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<br /> . �,�`��fOt i��C�Iy�BY��'^`Z�!_"�1i����Y���V�ii�iN�QYi�i�YJ �W��W1�VJ/ �T.�
<br /> —_ - -_ �- �t�e paap�3y Ir�ra!a�daat la�Uy t3 �azi►a+0a�nalua6Q withtn�tes'ie'�d anvm�eti sud as�►�the�t�t,�rd�, : • --
<br /> a u
<br /> ' i�ci����r__.n�'tt�._iut.�r�d�'ce�t�res�uauaas►aa T���au�O�lf b� tt►iat��tr sAe u�hauat� --- — ---
<br /> -- __ a or. t�t�&�reqt�t+ee:TAe imsv�aoa o�rti�r prnvc tt►e t - - - - ��--$bti+a�ar �
<br /> e: d�q�
<br /> _ _ �-- subjaxti w Lea�s apgroval.�vki�1►e�ilrnot be cthraeosp��y t�rit�U H+OSro�eir ta�Ia to.ne�in�n oovoasgad�i�ib�4. . -
<br /> � tboy'e;:tha�xasy.at Le�3es'e ap�w2.obt�iA c4vesa�to groteet Le�der's�r�,Db in ttie Ist+o�in uaoce�u�ca�►itn --
<br /> 9.. : . .
<br /> --- � �� `�insurance pblicles end.�naw�fs sAaU be iaseptshta�t�Leadet aad e1�l1 u�Ivde a st�aQ�rl!�nAr�aYe clsuae.� _--
<br /> -- - - Leador,�tiall�.hsve the t to hold the poltctm and re�te'Wats.If Lenderreq�uit+ea. Botrow4a�tll gtompug�ive tr-�= -- —
<br /> � __I�de�aU.i±ace;p�oi ps�minms au�d rnan�rat�aoti�In t!u evnnt oi taes�Borro�eai e�ti!�itro ptrrmpt�utt�to the ., . _�T
<br />-,�� ---- u�wrar�ti;Carrler and��es:�endes a�ay�a�e gra�oi tosa if not m$de prampti,y by 8ore+�aves: . ` ` - - --
<br /> --- -T--. Uio14��s� _ � . . �.�-� —
<br /> :-, ------ -_ __---. - - - - - e�otheradee�geee��ttia$��neace grnoeebs sbal�_be�ed to resto�adaa.os. r. �.
<br /> ia
<br /> af tnaFxa�ert�da�a ii 4Ae resootatiunor�ega�r is a-asiam�aliy ie�tblo aad Laadcr's aecuti�t�S ao�Yas�ae� t�a _ _ _ �s;�'�'�.k;;-
<br />___ reswrmtiiaeb�aespaIt�s aat ecarx�rrt�catty teaffi'b1e ar Lendefe sacuritq arouid be tassentid;the I�oc pra�ec#s e�al1 be -- :�:: .
<br /> = app2ied�c,�:eums eocured bp tbie&xurity Inswmant,whethei�or aot thau due,wittt auY e�s paid to$orraw�r.It f�_��N�
<br />"��- Boricaa��r.�tta;�oas the Prop�ty.vr doas aot aas4rer wItina 3Q.deya e aotice tiom I.eadsr thdt the iusueans�cnrrier has '�-- ---�`}�,�::
<br />::�= oHened sa sa�ie a claim.then Leuder mey Qolt�t the ins�ce pmoo�s.Laader m�y uae the proceeds so repair or� - �6�:» �--;. ,;
<br />�°.. �at�.ttae.P�dgertSc or to p�,y suma sacu�by tbia Soc�ritq Insttu�nent;�ether or aot then due.`Tha 3Q�y pariad wiU , .��;
<br /> �, bagiu wh�utt�.tiotitx is glvem. ' . . � . `s�
<br /> . � ---. Uate�s.#�nder and Borrower otherwise ngnee ia wrIting,aqY aPP�catior�af�racee�s to grincipat shaU aosexte�nd or � "� '.
<br /> . �, ... t�d�ina�ate o�f�e motithlY Pa3riaeIIto referre��o inp�a .bs 1 ead or ch�g��t�e�a3aount oi ffie�gspm�n[ts� � �' -� �_
<br /> • �.:�� , �
<br /> . �f t a�p�rtgt�ph 21 th�Prapertq ie saquirEd by Leadet,�Omowe�fs right to as�y im�uage�palicies aa�proc�ds `-�, �.=� �,
<br /> '� .�`, r�t�g f r o�t°;d a m a g a t o t i t�F s B p e i t y p r i o r t o t h e s o�i s i ti o n s t�a ll p a s s w L e a d e r fl o t h e e a�n t o f t h e s u m a s e c u r e d b p �.��=
<br /> `` �. � ,: �'a 3iriffi�ec�ni4��a►e��9�te1 orWtheac���oa � �.- � �. -�: ` � > . v�. - —
<br /> �,: ,n,c t " f�v .,�,;�S�13tixhtl��:�?4�,��8�II�C•s�$��'C8d�.8i�t�$'�Pt+�C��d�a��'sLo��lAFp1�C3tie�Ltr._, „ y:�ii�'f'r�,F��r pr-
<br /> , � cM.�i ���t
<br /> � '�'.,�h +'��I� ; �efimic�s� .�r�€. ,�2�s�:andis����es�ira�'s�rias§�eII��c�ace wiihu►siaty��s, �H4��>` `.��
<br /> 4.:s����.��-�'Y��a� _ .��t�es�cu��i;a��:F�s����f�:si�e��nd.���"���'�b'���.�.a3�onass�'s �<.. ��,���,E,� _
<br /> � ^ �.F�t,�r c�, '`� ��ioe�fe�.stteastoae st�?��'c�o�,unle��rotiter��e�gme�sn�n��;,�d��.*�nts1ia11 '��q�,
<br /> _, ,�� ti��.���i'•�°� •��e tulreasoriably with�o�r'itulesse�iting�`sts��wiuch sr�beqoad��a�s's�.�.Bor�owet �,J < ��—-
<br /> � , : • �
<br /> •�� �7s,� ,, � r;`� . �sf�at!aot d�aLsay.damege or in►pair the�+a�erty.e}to�r:tite P�s�to doterior.ite.or com�run�.�-�+,�x ia''��'rapecty. s , »��
<br /> 4 .=� B�rowet e1u�11�ba ia aefault�if:suq fozPd4ure actiba or g�ri►ceeding;arhether civil or ctimin�,���:..�e�t iti Lendes's ` ; ,�,.,,
<br /> � . - gcaa�a faith;�rd�meat coutd sesWt��forfeit�ue oi the Property or otherwise materiallq impair tha lie�ci±�ed bq tbis �
<br /> - >�� �: • Sa.vrity Inst�ent oF I�etud�e�'s security interPSt.Boreower may cure such a default and re�nstate.�s pmvided in �;, :�. .,-����.
