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<br /> �"t,_.`�; :.� . ... --� i-_'-"--'--i f /1... � . .. :.:4 ;-.a.��� '� . - -� -� �. . C ?+ � _
<br /> '__ _ _ "- „}i�4�� _ y S Ji �+cvti;S . � L�G.n, 't: a4'1-. : . , . . - .�� i s.
<br /> , .� , c-���:' 'V.:,`''i�:R�—'� •:� �' r�.' _ ��"-i sr--A�- —
<br /> '�c .,,.A"�-�,'
<br /> . . - s' �:i:_ ' �k�` s..: ' ��. _-r,r.a.r��'°__�-_ - _.
<br /> s,�_.�:�z f:_ " . �. .� � i��� �t��� �=
<br /> ~ ; 9 b '(:` . --
<br />�� 'i,�y. t� � . . , . . , —
<br /> �:�,�_ ;t,�4:tF .
<br /> , z-r... . ' -- -
<br /> � ���t� "_� epplic8ble taw may spxi�'y fo3r zeinsmtaae,at)Dafo�sate of the Peoperty pursuant to�y.potiirec af saie oonmia�in ttiiis -
<br /> L.. '`��'�' � . . �` -:-- - Secuuill�y-I�ui�[en�or�wuy af a jud�gme�enfarcing 15is Soaiicy�s. 'P.�e�ar���:�ZaT :-- -°- — -
<br /> e -
<br /> �. ��,� ,-i� Pays Lender alt sumg which tttea wroutd be due undsr d�ia S�e�utty MsWineat and the Note es i�F no eaoeletation�ad �,� --
<br /> ° � su�. _
<br /> - � ����r.� .`T oocumed:(��aues any defauit of a�r athsr�venants or egceem�tt�(c)PaYs all expenses incumed It�enfordqg tLis Secutity ��v.=�_�__
<br /> - � �'�,=`i�r'°�:�� .. I�tcumeat.inctuding.Dut�not limius!to.teasonable attorQeys'f�nad(d)takes sueh a�ion a4 Lxader aray reasoaabty
<br /> t'� .3 tr.�` ��:=��
<br />- �`��.:_.'r_.�.;:�' � ro4tui�e W assure that ttte lien of this Se�rity insaun�enL Leader�dghts in tAe Rmpeety snd Aormwet9 obligaitoa to pay the . ,,:�e,.,__
<br />�.,� ��. ;'- . � sums secured by this Security instrument s�ll oont3nue uacbangod. v�on �,�mre�eQe ay ���. this Sectuiry . 'p k���-..�--
<br />_;.._ �kk � L ,=:� Instcumeat�nd the obligations secvreal he;eby shalt remain futly-effecdve as if ao sooeIeratian tiad oocucred. However,ttis �-�K-� -=
<br /> �,' � � ���-' i i g b i W re�u t a o e s R a l l no t a p Q l y i a t h e c a�o f a o ce t a�t i a a u n d e r p a r�g r a g?�i7. � - ".�"�—
<br /> QA � .—
<br /> �'` ,� � -- ��� i9. SIIie oi WoUe;Cesr�ge of Loaa Svvker. TQe Note or a partial interesc in the Note(to�with this Security �'''s�'`�� �_
<br /> u �
<br /> ' o.. ." a tr_'l<,�t _ �ACUt�IdB�t bC S0�OIIB Ot 1It0IC EiII�CS WI�tOtlt ji((�it0�0@ t0 BOf[�11�CF. Q S�@�Y3yF t�SlF�E 1�8 i�+!$gC ifi 1�.�Fti�f ` ` n: � �. .
<br /> , ., ,4 . � (lmnwn a4 the°I.van�vieer")that ooliects moaWy►payments due unde.r tde Note and this Serurtty inst�vmem. Thae alsa •._� .
