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<br />SCMDULE "A"
<br />200404600
<br />Parcel 1: Lot Fifty Five ($5), in Frank P. Barks' Subdivision Nu. 3, hh the City of Grand Island, flail
<br />County, Nebraska and that part of vacated Edward Street as slauwn in Ordinance No. 4804, tiled
<br />December 19, 1969 in Book 19, Page 362 and that part of vacated alley as shown in Ordinance No. 4824,
<br />filed February 16, 1970 in Book 20, Page 204; excepting a certain tract more parlicuhtrly described In
<br />Quitclaim Deed recorded in Book 161, Page 30.
<br />Parcel 2: Lots One (1), Two (Z), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven ('1), Eight (8), Nine (9),Ten
<br />(10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourtctin (14), Fifteen (15), Sixicen (13), Thirty One (31),
<br />Thirty Two (32), Thirty Three. (33), Thirty Four (3(3), Tldrty hive (35), Thitty Six (36), Thirty Seven (37),
<br />Thirty Fight (38), Thirty Nine (39), Forty (40), Forty One (41), Forty Two (42), Forty '111ree (43), Forty
<br />Four (44), Forty Five (45), Furty Six (-46), Forty Seven (47), Forty F11-lit (49), Forty Nine (49), Fifty (51)),
<br />Fifty One (51), Fiery Two (52), Fifty Tierce (53), Fifty Four (54), Fifty Five (55), Fifty Six (56), Fifty Seven
<br />(57), Willy Eight (58), Fifty Niue (59) and Sixty (00) In Sunny Side Subdivision, in (Ike City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska and that part of vacated Edward Sit-eel as shown in Ordinance Nu. 4804,
<br />filed December 19, 1969 in Book 1.9, Paige 362 and that pahrt or vaca(yd alley as show -n in Ordinance No.
<br />4824, filed February 16, 1970 in Book 21), Page 21W; excepting is ces-fall, burl more partiutlarly described
<br />in Quit.cbrhn Deed recorded in Hook 161, Page 30.
<br />Parcel 3: Lots One (1), Two (2), Thane (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), E:19)rt (8), Nine (9),Terl
<br />(10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), in Block One (1), Goodrich Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Mill
<br />County, Nebraska and that pail of vacated street as shown In Ordinance Nu. 481)5, filed December 18,
<br />1969 In Book 19, Page 363 and that Part of vacated alley its shown lit Onlinaucc No. 4823, filed February
<br />16, 1970 In Book 20, Page 203; excepting a certain tract ruure particularly described in Quitclaim Deed
<br />recorded in Book 161, Page 30.
<br />Parcel 4: Lots Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Filleeu (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18),
<br />in Block Two (2), Goodrich Subdivision, in five City or Graurd Island, Rail County, Nebraska and that
<br />part of vacated street as shown in Ordinance No. 4805, riled. December 18, 1969 in Book 19, Page 363.
<br />