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_�'_-� i �f r�~'f'! ���'at'` .�..f e .. . �C _`_ , .� , I ' . ': cy:� . � � . _ <br /> �^. P ,,,.��� ��.. � �- Y. ?2� � <br /> �- �;-c.. -C� a { ^ ec _ _ <br /> c _r �� �_ b ....._,•�t,_.�.��ti,i<- _.,... -y,.,=.r .y�.`r-' <br /> � 'y �. ia.5'^ ' _� � . ' . � ' —_' —_ '_ '_"" '_ _ _ ••_ — . . __ <br /> v� i� —I <br /> T <br /> x.a�.� . , . . <br /> -= a�uca6Ia taw�a` 'far reinstaument)befo:e sata of the Prapetty pursuant to�an7�ver oisalv�nmias ia ttis . - _ — <br /> -- . Se�uriry Instcumea�os r@�b7►of a Judgment.enforcing this S�utlty Insawnent 7Dose caadi�ons are that Bomcwer: (a) ___=_-_-_— <br /> - �_.._.. <br />- : � eIi 6mns whlcA ttten would be due auder t�is Secuiity Inst�ument and the Note as if no acceteraden 6ad ----�-_-- <br /> � '(a}cure��a�►Y dgfautt of ac�y�other covengnts or agc�emenl�(c)PaY$a�ex�e�s�s ---- � - - -�--_---_=-_s _ — <br />-_ - InsWment,,inctuding,Out not timieeA to.reasoaabi�atto�eys'fees:and(d)mk+es eurh actioa as I.ender ma�y t�asonabIy _ <br /> -_ - - req�ific ta assura tdat the lien of ttis Seeurtty lnstnuaen�Leader�dgMs in t�e Aropeety and Boirower�obligation ta pay tiie - -- <br /> = _ --_ � sums secured 6y tbL9 SeCtttitj► InsWmeat shaU ooutirtue tmenaRge�. . Upon c�ein�ratP._�pAt by Roaow4r. t�is Set�r =-.:�_----__- <br />_ ---�- ---�sQUatet�aad the o6ligatIons seaued tieceby shaU remaia fuliy effeaive as if�no¢cceteistion had occmre� However,this �����;�,:= <br />- rlght to reinstate sAall autepply in the case of acce2eration under paragcaph 17. e»��«_��-_ <br /> - - 14. SAIe ot Nate; o�Loan Se�vkeL. 1Le I�T�e or a pa�allu►tecest in the Note(together with this Sec�aity ,,.�.;�, �- <br /> - . -Insonaneat)may bs sotd un aa�umnadrt��t qniot�pt�ce w Bomuwer. A s�ee may�saitin a chaz�e in tfio entity -�<�r=-!-�. - <br /> -�i. A'-'�c; �f - - - as t��"�.am ' t�t coliecta dus uadsr t�e Note andthis Secsmty Ins�ument..'LT�er�.aLso _ ' -- � �� - <br /> - � ma�y be one or more ei�u$ o die I.oan Senri'��tu��a�1�a saie of t8e Note. If.theie is a change of tIle Loan Serricer, ,. ,f <br /> - -;,;,�•�" Borrower w�71 be given wiitten riot�ce of the shange in aa6idance witH patagraph t4 above and applicable law. The aotioe _ _Q: � •-: <br /> .:'�::�-�- : w�l state dte naine and address of the new Loa�Seivcoer aad the addness to which payments should be mad� 'I9ie aodce wil! _ _-,.����: <br /> s.:,:,.,;- <br />�. �.Lt:��r•y- also oontain aay othea infoim�tian required Dy applica�Ie law. ' 4�� : • <br /> -�� • i�e.'-- . _�;�.j�.:�c k�.Y <br /> ��_ Z0. Hatardr�ns SaDslaaees. Boaower shall notcause or�teimit the p�seace,use,disposal,storage,or retease of any �_ �'=`�°' <br /> _ ' ��._�_ <br /> .r �'�` . H�ardo�is Subshaaces en ur in the Prope�y. Borrower shaU na du.nor allow anynrce else co do,an�Min�affec�ng d�e �����— <br /> ° °,.�x''�`-�_- <br /> '�w�f`:��' '�'� . Ptnpertg that is in viotation of any F�virpnmental Law. 7he gieceding two sea�shaU not apply tn the presence.use,or i<;:.`t-.�.,ft��'`,�C-3�==-- <br /> ,��.: . . <br /> _ ,��,��t� � stnraga on the Property of siaal:quaniities of Hazazdouv Substanoes tBat are gencrally.cecog�zed w 6e appmpriaze to normai ` �-„"�"-- .