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' � . . r ' ` � ��� ��� <br /> : '�t�'s.<:�Y�..r:�" , . . . , . . , <br /> �� �~ � : `A8lIItlN�lNT.t,�R�N46 R1�gR , � . _ . <br /> �..�:� � • ; <br /> i;�'��'';.,.� � � . ��.THtSASSt�iNMENTCFREN'Y�Rt�ERtamadeondpxeautet9tdis_.3$�CF1..��,_deyo! .�dB� --� .19��,,�indte —_ <br /> ya:• ..`'.: 4,�_` , ' tn�rorperated tMO artt!shaH tia deamed to amend and supptem8nt the Martgape or O�ed ot Tn��,t�etelnsit�r r87srrod to a�the __ __ <br /> -.� Q :'`' .. � �rit�,,in_strnmsnL".Qi_U►a:e_an►edatBgtvQn�4y_M�Un�@t�tgrte0,hereina4ter te4erred to ns the Bo�rOwe►',ta eec4ra _ _ <br /> ..C.�.S+ > .t _�_. � <br /> � t1-a —__ .__`�.. <br /> • '�,'--. �� ---�- �ortowe�'s Indebtedn�ss.�erelnaifer�erted to es�e"Pt�oTe",�a� u1�1A'LaA1�1`A$SaG�t�fii}�i� --- <br /> '�� � r�' ��`�F �'��'- GRANDIS9.��10,har�{natterrefemedtoas4he"Lender'�oftheammedateandcoveringth9propettydeacrt0edint�e8eCUrity --- <br />�'-` '•��'�;_�.tl.'r.. . <br /> ;z` - �- ��.,a;,; �=�; t�strument and tacated s� � - -- <br /> - ,'�:4F'hg�- y �,', . . -- <br /> � `, "`;': � ISLAND NE 68802 � - <br /> _:: ,�F���� ��;;- I927 WE�T 107� AVENUE.- GRAND . � , . _-- - <br />_��" �="";,�i;'�•:�:���;'� ' ���p� �1��� (ProperryAddress) -_� <br /> _ —__'4.(,l��'�"��-'�11—_ _ Y��f�7�3�7Gff�� _ ._ __ ' . . . C—• .—. <br /> �= t'� . kE.�- �t; .: � , ' � � . l`c_ ,.. _- <br /> �. .��.� �.,��� �-�, _ ��p�pg,.gQtccyyerand�ender�d that arry.cents and profite attributabte to the Dropefil_sAoutd constitute _ �T�.,s__ - <br /> :t..,.�,:,•:.. _ -- <br /> -��, ���' ',. additional security to the C�ridar tor the payment of the Note; F�`'°`" ` — <br /> � d y �� ._ . ��� <br /> ��:� '�r i�f� �`:o. - � _ , <br /> ,� NOW,Tt�E�GORE,itisagreedthattheSecuHtylnstrumentshallb�aurt�rtdedAerebyanddeerirtedtoirtatadetheioitpwring �`� <br /> ;�°"� A`� ; - pra��lslons:. . <br /> _r" �c_;�°. , � — <br /> �t� ,iy:_ro:` � �Z ...S - �':`�. .� . .. . . : ., - .'' , ..' . <br /> a � �� 's ` �^�•�� � 1. Asstan ent af Etenta and Lender Raetai Co,�,�cR[a�,�tq6ts 8o�wer Rere�fy 8bsolutety anduncondittort�lfyassEgns e!1 _ <br /> <.� :a�`, ;.,,r`_ '_�` rents, issues and protits ot the�prosetty to Benefrt�f�y. Lender shati havi�iha right, pox�er�and:aeethcr�r Qu�iag tAa �� :'_� <br /> - � `� ���•��` cont[nuance of the 3ecuNty Matrument tacollect the renta,lssues and proflts of the proper3ya�'td of an p�,za� _-— <br /> ', .4� b - _,; y�' � QeoPertll ' _ <br /> � Lt t w±{i,` tucated Nerean wttb or wiMout tak{rtg gossession ot the property aftected hereby.lenifer,Rowever,here2�y'coris� � _ — <br /> ��t' ��fr -`� ` '�`'' Borrower's?caltsctton and retentioe ot suah rents.issuea and profits as they accrue and becoma payabte,so tortgas�st�areF - � s�= -- -- - <br /> " ��'� --�<n. •-- ��� ts nat,at_sii�ii' datauit with resDeat to payment ot any indebtedness ssc,�red hereby,or in the pertorman+�s of,�ny � - - <br /> �:#:' ; �,�,w r:�:��,:''`��'� � agrsemant heteunder. � '• �� ' � �' .