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<br />-- — \eppticoa62e d�ar_msY apecif�►fot refas�eat)Defore�is aY.ttce,�Peaper�y pursaat�t to'aay p�tP�t af s���Is� �
<br /> Secut�ty tn�aumel��or tb) o#a�Jud �a�t�Se�vr�iqr Insonament. '[ttose con�idon��r�s s�t BbnGawer. ��} ,
<br /> -,`-�q::��-�t������'`-�s:..�.`��i�..' -+� -s�.�u.��n�t.��� —— - _
<br /> _ � � `� oocint�ed:t�)aues aay det3�It aYa�r att�coveaaura�egreeaaent�: c)�We eil mxp�aaes i�@ in��t�i�S�rit� '�
<br /> � < � °_ ,In�umenr.inclvding.hut noc Eia�tted co:re�so�Ql�attomQye•foe�;�nd(d)-ukea auv�action As t�aQpr m�y a�easc��3y
<br /> � � ` :+aini�to:ss�e that.tae liea q�thl.s Socufty inswiasnt�t.�der�Eighta tn tt�Pt+ope�►and BottmWer�obli jadoci W poy tte� : �
<br /> sums sautad Oy ttris Se�uitp..tnst�ment stRaU ccnti�ua u�ed. Upon nin�t�Eat DY 8oaower� Ws Soc�Ity ' .
<br /> . Iasc�nm�_aad the oDlig�tons.cav�d t�eby si�lt rema�n fully effa�ve a9 if aa ac�Iaa�ton h�boeun+�d. Hawavar.tbis
<br /> rightto��e simil aota�rply inthecasacfsooeIetfidQn unde:ptr�grap6l�!, .
<br /> �2 lgs.�s o�Nots;Cleaa�s al.W�Selv� '!!�No�or a�ardat ia�nst in the Nou(tooeth�witD thi�t Ssexuiq+ � _ . _ __ _
<br /> �)amY be so2d oae ar a�e tt�es svithont prIor nattae�Bomawer. A sale may nea��lf in a change I�the enti�y°
<br /> ��_�----- ---� � ` .
<br /> -�asYh�"Y�a3�vic��7tbat�ita�tm��y��d� uoimdertl�'Nac��t�isS�auzty�osu�-7�aaaisa- =- --- -
<br /> — ---- -may�e oae or inorC ch�a8es af t�e iaan Stnrioee um�det�ii w a sale of th�Not� If there is�a chaagt of the taan 5e�vioer.
<br /> -_— Bolmwer wi12 be give�written notice of the.c�ango in a�eor+daaoe with pazag�pb!4 ebove and applicable law. TAe xeos�oe
<br /> will s�the name au�ad�re,as of tLe new Loan Sezvio�and tke addr+ess to wtich payateats shoutd be made.The autioe iv�l
<br />— — aTso co�ain�y other ic+faraiailon re�red b3►ap?lisab2e 1aw. ,:
<br /> :- ZO�. Bs�Mo�SssAstanoe�.. 8anomr s�aall uat cause ar pettnit the prese�e.use.disposal.ffioiage.or telease of afly
<br />=< — �Isaar�.Substaaoe,s on or in the Prope�tyr. BoZi+awer sha11 not do.aor sIIow anyane else co do,anything affecting ffie
<br />=`' . Pro�r�uat is in viotation of any F�vimnme�taI Law. 77�e preoeding two�si�ari nut appSy to the pieseno�use.or
<br /> � <
<br />--' � storegec�the Ropeity af smai3 qnantitees_of Ha?�rdous Subst�ces that are,genetaUy reeog�uzed to be appmpriate to narmat
<br /> . _ res�dential uses and to maintenaQOe of the Prapeity. . . .. _
<br /> Bomnwer sha��mmptI�r give Lende.r arimen notice of any investigation,ctaim,demand.lawsuit or ot1�action by arry
<br /> = govemm�ntal or�guY�LOry ageacy or gnivaze party involviag the Ptoperty aad aqy Hazardous Substaaoe or BnvimIICne�l .
<br /> • Law of�i�ich Baav�tras astaal lanowledg� If Bo�ow�teara�. or is notified by any govemmental or zegutainry
<br /> auth�mmty,t�at�y,s�mya!or o?l�'temediatIon of any Hazand4us Substanoe a�'ecdng the Ptoperty is necessatp.Harmwet ---
<br /> � .- • -.> sliall prampt��take a�s�essacy cen�ial actioas cn accoidance witt�Favn+nnrneatal l.avr. __._- --
<br /> - . . . .
<br /> _ .� .As�ased wt�is�h 20,"Ha�rdo.us�aoes"a�tIloss subsla�c�defined a�toaie or ha�a�daussubstances by _
<br /> ' -� ..: Bnvimn�neata!La�+a�4 ii�e foltowing subs�n� gasoliae,keroseae.'ottt�x�.,nmabte oi toxic pea�l�s pmducts,toxic -
<br /> . - pest�isl�s and fler5ii�dts.volau7e.solvents.��afie�ats containing asbestos��nnaldehycte,and radioac�v�matetiaL�. As .
