O' . �' . t. 1..0 . F-. C: l;:y . 9 �aK!tYk^� . {. ` ( ..
<br />_ . - 1 ti.j - �'�=� ' � - - o /f � . . �. � (; � ' .:
<br />� � . - �`� �.. ��_r..j.12-3�1 4f�.t_ �~� _ � / J....f �� ._�i�;i.��� S.Y-�r-�" _ __-- s .���srt P _�i�!�1 i�'�.__.._- _
<br /> . _
<br /> ..� " y...u..... - ` �� . ��.-...
<br /> � YiiMYi��r o+ -s'
<br /> t • _ -�_- _-_.
<br /> _ •�; .s� - �tiry,h. � " � ' ' ' ;� ���� _ _--
<br /> ;���`� '�`°•`�` : .• � lb.Horrowar's Copy.Borrowarshall bagivFmoaeaanfurmedoopyoitheAioteandoithiaSecurItyttstrumen� �a,,.,, _�
<br /> m
<br /> �' °;�:`:;�, B.� 17.Transier oi the Pto�ar s Beaatictat Interest�n Bonower.If e11 ar s�y patt o3 the Fe+operty or any Fr�;�F -
<br /> r ' . �` �:. iAtarest in it is sold or transsen+� or if e beael�ciat interast in Borrower ia sold or vansfatred aa8 Borenwer is aot a � Y t��� .�
<br /> � , ; .°��- aatsuel persun�witAout I.eadar's grior wrltten oonsont,Le�tder may.e:its ogdos�,re4uire Immediata pa,}rme�t,in tu11 of � � r{
<br /> �-�� .��_-
<br /> �� �!!s u i n e��1� t ti s Sscuritv Ia�tru�nent.tiin�ever. �s o�s ioa s�� uot�@�;�a ey t.�a��c e��s
<br /> 5�� °e prol�ibitodDyf�lawesolthe�ateot�iis-�unt3► o�steuit�ens. -- � - : -- - - ` a=k`��
<br /> .�:� . • � It Leader eaer�ise�tLta op�on,Lendar sQall give Eamower notioo og eaxleretiun.The notiao sbalt provide a pariod �. ' ---�=
<br /> �'�-•` �`�°� � ot not le�tMn 3�1 e�j►a ionm tAe datelhe 4otioe ie delivei+ed oIl'tReile��tlt�liA w11iCh BoleOwet�11u8t paji e11 stJme 6e�u�+ed � a_c �' ��=t;.,�-w
<br /> _ ��` ° �� ^' " by thisSahrrity Instrumea�If Bore+ower�aila to p�,y the�aus�nagnor ta t1�e esp�rattoa of thie period Lender niay invoYe �• _� � �°���
<br /> ' ° . ,5� _., any remedies perm�ttea by ttiaSec�ulty Iastrumentwtthout fiuth d ' . '?�_- �
<br /> �. etmottoeor smaadQnBornawer. �� ;o',:,' - �
<br /> `. ' ��"s l�.Horra�rer's Iti;ht to Reiast�tG ti Horeocver meam oertain wadi8as�s.Borrower ebalt�ve the right to hav� -�•F�- .`�
<br /> _� „ �. _� enforcem�t of this Securlt}►Instrument,dtsooatiaued at auy time prior to theesrlier oi(a)S days(or euch other�eriod � ��-_
<br /> � ° �- ` as a licabte taw may specify tor reiastatement)before sale of t�a Pro Ruisuant ta esU� of eate eoa�na3 in L � .�-=
<br /> � i1�is�uitq I�tsumen�rsr{�eatFy a$a�ant�tor�iag tbis�ty lastrumeat.�condirions.are.thaE � � .-s' �
<br /> �� � Borrawer: ta?paYs Lettdet a11 eums wtich eu woutd be dae under this Security inateumont aad ttie Note as i!no ° �Y
<br /> ` , acoeleradon had oawn+ed;(bf c�tt�es aqy defautt oi any otner ooveaanm or ag�emen�(c)pays a11 eagen�iucutred in `> � >� -� .,
<br /> i "��' ` e n f o r c i n g t h i a S e c u ri t y I n s t r i:m e n t,i n c l t t d i n g,�u t a o t l i m i t e d t o.�+s o n a b l e a t t o mays'f e e s�atid(d)takes s�ct�action as ,�;.x " �,x �
<br /> l�:�` �_��;�r;. ' Lendec may reasonably require m ass�ere that the lien ot thia Secitt�ity Instrusaent,I.e nder e rigAtg in tLe Property and ,;: : ti;;,,3;�;�"�_-
<br />_-: ;'� '� ' Hon+ower'sobligat�ontopa�r thesumsBecuredby tLisSecurityInswmentshaltcontinueunchaaged.Upanreinstatement � ��' __ --
