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e�r; r�y+~=e'�F :�- '�} - � I ' ` -_— <br />- Is R-.S - �— . i{' :,i,,`.�� �_-° F-t ��- - - r<� —. �....... —_ ' _._c .�.. _ .. _. <br />_��:::`C� :.'.o'J� ' ` <br /> _��:� � � � � 93-'�.0��� _ - <br /> � � <br />- �Y��.`=: � �� TaC�SI'HEti WiTl�t a!}the impiaveme�us now or heieafter er�ted o�t�e proAertY•and aD eas�ments:appurtenuna�s. <br /> _ _ �`;._- :' _� �Ffn�s=uotirroe:tee.�af�r-a�afttt:��•.=A��ept�ts��s�lksistt-tar*_►�?r�-b�►-���!+�-- - - - <br /> .,i � insaumeat A!I of che foregoing is cefeaed co in t1�SecurUy Iastnmtent as die"Aopetcy.". - <br /> _ = �;•._ . BORROWSR COVBN�NTS tbat Bon�ower is tawt�Dy seiaed of tlee estate l�er�by ooaveyed aadthas the rig�t to gr�t . <br />_ az.d wnvey the Pto�eeny ena tl�E the Ptope�ty is�mencmmbe�ed.exaept fdr encumbiaaoes of recard Bmrower wanants�d ., � <br /> 9 <br /> _ ; " --�> -,'+� . wiltdefea�d genetaUy the dde�o tt�e Property egainst aU,c[sims and dema�i�s.saDject to any�nenmbranoes of r�cdmd.� . , . <br /> . . ,.�, .-:v.�.� <br /> = ���+�== "' THIS SF�iRT�Y INSIYiL1M6NT aom6ines uaif�coveaanta far aatioaal use and nouaiaifmm rnvenaats with � <br /> _ '=` Z�`'-- • .limited variations by juiisdictiun w onnstitute a uniform secuzity ins�ua�nt wv�real property. � <br /> e ��;.- <br /> �. _ . _ <br /> '����_ UNIPORM OOVSNANTS. Bo�wer and Leadec oovenant ead a�ree a�folIows: . � � <br /> � k�� ``- ���` . l._ P�ymentof Prtnd�al aAd Ip�p�epayment aad l.atr C�ur�e9. Bonower shall promPUY PaY wh�due the - ,=_ <br /> ����' , � �-}. � � Principal of and interest on the deDt evid�oad by ttce Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. � -- -- <br /> 2. F l m d s for 7 a a�es an d I�o s�e r a ac� Su D jea to app li c a b le law or t o a wri t t e n wai v e r b y L e n d e s.B o n+o w e r s L a U p a y t o <br />_ �;.�`. •'��• . :':.,..:.:`�: Lender on the day monthIy payments am due uader tae Nate,unu't the Note is paid ia fu11.a s�m("Et�nds")for.(a)Y��Y �'�=�—�---- <br /> - �'.��`': ��::�` t'' taxes aad a�ents wluch may atCaiit pliority over this Seaairy Insuument as a liea on the Pcopeaty:(b)Yeariy leasehnid ___- <br />- :-�:•-�"�� payments or ground rents on the Ptoperty,if�any, (c)YeadY ha�rd or pmpeKy insuiance p:emium� (�YeaziY Saad - <br />_ `�:�� -��'n . insac3ace p[�ninms. if any. (e)YearlY mortgage insmanee preca�ums. if aay;aad(�anY sums Payahte by Botmwer w <br /> - �;•,;;•`�'`:• :�°''���• Lend�in a000idance with the provisions of paragtaQh&m ti�t vf the paymeat of mortgage insurance premiums. These = <br />- '�=k' � ;'-��;.`�°•'�.`. it�ms ane called"Escmw Items." Lender any ume.coitect�d hold�vasds in an amount not to exoeed the maximzm� �i1_ <br /> - ��z:?-�_:`�.:fs='.-:�'`�.::_� am�uni a l�tder for a fedaally related martgage ioan.may�qui�for Boan�escrow a000twt um d e t t h�f e d e t a i t t e a l ----- <br /> t �`=:�;�� k � �r." F.siace�xtle�ttent�Pmoedures Act of 1974 as amended 6ram time to time. I2 US_C.�2601 et seq.("ItFSPA'�,unless anus�t � --.- - <br /> ` °;`��.�� �' � ``� Iaw that �iss to the Funds sets a t�amount. If so.Lender may,at any tim�collect aad heW E�nds in an amount aat c4 � - <br /> S 0.l°3.;.'f:.�`?�l�i`��'}� � � t'ile4�__ <br /> �'��:` '�.� ,�Y exaeed the tesser amaunt. Leader may estimate the amount of�mds due oa tt�e b�sis af t�ucent data and teasonaDte .°_-�- <br /> � <br /> .,�C�T''�" V' '.�.4, i� GT�I:�. <br /> ._.�•� �_v_ <br /> -_ ��;�. ,' 2°N ',' ; estima�s o'f eapendihues of future Escmw Items or oihe�wise in aceoidanee widt a��irable law. _ ' <br /> s;<<��� '!�e Eiueds shalI be held in an instimdon who�deposits are insuicd Iiy a fedeia!agency,insnumentality.or e�titF <br /> y <br /> ��.�'.