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<br /> ` �yl�.�t ,11: 0�thC . ��iiC�18QCf13CAi8'8Qt1�t;9l1S 8���t OOYP.i�II���S��j1�tf��ty "�, � .
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<br /> . Eimitod voei�tiaas bg jui+r'bd{�a tu ceasdtum a unifom�s�artly�um�t cov�ng ce�t�opertY• � :.. �
<br /> UN�I9R14��Q►.V.�N1tNTS� Bumowetaadl.end�r�wua,tntende�epsfol3ocve:
<br /> � �'�
<br />-_. L E�i,yme�b��r�ni�t��Imten�st;��i.nte�a�• S������m dve thg .
<br /> �__--- = =--- �laf��st:+r�t�d�tevi�ed bg�Nta�c an�t�nY�Y?a�aadta��due ttnde:tLa Ata
<br /> ��_�
<br />_ . - -- __ - -----------
<br /> � 8. �sltor�tl�asa�� Subjsci to�eticab�elaa arto�s wntt�araiver�y Le�ide%�oaawersbaIIp�+Y to- �- ---
<br />- � . D.ender on tho day mon�1S�R�cuts are due audrr tb�s�l�.}ose.imttl tt�e Note Is paid ta fiil�.a sum l°E�ds°1 faa:(a)3�Y
<br /> tmces aa�a�tta�wliic6 mu��psiarit,y m�ar this Sac�titY Insuwt�nt ac a tiea oa t�@�p�ty:(b)Y�riY te��
<br /> - p�ymeNs�grouad�aenta est the Pcngerty, if aqY:�C)3'e�lY hazac+d or �rapecty►iastuaaa�Psemiam�;(�YearlY'�oo� . .
<br /> ` p, insvianuo Fnmiams,if arg►:a�(t�as�Y�F�Y�Se.by BoAO�r W .
<br /> _- - ias�uance p�niu�s::�a�yr:.ce)Y�Y�s�
<br /> I,eader;in eccat�aace arItb the provisions of�8.in iku of the pa,yt�ni of mo�age i�ra�oe pnmiums. �e.se
<br />=�'' itea�are callod°FSCrow Ite�ns." Lead�r may,at s�r i�onit�ct aa�6old timds ia aa amaunt not to exce�l the maxi�uu ` .
<br /> � c�asaunt a tecdmc fur a�a]IY�1at�a�ortSaB�toan may requi�e far Barmwer�escrow accawu und�tHe��era!Rea1
<br />'> . -Estate�5effie�t�.P�aaedw$s-Act of�i474 as amea�nd im�a fane ta t�12 U.S C�ZbOI etseq..(°RESPA°)._unlsss.eao�r ...
<br />- ' 1aw tt�nt appliegfo�tteai�mds sets a[csscr amoimt If s�c.I:end�amay,at any dm�oollect and hoid Amds ia an amoimt�cto �
<br /> exceed Yhe iesger amonnx I�adca may es6anate thn:amaunt of R�nds due on d�e bas'ss vf cvmnt data and ieaSOnaDIe .
<br /> - �s�'ma�s of exgendiques of futu�Fscmw Itc�or oih�cvisc in a�ance alth applicable Iaw. � � ,
<br /> - Ti�e Punds stlall he�Iletd ia an instiwiion wg►us�ci�posits are iasu�ed by a federat agency.iast�umeatal�Y.or emity
<br />�; � � (inciudiag Lender.if Lender is such en iasdtatton)afin�any►.Fe+�al Home Loan BanTc Leade�t s�alt apply the�tds to pay
<br /> _ � ..�`e the Fscc�nw�nas. Lendcr mny uot cbarg�Bmron�r:f�fiolding and applyiug the l�nds.annually aaalydng the esc�w
<br /> _ _ fiocoun�or�vet�tjring die Es«aw Itemg,unt4ss L��pays BoAOwer iatetest on the Fuadc aub appltcabte taw pamits
<br /> l.enda w ma�e�such a charge. Howev�,l.endra may�c�w�Boaow�to pay a oae�time charge far an ind�pendent t+esi
<br /> - . estate tax cq►miing se�vice used by Lender in coma�cdt�n mtb this luan,aaless agpluable law pravides othetwis� UWess an
<br />_ °`�, _I� { - eg�eemeut is mad�s or a�plicable Iaw requir�es inte�cst to ba paid.L�nde.r shaII uot De naquued m gay Bamuwer any intecest or
<br /> �, -h.�t_'�s. eamings�the�nd�. Bumnwer and Lender may agree in wnting.however,that int�ess shall be paid oa the Plmds. Lender
<br />- ' �.�,�;'�:.'t�`:'�:;��, sLaU give w 8t�rmwer.arithout chatge,an annuaf sooauntiag of the�n�s,sdowing cc+edits attd debits w the i�mds and dte
<br /> `�.R-�.�;.�,,. '._�,... puipose for ahidi euch dehit w the Rinds was made. 1De I�nds are pledged as additim�al sec�mity for all suma secuted by
<br /> -,:.'.� �• this Se�utity inst�umen� -
<br /> ,�� ,� `
<br /> :'-`: ` • •�: '. If-tHe �unds hcld 6y Lender eacced the amouats pemniued to be @eid by applicable law.Lender shaU a000unt w _
<br /> <. _. � . , . _
<br /> '..', ',::.�.��.:�r�. : .�; '� BaJrn�ver for thc exaess�nds in soco�daace with t�s�ments of applicable iaw. If the amount of the Fvads held by _
<br /> - � • :3r:`�..��:„� Lendcr ab any time�s_aot su�cient to pay the Fscrotiv Iteu�whea due�Lender may so noSfy Boimwer in wiiting.and.in ---
<br /> .. �-;�:dr;:°:..,t;,; - --
<br /> . . .<r. . such ca�Boaaaer shall pay m Leuder the amouut�n�aessuy to make up the defeciency. Hmmwer shall mat+e up the --_
<br /> •�� ° . .;=::" `;,��•;�'�i deSaiency in no ma�than tareI�e montLlY�5craents.at t.ender�s sole dis.aetioa �"—-
<br /> �:t= , . •, ;�r�::�'.i�` Ugon:p�;�ne�at fq fiilt of aZl swns s�c�caod by this S�cuiity �,L e n der s h a l l prnm p t ty cefimd w Botrower an y �.=_
<br /> rnctmmPSS, .