�� <br /> _?,�'-z,.,r�',;�,>:::;�: res�dentiat uses snd�to main[enance of the pcoperty. -. �.'�_'--_- - <br /> ' �"�''°' - Bamower shall promptiy give I.eader writtea notioe of any investigatioa,claim.dema�'.�a�svit or other action by any ; �•- -�- <br /> :.�z�s;::=:'::.:r';:. ' r�;-�� <br />_ ..r�•,:,.,.-:,� .��-.'_r` governmeatai or regulatorY agency ar private party involving the Propecty and any Hazar�s Sabstance or Envir+onmenta[ "':>. <br /> y �= - ''`: :----- Law of which Bmrower has actual lmowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified}r:�c*�nemiaental or regulatory� � i�.�. - <br /> ��i�,�..��. .;:�.�-:'-�. . ' , �whority.that aay re�oval or.oWer remedlatioa of any Hararaous Substaace affecarn�the�qr is aecessazy,Bomower- '.,;-«:�:- <br />� s " . :�hall pmmptiy rake aU ueoessmy iemedial actinns in acoordance with Envimnmen t a J i,�w. .. <br /> f . <br /> �:�2.c ._ _ . As used:#n this paragrapb 20."Hazardous Su6stanoes"are tttose subs�nces defined as roxir cr hazardous substaaces by_ . - <br />- -"•:`�f . � Faviron�3 Iaw aad t�e folloaring subs�aaces: gAsoline,kemsene.other flammable or tmii��efiruteerm product�.tatic ..:�,.�:.•- - <br /> ��-.'�� , �.'-,.:• ���' •.` _ <br />:�',,;�fY;:��. . pesricide��het�icides.volatile solvents,materials containing as6estos or fotmaldehyde.and tadioactive materials. A� -- <br /> �`r����''_ <br />� ��•..�t``�.��_-?- - ,used ia ttis�rag�aph Z0,'•�nnvimnmental Law"a�ans federal laws and iaws of the jatisdicdon where the Ptoperty is located f: . � - <br /> . `r?�'i` tbat teiate to tn environmental protecdon <br /> ' �'�'-=���. � NONd]NIFORM COVENAN7'S. Bomnwer and Lender fuither covenaat and agtee as follows: � <br /> fu tb <br /> ''���* �" ' � 2L Ac�aeteraLton;Remedles. Leader shall give natice to Borrower prEor to acceleraHon foliowing Bosrower's . �r.�.��� <br /> < ;.. . <br /> � . . . ;�. Dreach oi�covenant or eg�eement in Wis Security Instrument(6ut not pstor W acceleraBon ander paragap617 �`°� <br /> " ' , unless apg�ble taw provides offierwise). Ttte nottce sLall specify: (a)the default;(b)the acttoa required to cure tae. .. ` � �� <br /> . 1°�'.'�; . defaulE;(c)adatry not(�ss than 30 days firom We date the notice is ven to Borrower,by whicb the defaWt must he �` ` "�'°'i <br /> ' `' anroed;and(d)that fai'tmne to ciue the defaWt on or before the date sp�ied in We notIce maJ resWt in acceteratYon o� �'-�'�'�"�'- <br /> � •,_._ "'.-- <br /> .:``;:,:- �".' �: . - �he sums secered by�s 5ecur tty I a s t rumen t an d�te o f t he P r operty. 7 7►e no flce s 6 8 1 1 f�r t Q er i n f o r m B o r r u w e r a f ° -- <br /> ,. �':,=�;r`';_ :. .�_ - . � <br /> _�„ .;�.:?;`?�'„";.:, �,-':' ' ��e rig6t�v n�in�fate aR�acceler�tioa aad the rig4t to 6ring a court actIon to assert the aam�xisteace of a defaalt or - �. i;l <br />-:;� ;�Es�'::.' '- .- --.~ aay ott�da"��se aP Barrnwer to aceeleratIon aad sale. It the d+�aWt is not cured an or t��ore the date spedtYed�a �`:�. . . � <br /> •'�'i��:c:. ��:` t�e no1� i�at�ts on ms� utre immediate a ment in fi�ll of ap,sums secure�t i�y Wtv Security inshumeaE ` <br />-`;; ;A;;h��:�-,.,_,.. ,<",,,,; . �. � 9�l P Y .