���. '- , rinchtdiug Lender.if Leiider is such an institutian}or�.any f+edecaI Home I.uan Ban�. L.ender shall appfy the Funds to gay �x _-- <br /> •'� the Fs�!v�lt�ems. L.ender may aot charge Baaawe�fnr hatding and aPPtY�B the�nds.aanually anaIyztng the esa+o�v � ���"`�_ <br />- .'`` F �N'• �•� � accoune�ar veritying the Fscmw Items, unless_I.endex pays�aitu�wer inter�est on the l3�nds aad applicable iaw pemoa�s.. �����. <br /> . .�. ,,-.' �_.-,-�. <br /> , I,aaa�to make such a chazge. However.Lender ta�y require IIaarower to pay a ono-time charge for an indepeadent�aI - •�<-- <br />- ��l�,�,' � . . essate tax'nporting service used by Lender in can�n witb tLis loan,untess appticab2e law pmvides othe�vvise. Uniess an ��.r.`:-�-_--� <br /> � -';;,� ,'• ° . :agreeamat is made or applicabte law requims�t�r:De paid Lender shall not he ceqnirad to pay Borrower any iaterest or �E:°�:�= <br /> esinings on the�nds. Borrower aad Lead�r maya�e in writing,however.that interest sha116e paid an the FLads. L�der -'`r`: <br /> ,� ,::� :•S• r "�;, ;;..• <br /> t.° , h shaIk g#� Bornawer.without cha�e>.an annuat accoundng of the Auids.showing credits aad debits to the fi�nds a�t mTt� �_� <br /> ���.: <br /> :' P�yu��,,ppose€a�whicb each debit to the Futtds was made. 'lhe f�nds are pledged as additionat security for all sums secam�TsY' , ����.;:• �x�.��-_ <br /> r WlDJ0�1L��lIS11U�II�It. ' . �' — <br /> `�� � ' �f i�e�nds held by Lender exceed the amounts petmitted to be held fry a{�tica61e.3aw,Lender shaU acxour�t�a . - ,,-: � <br /> �� � � • ��x+., <br /> f_:,,zyi�,�`_ Bomnwer for the eacess i'vnds in aoeorclance with ct�e mquireraents of applicable faal. If the amount of the F1�nds hetd foy'� .i:.;s,:�:z,----: <br /> •_;��'?��';::;'-•>"� � t eader�t any time is nat sufficient to pay the E9cxezw Items wAen due.Leadec�may so notify Bou+nwer in writing,; �.,xj�.-;,- <br /> � ���x���: • such ra�Bouower shaU pay to Leader the amount necessary w make up the deficiency. Boirower shall malce ug�se• w`�•��:_ <br /> .i ,'' deficiersy in no more than twelve monttily Lender§sole discretioa '�i,�,'?= r, <br /> ! . `;= �'�::�- Upan payment in full of all sums s e c u r e d b y d d s Security I a suumen�L ea der s h a l l pmmp t ly te f u n d t o Bomower asc-� �.*�:.,' f <br /> �-� ' I�nds held by Lender. If,under paragrsph 21.Leader shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acr�uiss�c�-ror ` '�:_��; <br /> � � � sale of the PmpeAy,shall appIy any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisiaon or sale as a credit agai�t t�te snms � �-P'--�' <br /> � €.'`�;=�:: .: ::; secuted by this Security Iastrumen� <br /> '� ��:}�'�:'• ``"• �'� 3. Applicatloa of Payments Unless applicabte law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender unQer ��'4 <br /> ,�1;�>..�ti:•: �';�;;S�t <br /> S°•• ,:��= : .�� { ara hs 1 and 2 shall be a lied:fust,to an re a ent ch es dae wtder the Note:second.m amounts a able un� ' '� %��'��• �- <br /> r;;,.p.;::'.:;.�•,;.:,,�::• P �P PP Y P P Ym azS P Y '-.�:.�'``ni;4��.. <br /> � . .. .=•.:�;:;,�, <br /> ��",. , •'•'.;�,;�. : paragraph 2:third,to interest principal due;and last,to any late charges due under tIze�vote. ;...:��;: ,;_ <br /> ' '=^�Y��S��`'� t�'� •'�`��` 4. Cdarges; Lf�s. Borrower shall pay all taaes,assessmeats. charges.fines and imposi�ans attributable to tt�e '•,•'..<<. :,.�_ <br /> _ ;:��:��•<,. . . . _ <br /> ' •«"��`'`' � Property wirich may atta�prioety over this Security Insuumen�and teasehold payments or grou»d renu.if any. Borrower h; . ',` ',K.:�- <br /> ,:.� +>G�i�=��' . . � <br /> - }�`� ��•� ,� shall pay these oblig2tioas in the manner provided in pamgraph Z.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on . . � :° .