�°N - <br /> � }�<£���fi���-��;'� ` � �.�� oietmen of Recelver. if eny.event ot default in respeFt_ta the Secur(ty lastrument shaU have accurre d��e t �� <br /> H_ , Y{�..��"�.r�;��,��� y , continutng, l.ersle►.as a matter ot�tght$nd without not(ce tQ Bu�cawer or anyona Ctatmireg,under Bor�ower,artd�� �-- <br /> ;;i¢� r'{�=�� �` ����� st • �egerd.tfl tTia��;'fue of the trust estate or the interest of ths Bosroaer��eref n�shaii have tAe r�!o app(y to any court t�aq�ng t •� � _---- <br /> :« rr z- _ ._ .. .. .. ,r _ <br /> - ;��h� : ;: �i�c�ssdiation.tQappolnt a receiver of tha propertY• � � . : _ .. .. .�`�; _- <br /> :� .��:, g�qrf tn Possesslon:In case ot defautt in the paj+r�ar►t pf the sald principai Note or tni,arest,or anyp8r�thereof,as it <br /> .�,�� 4 �. x��� shatLinature,ar tn the case of tallure ta keep or perfa�ii ary of the covenanta or agreements coritain$d ir�tt[s�curity Instnt� � .{.`.;r�•."-- <br /> ;,° ,����: men�;tRen Et►s Lender,ita succeasors er assfigns,s1ia4E�e artd e'a hereby authodzed au�sl.�niso�red,to.iaise lmtned3ate ~� �� <br /> � f � ,4.` ct � possessianflffheeatdpremisesthereirtdesarlbedandtcCOttectthe►ientsthereirom,an¢toappPyihepreceedsthereoftoMe . ; �a}��,_ <br /> �' { i �y;x � ����;, Payment of t�a Hote. . . � .; ; � �� <br /> ; .,� .�; �,°f,: 4, ep�ij�ti�a pf Rants.tssaes art¢Pro�its.l4q rents cotlected by Lender ort[r,e�iver stia4t•09 2Cp�lEC?Q€Erst to pay[nent F�`�,•,, ��� <br /> , �3is' ' } f?? � otthe costa af c�anagathentotthe prapertyas�Q Colteati¢n of rents,including,but s�cG Simited to.recetver's fees.premiumson� � 4��`_z �. — <br /> �° '� ° � �� , receiver's boesls;and reasonable attome�'s fees,arrc�tt�eir to the sams secured by�the Security Instrument.Lender ancd tRe � : ���'� <br /> t �rr• ��':fi� receiver shali Qra ilabte to account anty 4�r ttrose rents actuaUy recetved. a` �``��.�._ <br /> ' � "�:��•_:� ,;..:•.�.b r�� �'•;r .�.. ,�t_ __ <br /> � .�a�:;; fi. Construattan of Provlstana Each of the provistorts contained tn thla Aastgnment of Rents Rtder and the Securlty Inatru� — <br /> t�'',.-,��,. � ' ment sAatl,unt�sa otherwlae apeciftcalty required,be conatrued in accordance with Nebraeka law.and tn the event any _. ` �� '� ` _ <br /> ' {;••;. ' - � p rov ls t o n A e r e l n o�t h e r e l n c o n t e l n e d s h a l l b e d e t e r m i n e d b y a c o u r t o f c o m p e t e n t j u r t a d i c t t o n t o b e u n en t or ce a bt esame : '� .