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<br /> —, � NOYI�;TH�iEF03��lttsa�reedthattkeSec�t�tydasttumantsha�l0gsmgndedherebyandde�smadtoinctudathsioEt�xftcg` .
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<br /> - , f.:, ,�,tanmentnft�entsan�lenderRentalColteat6ort�ttahtaBorro�nrerhere�yabaWut�iyanduneanditiona!$Ji:�1��ilt . .
<br /> ' re?�,,�t��and:praftts of t�s9 proP�nY,to 6e3�e8cta�t..�ender shatt have the.d�ht,•power and euthoii4�i;dtirin�t�e�
<br /> - c���anee of ihe Security t�mer�4 to coitsct the rsi�,�ssues and protite ot the property ernt ot any persanal,pro��
<br /> - td�ai�[tharaon wiM o�wittiout.taking po5sesstore of tha property affsated hereby.Letttier,however,hereDy cartsent�4�.
<br />-- - -. � Batrfierar'a ccttacttbn and cei�i��i�»ot such renta;tssuea end profits as Mey ac�rue and becorhe payaislQ so long as Sflrrm�n�r�
<br /> ts qaR$,�at such Ume,fn def8a!it�_:�40 respect to pay�nent of any MdeDtedness s�uted he�iaDy,er fn the per4omnanre ot eny, - —__
<br /> � agraemen!hec�under. ' ` � - ---_. _
<br /> �w�.��e,..�..�a � • -_ -
<br /> 2 A,p,Qoantrtr�of ReceJirer It eny event ot detautt in respect to the S�curit�r:�ns'tmmem ehffi!have occurreQ and.�ia:::. �. °
<br />��;�.�����r� ��` continutng, ls��^a�i��ae a matter of BgAt a�d wlthout notice to Borrcr�i�r 4r anyone�talmtng�er Borrower,and withi�?ctE"��; ' _- _
<br /> ������� ' rega(d ip t�i��!tha truat estate or t���itsrest of the 8orrower tti�reln,ahali t►ev�t�t�," Be$t� to an coutt feaa5�
<br /> _ , r�q
<br /> --- .
<br />�,�� _`���. Jes��tior�ta�lnt a:aealvat ts�ttt��rty. � • ' - -- - -
<br /> Y
<br /> - --�.,, : � - - ,: .� .,= - - , --•---�-- --
<br /> -� ;So,-�i�,it ta�+ta�ggsslon.In cass of detau(t In the�,rrtan!ot ttta sald princlpaE.idofia cr inigr�vT any�F.�Bt+ao�t,as it. _
<br />�-� • ..st�2,E�cr�ture;.cs�ihe'case of talture to keep or perfcrsa���tqt tha aovenants or agreements�an�3ffi%M�a�ir1 t���rity tdataa
<br /> s..
<br />� z� ` ' �t�►eri,�a�rnder. ita;saccessore or ass[gns,e#sa�•�3�e�ru�f�5�r�BDy suthariied arrd ess�wer8d ic�'Q�ca ttrtmedl8te
<br /> �� � �y po5�ass3an�ftCoc�satdPremisasthereindes�dbedandt�caliectt4§��?eaTStherefrom,and�ta��i��pt�a�tadt�ereoftothe -
<br /> � � • . �sb:.i'tce�'tt�'l�eii€o;e. • : , , . ; ;
<br /> ,���, , ��� f ^���� ; . . . ; . . �: . _'.. ';. - _
<br /> e ,Ac�iti�tEdn of errtq E��ues and Prufita.AII rents�coltectQcR��t rtder�or-3P+e r�efver shal l be e 3�8��2 to.paymerit
<br /> � ,F: Y �;' �:',: �@. �D
<br />�. ��-�� t sf;"� afrtGa,xe�sts of managesrte»toftha property and coltaction of rerits�inci�ding.but nat limited to,renet�er's fees;prenllutna�n:�• ' ---
<br /> � Gax
<br /> `Y=,I��"' - ''3� �`� rece�ar's Eontts_and reasonabte attome 's tees,and thAn to ttte suists�secured b the Secudty instrument.tender and 49a�
<br />--;�. :,,._ , � !► Y
<br /> �°:}�' `=��^� �- -�`�s�: • �ecetver shatt be tiabte to eccount oniy tor those rente actualty recofveQ.
<br /> �' .r.~�:. ,r� 5. Conatructton ot Provisions.Each of the provisions contained in this Asstgnment of Renta Fitder aad the Security tnatnr __
<br /> . � . ��.�;-� ment shall, unless otherwise specif[catly reQuired,be conatrued In accordance wttA Nebraska law.and tn the event any __
<br /> . � �"''� � provlsion heretn ortAeretn contained shail be determined by a caurt ot compatant Jurisdlatlon to be unenforcea0la;the same �
<br /> ,. . :,. __
<br /> � �� . .. = ;�: ahall be construad as though suoh unenforceable provlslon were not a paR hareof ar thereol. °'
<br /> �3. °_
<br /> - • '_ .}�° 8. E fectof Rtder.Except as speciflcatly modtfied by or Inconsistent with thls Assignment of Rente RWer or by any other =-
<br /> :��-_::=-
<br /> � � , `�' . appitaabte rtder,all of tha terma and provlslons contained In the Security InstrumeM ahatl continue In tull Tarce and eNect °,�F.:�-
<br /> ,:. �
<br /> �� �'�� IN WITNE3S WHEREOF,Borrower has executed thla Asa nment ot Rents Rtder n the date ilrat noted aDove. _-
<br /> _ . ;.,, �.�
<br /> r %:' -
<br /> �.-
<br /> � ��, S. OOUG S K CERA eono er �, '� '.`"�"�
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<br /> � r:S�f TERESA m. KUCERA 6or� wer - �= s:�:=°si,=
<br /> �� .: sri;�.,;.
<br /> � �1' STATE OF NEBRASKA ' �'.�`�����';�'
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<br /> C ,,`•. :, 4� ` _ ..��l . ,..
<br /> -14t�:•.. �..�. _ ....
<br /> - � `` On this 2�TM day of OCTOBER�g 93 ��tore me the undersgi ned a Nota Pubitc m i t rt rad '��"FFIC '
<br /> - . !,.�: �`���$►ufi �uS ��� � ��;.,r��,�.
<br /> . qualifted tor s�id county,persona11y came S. ODUGLAS KUC�RA ANO TE[�ESA m. KL�CERA,
<br /> � .. :�.,:s� ;.;�:,:
<br /> ��.,', �..` . �`�_��{� ,to be the identical person(s)whose nam�(s)islare subsaltred ;i'�'.:_
<br /> . ;_,,...:.. to the foregofrtg tnstrumenf,and helshelthey acknowtedge the execution thereof to be hlalherlthelr vctuntary act and deed. . _ . _
<br /> �s {"� � �'� ��`.., GiiAND ISLANO, NEBRASKA � ` � �
<br /> �. Wttness my R�nd and Notarlal Seal at ''
<br /> �,�;i �
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