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<br /> �. .,� � T�t3 -.�y, I�ITIIaiI the:f�e�sa�ertt�ats c�uat dx Rciiee�e�ect�d�t�pmpcnY�snd atE e3s�nL�i:ap;pw�tranafe��` �� V
<br /> at
<br /> and.�3�c�'u • nca�it�a t+�t�t��a� Alt��2�mtd addiflons sEtall et5al�e cov�i d by t#3s:SeCUrit,�►` �
<br /> _ • .;.�h'��, t�, e fia�ga �o t�u, ns -. ° .. ,• ` .� .':' � --- ---
<br /> . 80��t7DV'E1�Al��i1 Bosrt��rer is l�wfalIy sei�oYthe estau[�e0x cohvayed ent�tbs.s Ek�tit,ta�t3 ; -
<br /> a�!con, . �til�iPrupe�F eud t�at tt�:�vpetty.�a��ex�pt for e�il�raa�cs of�atd. �Sawsr�ar��s et�d
<br /> 1 " Nlyj��,�1��tEtB'tItIQ�O 1�1t�iy18$BiiLSt itll G18in138t1d�4]A�d9.fitib _�RQy tAGUIDd[AIICCS QgiCC6IC� . ` ,
<br /> • ° �S�E:CIIRT�Y III�A�I��OOIIlD1IICS 1�COVCS3mt4 fOt 118tL0if�tiS@ 8itd.IIQII�i1'SIfQIYD.CONE�11iS WIt� `..
<br /> � ihnit��idtimiat►g jurfsdictiun�poaa�inw e ur�fo�m securicy�t�bvesIagrea�prugerty . � . :
<br /> ----- .. ... . � _ � .
<br /> � , . . ��3I�R�f_t:t1�l�NANf'S..B�m�andl.et�rc�rvea���eaasfoitows: ° .
<br /> .. �;1�nent a�'Ettnctpaf�i'Iatsx.s��ya���1�e ct�rg� Boao�xer srau promptty poq wrnea ous ths . �
<br /> -- - ... . _ . -- - --- ...
<br /> -�-p�in_t�`�"lC��iid�teesEaa�d�T�t�i��lceQbytkeNatea��yp�ym�ttau�taaec8azgesduomtdttt�Ptote� - - - - -� - -----------
<br /> 1��, �tnt�fur 7�ta�s aud I� Suls�ect w apg]isable Iawr or to a�nimen waiverby Lendet,Ba�noarer,shaII pay to - —
<br /> = I.end�Qa:tha d�y moadily pay�nats ssa dne uad�r tise Not�nmtt�t�1!(ute is paid ia fu11,a simd C'Amds'7 fm:(a)Y�Y � — -
<br /> - t�ut��ttd�ass�uents wtach ma}�.attsin�aimiry ov�tHts Securiiy Instmment as a tIen on tLe Ptogeety;(D)Yeasi,Y teasehoi�� --
<br /> `• �ta er goaund�nis oa tha�n�rty.if�y: (c)YeadY aazard or psnpert�►iusuzance pr�i�ms; (d?Yeffiiy ltaod
<br /> ca��mi�ns•if aaX:(e)3'r�ii!a�t8age�ce p�ms.if any;and tfl atry�PaYaDIs by Ea�ower LQ ., _
<br /> .�ntt�.unaccaNance witb the pan�sioac ot paiag�ap�8,ia iieu of the payment.of mo�age insuranse premiums. These
<br /> i��ns:m�a�cailed'�scmw IEe�s."�Ix�rsier may,at any ti�coltecc and I�old�nds in an amount not to exoeed t�e maaimum �
<br /> . -.; ,._.aulaumt_a tendea�fur a fe��atty retsied.uaflrt�age loaa may�une for Boimwer�e�row account under tLe federat Rea! . .
<br /> R�i�da S�ttlanent Ft+acediu+es Act oi 19?4 as amendsd�Onq�tit time.I2 U��-�Z6111-ei seq�"RFSpA"�,'uNess�ano�iat�.
