� `� EXHIB ::,
<br /> -'' . . . ,.. ..
<br /> , p ' A ttatt oE laed en.�pr(eleR a pat! oE ebe 6eutb'tlwlf o[ tbe No[thw�t QwrN[ ($) NU�) }����w
<br /> j , ' � o[ Seetloa 7vent� (20). iovnnhlp El���n (ll) parcl�. Rnn6a NSne (�) Mea� ot [h� s� 8 9 �` 3
<br /> �. N.� Clty of Ctaad Itland. Itnll Cnunty. H�braekn, nad eere �attleuircly d�sCtlbad
<br /> I '
<br /> � . an lollovs:
<br />� • tir�e, to anc�rtaln the �� �y '
<br /> polnt eE 6etinning, et�re at �!h• l,ntereeelien aE !6e � 9�J1��
<br /> •
<br /> •e��therJy propettr llne o[ the Unien Pac1[irt R.+ilto�d Co.p�n� vilh the •e�e line
<br /> e[ ch« Mocchve�c nuarter (►NI) oI e�id Seetion ?vent� (30) a• ■.�.ur.A aleee a lin•
<br /> prr+llel .lth and tvo Ilundced (2Utl.0) [eet dlstant eoutht��t�r).�, ■v a�asueed at
<br /> ciRhe •�rRl..� trom cl�e caaterllnn oE tha e�et bound auiu tcack; d�enn• I►OUCF�v�R��i��
<br /> elon6 w��J upou •aid �oud�etl� propert� 11oe a distrnc• o[ One Ihouiand �I.�e Bvodc�d
<br /> Siar.� 7.e •od I�er�t� tvv Iltmd[edths (1�562.22) feet to th�•AC1llAL pe}�nt of
<br /> fi�pinninR� theeee eontinuing sovthve�[erl� +�Aont and upon th• Last descrlbed conxst '
<br /> pcodue•d, � dL�tnnee oE Fouc tlundred OU! and one Nuadtldtha (40�.0�) �!e! !o th• ,�
<br /> net[hv�et eorn�t oE e h eet oE 1aoJ W be sabdivlded. plwtted end �cnowII a! °floth
<br /> Subdlsi.eie�"p th•ne• nocthveeteclr elon� wnd upon ths ptoloo�atiou oI [he ra+terl�
<br /> linn e[ uid °Bee6 Sabdf.�leien". w dlylaeee o[ Oa• 9undeed and Fl�e Luedndth! ��
<br /> (lOtl.03) [�et te s pelnt lhae !s One Uuadred (L00.0) [eae Aistaot soutbeulerl�� ..
<br /> M� ���sured at si`ht �nel�e [se. t6� aeeNrlisa el !he �ase bouad �al,a tdek= '
<br /> thenc• tmmLnR eetlhe�At�tl�, per�1.1t1 �leh th� •�el�elir• •[ �ald ewsa ►wed �rla .
<br /> tcack, a dletanen o( ihcee Ilundctd Nlnetr S���n �nd Six quedcedthe (J91.06) feeci I
<br /> dwnce deClectiuR [ip,ht 89' 3J' 29" and tvaning souehoa,�.rl� a distance oE Ooe
<br /> �unA[ed (LU0.0) teat to a polnt an d�e nn[tb�cl� 1!e• oE t6e e[oce�.,s�entioned "Bnc6
<br /> Subdl�isLon° •od beln� t6e ACIUAL Point nE b��inel�eg �n.i/79:���iqZ+wre leet �oce
<br /> , nr les�. „ , "
<br /> A eract nE le�ud comprinlug a yett of tha SouEh BnlE oE the Northweot puart�c (9� NNj)
<br /> nE Seatioe 7'veacr (i0), Tnvuohlp EI.RVen (11) North, Reng� 111ne (9) N�et oE f:6a 6eh
<br /> Y. H., CLty o[ Grand (SLnnd, Ilal.l Cuunty. Nnbrnnkn, ond Mn�ce ���cir�ta�ir daeerlbnd
<br /> en folluwn�
<br /> [1Ket, ee ascertntn cl.. pol��e e[ 4v�lm�ln�� stac! r! the �nt.r�•eeion e[ !h•
<br /> aoutl�erl.) propnrt� lin4 of tl�e Ueinn Pae1L1C ltailtoad CoIDpnny rtth t6• •n�t line
<br /> uf. the Nocthve�t quntter (NN�) nf enid 9ecClott twenty (2U) t1n maa�u�ed sl.00g ■ lino .
<br /> pat:tllnl vJ.th Aud 'Cwo IlanJrsd (2QU.0) Eaet dlntnnC eouth9astocly. as eeunur�d st
<br /> c)p,ht anPleh icvin lhr centnr.linn o£ !he onet bvund main tcnek= thenee uoutha�nr,erlr
<br /> ' alony, nnd upon sn1.d nnu[I�erly propacty liue n diel.a�ice o! Vuo Tl�oneand Nine Hundced .