<br /> ; �F�,., . ; 0,-�;, -.. by Bormwer.t6is Sec�uity Iaswmentaad the obligtstionasecu�d teeneby shall remaia fuUy effectivees i4 na aeceleratian - --_
<br /> � had oocorred However,ttiarig�ttoreinstateshall aatagply inthawseof aexeleratiaauaderpatagcaph 17. ",�f _
<br /> ,�� �.�. 19.Sale oi Note:Chaage of Lom Servicer.The Note or a partial intee+estia.the Note(to�ether with tLis Security •F -;-�
<br />- , .. .°',� :.``�::: Insq�uraent)may be sold on�or more times without prior aotice to Horrowee A sale may resuli in s chaage in theentity �°t_�.-.,::..=��_
<br /> �`�..- ' " (kno�vn as tha"L o a n Servicer')that coriecls man t�i l F t�Ymeata due uades the Note aad this Securi t q Instrumen�There :, ��
<br /> S.� C :� ___
<br /> " ata�may be one or mo�+e changes of the Loaa�rvicer unrelated to a sale o4 the Note.If there is a change of the Loan < < �'�`��-�
<br /> �u -': Servicer,Bonower will tie given�vritten notioe oi t�e ut a000rdanee withpaeagraph� 14 above ead applicable law. ° �
<br /> ;�:��.,;.,,__;... .:_. : The notioe will state the name and adMesa oithe nezv Loc�Servicer aad the address to which payments should_be made. ;�,4 , t =-
<br /> -` �?�;�, ' TAe notice will also contain any othet iaformation raquired by applicable law. ��'� '� _
<br /> 20.Nazardot�s SnDslaaces.Bomower sLall aot cause or it tlte p�+esenoe.use,dispa�l,erorage,or retease og �
<br /> ';:� : _ `� � ;'� ° any Haxardous Substanoes on or ia the Pro�etty.Homower not do,aor allew anyaae elss to do,aiU►thing affecdn8 , �`` := x=_
<br /> ' ���� 4'� •the Prope�t�that is in violation of any Bnv�rnnmental Law '�he precedi two�ntences s�all not apply to the pre�eao�, :•.
<br /> _ ,,_ ng ,
<br /> �.:,�.:x;.
<br />-- � ` �. .,,� . use. os stQrap,e on the Pcoperty oi small quantities of H�+dnus Su�nces that are generally recognized w be °��_�,� ''`---
<br /> _ �� . '''�`�� a prcao�t o no r m a l resi den ti a l�es an d t o main t e n a n ce o f the Pto p e r t y.. . ' -
<br /> ..r:._s
<br /> ' �, :�' •�.';.-:��.�_-;:'.�. �Bormwer ehall gromptiy�ive Lender written notice of any investiptton,claim,demand.lawsuit or other action by < , _
<br /> ��`��:'�,. .,.
<br /> ,•,_ ��, an3► govemmenta} or �u1atory agencp ot private paety involving the Pmpertq att d H�t d OUS Su�s�a c e or ' ����`.;•
<br /> � � ' �<<�.>.: Bnvironmental Law of w 'ch Boimwet has actual knowled if Borro�ser ieams.os is noti sed b o�rernmental or . .' :
<br /> fu � 3►�Y g _���'..<
<br /> -� 5... ,� :";:;�' regulatory suthority.that any removal or other remediat�con of aay Hazardw�s Substance eifecting the Property is ��:���=- -
<br /> .a� •.�
<br /> , � . ' "�:��ti t' neo�y.Borrower shali psom� take all nece�ry semedial actions m accordance with Environmental Law. : r���:::.:;:� �:,,
<br /> }"-;��_: ` . As used in this P�P,�Ph Z0,�Hazardous Substances"sre thase substances�ned as tosic or Aazardous substanc�s : � �. '•����':
<br /> ' �".,. -�.�fi;�,-�?._.
<br /> � :;�s�;:�;+; , by Environmental Law and the following substaaas gasotiae,kerosene.other flammab2e or msic petroleum producte. �•+� •. ;�.�, . -
<br /> : �;�:;�'�4:?� ° tosic pesticides and herbicides. voIatila solven� materiats contairung asbestos or formaldehyde, end radioaetive '��.'_:_�;�:. -.:;� .
