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<br /> — . ._ '•� G�YGP/RNTS . . . . �bY CQRYtye�d�ud Ite�e��'�t�o��g �
<br /> .:;, `ca�tve�r�tiee ptdjt�ty sd�t�thb F1�apettg is ut�txv�'s��+e fat�aca:c�:treCOt�.�oiipwra'�Natau�e � .
<br /> `. ' �eFm��tllX Ht�+titk t�die�'tnpe+ey�,�a1D t��itm��iai�ads:aqbjart to any a�v�oea af�acotd�'`:`' . � : a �
<br /> u' _-��CtJR�'F'Y INS�4'fttTMBN'�"oom��nes'urdf�-cavmuxs.�ir.a�tlor�iF usa�!aR�uolfoYm oo+7ani�a�rlQi;lirpited. --
<br /> . .v#iti�tio�e Air,�u�is�ia�on��cs�nstitvte a unif4rm sc�auiiy,�t�nent m eii�ieal Fxop�ty� . ` , . , .
<br /> . UY�)Ii�M CQVEN�'t'S.�s�eawrarud Lendes�ov��tnQ�+eeas followa: �`� ` �°~:- � ., � ` . —
<br /> � :.�.♦1�-��Ft�,1.a�ti i�# _ _ :�a����er pro�►pt�Y w�dt}e the --_
<br /> �� s�li pay
<br /> .
<br /> � � n�is�et�et.��tti�a�,the�+t�svic�Q��N_c'?�a�dsn�!�lne�a _____and.tnta�.ctuet�adsr��ic�. .� � _
<br /> o�.�� ��� -- -.
<br /> - . ' 8.'�foz T�nt�s�nt1.Im�te�noe.Su6�ace ta a��,tbte law ar ta a writtGi�waiver by��er,Borrower sAalt`pay to�
<br /> -- E�et�der ci�o die ds�t mon►h�,Y FaY�acc due undsr th�i�f+�i�.untlt tba Note ys pai�in t�lt,a suai('Ft�n$s"j4 or.ts)Y�Y� �
<br /> . - `�pnd as�s3nmts whid�msy�priority over th;s S+�i1�Iast�i�t as a 1€en oa the Fmpe�:@?Y��e�ot��.: : ,
<br /> or gcatria�ts an!ae Pcoperty,if anY�'tz)Y�Y��+�'P�n9'�R��s;f�Y�Y��p�•
<br /> �� if�+:te)Yar1Y"mairtg�go insuranoe ptemttims.if any:.a�(���y`sums payable by Boaawer to�I.a�der.is3 aocbr�c�e�rith
<br /> ` .�he provi�ions of parag�ogb 8,in tieu og t1�te paymeat of t�utgi�ge in�e'P�euliuihs.l'bese items ane called"F.�eoar It�ms." . .
<br /> `Gdaddr m�Y.at any tlme. collect emd�►Ib Fands in�an:amouet nat ta e�eaed,��imaca ar�.�a le�£or'$feder�ittyr. - _ -
<br /> ietated minrtg�ge tam may tequue for Bornaw�'s_e�mv.�aocnunt�s�der the fcdeml Reat Fstaoe.S�iem�nt Fcooedwea:Act o€':..
<br /> t� =i3r7'+=�s=-•�fmm tuae to tIa�e. 12 U.S.C.Section�.�60i et aRq.('RG�SPA').�7e�s enother tacv t6at ap�pl�es 10 tha Fun�ts � � --- __—
<br /> bets a te�a amoun� 1ts�o,Iender may,at any-time..00HE+ct and QoId Fimds ia�emount n�nt:to exoeed ti!e tes�cr amn�iai. � ' _-- -� i
<br /> - �6er may e�nate tha amonnt of�ada due on the�s of�.vrceat data aad reasoaable�of expen�ditures af futune,� -
<br /> - Escmw3tems ot otbenvise in acoo�oe with ep„�lica�le.taw. • � ' � - �
<br />--_ _'�L.Fs�n3s.�41.b�ttetd.in an Instiduion ar9�:de�osits.ate 'va.s�tted by a fe�Yera1 agem,y. inst�emalitY, or•eati�' . ----
<br /> C�S��•if�is s�tch an iastitu6on)ot ui any Federal Home 3aan BanY.Leader sball apply the l�tsds to pay the
<br /> �cow Items.Leader may not chazge�Somawer fat bol,�g and applying the Fands,annval2Y attalyring the escrow a000unt.o�
<br /> ve�itjriug thG�SCrow It�s.unle�s Lender pays Homna�er i�erest on ihe Fimds and a�plicable laar peimits Lender to make s¢ch
<br />- e c�arge.However.Le�der rnay requtre So:mw�u to pay�a ono-time charge for an iadependent real estate tax reponing senriae _
<br /> t�d try, Leodea in oonceec�on witb this taa�n, ualess,�pplicable law pmvides othgtwis�. Untess aa agreement is made or
<br />-� applinble Iaw ceq�ires intaest w be paid,Le�r shalf<not be�equired to pay Bomawer a�►iaterest or eamiags oa the Ftu�ds. ��
<br /> Eo�cower ec�t I.endes a�y agree in writing,tiowcver.t�st�nterest shall b�paid oa the Fuads. I�cnder shaU give w Borrower, �_-
<br />-r witflout d�aige,an annval socoiwting of the Fuc�s.slsawing ctedits amd debits to tM Fuads aad the purpose for nrhlch each _—_--
<br /> -.�t � debit w the Fu�s wag msde.Tfte Funds are pledged as additional secusity foi all sums seau+ed by this Soran'ty Insm�ment. _--__
<br />�<<.� -- _
<br /> ��� If the Fu�s he�d by Lender excead the amnunts pemdtted to De�etd by applicable law.Lender shaU a000um to Borio��ti . _-_- _
<br />-�: �• ----_-
<br />=;` : �� for the eacess Fcu�ds in acaordanoe with the require�ts of applicable taw. If the amouat of the Fuads heid by Iander az at��. ----_
<br /> -• :� ' :�:: time Ls aot s�fficieat ea pay the Fscrow Items w6sn du�e,LeRder may so nodi�►Bonower in writing.and.in s�case Bocia�ti�er • ' :
<br /> .�� '' „'` �` -t:`°�,:�'' , shal!pay to I.ender the amount ncsessary to mab�e u�:the deficiency. Borrower shall make up We defrciency in no more t�ir •:r} ; ''.