<br /> _.<''' .�'_ . ..., �x' may be oae ar mor�ct�aages of ths Lflan Servieer muelated to a sale of the Note. If thece is a change of tho I.oan Servicer. ,. `°� s 5���
<br /> e vicer
<br /> �. „ '� �`- Boimwa will be given wriu�autice of @te chaz+ge in aeoordance with paiagraph 14 a�ovo and applicabEe law. The nodce }t '
<br /> ,�; agra �:
<br /> "_ , e>q��" r.�}'�.�;:: a�l s�e.tLe na�me aad add�s of the aew Loaa Se�vicer aad the address to whic�payments shoWd be a+ade.Th�notioe w�l z,.: . ., °
<br /> '�,' a�+.'.'�'• ., >< �50OOAt81D 8D}I Ot�i 1t1�tIOlat10I1 i'2QUlICd�j/S��IC3b�@ jSW. ' `'' � •.�
<br />-��.� •; .:'`� 2Q Haraa+d�a9 Subs�ano2� Borrawxr sEail not cause or pe�a�it dce prasence.use.dispusal.starag�or refease of any .°`��"� �%=�s:.'�' '
<br /> ' t_ k::x.,..:
<br />� . ,�' � :�r�_, . .` „ ,.
<br /> '�� F :. K . i Na�acidous Su�oxs an or in the Ptope�ty. Bonower shall not da aar allow anyone etse to do.anythiqg affecpng the � -
<br /> pe ty .
<br /> _ � •, . :'. Pmpecty that is m violation of any Environmental law. 'ihe pre�eding two sente.nces shall not apply m tts�p�sence,nse,or '"��t F ' _ ��
<br /> �� •i,_ � °,,; stu:age on tfae Ftapeaty of smali quantities of Hardrdous Subsreaces that ane genetally�gaiz�d w be s�oprlate co no�al ;-.-<� ,�, _° .. ��S
<br /> ant�
<br /> � � > ..c-. - nsidx,n�ai u�es aaa w maiatenance of We Phopeny. ``n �= Z -
<br /> Y
<br /> + ,°, Botmtiver s4sail P�P�Y PiYe Lender writteu notice of any investiga6on,claim�.dernan4lawsuit at ather action by any °.,`� � `,,k -
<br /> _ �� � •;�'� gov e m m e,m a t or c e g u l a t o r Y a8�►�Y�tm�P�Y iavo tv i ng t he P r o p�t y an d aay H a z az dous S u D s�a a o e or F pviro n m e n t a t �>r}'�-±�;-�''.-
<br />-`;- ;�• � ' ' Law of whish Bojmwer has acNal kaowtedg� [f Bomnwu ieams. or is notified by any gove�meatal or regulatory , ;�� ��
<br /> a' .;.�` � ` suWority.tbat any n�aoval or oWer�oo of aay Haiardoas Substance affecang the Ptopaty is aecessary,Bomuwer ` ` � g�5��;,
<br /> - *��—":L—'��.,-•���``.-'-' shall take all zemedial actions in aecordaace with FAViromneataf Law. ���k,`Y' °�''`�., "
<br /> -_ , -. PzomPdY necessarY em ��`�, �,���
<br /> �::�; As used in this paeag�raph?A. Haraidous Substances"am those subs�aoes defined as toxic or dardnduus substaaoes by ���
<br /> ` .�a�`� Favimnmental Law aad the following substanees: gasoliae,kemsetie.other flammaDIe or wxic pe�nole�prodacts.toxic ` �:��r���-=-
<br /> _ ��`��:��:.;':�-.�;. -;-�::�:. �.,°;
<br /> ,,:�.,,. , � pesticide.c and t�bicides,.volat�e solvent5,materials wn�'ining azbestos or fom�aidehyd�,and radioactive matecials. As . ,..
<br /> min
<br /> . ,."-=� '; � used in this p�cagnph 20,"Favimnmeatal Law"meaas fedecat laws aad laws of the jurisdiction whe�e the PtopeAy is Iocated .;F_ :; ;.���
<br /> �_ � �: r that relate m health.safety or eavironmental pmtection � �.. --_
<br /> � � ° � AION-UNIIaOItM(70VED(AMS. Borrower aad l.eu�er further oovenant ead ag�ee as foltows: •.: .�:�,'�
<br /> : � rtu �, ."
<br /> � 2L Acoeleration:Remedies. Leader sLat!give notiae to Bormwer prlor to aoceteration foltowing Borrower's ', � �,. '��.'
<br /> � ': � - � breacb ot any ooveaant or egreemeat in Wis SecurII�v Hnstrument(6�aot prtor to aace[e�atton under paragap619 ��t "`'>r.; ��.`,_
<br /> - :Y .a� '�•' '.< ' nnIess epplica6le taw provtdes otDerwise�.TDe not�oe s�aU spec�fg: (a)the defaWt;(b)fhe acSan reqatred.m a�IR� � �
<br /> �:' r..
