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. . <br /> -� .. _ _ <br /> �'.y. _.. . . . . 'F' " ' "_ <br /> _�. ' - ' '.' :.�� '_ '. - _ � _ .._...� ..__ � - <br /> '�'lf"--i.'r� ' . , < < . ' . ' • ' " . . < _ _ .� _ �c.5 <br /> . 4 . , _ � , .; � .- - . _ . _ r: - � . - ,, - - � . �1 � ���� _ . -_ _ .. _ . � � ��. <br /> ` � � p�io�e tb�t Imde�Y,equu,es,,�1Le`•,ns�aare ar,;et pov'�a�dr i�an� be�a,onuwer��e��1� . ` <br /> � appnvat which sb�p mf be iunessanably rveAf�eld. �f Hnrrori�er t�isyo aweli�ca�a�e dacr�e�a6ora I�esder�'` .. <br /> . Isedet option.�bni�n eorense to peaextl�eadpr'sa8t+��d�e ProQe�f�►:��c�+°°E.wit�poea=t�N 7., s <br /> - �_ �.�:�u�nce pdicies am rtaewa�s snau bs ac+cepnbte ta stnu incruae s spoa.nt mortss�e.chwe..La�er _ <br /> `sbali l�va the�t to la�d the polic9es aod c�eevrats. if L�e�der teqaites.BoaoMrcr s6t11 promQtly�`►ve io i:uW et�Il teaeipt� ;� <br /> �_. � �af prid prdniurtn a�Rat�val notkes. [n the tvent,af bss.Sarowe�s�ll give pvmpt aotice�at$e��� ' - <br /> i.en�kr i,ender may maie poof of bss if not made psornplY bY Barrowa . - . <br /> sTr�llbeapplieds�stacaat3oeiorn�ic-ef._-. =- <br /> . . '[lnias Lader an�d BaROwtr�ag�e�i�writin�.insur�oce p�rocceds Tr °-- <br /> • -d�e Fia�a�ty tt�ms�e�:if tl�r restastion ar tep�v u a�no�oially feasil�k-aad l.ender's savtitY is not kssened. if tbe <br /> : restu��a�,o ar iep�ir u noe'ocaouinicaUy feasibte ur Lenda's se�wity wouW be kssme�.tbc i�axanee P�'�o�s�i��� ~�� <br /> � a�lied to the s+�ms�jr tAis Senuiry IaStrumnu,whe�ha a.nat then due,wide any exccss Qaid uo Bart�oweG If :',, � <br /> Bomow�r abaodoos the Rapgrty a daes not ar�sv�wi�hin 30 days a notice fmm I.endes tlat We i�uanee carriet�Ss <br /> • oPfi�od W seNe a claim.,d�t i.axfer may colTxt tbe i�aoace ptooeeda Lender ma�use t6e pev�oe�W iep�ic oe�eslone <br /> d��iop�ty qt to pay soms sauted by ih9s Securitx Inst�wae�.w1�edKrarAOCthen due. 'ff�e 30�day penad�r+ll bega�wl�a!:'.•::•'� <br /> � t6t�naticeis�iyen. � � �_�'�jKj�a� <br /> ' lJnk�.CeEdcr aod Boaoaa o�se�8ae in writing.any an of p�i_ <br /> postpoae tBe due date of she montidy paynie�us seferned w in para��and x a+r,����� <br /> ' ,tpder poragsapl►21 tl�e Ptoperty is aap��ed by l.e�da.Rortuwer�right ta.�pyt• � , <br /> � �om da�uge m the prnpeRy pjor to tbe aCquisition shatll(qe�S;tQ�.I.eJ�,4�CR`�`�ie exieat of Ihe surtK sattte:d by tfus Seeo�itY <br /> lnstnur�ent immediaeely prior w d�e acquisidoa. �..`LL.` - ` ` � <br /> cq <br /> f,. Oo�c9, P�+eaervatioa. Ma�t�a�ee s�d Pr�ateetios ot t6e Prope�t�; Botrower's l.pu A�pliditl4!: <br /> • i�leMiis. Bomawpr shall occupy.auabtish.aad use tl�e R�ope�ty as Bonowec`s'p�cipat tesidea+x within snety days�fier. <br /> the exocutian of d�is.Sociuity Insaumau aod shaU caaanue to occupg'ih4 RoP�Y as Rortuweis principwl re.c�dence fa at <br /> . `tatu aae yar� the da[e of acca�ncy, urTess L.ender oti�e�wu,e aS�ees in writi�g, w1�i�h crosent s6�11 not be ' <br /> — wioezsoa�M�vhll�i� tmkss eatenuating�s e�ast whicis at�beya�d Borsower's conval. Bortower shall twt <br /> � de�►,ny�damage or impair the Pmpecty.allow the Prope�iy to deterioratc:o�conunit�8ste on Q�e�t�aperty. Bot�wer stuU <br />- be in defautt if any forfeitiae actian a pcococding.whether civ�7 or 6egais that in Leaderk good faith judgment . <br /> - could nesutt`in forFeitune of the RoPertY ot othe�ise mater'ally impair the tien cre�ted by this Security In.mument a <br />��;s:-; [.�rdes's security in�cest. liamaFVer may core spch a default and te� provided in parag�a�18.bycausing the actiau <br />- ' or pcaceeding to be dismissed with a tuling Lender's gaod faith detem�inaaon,pcecIadesf�sfeiture of the Bomnwer�s <br />` ��i:. intenst in tht PtopertY cx aher material impaim�ent of the tien created by this ��rity lasuument or Lender's`security <br /> interest, BoROwes st�all also be in d�fauit if Borrowec� during the loan app�sct�'t.?a p��. 8ave materially false or <br /> , ir�accurate information ar statements to Lender(or failed r.�pmvide Lender with'�.��terial infom�ation)in connectian with <br /> �,r!',.�. the loan evi+�enced by the Note, inctudibg. but not limited to, m�sentatioti��xanceming Boaowers occupancy af tt�e , <br /> _°--e ptvpeny as a�iincipal c�esidence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a Cr:���ald.Borrower shall campty with aQ the provisions�`'::�:•' <br /> =�. of the icas��Botrower acquites fee titte to tfie Property,tfie tease�r�w��and the fee tide shall not merge unless l.ender agrees:,�:':;r. :i,,.; <br /> �%•:=�• • , .. �''} ��'.:'•�: <br /> x- to the merga i»writing. .�..+ <br /> .=`�r � T. P�+ate�tion of T,eadee's Ri�6ts-in the Pruperi}. If Bortower failss:s:pecfonn the covenants and agrcements _ - <br /> contained in this Secumy(nstrumen�.or there is a 1�gal praceeding that may��Se;uuly affect t.ender's riglus in the <br />. .• Fre�peetty(sach'as a proceed'mg in bankiuptcy.probate.far condemnation ar forfeitum or to enforce laws or regulatians).then: ;;;•,� <br /> • • L.ender may da and pay far whatever is neces.ary w pratect the vaiue of the Praperty and Lender's ri8hts in the Ymperty.,.� _ <br /> ' L.enct�r's actions may include payin�any sums secured by a lien whicb has priocity aver this Security[nstrumen�appearing ,� <br /> in cauA.paying reasonable attamey.c fee:,and entering on the Property to make repairs.Atthcwgh L.ender may take actioa <br /> , under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do sa. s <br />