<br /> �' ' ' � used;��us FatagiapH Z0,"Env�tal La�v"�eans federal taws aad laws of theNrisdiaron whcie the 8�o�eity is tar�ed: —
<br /> _ �;� �' `'� Nat�;�to healtb.safetY osem�t{r�sa�ion. • � . -
<br /> �.:<
<br /> � �. ��.h � • NflI�I•UTiIF()RBh COVEDTAY�1t'S. Bmmarar�,dl.eader fu�her cove�and agee as follows:� .. —
<br /> •. ,4,= ��.,. � .. : �
<br /> � �'4.:.4;� 2L A��r Remedtps:�.L�n�r�C&g�We no8ce to Bomo�:r�rIor to acceieratton foll�3�g 8arr+i�'s . �--
<br /> . .`�'.`�;�.�-:�'�, 6reac6 of an �eo�s —
<br /> - a ..:..t�x'.`•;.� p� '; .�a,Y�^t or a�in t@ia�ritq Insbvmeat(b���rtor to aace[eration ua8�nr parag�p�83;� . . �—
<br /> �`�'°=�,^i`..,r�'�a�`:�.,,_: unte�s�lfrable taw proWdes o�+w�e) 'E�e aot3ce sha�s�ify: (a)t6e detauit;(b)the act[on re�rpd to cr•c�QaQ
<br /> - .:.���:�.���,�....� defas�.A�1 a date!nnt tess than�days from the�tP�m�a�ce is given b Borrower.by w6fc6 tIIe defauit�3�e � ` ?� ��=;_:_:
<br /> -.. .:� =--- .
<br /> - ' . -. ... ,� cure8;�m�(d)t6at faitare to cm,e the defauIt ori or Letore 4�date ' m tt�e aot�ee ma rrszilt fa s�tus��a4' � .�—°===
<br /> _ � o t:�" �� ~ the sums secured bp tbts Security Instrument a�i��l saie of the Propest�P'� aottce shaU�er im�anva Borrowet oY —
<br />_ ��a'�.,_: '.� � the rigdt to reins��fter acceleraflon and tti�m�t to bring a court adnan to assert the noa-e�dstem�e Q�a detanit or ��
<br />_ :�5;;,... ;��`'' . any othEr defense of�Borrower to aoeeterstton aad sat� If the defautE is Qot cured on or 6efore th¢date specified tn �_
<br /> =:���'� � '� - � � the ua3��e,Leader at its o tion mu aire immediate a e ia�fult of a11 sum4 secured b Wts Securi Iastrument � " `"� '��
<br /> �,.,_,=: : .. . ' . P 9�9 P 9�� Y tY ,; ?.:.�,=�s-.
<br />_ .�'�p,,.� withmxt�ndher demaad aed may invoke the Qower og sate a�td�aoy�othe'r remedtes permiKed by appuca6le law .�;�:;.,�;^?���°i
<br /> ; .�. ; =°'•���.� :,.,.,:,, Lende�shall De entitted to mltect all expeases incurred�iR.pursutug t�e remed�es pmvtded in thLg ParagraPh 21. r •:f^•;•.:
<br /> " ;:::�•' �. ." .`� .` inciudtng,6utnatlimitedto,reasoaabteattorneys'feesand�oostsoPtttteevldeace. �{�� ��.• �� ��. :_
<br /> � �• � - If tlte power of�[e tg Invoked,7Yustee sAall record a notIee oP default in eacA county in wdic6 any part of the '..,�:�'��
<br /> #.�`' �• . Property is lacated and shall maU rnptes of suc6 notice in the mannee presceibed by appitcable taw to Borrower aad to , ' •.:�.�--
<br /> � � tde otRer persoas prescrtbed Dy appftcabte!aw After the time reqaired Dq appiicaD[e law,'nrustee s6a11 give publtc - -
<br /> �' ` `` : aotice of sate to the peesons and in the manner prescri6ed bg applicaDte law 'ilvste��vithout demand on Bon+uwer, ; . .`;� �•'. ,
<br /> f �`��� ' , ' shaU setl the Property at puDlic auctiod to the Qighest Diddee at tCfe t�me aad plaae anA under tQe terms designated ia c `
<br /> c ''.; .� � ` . • • the no4tce of sate ia oae or more parcets artd in any order 7lrustee det�cmines. 7�ustee may postpone sale of sU or any :�„':; •�`"•�; , •��r',�
<br /> ; •� � pareet of the Pro�by publIc announcement at t�e time and ptqee aF an�previously scdeduted sa[e. Leader or its �: .;,�
<br /> ��� . . . designee may p�nrs�e the Property at an�r saE�. ':;,�.� :;�,�:;;;.
<br /> Upa�t+ecei�g of payment of the price m�d,'.'�'rustee sAat1 det�vee to the purchasee'ltustee's dee�oonveying the ,. �`..;;;:
<br /> � Pro�tg: TCs2 r�dtals tn tDe 7lrustee's deed sY�all be prims�facte evideace of the huth of the statements�ade thernan. � '� �'�� " '
<br /> '`�' 71rusY�¢d�a4Q a��Qg the pruceeds of the sate in tlke foltowing ordec: (a)�to att costs and expenses af exer«si�g the pmprer ���`"'�" `,t�� �° '
<br /> �{, • . - • . r�i�.
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