<br />-- >;= � � defanik(c)e dat�aot�esv t6an 30 days Pm�m We date the nottee�s given to Bornoaer,Dy w�Ed!the defanit must Qe '� `''���`-
<br /> ?: ':}<�:'.� cared;and(d)tiiat TaDare to care t6e de?amtt on or betore Me date s�pedlted in the notice maq r�tt in aooetera9ion oP � _-
<br /> �:; ; c � �t the sum�secnred by thts SecurIty Instrnm�t and sale of We P�+op� 'ihe aottoe sball fartR�ez inioraa Borro�ver of -
<br /> �` ,k�yf�„� � � the rigdt to rei�utate aft�ao��etPUat�on aud the rtght to bring a wurt acNon to as�rt the aon-eiistenoe af a d�aWt or ' �>.
<br /> � `.;.; ''''3 ���� _ ��.i any oWer detease of Bar��to aoe¢t�sratfon and sale. U the delaWt fs aot cur�eid aa or Detore We date specifed tn • . : �
<br /> -.-s ,,;;f�, '���t- thenoti ler�aterat�tso tia�nam immedfate a menttaftil!'ofaftsumsse�vred fhisSewd last�ument � � �3�T '�
<br />__,;,s , ,�., .. , ��'�• � A �+�t� P Y sevredDp ty . :�.,:;_ �,: :
<br /> +�; �'::�t ' '° � without thrQh�d�nand and mgp in�a�e the po�rer oY sale and aay other remedtes permim�d by aPPlicabte la�v . � .. �.;_
<br /> -' , �.:�.., _ l.endes st�aali be entitted to oolled ati esp�nses incnrred ia pursuing the remedies prov�ded_in this paragrapb 24 t ` : �:
<br /> s
<br />- `� �- inclu 6ut aot limlted to,seasoaa6le attome s'tees and costs oltitte evidence. ��� -
<br /> �� •< � ' � � �power of sate t�invoked,7�uste�shall rtmrd e aotice of defaWt In eacb county in wDtc6 any parl of tlte �' '��;�
<br /> ' �•-
<br />- :_ i ?� ' • -� � Pr+agPSty is tocated aad shaU mail mpies of sach aotiaz bw We manner prescri6ed by appUcab[e law to Borrmser and ta , . " :��
<br /> . � � . ttie ofher persoas prescriDed by appiIca6fe Iaw ARes t�e time reqnUed by appltcable law,7�ustee s6a11 give pnDQc < ''�• ' "
<br /> _ ;.,. . • . notice of saRr t�We persoas and in the mannee prescribed by applica6le la�v 1lrustee,�vithaut de3�and on Borrmrer, ,_ -
<br /> <� �v � shafl sQU th��v@esty at pnbUc aucttoa to tde higdest bidder at the time aad plaoe and under the terms designates tn .
<br /> � � �� -a��,•• • the aotice oYsate in ane or morn parceLs and in any order 7�ustee determines. 'Ilrustee may postpone sale oY aU or aay � .
<br /> -.... ;�ti.�•,�j'. ..... . � �,
<br /> �,���.,,,,�'j„i';;,:°. :; .:` �a�ef o!We�roperty by public aanoancemen!at the time aad pface oY aay previousiy srhedu[ed sat� Leader or its � �r.
<br /> � ..�r�;-����L{ ,. ': des�aee may Rurcha5e the�e�cpcYty at any sa1e. � .
<br /> � .. •��,-� , .,, � P 3'm P Se P ' Yj g
<br /> � ��••;`�;,�;r;`�+��:. -. , Upon !of t� elnt of the � eia,7lrutitee shall delir•e�-to the urc6aser 7�cstee s deed rnn�e n the -
<br /> '?�' , � Property. �14�c�raitaLs in the 7lrustee's��s6af1 be pstma facte e�-ddl�ce of the truth ot the s�tements made tderetn. " •
<br /> ' 7�ustee s�app7y the praceeds oY the saU¢Ln the foltowtng order: ta1 to all costs and eapenses otexerc�ing the po�ver ` •
<br />- • ' . .:s` �. •� .
<br />_�. '�.�. .°• ' • �, .,•
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