<br /> - �' � � I�vus that�aFPlies to tiie F�nds se,ts�2tssea amau�. ii��;�'c�y,at any tim�colIect and hold Amds in an amo�t aot to �-
<br /> -- excaee�tha lesser amamnt. l.eot��r may�?t�"�:�f F�mds�e�the basis of caaegt d�ta and teasonaDie � =-__-
<br /> �aates of expeAdit�mes of future liscrow�tei�:c���r acoardaaoe with applicable 3aw. _ � �-iT_
<br /> - 'I4te k�nds shall be held in:an inst�tuuort':' -`�c�►..�..�_`��,depo�ts�e ins�by s federal.�tcy.inswmentality.or enut�► a'
<br /> = (�ncluding I.ender,if Lender is s�h an iasti��in eny C�eTeral Home Loan Bank. Lei�r st�alt agpty tIle Fimds to pay ''�;'�t ;_--
<br /> -- -__= '� _ �,�xr--I� €,�3er ma�:r��Bc�o�e�fos IIQIdiag.ssd agplyiug the F�Sds.aanuatiy anatyztag the escrow �a-4-=°'���'�
<br /> �. _-_, ..�
<br /> -� eca:uunt,or verify�;$�e Escrow ttems,uaE�s.s.$�a3zr Pays Bosmwer iaterest on the Funds and applu;able iaw permi� "�-�_
<br /> = Lender to make suc.bi�i•t�atga Hotivever, L�a:'i�s�Tequ�+e Borrower to pay a one�time cQarge for an iadependent ceal - �_
<br /> TC "'s'•---
<br /> estate tax re nrtin s�ice used f.ender ia c�an ari�t�is toan.unless applicable law mv�des otherwis� Untess an ��,��`-
<br /> �� P g . dY P . .s=
<br /> -- •__- e�reement is�►ade ar a�plicab2e Imw reguir�es interesi m be pa•r3,Lender shaU not be required oo pay 8orrower aay interest or� .:�•,-;:�.
<br /> �'a��= .' eamings oa the Amds. Bomnwer and I.endea may agree in writing.however,that utterest shalt 6e paid on the I�nds. L-ender :�;-_�..
<br /> �•� shall give m Bano��.without c�srge,an annual�unting of the�nds�showiag ctedits and deQits tn the Fuads and the , ;;�
<br /> ���'F���:;� PW�ose fnr wtdch eat��debit to lh�a�nds was ue� '[he Funds ac�e pledged as addiaonal securiry for alt sums secttred by . .'' � •*�_:�r�„�a _
<br /> � .. r��
<br /> =- '� r'•..•:Ki= this 3 IAbt[ut�Lt •. ` =
<br /> „ `�`�°��E .� �nds heT+� Lend�r exceed tDe a�ouats tteQ to 6e held b I�carle iaw,Leadec shall accocr�t to �• � ^°
<br /> ;u � ��E r� , bY Pe� Y aPP� y: -
<br /> � � < Bunnwer for the eacess F1mds.in ascardance�h the requicements of applicable taw. #�'tLr amount of the F�mds.�by L t ��Y��
<br /> :,� ` ;����, L.endCr at any time is not su��i�er>t to g�a}�t�e�s a ow Items w M n d ue,l.en d er may sa�$oirower in wri t's ti g�,a i x l,in `' _:t��. _
<br />�_•�. such case Bomnwez sflaU pay m:�d re a�nnt necessary ro m a ke up t he d e F:a,�c�:-Bonower s h a U m a k+e�rip.t he t �; � ;�
<br />�zy�. ,;`• deSaency in no ma�e�xn twelvei�iY PaY�r�s,at Lender�sale discleaoa _, . ': � ��•'�., .. L;:�: ;., _
<br /> �..� Upen paymerna ia full of all�ms seciu�d Er�t t8is Securiry Insmunent,L.aS:��.�mpdy�+efu��S ttorrower aay � �i�Z. ,,.Y��
<br /> � � , ., �: Funds Iseia by Lender. U,nnder.p�-�rnph.21;,�Lender shall acquire or setl th���eEt?�,H�an.der.prior to�maqui�or - y � � _
<br /> 4 - ' sal�o�tt:e Prapeny,shaU appSy aaiyy�nds held 6y Lender at the time af aeq�^�a a��.:as a cr�dit agai�rst tT�s�s : � �; �����. • -
<br /> `' � securei�by dtis Securlry Insuument. "� , �. , ' -�'�```";��` ,
<br />� • ". ;� 3. App1IcatEen of Paymtnts. Unteu sg�plicable law provides otherwise ai!payments received by Lend�r�d�r �� : :'��Y
<br /> ,.� ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall he appt�ed first,to any p�epayment ct�arges due under t�hot�.second.to 9mrn■*:��payable b:ader � . £',
<br /> - ����� • . ' j� patagraph Z;third,to interest due:fourth.to prihcipal due:and[ast,to any tate c�harges cue i:.Kder the Nc� • ; � '� . .
