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<br /> - - _ r� ._:��`;<z P.Q. Box t373 Grand Island, NE 68802 � .e�een�a.�►, . _�_
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<br /> - 2, i Section� 23. Township 12 North, Range tt West of the 6tA P.M., Hall :�"� �
<br /> � y,��`� County/,� Nebraska, excepting a tract previously deeded in Book 15Z. ,� _ _�
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<br /> ` ;:�t � pro8tatheteot : � . , ' •
<br /> �' �..• 1 �..� 1�is ooaveyance ie intended for the purpose ot aecusing tLe psqmeat to Beaefleiasy of 7luetu�pro�isso�►nots c�saen data in tAe ~? -
<br /> ' i•. .. , amcnnt atated above os'°tbtal of Paymenta°.9atd'°l'otal of Peqmeat�'ia repayaDla in tAe aumbes ot monthty ine��ated above. -
<br /> �. � �e amouaL of tLe inetatment peqmeate due on eai8 loan is srat�ahove.The 6est and flaal inatalmant dus datee on seid Ieaa are stated ' -
<br />;s, � � : . '. above.P�qme�may ee made ia advaaoe ia eav amonnt ac any time.nefriuts tn me8ias any paymea�ehall,ac the aeaesctasste oyaon � -
<br /> , :,�`,, and wlthout aof�or demeud,render tha entue anyaid balance of eaid loaa at oaoa due aad p�yaDle,less a�p required rebate uf ctttugea -_
<br /> ` � To yrotect the eerarity of tL.is IJeed of'ltust,Zbustnr oovensats and agieea --
<br /> t .a Y�,�
<br /> � j •.;:���,c•'�'.' - ,� ;y_..°-
<br /> � , 1.7b keep tha proyerty in gned conditioa sssd repair;ir pe,mit no cvaate thereo$W aomplete any Ouilding.structure or impmvemenL '•�:=„V
<br /> ,� • ,:•.;�r:�; � 6eicg bulIt or aDout W be buili t6ereon;W e+estore promptly enY Duilding�structue�e or imDmvemeat thereoa wMch meq 6a dame�ged or � �.:;�:--
<br /> � deatroYed:and oa aoma�y with all Iawa,ordinsaass.:egulatinas.wveuante.wnditione aad restrictione afl'ectiag ttte property. , -
<br /> .:�-�:
<br /> . • ..'V � 2.To yay Defcre deliaquent a111awfW tases ead 89sea9mente upoa the DmpertY:to keep the�mp$rty f=ea and cIeae of aU other chargee. .,�;��''?;-=-
<br /> , � ,4.'.�' . - Uens orencumbssacea iwDairiAg the securlty of ihi9 Deed oFTrue� ' � ---
<br /> . -� �•�:
<br /> .� �.5'i�• .. . ;vr
<br /> , . 8.9b keep a]1 buildinge now or heiraiter erected on the property descriLed herein coatlnuously insured egainet lasa by Gre or other �t4,, , •
<br /> � `, _��1:;.'`�� . , . hersrde ia an amounL not lese then the total debt seciued by this Deed o!7'mat. All policiea ehell be hetd Dy the Beaefidary.and he �.''•-:r...
<br /> ' • la such wmpeniea ae the Beneftcia�y may appmve aad have lose p�ya�le ttret to the Beneficiaey es ite fntet+eet mey eppear and tAea . .`�,�:'� •
<br /> - , ,� �.. .�
<br /> ,��' • to the'14uator.The amount oollected under any ineuraace policy may Ee epplled upon any indebtedneae hereby eeeuned iu euch order ae � "
<br /> ;..; : ' t�e Benefleiary abe11 deteratine.Such application by the 8enefciary shall not cause diseontinuance of eay proceediage W foreelose thie ' �,•�,�'•. .
<br /> • �'' '^' � Deed otl4uat or cure or waive aay default or notice of default or invalldars eay act done purauartt to sucb notice.In the event oi forectoeu=e. � � ;,.,;::�:
<br /> ;::.'•; ... , ell rlgLfe of the 7Yustor in insurance policiea then in force ahaSl pass to the yurchaser at the forecloaure aate. . �� ,� �:,;`�:1�,:,
<br /> . �- r:r`,.• , -��. - �• • ��• `s`�::��;a:. .
<br /> �::.. " 4.1b obtatu the wrklea csnsent of BeneRciery Eefor�s�e".�?�g.coi►v�Y1a8o�otherwiae uansfesriag the property os an1'.F�thereot aad t�_?,._•:. . :. . _ �
<br /> �,:..,:::`�� � . .
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<br /> � ,:;,.,;>.•:,;+;. �� aqy euch Bale,conveyaace or trensfer without the Beneficfaey�$Wr[tten lo�sent shall constitnte a default under tRe ter�s tmneof. ,+;;..
<br /> �.•"�::i:�°�' ' 6.To defead eny action or Praeedin8 Purporting W afY�cO the eeeutfty hefeof or tlte righta or powers oi8�eficlary ar Truetee. �y;^'•:`',. . ' , � �
<br /> , t:r' :�.,':."�;:, , �� , e�.,�'i:�r',• ...� •
<br /> � r��,•• ' ,•.,• : 6.3houtd 94uetos fail to pey when due aa3�taxes.as�essments.insurance preminms�liene.eacumbra�s or olher chargee against the ,��:: .��. .,�:.��'
<br /> '' i'�..,�'�: ' ';:`•`.•; P�DertY hereinabuve descrthed,Beneficiarp may pay the same, and the amount eo paid.with intereat at•.he rate se!fortb in the note ,-... ,1�,.;"�:.,
<br /> �;'��..;,
<br /> ;'i`:�:��.;:• . ee�vred hereby.e1�aU De added W and become a part of the debL eecw�ed in this�eed otl�ust es permitted by taw. �,:.., � •`'•.�: . .
<br /> �;���`: 1T I9 MUTUALLY A(�REED TIiAT: ;'�::�:, ,.
<br /> ��.:._,:`:' J ,c;• ..
<br /> �;;� " ' 1. In Lhe event any portian of the property is ta�en or demsged in an emiaent domain proceediag,the entua emcuet of the award f�.���i;,�'
<br /> " �t�. " ' � or such porttaa thenwf es may be necessary w flil(y eatis:�•the obligation eecured hereby.eha116e paid w 8eneflciary m be applied to ���`::ti.
<br /> . ��'. - . seid oDligation. '' ' .
<br /> ttF','•'�'i: �..: .. ' ,, 2 BY�P�B F�Ymeat of eqY sum�ecured hereby aRer im due date.Beaeficiary doea not weive!ts right tn reQnire prompt payrt2�6 j ,� �`',�. .
<br /> � whea due of ell other awas ea Becu:ed or to declare defauIt for failure W so pay. �..�::•
<br /> 'h� 8.R�e 94ustee ahali epoaAVC-y a11 ar any part of the p�oy+erty oovered by tLis Deed of Teust tu the pereoa eatitted rlrereto.an written � ::
<br /> i�.r�
<br /> . ,j� � �equest o4 tEe 1luaWr end tlsc�Heneticiary,or upon sadsfactioa uf Ne o6ligation eecared rtn3 written requeat fos ee�cesc�eyaace mede by �
<br />- �� . the B�eticiary or the pereoa en8tled therew. f;�. ,
<br /> •.� �, . ._ ".: �
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