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<br /> — � ' �. ��j/G1Q�� �iiWWfiliiW yY��e� `Y��IWWWaYY�{�•�iI�WYL V�YWIV�Y���iY�M�Y+�`` ,i '
<br /> . '� t�#.whiCh Bltsll tlO��Ut+iraSanBE,iy withhC2d�!�gwct f�ul$ttf II�ain�...fn�:fc.,O�V�� �esn'�t"aboi�C Le�des th3ys�
<br /> _— _, . y .——$��-- _w. _ ��j�g�W� iW�tiR�vt����t —�..'_ �._— —.--.- — —_—.
<br /> -�cuacs:.
<br /> — A1�inswaaca po3icies an�cemewals shal!be aa�ptebTa ta Lc mtd st1sU iacIttde a standa�d tumtgage e2aa�. Le�der'...
<br /> sLali Levettda tight toim�id the polic€es sn�renewaL�.�If L�derieq�Bortowefahali pio�nptlygiveto Leaderel2 ra�eipts
<br /> ` . �uf pa�d px�nina�s and rsaaawal not#ces. ta.tDe�eveut af Zas�.Hoimw�r_ahail gtvc grompt i�iice to tho Irasuraas:e cazrIes'aad •,
<br /> - :. i„a�der. Le�ermay�ar pmofof Ioss if nat mada prampttNb3►Boimv�et. < . � ` .
<br /> . , tTniess Lendcr and Bonowea whe�+iss agnee in wri6n8.inss�ee �shall be ap�ili�!ta test�adon ot rEp9ir af
<br /> --- _ ��u��y damageti;if t&e restosa�ioa or.re�air is economicalZy�Lendet�secunty �S aat tessened..If the �� -- --
<br /> � . . os cepait-is uot�umis�tyr�32e os Lend.,rrs secutity tvotild De 3esg�.tlse ins�aas�pmrreds�s6at1�
<br /> _, _�_�___� _ ,,_-:.- _�pplied_�n�e s���jr_�is a��r►e�I�t��erheth��r�ih�a.d�v�ith_any_:excess_Paid.m Homuwe4 7f---- ,- --- �
<br /> - -- �Botmarer abaednns the P�uperty,or does not answer witAin 30 daya a notice fmm Lendet d�at tha insutanoe s�aier t�s , - ---
<br /> � offet+�d ca seuie a daim,then Leadet may coilect the ins�naace pmceeds. I.ender may use the pmceed.g m repait or resmre �
<br /> = the Pmperty or to pay sums sec�ed by tbis Security Ins�meas.whether or nat ti�n due. T&e 30-day period wilt begin when
<br /> the notice is givea. � .
<br /> _ ' Uatess Le�der and Bmrowea otLeiarise agree in writing,any app�on of prooeeds.t�n piiacipal,shall not exiead or
<br /> �postpoae the due dane of the mont�ly paymcats refeued to ia par�graghs 1 zad 2 or ctrange the amoupt:a£the payments. If
<br /> ' �mder.paiagragh:2t tli�Progerty is aoquuW d�`€.eader.Bmrowerg rigAt tt��ts�ins�ranice Policje.s ati��oeeds�esvIti�g
<br /> - . fmm damage to�t�vgertY PrIos w the�n shall pass to Leader to��e extent of 4ie sums seti3�d'Ey tdi.s Secu�ity
<br /> —:.__ Ins�ttim�}rpriortot� , . .��;.,y;:. .. ._.... _ . _ .- �- - -- .. ._ .: _. __ . ..: .�:,.�;_
<br /> .. n • . . . .- -- -
<br /> ..�.�t�:.��$a��ac�.Pr�erQatfar�;�Meir,t�arice end_Protect[oa ot the Pr+u�:�orrower'e'�.oan �iPplFca�n;
<br /> - == t+�. Boriower shaU ntx�>�tablish.aad use the Prapetty es Baaower'� . . , zesidence� '��$��er -- ------
<br />�a.�� . ; 'the'execution of this Seeunty I�ent and shall writlnne co oeeupy the�opeity as Bomnweria prinE£�,at etice:�:�i ------
<br /> -_ � teast one year after�tte date af oocupancy. unless Leader otherwis��.. in�ariting, whicb aar�nt sha11 i�oT�be. -
<br /> sha
<br /> - - __ �unieasonably with�t�.zbr�Iess�cenuating ci�taaces ex':sc�vlueh�.*e�ad Borrqwer�s contmL ��$oaower st�,s3'u,pt �__----
<br /> --- -�_.�: destm ,damaSe or . . th� ..� � alluw the Fio to.ii�iorate.orcommit wa��rn the Pio Bmrower s�ialt `. ---
<br /> _ _=� -
<br /> _ - be at�f�if any fa�sc����groceeding,wfled�ier cisr�ar criminal,ts 6egtm ths2:¢a Le�tder_��d faith' d�,. _ ---— -
<br /> N
<br /> coutd c+�lt in forfcituie.of the.i�ipeny or othetwise mate�ialty impair the lten created by tt�s.Secuiity Inso�umem or ` —
<br /> -- —_— Lend�t�is security intenest. Borrov►�et may cure such a default and reinstaie,es pmvided in paragraph.l8,by caasing the asHon � ----
<br /> —=-_--___ , or prooeeding to be tiiscttissed aith a zuling diat.in l.endes�s good faith detetmina�un.Pmectades forfeiture af the Bomuwer�s � ' �:_-
<br />�--�-=�� iutetest iu the Prap�}r or oWer material impairment of the lien cceaoed by t6is Sec�uiry Instivment ar Leaderk se�aniry _
<br />�� � ,;� i�erest. Bormwer shall also be in defaWt if Borrower. during the loau application process,gave materially false or �`��-
<br /> �` ,��• iaaccurate infomoatioa or stau:meaasto l.ender(or faiied w provide Lender with aay material infom�ation)in conuection with °':--'---
<br /> � � � `� " the loan evidenced by the Not� imetuding,but not limited to,cepresentations conceming Borrower's oocupancy of the �` -- _
<br /> S'�:'.'`':ti ` '.�"�"-