<br /> :�.:,:�-,.=` ., am��-.�':
<br /> ;;�' ��Y�^ ,,..�_ .,: . �aud�•t�el@ by��eud�s.Yf�,.,��!e�patagrapii Zl.Lendet shaU acquire or sei2 the Ptoperty.Lender,prior to the acguisidon or �;�:
<br /> � �
<br /> (tis}}.�.,x;q�� sal��of�dte Pmg+eity.sTia�!�ay anY F�nds held by l.cndet at the time of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums �3: __��;
<br /> n
<br /> r. � r �ti4�� . SCCIII�Zly 1�5.�CCl1i1�1}�TIIS�I7IN@IIt. r :t �II�
<br /> .• S - .°`.'�.�Y.�"' , , �� t` .-. .. �
<br /> Applfa�tfon of Faymenta Untess appticable law provides othenvise,a11 payments received by Lender under '�°�'-
<br /> ' � ' • " paragmpds l:and 2 shall de applied:firsG to any pmpaymEnt churges due under the Note:secand.to amounts payabte�mdcr . � ��"�
<br /> ,`..,.:"': '� ,.+ �_
<br /> `:�.'��� pazagmph 2;thW,to irteirst due;fourth,to principai duc:and lasb to any late charges due under tha Note. ;�:,
<br /> . 4, CAtatgas; Ueus. Botrower shalt pay all taxes.assessmenis,charges,fines and impositions attri butable ro tRte -
<br /> � • Prop�rty�whtch may anain priarity over this Security Insuuraen�and leasehold payments or grnund rents.if any. Botrower :,;,r�:•;_:;`"�•.�'_-
<br /> � - shaU� a thescs o6llgutfons itt the manner vided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Batrower shal!pay them on � �,;..� =;. .-��.�
<br /> � A Y Pn' ,�•>i�,�=, :::�. .f
<br /> ' � � � dme dicecQy to thB pe�son owed paymen� Borrower shall paumpily fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be pa�d uader -. �,.i_. � -c
<br /> •,;' ;r .. � :.� t h i s pamgmp h. I f 8omnwer m a E ces t hese pa3�n u d i r e c t l y.B o r ro w e r s�U p ro m p il y f u m i s h t o L x a d e r r e c ei pts evideacin g .': __:�= ��.1•'•��;ti�
<br /> ,L� � the payments. . :�• ���`
<br /> , l. . .�',.Lo . _
<br /> " � � Bamawer shaU prompdy discharge any lien which b�s priority o�•er this Securit�Insuument unless Borrower.(a)agcees `',��'�J��`� + ••
<br /> �. �a���• ` �` � in�vrittn�to the payment of the obligation secured by the li�n in a manner aaepcabte co Lender.(b)contesu in good faith the ��,4�;�n. `: }� . • �
<br /> ;;�ti'�;;y.+.. . llsn by.ar defends against erLLorcement of the lien in,leg�l proceedings which in th:Lender's opinion operate to prevent the :F:i�;:ti`� ` � ::`.' �,
<br /> •�h��,�.• °� •
<br /> :��, •. • � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures f�um the hotder o!the lien an a�eement saiis�dctory to Lender suboniinating the lien , '",; � • -
<br /> ; ' to this Socurity insuument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is ssb;sct to a lien which may attain priority �;`= °� ;:, '
<br /> :� � • � � .� � over this Securuty Instrumen�Lender may give Bortower a notice identify ic�g�he Iietr. Bomo�ver shall sadsfy the lien or tahe . ��. • , _
<br /> �4� `�.. � . ' ane or more of the acttons set forth above within 10 c!a)s of the giving of Bv*ace. '',+;�',S:};;,. . . �•, �'''
<br /> , � ti, . • 5. �za:d ar Pt+operty Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements aoa�existing or he�rafter erected on the ,t�.tisl;�..,. - �r;:'.
<br /> pmperty Insured agalnst loss by iire.hazards inciaded���thin the term"eat�nded corerage"and any other hazards,inciuding ,��;�;?,�,i+,' _.:' •, „
<br /> ` " � flnods or.fln�clin for which Lendcr ucres insuraiu�e. 7tiis insunuse shal!be maintainecl in the amounts and for the �.i,`'+'
<br /> ' :�.• � F• �1 ( , . :..;t',
<br /> ���:�: . . . '�:e • . . .�. .
<br /> : ':._.
<br /> ,s �.` � �' Foim3028 9/90 fpaRe2oj6pogtal t,�, �: '' : •
<br /> ; ' -�,�.,. :`;.�'����;'}.�,• � . .
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