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<br /> � T r_-I �t��. T�8Tfi6R NFi'f�aII theimp�v�aenis ao�v or here38et emcted an the praperiy.aud aU easem�ta..aFPutOenauc�s. �_�
<br /> -,::�`°°� ' ��� . ao�fu�tui�.a n.o•.w oas,!.�s pa�pt af the p�apeny► All ceptaoeiaents an0 adQitians c+ttal!also be oovered by t�is SccurItY ----- ---- -
<br />_, • _' ..� ., -:-��--------
<br /> -� - . ... ' '-•-� fauU£LL�C�$��Sf�i•C[ICf�K►�8��la�m��uaurS'v�.�.A. . . - _
<br /> � '�..�f:`.`: -�--- ---__��__�_�_.
<br /> �-�'' � �' � � BURL@OWFR COVBNANfS t�at 8mcower is IawFWIy seLsed af tne estate hecehy oonvay�d ead�the tight w gxant -.�:,���.a
<br /> x�y���,.:,\b:r, � -----'-----°-
<br />_ �'�.�� .'�`,,;�;�`x and ooavey the Pjopaty aad that the Piopc�cy is�+±+ra��exaept for eatvmbia�es of�ord. Hmmwer waz4ants aa�! _ ----- .,...
<br /> . aill defe�geat�aaUy Ihe aide oo tae Froperty agsinst aU daims and 6emands.subject to sny e�um6iauses of ceooid. . ����.�._--
<br /> , i,��-� 't7II5 SSCiJRiT'Y II3S7R1JMBNT coatbines uaifmm wv�aata fat nationol use ead apn-unifa3m covena�s arltb �"�
<br /> ;. .1(;�a a�t� m r..x..��-__
<br /> - n�t " � limit�variations by ju8sdiqion to oansdtate e nQifasw sQCUrity iasavment cove�ing c�ea1 pm�ty. ���_
<br /> '�� ,��-_.� U!N�fi 0 1 2 M C'Q 1 t E N A N T S. B o m�wer and Lead�eove�aat.and a g+e e�fouowa '+�=�
<br /> �� '� ° �} i. F�gment oiPrineipal�tnd�nLe�sest:FreF�ytueat ead tsYe�ar��. Sonawer sl�a116��Y PaY when d�ae the � *t <�` a���,�^b,�°'.
<br /> �'' -- _ .s. pr�c�al�af.�ttd�aat�debttviQencad�theNo�aantlaay.�tt�epaymentanAlatechar�duew:derd�riate. ,� �.rc'�
<br /> `�```' t � 2. �nds[or'1�aQS and I¢sueance. Subject to egpW�bie law or to a written waiver by Lender.Bo:rower sAall pay to Y �
<br /> �r�' a ��` i.eader on the day mnnthly paymeats are due ua�tAe Nute,until tlfe Note is pa�d in full.a sum("Rutdc")'�for.(a)Yearll► � h
<br /> -�: .� . • ' ' ,;.� - taxes and assessa�eats which may attain priority over this Secutity Iasnument as.aliea on We Pt+openy:(b)YewdY teaseAoId �' ,_, �
<br /> � t } ,
<br /> `��5��n ;F ' "'j A�Yments or gtouad rents an the Prop�►. if anY: ����Y�Y��P�P�'"�-1!i°ce preadums:(c�yea*IY tload �
<br /> . _�
<br /> �r', � �� <<,K.. . tos�uanoe ptemiums.if anY:(e)yeatiy-mongage ins�aace premiums.if any:and(�anp:su�s paysb2e by Barmwer to ; a• z_ .
<br /> '.."s`:, :r•. � . Lender.in a000ndance with tLe provisians of paragrap��8.in lieu of the payment of mmtgage insmanoe premiums. Thesc � •`•�•�r ��• �:
<br /> � itenos are called"Fsccow Items. I cnder �=� <F��t�,'�:;.:
<br />_ �:`�`ti°�. `�' » and ho2d�mds in an aaaount not to exoeed the maximum > ,= .}��. <;
<br /> �,�.. . �y.et 8Dy t3JI1�COuECt ; :p .{SF°.s
<br /> >.�,- ,� ' �� amounc a leader for a fede�alIy celated mortgage toan may�e q u i r e for Homncv e r�esaow acoouat uader ttt�fed�ral Real � " �
<br /> = '�;`:' -- °� Estaze Se�ement Ptncedtues Act of 1974 as ameaded from time w�me.!2 U.S.�:$2601 et seq.(°RESPA°T.tmf�ss another `�{ � �
<br /> �\":. �,`�� ��,�� laar t�applies wthe f�s seu a lesser amouat If�.I.eadcr may.at any tim�coIiect and�old I�mds ia au�m o u n t n o t t o `� `=s ?,��:°�" -
<br /> •.��'r .A��.� cY
<br /> �"�d.��.:i}.-
<br /> �r����F-������ esceed tha.�asser amount Lender may estimare the amotmi of Elmds due:aa the Dasis of cuacut data�tid t�asfluabIs --.
