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<br /> _ _ - ,------,� - --:.� �-r-.�-� .—�Clft�IAWEE�flDYIEI�t.�DEE�!�F'T�I�Y'�`� `",.; �. `n. �� � °
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<br /> — _- �.. ._ _r_ . _.. _ , . , : ,�.. � ..s�.��.�.�..��,,._ _ --- ._
<br /> 'rnsunde��ed��Tow'-"a4�-idb�ttt�ft�lttstai�nw�np�saor��rus���me°a«�.....����.n..`.......,,.._��._..� -
<br /> � lhey�!about to ex�outa!a s tas�d oY�ruat a�.not M mort�a��d tha�tM Pow�K of aW proWrMd fm In th�t�dt of Tnia�. :
<br /> - . �p[a+Eid�sau�at�tnttalt�aiNannttiDhteandabllg�tac�atotrie�ono�ers�A�iatr�ar4psps�nttNeve�itof��et�ultwbre�cAa� � . ,
<br /> vbtlsattoni�n6er the�t�tt�ua�tnotu�in��but�tlimStnd tq tha Benetlal�s�r1QAt tafi+av�tRe.prttpertY Id�iflad tn,qte .
<br /> fauowtnp Deed.of Tru�t aold bDi thg Tnratae wliltout any judlaiai procaadtng Tmator a�pr�santa and wa�nts ti�st tA1a _
<br /> � Act�s►bwted�ment was e�cecuted by tRam betcre the executlan of tha QOed�t� fUr�eC twth. .
<br />_ , . .. . � RO �. QCHS . � _ � . —
<br /> _ ,� . �, = . � . � . � �� - �� � -�� � _ � �--
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<br />_ � � � �� � . � HoM��oumr u�� o�����q��s � : . ==
<br /> TH[STRtiSTDEEDmadethlslSTH daYofOCT�OBER--_.1�93 .DelweeRRON E. O� AND TONI L. �
<br /> . �CHS BUSHAND AND WIF$��lnafter catl"Tnistor".whose mattlnp-sddress la�t 0 VxA COMO G.I.. I�S --
<br /> 1i ' —
<br /> - • �RBtaA 'R B nCR • , _�Attomey at Law.whose mallinp addesa i• �nn � tax��L�:it G:�..NB - _
<br /> q,.a r✓- _
<br />- � �•�� �,:�:;�",� as`fTrustea`;�and Hame�Federat Savings arn!L�oao Associatton o!�rartd tsland�wt�osa mefting addresa ts 2213outh Lccuat. _
<br /> - :x,'::� �'.;: •:,. P;O.Bcx 1Q`�C�rand tsland,Nehtaeka 8�842,as°Benaftclary". ' � •
<br />- ���'�:'=~:.=: =�=';�: For vatua�;�aansltleration,Tntstor Irrevacably grants.lranafers.conveys anQ essig�s ta 3rustee,in Wst,wtth p�wer or � ---_
<br /> '�;���:�_�,:�,,'�r,; .<�ale,to�thebertefitands�audtYo�Benefktary,undesandsublecttathetertnsandcandittonsofthiaCaed6fTruat,thetottow-
<br /> .;:�•'�=i-�:: ,: :.- • :'Y' ;�.�It+cg QesctlbBd propetty I�ted 1� �L C�ZJNTY �Nebtaske,to wi� —
<br /> :,�i:� :.s , � . _ .
<br /> , .::- : .iJ..j3-:. . .. .,. .� , � "_
<br /> , '� n t : � '::';: . . .
<br /> • � ,t}p,�,. ` LpT *�''l�t�0) BLOCK TWO��Q Z�, CONTINENTAL GARDENS, �IIJ ADDI.�'ION TO THE CITY _
<br /> 'r. �'� �; 't`�s� �' -• �.; .: . .: • ,
<br /> ', � .- ` €`� �'sl; OF GRAND ISLAND, HA.Lb_ GQ�"�'Y♦ NEBRASKA. � � �', . __
<br /> . ��`,E� . . . - � '�?i'" —
<br /> v . � � - . . ' . � • ' -- -
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<br /> i . . . ' _
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<br /> •;;c�:,�:i; , . .
<br /> �'���:an- '=`_'
<br /> -;� ���,�.��•.. • . .. together wiih atl buildings.flxtures,improvements and appuRenances thereunto betonging,It Oeing agresd that all of the ` �_.�;�_
<br /> " :. �� foregoing s�aJi be Aerelnafter referred to as the"Proparty". "
<br /> . . . '�::�.;;t � `;,:'',;.