<br /> _ ����.�s ?.?:� . . .
<br />-- =.,.• :�s._� tarehremonthtypaymsnts,azl.enderssobediscretion:.� �� „`"��',�;.
<br /> `��`� � �a'.,.:K',' � ._.. �
<br />-,' -t..�:'r.� � •�`''�� U n t in full of alI sums secuced b tflis Security Instn�ment.Lender shall refrmd to Bomower � _:�'•..�_�
<br /> -�' • 1� PaY� Y• P��Y �
<br />_''. •....: ``'���.'' Y P &�P P riY. P. �4 . . ,
<br /> �1 •••�• Ftiads held b Leoder.If. under ara h 21.Leoder sGall acquine or sell the Pro e I.ender, nor to the ws�don or sate �� � :�-
<br /> - :;�::'` ,:`:� of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisiuon or sale as a credit against the swns secured by '
<br /> ; +����..` ,��
<br /> .�� p,:i�.��T�.�. �:�..;�_�`;. , thisSecurity Inst�urrcent. � •- �-
<br /> - �'-��k�`��� 3.A catton of Ra ents.Unless licable!aw mvides otherwise,aU a nts received b Leader under paragraphs � ''•�
<br /> ; . z •.., .. . . pPti ym aPP� P P Y� Y . .
<br /> �;:. • . 1 and 2 sha116e a i�ed: first.to an a cnt payable under patagtaph Z; � • -
<br /> � t:. :-' pp' y prep ym charges due ander the Note;semnd.to amounts _
<br /> . , � third.to interest due; fouKh.to pdncipa!due;and las�to any late charges due under the Note. � �. i�,
<br /> - ,. 4.CSa�ges;LIenv. 8orivwer shall pay a!i taaes.assessments,charges. fines and impositions attributable to the Property . : �-
<br /> _ � r�.,, '�• , � �` , 'r, cchid�may attain priority over this 5ecurity Instrument.and leasehold payrteents or gnwnd rents, if any.Borrower shall pay .= ; :���_°;
<br /> ' � t2�obligations in the manner pnnvid�in paragraph 2.or iF not paid in ihat manner.Borrower shat!Qay them vn time directty � ;�;,-
<br /> �� �� � � •:'�'�t to the person owed payment.Borrower shalE promptly fumish to Lender al!nutices of amounu tn�e gaid under this paragr�rFt. • • .. ` .
<br /> ��'�� � ° • If Borrower malces these payments directiy.Borrower shall promptly facrcish to Lender receipts evirtencing the payments. - � �` .
<br />-�= � , Horrower shal!pmmptly discharge any lien whiCh has priority over this Securit�r Instrument unles�Borrower.(a1 agrces in � �;..' •��
<br /> - ��.��i��.µ,�,;�•� .�• . wriqng to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepta�te w i ender:(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> . ;;1x�+}�'.;,� .` .-•' by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings which in t�e Lender's apinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ��,:_
<br /> �` .� �� . '���s�s� en forcemen t o f t he lien;or(c)secums from t he ho l der o f t he lie n a n a�r e e m e n t s a t i s f a c t o ry t a L e n d e r s u b o r d i a a t i n g t h e l i e n t v .
<br /> ; +�...:. ... •��;•.,::, � .
<br /> �•� �.' `��' ` ""'�' t h is S e curity ingtniment. I f L en der determines t hat uny past a f t he 7 ro�rry is su bject to a lien u hi�:h may a t t a in pdori ty over '
<br /> , . . .' •,.;;,�; .
<br /> '-: °�t,���•�;.,: ..` � this Security Instnunent. Lender may give Bdrrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shati satisfy the lien or take ane or
<br />- `- `"��5�`�'. "' , • more of the actions set fosth above within l0 days of the p�ing of notice. � • . "�. �.
<br /> �•:�:�_ � .
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