T:� a � �...tc �'`�c • ` E'�:�*�,���k�L y ; . � U.
<br /> ��.\ � �• •. '} l. � / Y �4 �. S � 4 _ �f.d ��W'R^"�`.�.`Cc a�^' � - '} ` —
<br /> � " ' �aC_._„" _ `� --1�'�•\��. � �_" — _'L�'... _�Y—?f.� _ __��.�� � �� — — _
<br /> . - _ - J -l3�•_�A .. . / . . . — — _____
<br /> ��.-tas�'�iSV'�111a�y�'. � . . � � � . . c . '. • — —
<br /> g�s�Y�j��- , -
<br /> = - - , periods that E:ertder tequires. 7he ins�uance carrler provIding the insurance shall be chasen by Hairower subj�ct to 1.a�tter� � v - =-
<br /> _-==_ - approvsl w6t�ti shaU not be uzueasonabty witW�eld. [f Boccower fai�to mnuua�n coveruge descdDed n6ove.Lendea niay.at . -- - ----__-__
<br /> - -�... - i�udcrso�i{a��f,�tt�ovaraga tspr8teet L�ader��sts ta�he.!§� �n a�so.rdnnce_with g�mgmQA 7.- `� --- ... __ !° �`-" ,
<br /> h �`
<br /> -. � p11 ins�uanoe polictes nnd maewals shaU be asceptiible to I.ender and s�ul!inctude a sWndard mnrtgoge clause. Lettdei
<br /> : shall have the t ta hotd the hcies and tenownls. If Lcnder re`quires.Bomower shall promptly give ta Lendet all ceoeipts �'��`=
<br /> --=-----=,ss�s. �., �� ,•���:,.. .�t,,��--
<br /> -- -_=—- of paId premiwns and tpnewal notices. In th�event of loss.Bomnver shull give prompt notice to the insumnce carrier and . �;�;��;�:,:.F�~-__
<br /> - � � i.ender. Lender may matie pnoof of loss if aot made promptty by Bomuwer. . ' ' - ' �s:;�.•�"'�`t��;
<br /> u�w',.w.�?°: Unless tender and B4�wer othenvise agt+ee in wriung.uisuianre pm�eeds shatl de spQfled to iestoiution or cepair of , u'<,�,p � ;;
<br />—. _- � , the pt�npeny damaged.if the restoration or sepalr is economically feasibie and Lender�s securiry is not lessened. If the ��.��:�„t����`.�.:�.:.,;
<br />���:;�;y�.--;�--� cestoration or cepa'u is aot econamically feasible��l�ertder�s cec�uity would be tessened,tha insurance.pmceeds shaU be . r _� c_
<br /> ,���jz� m_�„F agplied tatl�ausns secured by Ws Security Inatrumen�whether or noi then due.�vith ony eacess paid ta Bonower. 1f
<br /> � ti,�� :_ '$onower a b a n d a n s t t i e R v g e n y.o r d o e s n+o t answes wi�hin 30 da ys s natice fiom Lender that the iQSUmnce c�ier Efas . . .�___ �
<br /> "��� Y Xr`,,� offered to settle a claim,ttten Lender may co]tect the insurance pmceeds. Lender may use tAe pmceeds to repair or restme � ,_
<br /> �;;v n:.. i,� ;.;j p.,. t h e P r o�e t t y o r t o p a y s w m s s e c u r e d b y t 6 i s S e c u r i t y i n s u u m e n t.w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e n d u e. T h e 3 0�d a y period wi116e g i n when `.' , � r
<br /> �+�'m�� Y� tQe n�otice tc given. � s`. - �.
<br /> °'`�' �"•` UWess Leader aad Borrowerotherwise agrEe in writin8•�Y aPPlication of pr�ceeds to principal sLall not extend or p�; ..
<br /> `;'v.�k:?.'::� � =�� - "
<br />_.� � r- �t:.,ti`e :'.. -u6�:. .: . .
<br /> �;:;��: ''` pastpone the due date of tt�e manthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If� ., �. ..