<br /> �;,;�. FOR TWC 6�URPOSE OF SECURING p�arformance of each a-gr�e-�'ment an o�rQ ant of Trusiar Aerein cont Ined andthe pay ,__
<br /> � �� � . � . mentoftheprinclpalsumotFOUR THOUSAND FIVE xU�Di�EO ��/u�--------Dollars(5 ��500.00 �, ��'k-
<br /> : a�evtdenced by a Home Federal Home Equtty Loan Agreement Detween Trust�r and 8enefictary(the"Loan Agreement'ry�pur- .� .- ,
<br /> '�'� � snaM to which 6eneflciavy witl advgnce funds to Truato►irom time to time at BC�e Intereat ratea and upon the terms provtded � '..
<br /> � � theretn,together with eny sum or 9uma of money with Intere9!thereon whicte may hereafte�he pald or advanced under the . �. � ��,
<br /> < '" terms of this Deed of Trust,Ooth principal sum and Interest therean betng payabte according to the terme set iorth in the Loan ` � ��:��
<br /> . s .}` ,� ,� Agreeme�+t.reference to whlch Ia hereby made,af the offlce of the Benefictary in Gra�d fstand. Nebraska,oc at s�aci�s ather '',;,;,,:,�_
<br /> ' �`� • plaee as Beneficlary may designate irt wrtting. f, ;� �v,��:
<br /> � �;;�. . TRUSTER AND BENEFICtARY COVENANTAND AGfE�C AS FQL40WS: • ��,s:;'';�`,`;,;,
<br /> '` ,a:.. � _
<br /> ,tf� • 1.Wenanty ot Tltle Trustor Is lawfully setzed of the Property;has good Nght nrtQ lawful authority to sell�7nd Conv�y tte Pro- �;. t ,'
<br /> . � } .. ;;,;. perty;the Property is iree and c�ear o4 et�ts"Ans and encumberance9 except Itens now of racard;and Tntator will wartaroC B�d de� � `� �;�=y�t
<br /> . • .�..,��� .. tenQ the title to the Prope►ry unto the Trustee and its successars and asslgns forever agaiast the ctalma oi eli pers�s. �.':;:ji�
<br /> �_- . ,
<br /> 2.Payment ot Prinelpal and Intereat Trustor 8ha1F punctually pay the principal ot,and Intetest on,eU advancee under the ; �
<br /> '�41'�. �aan Agreement and v+i1t punctually pe�form a11 agra�emente,conditions and pravtsiona ot eny other secudty instrument gtven ' :
<br /> �;��' in conneefton with this t�BnaeCtlon. .
<br /> i � - 9.Preaarvatlon and Mafntenanee ot Propariy.Trusto►will not cammit any waste upon the Piroperty e!witl,at alt times.main�
<br /> �•': . tain the eame In good order end conditton anQ will make.from time to time.all�ep2lrs,renewals,replacements,additiona and
<br /> , ��� . Improvementa which are reasonably reQulred to prevent waste, impalrment,o►deterlaratlon of said property.No bulidirtg or
<br /> � �`� . � Improvement naw or hereafter ereated upon the Property shall Oa altered,removed or demo0ahed wit�out the prlor written
<br /> �;., . consent of Beneflclary.
<br /> � � 4.Insurancs.Truator.at Its expense,wil!malntaln with Insurere approved by Beneflclary,inaurance with tespect to the Im- '
<br /> i"' .' �•��• provementa and personal proerty constituting the Property ag�inat loss by fire,ttghtning,tomado and other perlis covered by
<br /> � � •�.% ' atartdard extenQeO coverage eadotsement In an emount equal to at leest one hundred percent of the fWl replacement vaiue
<br /> "•'� . � thereot.and Insurance agaleat such other hazards and in auch amount as ts cuatomarily eanled by owners ena oAe►ators of
<br /> � ;��� . ' stmiter propeRtes and as Bensflctary may requlre for tts protecNon.Truator will compty with sueh other requlremente as .
<br /> =- °-�t ----=_ - 8er�tlelacy may tram time to tlms reqaest tor tfie proteettan by Insurance of the Interest ot the�esAecttve parhes.All In• -_-__-
<br /> '•;. • . � � suranee poticles matntalned pursuant to thts Oeed of Truat shal!eameTrustor an0 6eneficiaryas Insureda,es their respective
<br /> ; Interests may BpAASr and provide that there sha�l be no eanceitatlnn or modifiCatton without fifteen p5)days prfar written �
<br /> , .: , .
<br /> . r . , _ __
<br /> � .5 �.. .. . - �_ .._ .
<br />