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<br /> � . . � �t+speriy�itn�all sxarity deposib at�da�n wnnoction adtt�It,�ses of,tfle�erty.Upd�n d�assignmep�t,�i�enQer � . .
<br /> � ` �s6911 Qavo t�e�igbt toawdiiy:e�tead'or�er�the extsdng t�ses so�.ro execvta acw Gns�.in.Leo�er's'sole' . .
<br /> `;� . disc�tion.As ns�in tblis pari�ap�fl:the tiruid•`lease,•shall cacan••subtesi�e"if the Sx+tttty In�ut�eut is on • '
<br /> � . e i�fd: '. � - ' „ � ' � � <.
<br /> - - - ' .��.�$. �SI4`1�iId1EN'j' Og R�i A��'i OF ttTGCtV�stti LEI�IDER iPt PQa�iSF�daN. --- -
<br />--- --- — `.- . - - - _-.�onowei aDsoluteiy arid tu�oaidido�atiy a�si�s aIId nransfe�s to tender a!t the rems and rev�("Rents")of _
<br /> _ - - --- -- -- -- - =- -
<br /> . �he Frnpe�ty: regardless of to vu�m the Rents o€the Pmperty are Q�ya�Te. Somodrer aut�oiiz�Lea��r or.---- -----
<br /> , I.ender's ag�nts to ooRe�the Rents,un�agcens d�af�teaant of tho Pmpetity ssal!pay tbe Reats to txnder ar --
<br /> t.�uder's ageats.Ra�arevcr.Bormrre�shall c+poeive the Itetri�uatil(i)Leadet�given Bormwet uotice af de�mIt - ---
<br /> � �ta parag�apd 2!of the 5ecauity Im�utneat and(ii)l,euder has 8iven natioe to the teaant(s)that the Reab -
<br /> � are to be paid to.l.eadet or ixndec's�eni.'ibLs assigameni o�Rent�wnstimtes aa absolute assigam�t and aot -
<br />.� anessign�ent�foradditiona!seauityeaty.' ' --- --
<br /> I1F Leader gi�res natiae of bmadi to Bomuwer.(i)aU Raus ceoeived by Borrowet shatt be hdd by�omocrer -
<br /> - -- •= . .as�usDee�for t1�beAefit.of.Ieader oaty,..to 6e applied to the sums secured Dy.the Seau�ity Iasuum�t:(u'�.Leader_ . . -
<br /> ..__.._... ..
<br /> . si�all 6e entitted to coltect a�receive all of the R�ats of the Property;(iii)Bormwer agrees that eacd teoant of the -- - --
<br /> — R�Pe�Y�PaY al!Rents dae aad cmpaid m Lender ot I�ead�'s agmts upon Leader's arriucn demand to dte __ _ _ -
<br />- - " tenauk(iv)uN�ss agplicaDle iaw provides othenvise.311 Reats colIeaed by Lendgr.or Lender's egeuts shaU be �;�,�-._
<br />_ ap�slie�d fust to the oosts of ta�n�oonuol of and managiag the Praperiy and oolle�g the Renis.iriduding.btu -�.;:,f;_�..
<br /> � -- —_-- - nat limite+id to, attomeys' fec4. c�oeiver's fces. premiwns on receiver's bonds. n�ir aad a�aintenaace wsts. s..:;;,;,� .=- _
<br /> p�iu�.taxes.aaessmeats and ottter =--3'. --_
<br /> in�uaaoe charges on the Property,and dten`to the suws secu�d by the " �`�-.�
<br /> Senuity Iasmemeat;(v)Lender.leader's ageats or any judicialiy appoiwted reaeivec shaU 6e tiable w a000u�for
<br /> - - - ottly thase R�ts actually reaeived; and (vi) I.ender shaA 6e eatitled to have a receiver �inted to take' ^ `��'
<br /> _ - .posscssion of and manage the Prope�ty aad wllert the Rents and pmfits derived from the Frapehy aitttout ariy .. 'T'��:`:�
<br /> -�--
<br />-' shuwing as to the inadequacy of tLe Fmpetty as sec�rity. .::,�c..�;�:�e.-
<br /> tf the Reats of the Property are not sufficiera to oover the costs of taking ooninol of and managing the `�'''r" �
<br /> ' Pcoperty and of ooltecting the Reats any funds expeuded by.Leatler for such pwpuses sdall beoame indebtedness •�°"'��`�
<br />�; .�e::�:.��r=�:,--
<br /> - of Boirower.to Lender secured hy the Se�urity Instrument puisuant to Uaiform Coveoant?. �•.��.:�i -
<br />_. : Bomnwer iepresents and wazrants that Borrower has not e�cecuted any prior assignment of the Rents and has �"`'a'� '�'` -�
<br />- �: not and wiU aot perfonn any act tAat would prevent Lertder from eae�cising its rights under this paragraph. ���:��',±;'``'�--
<br /> � r. Leader, or LEader's agaNrs or a j�diclally apgointed receiver. shall aot be required to enter upon. take �;;.'�-'�;.-�
<br /> _ `° ,rx� ,..<< .•��;.,! -
<br />_ ;:�, ,,;,,�;� , aontrol of or noaintain the Pro�erty befom or after giving notice of defaWt to Borcower. However.Lender.or ;. :
<br /> . . � ' J
<br /> '� ° ' ' ' I.ender's agem�or a judicialty apDointed ieceiver.may do so at any ti�when a default oocurs.My applicarion ' ��
<br /> ' .._v'"i;���'��:• of Rents sha7T:ua�cuze or�vaive any default or invalidaze any other rigi�t or remedy of Lender.This assigtunent of .'`�`"�� t
<br /> ,� �a,_.i.�, ..
<br /> - , .,r�• d',?"r'.' ' .
<br />_ .�r..,�,::. :. Reats of the I'riiperty shaU terminate�vhen al►the sums secured by the Security Instrument are paid in fuU. �•� ;:;�,. .�
<br /> - "���'��'"�`::�T•i�'•�� I.CROS.SDEFAULT PROYISIO�i.Borrower s default or breuch under any note or agieement in wdtch � � ` 'x.-::;�-
<br /> = � - :„ • .
<br /> �`'���` � � ;; Ixnder has an interest shall be a breach under the Security Instrument and Lender may invoke any of the remedies � �
<br /> permitted by the Security Instrumeat. � �. - ��
<br /> ��-_
<br /> • .- � s,'=�� BY SIGNING BELAW, Horrower accepu and agroes to the terms and provisions contained in this 1-4 . � :
<br /> � ',��<:;: . Family+Rid - _ O ' � _ �,`_�i
<br /> •�• �� .-s,Fr;�- � . . „ . ..
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