<br /> t_._-y '` °.. �� ;. . . .-:_
<br /> r "��� ';c:.r�' es6matits'ufexpeadittmes of fatute BSCZUw items or othetvuise in acoam�tce witfiapplisrabie law. , ` '���`_:� -'�„_._--
<br /> �``, . �'�r.,"�`'`L :° �-.-- —_-_
<br /> 'IT�e Piwds s1mli�6�Letd in an instinitian whnse deposits aie insuied 8y��federal agency.iaswme�liry.or entIty •z:-�',-< �;�,�
<br /> � , �'.5..`��,`; ('mcluding�.ender.If Lender is suc6 an insdtudun)or ia aay F�ederal Home LoaQ�ank. Lender sha1l apply th��Rmds w pay ��?�� =
<br /> ` <;�-�
<br /> - .. " �v°-� the Escmw Items. l.ender may not c h a r ge Bomo�ver far hoIding and applying the F�nds.annnall y ana[y r i n g the essrow 'R•-,, `'�'`�"°`"
<br /> � ,,..�� �.n�c ,
<br /> .'d �, :: � S -` aocoua�or vaifying tLe Escrow Items.uaIess Lender pa3+s Batmwer iatc�st on thc Funds and applicable 1aw pertmts ,: ,`
<br /> ,.° i,eader to make sucA a c4 However.Lender m ue Bmtower to a ane-tims�harge for aa indeyendent�eal e Fa�+�� -
<br /> � e
<br /> � ��,` .' ``: • esrate tax czporting service used Dy Lender i n wnn e c t ion m�'�t n i s loan,u n 2�app lica b le Mw.pm v i d e s o i b e n v i s e. t J u l e s s a t► .;��'_t��`.
<br /> � �: , r T ; , -:" egteement is made or.app l i c a b le t a w requires iatec+est to be pai d.l e a der s b a ll n a t•h e i c q u i r e d w p a y B o m o w e r a a y i n t e[e s t o r : , � } . _ -
<br />- s,� eataings on tIIe Rmds. Hotrower and Lender may�aag�ee in wr�tin�,hflwever.t8arintenest shall be paid on the Flmds. l.endet ��,� :
<br /> ° ee i
<br /> ; , .,� '�,�� " ahall give to Bomower,witIIout ct�arge.an annual accauntiag of the I�ndsr sliowing credits and debrts to t h e l�m d s a n d t tr e �
<br /> �. �_�: purpose far whicb eacb debit to the�nds was made. TDe Fuads.aie pledged as adctitional seeuriry for ali snms secute�Dg �, ` "�. :��� '
<br /> � �` V s; tflis Sect�eiry]nstmmeat
<br /> :<�t ;� � .. � . �� :
<br /> ' If the i�mds QeId bY l.ender exceed the amaunta pennitt�d ta�Fie held by aPPiicabte taw.Leader shall account m� ;:{.. ".<�,' • °.��
<br />_ F:`�`�.�'`��;��, �?; _ . 8ormwer for the eacess Fands in accondanoe with�ths�quu�emeats of appliaabts Iaw. If the ainount of the Funds�eW hy . , -. �-` � �:--
<br /> . Y� .. I �,'..C'f ��r• �.
<br /> �'�:`:;:P I.ender at any time is uot sufficicnt ro pay the Escm�v:Items when due.Lender•may so notify Botrower in wri6ng,aad,in �, .�: ,a,_
<br /> -:' : ..,ZY>�.. :;E���:�� �'' ... .
<br /> _ ;;;��;;� ; such case Bomower shaU pay to Lender the amnun�aecessazy to make up•dis defrcieacy. Botmwer s6a1L make up the �x•'•:;, `;` � '`"•� .�_---
<br /> 4�,. `� deficieacy in no moie than tweive manthly payraents.at l.ender's sote disccetian. `
<br /> - "SN,'�� y[,. -
<br /> �` • Upon payment in full of all�su�secu�ed 6y dus Stcurity Inswmen�Lendec shall pmmpdy tefimd to Bo�mwer any � , _
<br /> , ,� ,
<br /> .� ' Pwads held by l.cnde�. I�.under P�Sn+Ph�21:lxnder shalt�acq�3re or seU•We Fmpeny.l.eIIder.priot to the aap[isirion or �..