<br /> tiE �•��F;,: �AS,i•:� � + 4. Charges; Ltens. Bomnwer shall pay all taxes.assessmenu,charges,fi�es���osiaons ann'butabte•r,a�i�e . ,,.
<br /> ,,�~ .'�'� , ; • �.
<br /> � '��'����"" � P r o w h ic h m ay a tt a i n p a o ri t y o v e r t h i s S e c u r i I n s t�u m e n t,a n d l e a s e h o I d a y m e a�s o r�c n d r e n t s,i f a n . B a r z c a�e r � � ��'
<br /> ii�°,^k��t�;,• •. :' p e rt S+ t 3' P Y •:-,��;.;r: � ..�
<br /> f:' •:�� ��•"�;1�'�,;. , ;. shall pay these obligations in the marmer provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in thaz ar�,-r�.�orrower shall pay th�on •. : =rt'�§:�• . '
<br /> i ' . t�r te d I r�e c t ly to t he person ow e d payment. B ornoRSr s h a l l promp t ly fumis h to L en der a t}a��:�s o f a.�a�r,r a:s to b e p a i d n n d e r :��
<br /> �. ' , ttua paragraph. If Bomuwer makes these paymer.�directly.Borrower shall promptly faraisti��Lec��r�-„apts evidencing •-
<br /> ,� � the payments. ..,`. .
<br /> . ,. ,
<br /> � ' . � �oirower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Insts�.^.�:nt untess Borrower.(a}�rees -�,' �;�-Ir'�
<br /> ?.��.•` � �� � in wt9ting to the payment of the abligation secured 6y We lien in a manner acceptabte to Le�'...°r.(b)contests in good fait�c�e . .�;:`',; ;.�'
<br />= c;� ' lIen by,or defen3s against enforcement of the lien in.lega!pmceedings which in tlte Lea�,r�opinion operate to prevc�c`re �� �
<br /> � �:'��� �`•- • ' enforcement of the liea;or(c)secures fmm the kolder of the tien an a mer,.R sa�sfacto to Lender subordinatin the iien •
<br />_ ���. . " �" � 8� �Y g . . ,.. � .
<br />- ' `?;j•.' '-.�• �. '�'. to thts Seeurity Ins�ren� If Lender determinrs that any paR of the Propere�i s subject to a tien which may attain priorisy , • _ .
<br /> � ,.?'�.:,��:'� �� � � ' '' over this Securlty Insuument,Lender may give Borrower a notice idenGfying t��oien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or t;�e . �.',,,.. ',� ._ �:. _.�
<br /> •;�t.':- .�;•,. �,
<br /> �:�� �• ���••:����,��..,., one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ���.L�.�.<+t`'• °.._.:•�
<br /> . z,�;:.n.,_
<br /> �';��• .� .�;tiii;�ti��;`;,�:' S. ea�ard or Properly Insurance. Bomower shall keep the improvemenu now exiszing or hereafcer erected cr�a3e �� ,,,t;�r;.��i�_; .
<br /> �����+ ,+� ' Property insured against loss by fue.hazarris inctuded within the term'eatended coverage�d any other hazanis,incfar,�g ,;.t sna,t;. „
<br /> #°` � " ' ftaods or flaodin�, fur which Lender requires ir,s:rance. This insurance shall Ue mairnained in the aaiounts aad f6r the ` �
<br /> ti� ��� �
<br /> �ljf ..� � . 1 . � � l .\'.:
<br /> �::" ( :,} •. ��
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<br /> Y . `..1`�(1 t: '1 .. �
<br /> ;� .�;`':.:,��;C' •{ Form3D28 9140 lpage2aJ���-J
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