<br /> � �'-�-`��:�: ma t e n a l s A a u s e d in t h is p a r a g r a p h 2 0."E n v i r o a m e n t a t L a w"m e a n s f o d a r a l t a w s a n d l a w a o f t A e j u r i s d i c t i o n w A e r e t l t a ?:��
<br /> :�; �`'`r�?<'`` Pro Lslacatedthatrelatetohea2th.safetyorenvironmental tection. �, �: �..,,;`�''t.����
<br /> �.�XZ'�. P�'ty� �°
<br /> � NONfi�'NIFORMCOVENANis.Bonoweraad Leader�ercovenantend agrce as follow� .-��;���_»
<br /> � .. 1
<br /> � : :;� �I..�Ac�cetaratioa; Reaeedies. Leadar shal�glve �.��ice ta Borrower prtor to acce1eation foltowiag � � "^���:'�;'_
<br /> ', �;;;: : � HormRec's breach of any coveaant or ag�effien�in this Secudty lastrumeat(but aot prIor to acxeteratioa . � . < ;�j;�,��
<br /> - ,��: : . . . ac��a.�azageapb 17 uatess applicabte law provi�es otherwise).Tbe notice shall specNy:(s�tDa dafauIt;�b1 the ,� �;;�.�: :
<br /> acta�m-required to cure tha deiault; (c)a date.not tess than 30 days from tIIe date the notice is givcn to � , � ���:�, 2:,,;:
<br /> ' � Borrower,by wLich the default must be cured;end(d)that failure to cure tha deisute on or betore the date ��� �� ;-
<br /> . ' � ' ��;:�� spe�fied in the notica ma resultia acceleratian of the suma secured b thisSecurity lastrumeat sud sale o! ''``�''�'�
<br /> Y Y ' • =,�ti;�:�.�'�:��°°
<br /> '' #`. . t 6 e Property.Tlte notice sDait further inform Bortower of tIIe rjght to reinstate aiter acceteratioa and the : ����°��' '�
<br /> � right to brlag a conrt aetion to assert t�e non-e:istence of a deiault or any other defense of Borrower to N " �
<br /> " � acceleratioa and sa1e.Yf ttie dafault is not cused on or before the date speeiiieil in the notice.I.euder.at its j;; � • ;
<br /> � � � a�tion, may require a�ediate payment in iull ot sll sums secured by this Security lastrument without s': � ��'-
<br /> " � further dea�naud aad �ay invoke the powet oi sale and any other remed�es permitted by applicable law. �� >��'�
<br /> � . Leader shaBIl be entitled to collest all espenses incurred iss pa�rsuing tha semedies provided in this paragragl�� � . . •
<br /> 2!,inclaada�g,but not limiteatv.r�asoaable attornays'fees�d costs of title evideuce. � ' . �
<br /> ; ; It the power of sa2e is iuvoked Trustee sha�trecord a notice of deiault in eacb county in wLicL any pastv? �
<br /> .. , . the Property is located and s�aDB mail copies�t sucL notice in the manner Qrescribed by a�rplicable law to ''j;`'�� •,, '�` .
<br /> ' � . �onower and to the other pers�s prescritie��y applicable law.After the t�me required by applicable law. '•.�;:�� �� � �
<br /> ' Teustee sbsll give publ�c aotice of sa2e to the persoas and in the manner ptescri�red�ty applicab2e Isw.Trustee. ����� � , � • �
<br /> � . � • without demand on Borrower.s�ast3 sell the Property at public suction to the lnfrg�est bidder at the time and � -
<br /> ; �. ptace snd uader the terma desi�aaated in the notice oi sale in one or more pance�s and in auy order Trostee '� �'• . .
<br /> �,. ` � determines.Truatee may postpome sale o!all or any parcel o!the Pro�aerty by qraubfic eaaouncement at tae ����` ` .
<br /> ' �:,:�.�:� .
<br /> '`'���`��' time aad place of any previous�y schedute8 sale. Lender or its desiguee may paercDase the�roperty at any '�
<br /> g �,�.;,;. �. sale. _',
<br /> Y;I•:�i
<br /> �t .
<br /> ,3:\'- . � - �
<br /> ii��. . . � . . ..• _
<br /> .-�•. ' �• }.•
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<br /> �:;:- " �-6Rti�ratosio� v.y.e o�e �
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