<br /> ' '`a ` � ' , . saIe of the Propetty.sdall apply aay�unds held:by�L•eader at the time of acquisition or sale as a c�edit a�inst the sums j `s � _
<br /> •::�1=;' ':: �a�y a�S�c�u��L
<br /> � ' 3. Application oY Phpmeais. Unless apptica6is law provides otherwi� alI payments received by Lender under �.:;:_,;;`', - ..,'�' .,:
<br /> ' . ,. parag�aphs 1 aad 2 shall be appLed:first,to any prepaymeut+cha�cs due und�er the Note:second,to amounts payable under • , - '—
<br /> ' F�- � patagrdpL Z;third.to iatecest due:fourth.to princ�pal due:and�lust,w any late charges due under the Note. ' �.�� •- ��y?
<br />:-�� �,::��•.�' ' ` 0. �: Lteos. Bomower shall paK aU�taxcss,assessaenu. charges. fines and impositions amibutab2e to the ' . ;
<br /> � 5:`.. - � ' ptope�ty which may auain priority over this Secvrity,insttumenk and leasshold paymenu or ground rents,if any. Borcower • � • _
<br /> ` '�� � shall pay tRese obligaziaas in the manrter provided in parag�ph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on �' . .
<br /> k...,: •...�;�'....� __:i'. �i
<br /> , . . time directly to the pecson owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all nutices of amounts to be paid under � , • . �:
<br /> .::i• ;, •, •
<br /> ` ;; �:•.� : 8�is paragrap6. If Borrower makes these payments direcdy.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender mceipts evideacing � . ,,.:. . �•. ,
<br /> t �`.:.;�;,:"��?c;..: _ . .,:.,` .-' : .
<br /> the paymenu. '':'' ���c.
<br /> • ,-� �. '.: ':�;�,��i;;v Bormaer shall prormptiy discharga any iien which has prioriry aver this Security Instivment uutess Bortower.(a)agrees '...`
<br /> , . �..•...
<br /> . G-:;��!ts �,,.,'•���'';��`�`: ia writing to the paym�rrt of the obligAdon secur�ed by the lien in s+manner acceptabie to Lender,(b)rnntests in good faith the ; -� . � ,.
<br /> � t��'�i;��� ' . lien by.or defends a.��s<_t enforcement of the lien in.tegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to p�vent the �� � ; ,_ �
<br /> .{.,,,. . :.
<br /> �;•.. t•. • enforcemeat of ihe Eien;or(c)secwes from the holder of the lien an agreemenc satisfactory to l.ender suboidiaadng the llen `
<br />-;;.:� �� •, �� . � to t4�is Se,�usry Instrumen� If Lender detemunes that any part of she Propeny is subject to a lien which ms�y attain priority ' • . �
<br /> : �',_: ; � . over t�is�arity Instrumen�Lender may give Borrower a aotice idenufying the lien. Borrower shall satisty the lien or take •
<br />— ' mse or earue of the acdons set forth above within l0 days oi'the gi«ag of norice. '�sk�•�- ,
<br /> ` p',���,tt �'� ' . . ' S. �azard or Property Insur�nc� Bomower shafl keep the improvemenu now existing or hercaftet ercrted on the � • • •
<br /> t��iy,��?�:.� �•�•�," • �roperty insured agaiAS�toss by fire,hatards included�ithin the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards.including . •
<br /> • t`'?�`"-• ��' �: �`''�� floods or tIooding,far which Lender requu+es insur�rcce. 'il�i.i inswnnce sha1l be mainutined in tho amounts and for the '_
<br /> '' "?�i;.'•,; �>;..� �� �. `.. .e '':;..'�° .
<br /> �;.�:' _...��,.•�,::b's;.�� , ,.:.
<br /> .V •�l v�\.,��' f i ;' q+.,�;,.:}�y
<br /> ,.�;;�k��+. Fartp 3028 9190 IpaBe 2 oj6 pogesl �,. '.�; :.�'�i}.,:y+'.
<br /> q:':>��'' ;.i��� t� 1�7�:'' ':':?� .
<br /> 1`,i, �.`;�Yi:,. .
<br /> `'y':.�::' . • .•`t; ' .
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