<br /> ` 4 paragragh 1$,� by cau4ia�tAe,ectton or proocedin� to be dismiss�ed witD e niling that, in Lender's good isith { : � . .�;.���_'
<br /> = determmsit�aaq ptecludes fu�f�ttus o!tAe Borroae�s intte�t in the Pmperty or other materiel impairment oi tAe lien .. �� ,��Y�_
<br /> u°
<br /> ' , .. � cr�ated by tLia&ecurtty Iastnu�ent or 1 eader's security interest.Bore+owet ehall elso be in default it Borrower,during , �°-
<br /> `_r �.'�•:„_:. � the loan ap�liCation ptoce�. pve matetially talae or inaccutata iniormatioa or statainenis ta Lender Ior tailed m , :...�� • '-' -
<br /> ., . ,�i:. e __
<br /> � :'�'�� � provide Len�with any�materlal infosmeuon)tn connection with the loan evidenced by the Nota�including,but not = . . .
<br /> •`/i���:,`� '. , � R,.:'' :'. ,
<br /> . ti„�;;,, ., limited to�nQsesentations enACeming Horrower s accupancy ot tAe Property as a principal c�sidence.It this Securtty , t��
<br /> • �::s:'�:.. . Instrument is on a Ieasetmld;Borrowee ahall comply with ell the ptovisior:s of the tease.It Barrawer ecquirea fea title to , � ��.�:
<br /> r: �. ;`_<.. the Pw � : ..�,. �-
<br /> , , perty;th�l�o1d and tAe[ea titla ehall not marge unless�.et►der a�rees to the merger in writing. ' � �
<br /> ; 7.Prm�ctian o�Leadcs's Rt�hts iu the Propeny.It HorroNer fails to perform tha vnvenants end agneementa •
<br /> � � . oontained iri thea Security.Ir�trumen�or there ia a tegal praceeding that may signirca�►tly effect L�nder's rights in the .r�'` � ' , '��:: ,;
<br /> °',.r� � 'n bankru robate !ot condemnation or forteiture or t� enforce iawa or - '��i:
<br /> . ��• Praperty (such as a prac�ng � ptcy. p .
<br /> �.���� regulations);than Lender msy�do and pay for whatavet is necessaty ta pmtect the value of the Property and Lender's � � ' - .�';!!
<br /> ` T! rights in tIl�Ptoporty.I.ender's actions may includa paying any aums secnmd by a lien which has prionty over ttus � � ' -.
<br /> � �� � �% . Security Instturnen�,appoarinain court.paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to maice repairs. ;;�
<br /> ' � Although L�►der may take aetion undee thia paragcapA 7.Lender dcea not have to do so. :�.;��:;
<br /> �- � , , ' Any emounts dis5utsed by�Lertdec under thia paragraph 7 stiell become additional debt of Bonower secuted by tttis �� ��`��>"::�:-
<br /> Secutity Ir�sttument.Ualess Hornnwer and Lender agree to other tetms of payment,these amounts st�all bear interest ;�.;_� `��'`'���
<br /> , ttu
<br /> , � s trom the datr of disbursemen�at the Nota rate and shall be payable,with interest.upon notice from Lender to Bonower ' � � " : ;�'
<br /> � � re9�tin�PaYment. � : ;`, ..: .
<br /> = t. 8.Mort�ge Iasuraac�.if Lender required mongage insurance as a condition of maiciss�the loan secured by this ��:�,-;::��::
<br /> F�'.„.. Security ir�sMnment,Borrower shaU pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgag,e in�uraaca in effect.If,for aay . . .
<br /> ';,, � , . " reason,the mortgage insurance ooverago requimd by Lender lapses or ceases to be tn effect,BorroRer shall pay the �� �. •
<br /> pc�miums sequIred w obtain onverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage inswaace previously in�fte�t,at a cost �
<br /> . substantially equivalent w the oost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,fmm an altemata � :'`. �
<br /> � mottgege inaure� approvad by Lendcsr. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available, �
<br /> ' '� Borrower ehnl!pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being
<br /> `� � • paid by Barrower when the insurartce coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lender will ac.cept,use and retain these �
<br /> ��; �1 > paym6nts es a loss reserve in lieu ot mortgage msurance. Los9 reserve payments may no tonger be required,
<br /> � ` ,� 'l
<br /> ' ��so:a 9/90 �
<br /> �� .. �-66iWFl�Ot04i0+ o��.a e+e Initlals: ,
<br /> ;� �
<br /> . � �
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