<br /> aAxt� thrce ond 1'acnty 7hrca Ilundredtl�a (1.96J.27) Icet co tha oorthweet cocnec
<br /> nE n Creat nC land [o be nubdinl.ded, pl�ttad end knoMn no "IIOCh Subdivision"1 '
<br /> Nience avctl�ven�r_rl.y aloiip, aud upon tl�a prolon�etion oL thn wnstecl� line oE awid
<br /> "Ilod� O��I�df.vin�o�i'. n dletanae oE (lne Auudr�d sud Five nuudcedt4e (10U.05) feet
<br />� to a p��tat tl�at l�f On� ll�mdCRd (1�O.U) f.RSE diatant eourlroaxtetly� a8 ol�SLLCld dG '
<br /> �inht a�gl.ea tnom tl�e nenCOrline oE tLe sent bound eAiu ernek anJ belne ths AC'It1AL "✓ I
<br /> pe�l�,r nf b�RLnnin�= t:henr.e coatinufng nbtthwantnrl7 •lonp tho lwne descrlUad toutoa
<br /> n �UA�nn.•� of. Forc� G.lRhr. and eiacry Six llundcodtlirt (��9.6R) f..ot� t6�nce cvnoinP
<br /> rloctl�crnl_nr,.Ly, parnl7.e1 wiN� tl�o tt�ntolline oE 9111t1 an�t boand enln tcnck� e ,
<br /> • dletnnca of '[I�cee flundred fiiaelr liV• and iiEteaa I(undtod[hs (395.15) Ec�ti ct�eace .
<br /> • dnEl�cting tip,ht A9" 3J� 29" nnd [umtieg eoutl�aaetetly n dinCanae of iortr 6igl�t
<br /> m�d ,rilxt� 11�r.en Iiundtedtl�n (40.G.�) CeeC Co a point tl�at i� �1�� N��„drad (100.0) Feet • , .
<br /> din[nnt nnutl�onntwrlr, n• meweur�d wt rlgltt anglan from the coc+tarlin• oE the •eet '
<br /> botittd mn1.rt tt�ck� th�nee runniag noutl�v[pt�[1)� p�[Allal witl� th• eeel�rlin� oE ..
<br /> naid e�sC bvund main treek, n distaucv vt il�tla livadrad Nlnet� SAV:n •nd Six •
<br /> ' nundredthe (397.06) [a�r, �e tt�r ACtVAL pvint oC bRgiauinK �nd contnin.tng 19.26J .
<br /> �,�unre [ect mo[n nt lene. . .
<br /> A ttaet of l�nd �M.ret.t� a �ar! o( tA• ieut� Halt el t6� llecth+eat Qu�rHr (S�
<br /> NHJ) e[ E�ction lbmq �20). T�nRh.tp il�v�u (lt) NeclS, l.ng• 11ino (9) Vue ef •
<br /> th• 6th t. M., Cit� oC Ccaed Isl�nd. Ball Cmm►�, ��bruka, ■ed .er• ,paztiaulasl�
<br /> dese:ib�d as Lollowa�
<br /> fir�e. eo �cartain ehe Poine eE b•�im.lnt. stare •e e6. lne.rs•eeioa e[ e6. �
<br /> souch�zly prop�rt7 lin� oE che Unioo Yaeille Aiilcead Co.Pxn� vich ch. •+ue
<br /> llne oC the Mocthveet Quarter (NV�) o[ said S�etion Tvenqr (IO) as ne�n�ud
<br /> aloe6 � llua par�llel vith •nd Tao qundced (200.0) f�at di�[ant sou[hea�cerl�,
<br /> �� ■easuraA ae rtght aa�lea fzoo t5a eaet:rliue of tLe •it: bound uin cc�ck;
<br /> ehenee aouchveec�rl� +tloea �ud upe� aaid �out6�r1� Dcopect� 1in• a di�canc•
<br /> uL ooe Ihoutand il�� IIundcad Ihl[t� Savee �nd Ivo Ienths (1.5])•2)•f��t to the �
<br /> ACivAL yoloc oC U.�{lauieEi th�nca a�:i«<in� ea' 00' and tvnninE eoutheseterl�
<br /> a disl�nce ef '[bo dundseJ foclr iouc and Li�hq [lt� $undcedthe (244.85) Leet
<br /> te a poine on t6s norelmsterly lluv o[ 3eeond SCilnC� thence !aa[hv�stacl7
<br /> ae right av;les �o cha laae deaeribed eoucr• alwg and upon eald mcthveateilr
<br /> lio• of S�eond Scre�e� a diaC�nea o[ iout Euudced Iv�nt) Iou[ �ud i11t1 91z
<br /> Hund:�dt6■ (R2�.36) leee� tEaoee nort6.aaeerlr� rl rishc an;le! to saSd
<br /> eor[6o��t•rl� 110• oE Seeond 9tcant • disl�uea ol 1W Eundced ihitc� and Ivo t
<br /> 9undradth� '(��0.02) L��t �o a peine on ould �out6�e1� penpete� lin� eL tb� � �
<br /> Onion Paci[!e •a1lr.rud Co�pae�j t6�aa+ mstL�uaterl7 •loaa �ad �.peo •�id '
<br /> peop�rt� llo� �hie6 te psr�l.l�l �ith an1 IWe Yuodr•d (100.0) [e.e dl�e■oc
<br /> �aitheasterl�. as wewsuc�d at :f�ht �n�1e�. lro. e6• aant�rlin� nf .foiosoid �
<br /> aut pouai tiin tcack. a distaaea ot feur A�mdred Tv.at� laur aad S•.•ney Sa.m '
<br /> flundcedtha (�24.17) E�at to th� ACIUAL ➢n1n� eE b.ainnin� aod eeaeala�n6
<br /> 100,E04.]e �awt� fc�t ot 2.31� atr�s. soce er l�ss.
<br />