�. ,'�� <br /> ,� i�- • • rime directly io the person owed payment. Somnwer shalt pmmpdy fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to be paid un�er ' � <br /> �'� � • � . " tdis par�raph. If Bomower makes these payments directly.Bomower shall prompUy fumish to Lender receipts evideasi�g • . '"' �"���-? <br /> : ; , � • :; the payments. :,:.�_:.:,:.���. <br /> ,• ,.,.,.. w . . <br /> : � •• . Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instiument unless Bormwer.(a)a� . .�k: ' <br /> � � � �" in writing to the payment of the obllgauon secured by the tien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith t�e ; ��•�� ' <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the tien in,legal proceedings wAich in the I.ender?;opinion operate to prevent e�e : ' ��-'' • .' <br />= '� � • enfo�ement of the lien:or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subord9nating the Ei.n . �� � `��• • <br /> �� :,� �: : . . ;,�.; . - �; ,;.:,., ; <br /> ..��:t�;:: to this Security InswmenG If Leader determines that any part of the Ptoperty is subject to a lien which may attain prioeify � �o• �. ,. _ <br /> 1,....;- :- „ ,. , <br /> .�r• .. ,':-.;;;�;-,�• . <br /> , <br /> � �• , .,� over this Security Insvument,Leader may give Bonower a notice identifying the lien. Borrou��r shall satisfy the uen or taTse . �';; • .� ' <br />- ��. -'., •� �, ,. , � one or more of the actior,s set farth abave within 10 days of the giving of notice. '. . . - � <br /> {:.; . � 5. Hazard or T?a��erty Imsa�ranc� Botrower sha11 keep the improvemercts now ezisting or hereafter erected on the . • <br /> a:�'. .. � • Aroperty insured against Ioss by fue.hazards iticluded within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including • • ,. . <br /> ;: � " � � tloods or f�ooding, for which Lertd.,pr requices insurance. 7Uis insurance shall be maintained in the amounu and for v1a.e � � . <br /> ::��, � : . • • <br /> -.� �r.;,'+,,;.,:. , Form30?8 9l90 (page2oJ6�mgerl � � , <br /> ��` • a.E',o��•; , ' .. . ,. , ' i <br /> :, � , <br /> ' ����i;..� • - . ' :�y';t,�tt� . <br /> '�, ti-� � � .�; ' .. i:'• . . . . � :5:. . . � -. . _ .- . . �J. . � �• . <br /> �•a �4 �. .. _ 1' 7 a[i�,.: _ . ' ' .ti . . �u`'f:�� 1- `•y�.:. . . . _• . <br />�•! 4\.i",e�.f J 1 � � ' .. . . . - ,.. . . � . . . . ' ' . .. . . . . � . <br /> 1, .i_, � . <br />-4�! '(n: �� .`3} , � ' � � � . .. - .� .. . : . .. ' . : � . � ... {1. a ` . .. � <br /> h' � <br /> � '�� Y •l� . . . . , ' t .. '. . t; � � . •e � � ' ' ' ... 1 _ . . .. . . . <br /> .� �'� �`''. .j' ,. '- . _ . . �. , . .. ' YJ , . - . . ' �� . � -G - , ` . . <br /> � $+1�.4v._.!'l�•. + . � . . • • , . �. ".. ' <br /> _' K. ' � . . � � � . . ' . ' . .'` ` f . " .. 1 � .. . .. ' � ` . <br /> _ �.��{_ . . . . •. . . . ..: . .. .. ,. , b ., <br /> al�a�����i�; ��' . � ' . . ' . • . . . . . . � :ti -... � , ' - � - . � . <br /> 3��1,4;� ' . ' • � _ . _ . � ., . . � '% , `si '�: ' . . <br /> •� .. .. <br /> . . _ . .� <br /> •�.y�y .."' ; .' . . � ,� • ' _,ti.. . . . ' <br /> _ . . .. , . ' <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> .. ... � ... . . . . . _ . <br /> - . '�:., . � � . • . • - i . <br /> :• <br /> r' .. <br /> .t! . . . <br /> -.. .�: • �_. ,. . . .. <br /> -- ... .. �l .i � ... _ .. _ _ ' _ r . .: _. _ i _�1— . . - ' . =- ---_. . <br /> .a . . , . •.�, 1 <br /> _ <br /> ; <br /> �.i. <br /> , <br /> .• <br /> .- � �t ` ; '..,. '. . : ., . . . , ... '' .l' . �l� ' ' <br /> - ;. . . �, - . . _ . . <br /> _�S �.Y� .! . � , ,� �� ,, 'V J _ � � �1 ' `l�' - � �. . . , � , r [ � -' , �, <br /> , 1��, - -�'�`� � �. Il��..�_: ' - - ��� • � � •' •� 1 � . . <br /> _ �SPA _�G.Mf� (��, �. � �c•. .:1'� � S_ 11_��._.__��� . ' . ... . _.._ .-li.,__1.Y_:._._. _�'J: M. .. _ . � ' . . . � _.. <br />