���-��;1 ;' �'_ <br /> . ,,;, . <br /> = f ; � shatl0e construed as though such unenforceab►e proviston were nct a part hereof or thereof. �t �.�- `<'':.:• ? <br /> � 8. EN ct� of Rfder.Except as specificatty modifled by or inconststent witb tfila Aesignment of Renta Ridar or by any other �3' '� �� � : _ <br /> t � � applicable rider.all of the terms and provisions contalned in the Security Instturrtent ahall contlnue in fuil fo�ce end eitect. � ° -�`"F� - <br /> 1 <br /> , • �%/ ' '.,��— <br /> :�.• ~ ���:• , , IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Botrower has executed t�is Asstgnment o Renta Rider on the date first notBd 8bove. � ". <br /> � .. � ° �• c�-- . . <br /> � � JII'1 SEIl�i eorrower ''�- ' <br /> ; . . ' ' ` � . :Y`.. „;.: . <br /> � . . _ .. �ra�: <br />-� � ,. . ..-' .,. ELYN R. EIAleorrower .. �� `v,` ' _ �. . <br /> . � � '. ' STATE OF N68RASKA) •Y'`� ' , <br /> • :�: <br /> �;: . (8s: . � <br /> . i� . • .�:.:; :.. . <br /> � •� �.. . . �� COUNTY OF HALL 1 . • . . : <br /> , �t �;41.,:`,�' ' <br /> '-'�•.:�� ' ` ��� '' ' On this 18T� day of �TOBER _�g 93 before me,the underaigned,a Notary Pubiic duty commisatoned an0 � . <br /> .. � i i �. ' � 4ualifted tor eald county,personaliy came ,.a,g9 ��g�p� � g{i�a�}� R. �=�)r�1���A,""` n""' "T�' _ . � . <br />—�;; ,,•. . . . .�.,,;�:,:c <br /> �;:'� ?.�: �� '� � �� ,to be the ldentical person(s)whose name(s)is/are subscNbed v��:�� � <br /> , ;.... :.:��.,. •.;;::.,'�. �:.i,�:�,;�•• <br />-�'����. �.��:��:• • • to the toregotng instrument and he/shelthey acknovatedge the executlon thereof to be hlalhedtheir voluntary aot and deed. • <br /> , ;.�;. <br /> ., _St`�; . . { .;;�.� . <br /> GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA ` �"{'� <br /> �'h�;"� Wttnesa m hand and NotaHal Seal at f�. . �f�� <br /> . '��;,: I ' 9 �;::i� <br /> s�. ',�� � � ,� sald county,the dete at said. �.''"�` <br /> ,, ��MWYcr�o .'�. <br /> '��: � ',i;• �`{�1Y���� Notery PubliC � }, ` <br />_� � ���� � � �_ <br />�, �!_,,:.: ::, : , a � � . . <br /> ��.�. � '-�, - - My Commtssion expirea: , <br /> ���'j�a;i�';'�':. . <br />^��'. ":/i;'.i'. • c.�' . Ni�O'•10(/17� <br /> -:�►� �N�-,��,�:; �;�= <br /> '�'c-::` .; _+r . ,, <br /> � ti :��, . . . <br />��. ., .:- : : , <br /> : � .�`� . <br /> =- �::hf . � � :.i;��.� , <br /> ��,� . <br /> , , . • . ;?�.,7`�i:�. <br /> �'�� �ifi •'d..�� . . . . .'r� �•, � <br /> "t�'�;' t . . ' -� . - �� � - - , � <br /> - j . .. • �+' � . <br />--. • , � . <br /> + • <br />- ` � . .. � � �� <br /> .. ...._ . _ ...,.:�... - • - -- — - - <br /> . _ ._..,s - - � -�-�-- - - - �. • <br />�7I�Y. ' ' . , . <br /> 1{� � <br />__'N� <br />