S ty IAStTUmeu�t. A wriffeo slatemeIlt Of aDy 8utho�ized ageut of dte See�effiry 'r '�_-' <br /> J�, , ����,�,:� d�tod subsec�uent to , � IDOA�18 frnm the date he�eof,deciining to iasun this SenaitY �` ,, .. <br /> s � . .,".r t..•' Instnnnent and We aote se�csd.thereby.shall be de�med cQnsinsive praof of such ineligihiliry. NotwiWstanding ' ," <br /> r :�' •.� � �-- <br /> , °`�' tt�e foregoing,this optioa�a�r aot be eaereised by Lender when the unavailability of insuranoe is sotely due w y-,-`.�. <br /> �::� i.eader's faiIure toremLt a mor�ge insutaace pmmium ro the Sec�etary. ����'- <br /> , ;�..--,.<_._ <br /> 10: Reinstat�m�n�. Borro�es.4�iss�a right to be remstated if Leader has cequued immediate payment in full because e�_-=_ <br /> # . " ' .. of Borrower�s faiture to pay a�►aano-a�t dne under the•Note or tHis Sec�uiry Ins�umem. TQris right ap�lces even eRer --- <br /> '�s � ��P��&4 ar+e �:d 1b reinstate the Secvritp Insm�men�Bomuwer s6all tQmder m a Iump sum all ` <br /> - � ama�fs x�q,uimd to.bring Boma-a�rk�oonnt cartent including,ca dte extent they are obligatious of Bonower uader tIIis <br /> , , . �.��• <br /> i ::.., • Secx�ray.'l,�unen�for�cctos�ae aos.4�aud masonable aad customa�y attomeys'fces and expeases PmperlY associated arith - <br /> � .,�;:�::; . . t�e forecloscue pr�oeediag. Upon se�nstatement by Bmtower.tAis Security In.�eat aad ttte obligations that it secures <br /> 'ti�'" sfiall remain in effecc as i�Ler�dea�.3 not re�uued i�mediate payment in full. Eio�rever.Lender is nqt ceqnired to Femsit <br /> : � �- , teuistabeinent if• (i)�der F.�s a�epted nemstatement after the commencement of foreclosuie pmoeedings�+nthtn taro <br /> '�` yeazs imarediatelp precedir�g t�ca�mencement of a cwrem foreclos�ue pmeoeding, Cu) reinstatemeat will ptecitcde <br /> t ' :;;��c <br /> foreclosum on diffecent groucds irn tt�future.or(iii)�einstatemem will adversely affect the piicnity of the lien et+eated by <br /> � � . ``�•;�"'E� this Sec�ty Inswraen� <br /> : � � , 11. �orrower Na Reb�e�t Forbeasance by I.ender Not a Waiver. Entension of the dme of payraeat or <br /> f � mod.ification of amort'vadon of t2��ums secured by this Securit�Inswment granted by Lender to any sucoessor in intenest _ <br /> p of Horrower shall not operate vs r.b�se the IiabiGry of the orig�nal Borrower or Bomowers successor�n interes�. Lender - <br /> f • shall aat 6e required tQ comrrte�proceedings agau�st any successor in interest or t�efuse to eatend dme for payment or =- <br /> �'� � � � otlterwisr raodify amort"vatiotr ua tte sums secured by this Securiry Insdument by reason��any demand tnade by the - <br /> 1 ' _ : original Ernrower or Borrower's saicessots in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercis�rg eny right or mmedy shaU --__ <br /> ' . not be a waiver of or preclade t4tc exesise of any right or remedy. "-- - <br /> ' � � � • 1Z. Suctessors a�d��Bound;aoint and Seveeaf Liabiltty;Co-Signers. The vovenants and agreernents of `;`-:-^ <br /> ��,� ' tl�lis Security Inswment shajJ t�ired and 6enefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Boaovs�er.sub'ect to the visions <br /> : 1 Oi'o :� ,": <br /> � . .'"`= of Paragiaph 9.6. Borrowee� cao-erranu and agteements shsitl be jomt and several. My l�o�rower who co-sigas this � =- <br /> . o <br /> � • ��� Security Instrument but does cot exeax�the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security lnsttumenc�nly m mortgage.grant and ' '.-.__ <br /> � �� convey t hat Bocrower's arcr.resa ir�t T ce P r openy un der t he terms o f a l�ss S e cu r i ty l nstrumen t;(b)es not p ersonall y obligated to ��' '''r�� <br /> pay the sums secured by thi:�Secu:iry Instniment;astd(c)agrees that Lender and any other Barrower may agree to eatertd � :�'°;`='- <br /> modify,forbear or matcr an f acron�modations with re3ard to ttie terms of this Securiry Insuument or the Note w�thout that � - :' �; <br /> . Borrower s consent. <br /> ' �. 