� ._. . <br /> ;1 ,�;��,�;: . _..:,... �iNtout f�d��E.aind mey invoke tde powec o�sale and any other remedtes permttted by appllcabte taw ,� •.� <br /> n <br /> �µh � Lcnder sirai��e entiti¢d�t.�collect all expenses incurred in pursuiug tke remedies provtded in this paragrapb Z2, . <br /> ` , _� � =�. ° indudtag,[s�4 not Iimited to,rea�onabie attoraeys'fees and costs of tItle ev[denc� , _ <br /> �' � ' '. '_ . ,� If We�wcr of sale is tnvoked,7lrustee shaU record a notice oP defaWt tn eacd county in whic6 aay part of the � . � <br /> ;� �. . �ti: Properly is tocated an d s h a l l m a i l cop tes o f su c b no Uce in t he mamner pres c r i b e d by app l ica b le law to Bormwer aa d t n � � • . ...-,,; <br /> �: ' • : � tIIe oiher peesons prescriDed Dy appticable!aw After the time reqn[red by appltcabte law.'I�ustee shall give publ£,c ; ' . <br /> � � .: ,�� aotice of sale to the peesons and in the maaner prescribed by appllcabte!aw 7lrustee,without demand oa Borrower, <br /> . ; s�aU seil the Propeaty at public auctton to the highest bIdder at the time and p[ace and under the terms des3gnated in <br /> r' = � '�. � t6e notice of sale In oae or more paree�s and in aay urde�7Yustee determines. 7Yustee taay postAorte sate af a!1 mr aay •�• �` ..� ` <br /> 5. � ' pa�cel of tts¢�roperty Dy publIc aauQr�ecement at the time aad�lace of any previousiy sched�aCed sate. Leader or it� . �t,' �=:. :: <br /> <f . �: ��. : <br />..<, ,f .. .- ��� designee maf�¢rchase the Property at aaty sale. <br /> ';�� , ., ;. `� �;';;'. lJpon r�oei�t of Qaya�ent of the prtce DId,lirustee shalt d¢[�4�er to the purcbacer Trastee's deed conveying th� . � . : <br /> s :`�".' ;.,:� , '��':;l �Pe�Y• ��S a t�e'�us�ee's deed sha0�e prlma Pacie evideace of tke truth of the statement4 made therein. <br /> ? `..'.+:'`;�'�`�;;.�� . -J��:`. 'I�ustee s6a!!appfy tSie�moceeds og the sale in the foQowfng order. (a)to all cos�s and expeases of exercising the power . �1, ' , <br /> . � , ;;, . <br />�\; ,.'F''`•�`'�•� �.'c:�'�' . ' .. <br /> - r', .� ...� ` <br /> r._. � ' tiik"::t , , .� <br /> :,,. . : ,,:;.. . , <br /> -'r.S:�°i�? . ; - _ . ,2` ... <br /> �r. �; 'rz�. . <br /> :�� i�f.,"l?.,; . 1;- . . <br /> _ i� , <br /> .�! . . �:,. ��:� � � � • � � <br /> _ �.: J�,_�_< . , � � .. - <br /> ;i . � `. Form 3028 9l90 rpa�r 5 oJ6 paZesl . . <br /> .. {• , <br /> �i: � , <br /> � '.i.;�• . ' x� .., <br /> `�';i•:_ ,��• `'� . � ,; , . <br /> .ti� ,;` • . <br /> .,� 'x 1 ._ � -« .. � � �... : . _ : _ .-- . . ; . .. ;. . . . . . '::,..'.: � " : � � .�. ; <br /> --- -�Y.. '.; r; . . 'J�'�'' . <br /> _:.� � . . _ , . •' ' . . . . � . , � - :a'°' . _ <br /> � t <br /> �$�������::�'�k� „' ,.��� ' , „ • . . � . . � . . - " . � • . . . <br /> _ -- :�. e(, ' <br /> -- _c . . ,..� . . � . � � . . . � . . - . , _ . <br /> �r�"�,c�._�y�� - �� " . • . .. ' • <br />..� . • • y.��eY_ . . • r. , . .. � ,. .�� . ' . '` -- � . ��. .. . }.. � • ' _ <br />-.e� a++t£�'�3l.`� _ , .. - - . , .. _ . . _ . ' - . _' . <br /> '='�� _ . - � _ . . . . _ .. . . . .. <br /> �} --�'�'is.. �' . . . . � „ .'� � • ' - . ? � � . . <br /> --_--- .—�, i , - .. .. , � � ' ' J, ' • ' .. - . . . 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