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<br /> : � -v;. of theae ltinate to oollee!tUe rente.'iseues and pm8te of eald pmper�y.reseiving rmLo 44usLas the�ight.P�to aqy dd3uit bph�llntctor. t ��� .
<br /> � Y � : in psymeat oi app iudeDtedncss see�ed�'ebY or in peifosmeaoe of a�y a�eament neteunder,to oolied ead eetain sud►eoatR,.ist�xuea
<br /> � � <
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<br /> : " ":`' egent.or by a:maia�r to be agpainted by a cumt,ead witltont regard to the adeqnec9 otany eeaui�y fas the IndebSadneaa LetnLdn��rea:. . ,� -, �
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<br /> - ProBta iadndin8 thnse past due ecd�mpaid,end eDPlp the eama upon any in�ebtedness eenned heteby.aml in susn o:der ee 86n��t �. .
<br /> u - - mo,p dsterwine.�e a►tarin8 npon and�iag P�on of ssid PmPe:t9.tLe mIIediub of evch renta�g�d P��ead t6aap}►lieatEoa ` .,ti c
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<br /> : b.Upmt defadt hy Tenstcr ia t8e peyment of aqy iadebbedne�see�ed Leieb9 ar ia tlte pe'rf¢�enae af aoy ag�eemeat�tai�lAtueiq. �::�,�,---.- =�
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<br /> 3� `���s��~`�`,j�!�c:� ?.79te power of eale a�nfetred by t6ie Deed of4hiist ia nut an ecduaive semedy:Bene&aary�naY cause�is�of 14¢at to be fm�eethsed `�t-`Y�'•t r '�.
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<br /> � t.s .� ' t- `:�>i �a�@. -. .. . ' - ' -; •t:` .
<br /> t�� 8.Ia the evenL of the deatII.incapadtq,disabiiity or re�i�ation of 94uetee.Bene&daeY�aY BPPo�t fa wtiung a r trustee. 1
<br /> aiLL�MVan
<br /> >. , and npon the e�ding of euch appointnent in the mnrtgage ceea:+de of the countq in whicti thia Deed of'hust la reoo�ded.ths e�uceasor .- ;,� `
<br /> ; • " ttuatee shall be aested wi�h all poweis of the o�gInal teusree.The trusLee te noL o6liged W aotiljr auy party hemto of pendtm�eale nuder � ;"`
<br /> ,-� ;�' �'� eny other�eed of T�uat ar oi aay adton or pmoeeding ia which�usWr.'tlrusoee os Beaeflctaey elull be a part�ualeea s�cch ac�iosr or � �. �:
<br /> ' '. � �• Pmoeedio8 ie bsought by the 74ustee. :. t°
<br /> }, � ' ' � 8.74�ta Deed of Tmst appliee to.iau=es tu the 6eneSt of.and ie binding not only on the parties he=eto.Eut oa tbeir Eeire.devia�ec�„ :'."r � �' e'�
<br /> j . ` � . l e g a t e e s.a d m S n l e t r a W i e.e:e c u W e e, s u x e a e o r s a n d a s s i g n e.T he t erm Beneftd n r y ehali meat►the holder end owner of the note eecnied ,:. .�-^1'�-
<br /> � .. . hereby..whether or aot Aemed ee Beneftciary herein. . :.:•�.,i .,'
<br /> ; . r> � 10.Request for NotEae ot DefnutL or Notiee ot Bate.It ieeequeated that e oopy of any Notice ot Default or Notiee of Saie be maited w _� ;i;�.: A
<br /> - .: ` � _ each peteoa who ia naned ia thie Trust Aeed at the mailing addreaa of such person as aee out a6ove. ,..�::..�` --
<br /> ' , .. . � . NOTICE TO CON8IJMER: i.Do not aign Wis paper before you read it 2.Sou ere entitled to e aopyt ,' � . � .. � �
<br /> . '.. of ibte paper.8.You may PrePay the unpald balance at any tlaie without penaIty and mey be entttl�d' �� � � ���:��,:
<br /> ,° f� ' � to=+eoeive a reAmd oi unearned claergea ia accordaace wIW law. .
<br /> �:�°=-
<br /> �1 � stgaed ct�e 23 aay of October n.n.is 93 /^/ c .
<br /> L� • . V
<br /> ; STATE OF NEBRASI{A ) `.�
<br /> ` � Hal l ��. a e c a .,�:° , .
<br /> �- . . � ... COUNTY � y . c ,;' � ,.,}^`r��`��
<br /> ' • On thie 23 �y of Octobel^ ,A.D.,19 before me, e�rsIgned,a Nota�y Fublic,duly ��''� . •�'; �
<br /> � oommissioned and qualtHed for and reaiding in esid county, pereonally came�B� c _Schall an .����s�r�,- 4cha11, '��'�''; .;.
<br /> � • • � hUSbd►Id d(Id Wif2 dS,,i0i0t �2��1[�wn W be the identical persoa .S_._whose name.� affixed to the foiegoing , i,�, ';_
<br /> � .�: ' ; ::�' instrument ael4ustor S and acluiowledged the eame W be their ��. � �,::�i..::;,`,;' .
<br /> k;� , � , ualary act and deed. . . �,�',`> .
<br /> �. . .�,, •� �' .
<br /> � � ' Witnese my hand end Notarial 3ea1 the day and year 1
<br /> i;�... ' � ,� . �. My Commission eapirea the S day IOUTAY,St�b 01 l�r� /� - ..
<br /> ��. . of February . 19 g5 SHERRI Y.WAT30N . ,� �, �
<br />- `�•.�}, 1 �'.� Pi1�C .
<br /> {•►. , . • •
<br /> ' STATE OF 1 ' '
<br /> �''}: - County iss. .
<br /> �j`�,1•;;` ��-: ,. .' Enteied in Numerlcal Indea and filed for record in the of'i3oe of Lhe Regiater o4 Deeds of eafd caunty.the f'
<br />- • �; , d a y o f . 1 9_-. a t o c l n c k a a d
<br /> miantee M..aatl duly recorded in Baok of ,�
<br /> `��' ' MurtB�P�
<br />::�r. _a;
<br /> ';�� .�..:; '�-.,j��:��. � ReBieteroflD�ed9
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