13. Notices. Anp aorice to Borrower provi8ed for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivermg it or by , _ <br /> � � mailing it by fint class mait.�,n�:s�applicable law requires use of another method. 'Ihe notice shall be dincted to the ;• - <br /> . !� ° - Ptoperty Addmss or any otRer addresti 8orrower desi�ates by aatice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given 6p ' <br /> firss ctass rr�il w�r:s aCdr��s stated herein a�zny address Lender designates by natir�to 8orrower_ Any aaci.ce +, ' - . �-� <br /> ''';;��`' .. provided for in tfus Securit�Instrument shall be�f�:d to have been given to IIormcaer or I.errder when giv�r,�.s Bruvi°�d :1',; �' �•: <br /> '`:' ' �n this p�Ph� , : <br /> J,:$��•�� 10. Goveening Law:Seapra�@Ic3y. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by ie�eral law and tht taw af tite '. ".'.' <br /> r . jurisdiction in which the PtoFert}�is tacated. In the evem that any provision or clau�e of tisis Security InsUament ac�he • . <br /> •¢ `�:'.; •: Note canflicu with applicabte I��u,sach conflict shall nut affect o�her provisions of this Secusity Inswment or the Rate , . <br /> :..s. which can be given ef�:et witIt�ut the conflicting provision. To this end the pTOVisions of thi.ti Security Instrument aad cAe <br /> ""���'� Note are declared to be severaCt�. ' ' <br /> '�i'��''���, � 1S. Borrower�Copyr. L'cnower shall be ven one conformed w of this Securit Instrument. <br /> . ;...,�:..� , • .� <br /> ;l��:,;:`'�:„'�_;,,��. 16. Assignmen�ot Rea�. Boaower uncoaditionally�signs artd Payan.tife�s ro Lender all the cents and revenues of the . <br /> � er• .. �'. Property. Boaower authorizes I.ercder or Lender�agents to collect the rents and revenues and hcleby directs each tenant of <br /> }``.' ��` •. ' '�`:.�' periy to pay the rents o�Lendar or Lender's sigents. However, riur to Lender's notice to Bormwer of Bo�rower?a <br /> �, � . �t< <�. � <br /> the Ptu g P � <br /> �� � :�: � '-� bmac6 of any covenunc or age�emettt in the Security 1nsUumeat.Snnower shall mllect and receive al)rents sutd�venues of <br /> �;. �.,��,; _ � the Ptoperty as trusA:e for the Ceneft of Lender and Barrower. This assignment af rents constitutes an absolute assignment • <br /> �,,; .; � � and not an assip�ment for additional security only. � , .. <br /> ::�� ���;: . • .;, ::" If Lender g�ves notice oF Ere�ch to Borrower. (a)all ienu received by Bortower shall be held by Bomnwet as tnutee <br /> -+� ,�; ;: ` ' ` for benefit of Lend�r onty.m 6eapplied to the sums secured by the Secunry Instnimen�(b)Lender shall be entitled to <br /> ',.,'�.:x. , coltect and n�ceive all of thc n.�nts of the Ptoperty:and!c)each tenant of the Ptoperiy shall pay aU crntc due aad unpaid to ys� <br /> �'�;i' Lendee or Lender�s agenr an l.cuder's written demand to the tenant. i <br /> :��::�:- ; �'.`, -_, . Barrower hasi nat executcd any prior assignment of the renu and has not and will not perfotm any s�t that anuld j <br /> •��- Qtevent Lender ftnm exe�isin�its nghts under this Paragrapb 16. ' <br /> ''�:'•,`;�`.'�,,:�,�;;',`,�. Lendee shnll not he tequutd to eater upnn.take conu�l of or rt�aintain We Propertyr 6efore ot af�r giving notice of ` . <br /> , ' :',:�:;.'� �� . bteash to Bonawer. Kowever.ixnder or a judicialtyap�ointed receiver a�y do so az any time there is a bmach. Any <br /> f a ��� �;'�':,,:;: ,��. epplicatian of�ent�stiall aac cure or waive aay defuW�or invalidate any other aght or temedy of Ixnder. This assignmau . <br /> �� �';:.ii.� •? ottenis of the Pbge�ty sdall�minare when the de6t secuned by t�e Security Insuument is paid ia fult. � <br /> '.F .. , :?,: � <br /> :`r ' u:�'�;`'� �___._____. <br /> - „��-- - . -'=�_� _ - �Dose.tof�prrgn� �__ <br />