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<br /> , . oa�mas�F�n,or cxh�r takiag af-�ny part��the Pm�,olr faacenvayauca ia li�.w of candetn�aitat.es�h�reh�r`assigs�8 . .
<br /> —� �1pa�pa��tal:cader. � . � • . t , .
<br /> �___. .__ ,. �_ ..__ �_ ,_ .
<br /> - , . . �, _ _-� ---__ � __ —-- _ -
<br /> Ilsiss whstber�doc dzea�tuerwtt3��oay e�coess gaid t�°Hoimwer. In the cbent o��paitial l�dn8�f tDe Pro�e�tY in
<br /> < wAich�fair atadut'vatue of sL�e Prupei�y i�,mediaicly�efatm the.takittg is�cqual w ar g�eater tt�aa t�e emonA�of th�svms
<br /> ' � secuned Ey this Secv�tit�c Ia�t�iu�uent im�dianely f�eface We.takin�.uniess�ocraiwbr aad Lendtr athaa+ise eg�en it►wrI�ng,
<br /> I
<br /> ` @�s sums seru�ed by,thss S I�tsriietit shull be red�ed hy tI:e amnu�t af.t8e�proceeds mut6pked 6y the fottawing ' :
<br /> t
<br /> � � ` fractFaa: (n)dee toml'ataownt�s�s s�imaz�2dis�tetg 6efone the�kin$�diuidad Dy tb)tha�afs market vatue of die , .
<br /> ; ptapeity immalia�ty 6efa�the m�ing.:Any balauce shali be patd m Bonuwer.:.In the eveat vf a paAiai:'takiag�of t�e
<br />_-- - gn�ty�n arhich`t�fair ma�t aatue oi 3he Fmp��eig�fase tice ta�:aa is lts�.it�ath�am.ouat a�the aun+.s - .- - -
<br />_. --��- -.- ----secwe.d imm�iateiy�efore tGe.taking, uatesg"Bmmwer an,¢Lender�erwi�e a�in writusg,or untess e�licab2e law -
<br />�.� - Sectui�a��no�dtest�usa�a-�. _:_.. � -_ .. ---
<br />- othetwtse pmvc'�S.-the pm�ceeds sba�lbe:8pp�ed�e snms sec�by8tis , . ___.
<br /> - ds�n due. • _ ;
<br /> - —_--- if tLe Property is aDaaduned 4y Bo�mwer�or if.after natice Oy Lender tn Bamocver that the condemr�ar offeB to make —
<br /> - — � an uwa�d or g�e a claim for dawag�s.Bo�+ower faiis to mspoad to t.ender wisbin 3a day's aRer tIle date�he nosioe is given,
<br /> Leuder is autheriub rn collect and app}y tAe pmceeds.at its optioa.either w Restoration ar�epau of the Pmpe.�ty or to t6e
<br />- -- somg secuzedby dus Security tosuvmen�,whether ornot then du� sh3ll not'exten�or
<br /> �. Unles�l.�der anQ B�ower ot�erwise agcee in writing,anY aPP�ca�uon of p:a�eeds w prirn�ipal
<br /> p�tpane the due date of the moathly payments tefemod to in para�aghs 1 sa�2 orctw�ge,the amount of sucA paymeats
<br /> �- 11.
<br /> , . . .� .. . Bor��eer Not.Reieased,� FbtDeasanre By LtndeP:Not a Waiver. Ex�sion of the time for PaY�.� . _ .,
<br /> = madif�oa of amo�izauoa of tbe s�s secutei by this Sec�mry Instiumeat g[anted�by�Lxader m any successorw u�mest
<br /> ��, of Somotiver shal}nat operat�to retease the Uab�ity af the originai Bonuwer or 8orrower�a suooessars in intecest.Lender
<br /> - shall aat�e�eq�ced w cummence.gmceedmgs agaiast az►y sucocssor in interest or tefuse to e�ead time for payment or
<br /> ' � otherwise nuadifjr amortiza�an of the sums secured by th�s.Securicy Insuument by reasou of arqr d�made b�i the origma}
<br /> - Bonower or Boaower�s successots in inte�L Any forbearanoe by Lender in,exetrising�y.rF,�i or remedy sball aot be a _
<br /> _ . .,. ,��_:.,
<br /> ��.�r'�' Y; �'. waiver of or preclude the exercise of any rigt►t ort+emedy. - _ n =_
<br /> -�• -�:` iL Suecessors sud Asigas Bouad;doint and�eveeal Liab�Ltty;Co�gaers 1�cov�and agreemeats of this --
<br /> "''�y Security Insuument shall bind arcd benefit the successais and assigns of Lender and Bo�svret��blect to t6e provisions of.. .
<br /> - �� ��'�:�';:� pa�agraph 17.Bozmwer's rnveaants aad a enu shatt be'ou►t and sevecal.Any Bom6vrer wbo casigns this S
<br /> . , �agr �m 1 � ��'>:=.
<br /> �:__.,,,.��;, ..< :.- ' �dwnent but daes not execute the No�: (a)is co-signing tl�is Security Instrument oNy to mort�ge.grant artd oonvey that.::.
<br /> ..��..,h:.; . . ��.�.