<br /> .�h property as s priacipa�residence..IIf t�►is Securiry.Insuument is on a leaseho2d.Bormwer shall comply with sU the provisions �-
<br />�•?~_;;, � . _. ; ' ------ ,
<br /> _ { Y 4 r ;•}v ,, - ; of the lease. If�ou�tiver acqua�.c 6ee titte to t�e IProperty,the leasehotd and rkefee 6de st�aU not merge unless l.ender ag�ees . �" _
<br /> arflv.r -�
<br />-- �..�?�'' •F�� `;: tothQmecgerinw�itiv� . • � ., � {�' . ,y
<br /> V : ,•,�';"`-" .,:.;� � 9 Peotectio�t of l.ender's L�dghts in the Property. If Borrower��,7s to perfonn the coveaauu and agreements . ``4�,.�.���_
<br />_ ':, contai�ed in this Security Instru�aem.or the�e is a legal Prvoe�ing that may significantly affect Lereder�s rights ut ake �:`��_ ��
<br /> �� � F�npeiey(such es a proceeding in bankruptcy.pro6ate.for coademnation or forfeit�ne or to enforr,e Iaws or regulaHons�.t3�en � � �>•� 3
<br /> ...-.rv-?• �
<br /> '.�;..,.�,.:.� .�.
<br /> � I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valae af t�e Property and I.ender�s rights in the Pmperty. '`-'a�ri�. =
<br /> • �- " Lender's actions may include payin8 any sums secumd by a lien which has griority over this Sec�rity instrumen�appearing ''=�:�'�.-
<br />- ' - � .' �. in caun,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and enteriag on the Property to make nepairs.Although Lender may take action -�.•��n�:.'�� �����
<br /> .'�% ' � under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. ��;�,^'•;:r�'"�j._�,_n�'-
<br /> .`�.'�� ' , , Any amounts dis6ursed by Lender under this paragraph�shatl6ecome aclditional debt of Barmwer setured by this _ � ��. >���
<br /> 's • _ Security Insuument. Unless BorravvEr and Lender agree to othee te�ms of payment,these arsounu shall bear wterest fmm the •='s�
<br /> f 3 ' � date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.wit�iateres�upsm nodce from l.ender to Borrower cequesting ' � �•
<br /> ;,. • . . paymen� . :��:�
<br /> 8� Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender tequired mortgage iris�ce�s a condition of making the tart secured by this � �`'=�=_
<br /> '' Secu�iry InsnumenG Borrower shall pay the premiums requiev�I w maicaa�c.the martgage insurance in effacr. If for aay . � �
<br /> - � ,��'` �� reasou, the mortgage inswance coverage required by Lende� fapses or oeases to be in effect,Bort�er s6�raiR p�: sAe • ', ,L ..'f,�'�,x'
<br /> ' premE�sms requimd to obtain mverage substanaally equiva!eca to ttte mor[gage insurance previously zri effecr.at a�vst. • :.� �'.:��v�:�:
<br />_.�, _ . � substantiaily equivalen[to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance�ceviously in effect.from a� �Icemate�*or�;a$e - . � "`�•��s��
<br />=:� ' _� .. _ � • insurer appmved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Bacrower shaIt pay to :;�� `'� , �• -"
<br /> ;.� ,,. , . Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Smrower when the .:::'.r.:_�` ��"� `.��.,,,�
<br />_ • insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a Ioss reserve in lieu . � �>� ''`� ��'
<br /> . �� • of mortgage insnrance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required.ut the o tion of l.eader,if mort a e insnrance �� i�,`��,` "
<br /> ' ``�'''• � covera e(in the amaunt and for the aod that I.ender re uires) rovided b an insurer a roved b Lender a g • � �.
<br /> � S Pe A P Y PP Y gainbecomes ���•,� .'
<br /> ' '•" " � �' available und is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mamc�%n mortgage insurance in effec�or to pmvide a �
<br /> % D � .,�_...• . . .
<br /> _• .• loss reserve,until the mquirement for mortgaze insurance ends in accordar�e with any written agreement between Borrower ' •�
<br />-'; �': .�' .• � and Lender or applicabie law. . ;�„,.;� ..
<br /> :� r ,� " :,. , 9. Inspecttoa. Lender or its agent may make ceasonabte entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lendet shal! ��`;�•' ' .
<br /> '��. • . . give Borrower nodce at the dme of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspect(on. , � ` ; • •
<br /> •., i._�-. •� 10 Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or clalm for damages,direct or consequendal,in connection with any ' ' �
<br /> .•`` � . . SingleF�mily--Fannte�tae'FreddiellfaciJ.\IFORi1L'15TRL'NE.r'T--UnifortnCorcnanrs 9l90 fpuRe3nf6paRt1! '. . . :
<br /> �'� . . l�InteB�t�Fa��� .
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