<br /> `:�.\�..=:. -..��b`. ."'. . '
<br /> Y:�.•. • , Bomnwer*s interest in the Property under�e tem�s of this Securiry Tnswmen� (b)is not personalty obbgated to pay the s�d.c' _
<br /> . ;-�,.,.�,`�::
<br /> •:�„ ;�.• '`; Y: � , setured by this Serurity instnimenr and(c)ag rees Mat Lender aad any other Boiruwer may agtee to extend,mad�fy,fotbear
<br /> - . - or make any accommodations witb regard to the teims of this Secwity Instnunent or the Note witt�out tha;Bomnwerk _
<br /> - . . Co11sCRL -- -
<br /> � � � � ��� 13. Loan Cha�ges. tf the loan secumd by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which se�s maximum loau� �
<br /> `' .L �' ` charges.and that law is fiaaUy interpreted so that the intec�est or other loan ctia*�coltected or to be mllected in coanectioa ': . � _
<br /> . `/�" with the loan exueeA tM permitted limits.then: (a)any such toan charge shall be�duce�i by the amount neces�r to reduac�:
<br /> - °z,' '` •'�=�a', the charge to the permittr�limit:and(b)any sums atteady collected tmm Bamowesw hic h ex o e e d e d peimiued.lantts w�716c �,��' __-
<br /> `�Y � " refunded to Borrower. Ler�der may choose to make this refund by reducirtg the pci��t owed under the Note arby making a ����.��
<br /> - ` ��"'�'°• � di�ect ent to Bomower. If a�efund redaces rmci !� P PaYm� Y •. ,�'.'
<br /> y,�, , � �y,m p' pal.the reducrion will be tr�ted as a al ce t a+ithout an �+�;���.
<br /> - ' '' pmpayment charge under the Note. • . �. .J���; -
<br /> . ' ' ',,�':T�'it .e�}�-
<br /> _ ' '.1 ...._•�_
<br /> ._ . 14. iVotIces. Any notice to Bomower provided for in this Security Insonunent shall be givea by delivering it or b� . - r��
<br /> , : ." . mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requims use of another method.The norice sha[t be directed to the Property " :`� ��"`
<br /> - '; ^_�'��'�" ��� . , Address ar any other ad d r p s s Bamower designates by no tice to L en der. A n y n o t i ce t o L e a d e r s h a t l b e g iv e a b y firt class `"�'
<br /> � mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address l.ender designates by notice to Bocrower. My notioe provided for ,•�`�.�"��
<br /> f ' • . in this Security Inmument shall be deemed to have been given to Borruwer or Lender when given as provided in this �_�;.���
<br /> :�� ; � paiagraph- . . '�-
<br /> �. ,: . .
<br /> { .• �� •` 15. Governing Law; Severabllitti. This Security Inswment shall be govemed by federal law and the lativ of the ,,.:. �. _ -_
<br /> � �` `�'� � - � urisdiction in which the Plv rt i.located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inurumem or the Note
<br /> j Pe Y � . ;
<br /> ' � conticts with applic�bte[a�a�,such conflict shall not affect other provi�ions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can �.
<br /> �.;';: `. . be given effect wi[hout che rnnflicting provision. To this end the provisions of UTis Security Instrument and the Note are , .'�',,,`�T�
<br /> = :` - declated to be severable. . ': a�'�;�t:'•i=
<br /> " _F, � ' ����. . 16. Bosrower's Copy. Borroaer+hall be given one conformed copy of the^r�e:u�d of this Security ln+trument. ,. �'���,1;.: ;`
<br /> ' •: ..; 17. 7Yunster of the Property or a BeneRcial Intere�t in Borru�ser. If aII cr any part of the Propeny or any interest in �'';�i#��"'�r�.'".
<br /> ;�:;_� . . �,�-x��'F.ti'....
<br /> ;, ;;.,;, it is sold or uansferred(or if a beneiiciul i�tcre�t irt B�nrower is sold ar tran4fecni3 and Bonower is not a natura!persan) ;,,4. :,;..;`�+•,t,,,
<br /> • ,-�r : . � arithout Lender's prior arittcn consent,Lender may,at i�t apuan,reyuire immeJi�tr_payment in full af all sums secumd by . , z �. ,•:•�•:
<br /> ���� � �`` • ' tP�is Security lnstrument. However,this aption shall nat tx:exercised by Lender ii e�ercise is prohibited by federa!law as of ,. �,?";:'�
<br /> • . :�;��1,"��� �
<br /> `� �� , .. ,. the dace of ehis Security tnstrument. ' ' :������•.;�
<br /> - • ;•� . � - If Ler,der exercises this aption.l.ender shall give Borra«•er noEicr oi acceteratian. The norice shall pmvide a period of
<br /> ' �..,;;,_'', • not leyt than 30 days from the date the notice i�delivereJ or maited within which Borrower mu�t pay ali wms secured by this
<br /> -";;'�,r. . Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay thesr xums prior ro the expiratioR of thiy period.Lender may invake any � ,4
<br /> �- ^?��;. ' mmedies permitted by this Security lnstrument�vithuut furthcr notice or demand on Borrower. ' '• :.�
<br /> ' ' � � 18. Bo�rower's Ry�t to Reins�t� If Barrower meets cenain canditians. Borrower shall ha�•e the right to have •
<br /> ;•� � enforcement of this Securiry tnstrument dix�ntinueJ at any time prior to the e;ulier of: !a)5 dayr I��r such other period as � . . ,;�
<br /> , t., �... .
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