<br />�'s`"�'��<�::;°:.w� tmdsr 21 the Nv is a b l.eader,Bonnwer's nght to any�nsuranoe policies and proceeds resWting ', • �= � •:
<br /> -=h:.,,.,:�c �.. � p��Ph P�Y M� Y '*:, _�. '.`
<br /> �=-e�.� ��'�;�'�� fmm damag�e to the Ptope�ty pdor to t�e acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent oF the sums secured by tbis Security , r��. :'� `"
<br />�';��.�.'�`.'_��''-�v lnstrtunentimmediatelypriortotheacquisirion. .�-`:���: :' �.",;�
<br /> iT'...•. -��1_J'=`"�4'V`�
<br />��� 4 „" r��.'' 6. Qacupaney, Prese�rvativa, Mata�teaeace and Prsutectfan of the Property; B orrow e r's I.aan App llca t�ofl; �.�-�-:�� : .. ,;-:.:
<br /> �t - L�aseholds. BoYmwer shall occapy,establish.and use the Ptoperty as Bonower's principa!cesidence within siuty days aRer �.� -�-.-
<br />��,c.;��,�c:,;�,:1•,�.: t�e execuaoa of this Security Insuument and shal}oontinue to occupy the Propercy as Boirower's principal residence for at :" �,��. �
<br /> � .. teast ane year after the date of occupancy, untess Lertder othemnse ag�+ees in writing. which consent shal! aot 6e �- 7 r ���
<br /> �. Hy .
<br /> �_ -• � �° � tuueasonabiy withhetd,or iu►less extenuating circumstances eaist which are beyond Borrower�s control. Bor[ower shaU not ;`fi; ,- .;�,�
<br /> `°� ' "���` � desfioy,damage or impair ahe Properry,aliow the Property to detcaorate,,or commit waste on tt�e Properiy. Bomnwer s h a U - �°�`
<br /> -�—e °�� t�e in defaait if any forfeinue action or pmeeeding.whethcr civsi�or c�minal,is�gan tt�at in Lendes's geod faith judgmem �� .
<br /> -2 ��� �outd result in forFeiture of the Property or otheiwise materially impair the lien ct�eated by this Security Tustrument or �;s _� s y �,
<br /> ;�� ;<a,'�-�°. I.ender§securiry inte�est Boirower may cure such a defnult and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action ' _
<br /> _� '�-t:;.`� ��-� or prooeeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's ood faith detertninadon. recludes forfeiture of the Borrower� �`•-
<br /> g P ` .,:�.; �
<br /> �_ �•���` � � interest in the Ptoperty or other material impairment of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security �:, "��:;.;a�r '� �
<br /> ;•. .,�,
<br /> �. :,�.,,; `�,,;,.� ,,� t.-,,,�;,;=;:,. �.
<br /> - inte�est. Borrower shall also be in defaWt if Bormwer, during the loan application process.gave mazerialty false or � .: ���
<br /> ` +� 4�; , inaocwate infonnation or statements w I.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any material informarion)in connection with � �� �`'�
<br /> , Rn
<br /> •_•``-�_�= : - the Ioan evidenced by the Note,including. but not limited to. representadons conceming Bormwer�s occupancy of the ;,.ti��:'=�'<': ��°�-:-�;=
<br /> Pruperry as a principal resideace. If this Securiry lnsmiment is on a leasehold.Borrower shalt comply with all the provisians '..�,' : ` �: •:"���
<br /> �'4��' ' of the Iease. If Borroiver acquires fee dtle to Ne Progerty,the teasehotd and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender a�ees ' ' ��:-.v:;;',`:; ,{'_
<br /> t to the mergec in writing. . � � �'
<br /> z� � :` T. Peotec3�toa of l.ender's Rtghts in the Prnperty. If Boa�R�fails to perform the corenanu and agr��s ' � � �i -
<br /> �° ` cqraained in tAis Security Lnst�ument,ur� is a lega! proceedirt�:�at may si�cificandy a�'ect Lender�s sE�rs u� the ` � _ '-
<br /> , t��� " � °, ,
<br /> � �fi��'' ` F�v�erty(such as a procearlin4 in 6astlm�cy-.pmbate,foi censiemnarion or forFeiture or aa er�force laws or tegWaccans),then -� ' J
<br /> u��i���`'� ' � ` La�der may do and pay foi a�at�et is necessary to pmr��ct the vulue of the ProFe►�}�:*�d.Lender�righu in tt�e,Property.
<br /> = t� ;u,'�r mr
<br /> �{iy��" ',��� L'ender�s actionc-may include pa}ing a�y�ns secured bq a iien which has priority Qv�er this Security Instrumen�appeari»g '� `. ,
<br /> '``�'� ',`•�•�`f:-'.�`�i?�� in court.paying teasonable attomeys'fees�zd entering on the Roperty to make repai�s.Although Lender may take action . . ,
<br /> "��:r `., under this ara h 7.Lender daes rcot har�,to do so. . �,'��`'�:,- �
<br /> �.�_.:,,_. .. s� : F B�P � �� c
<br /> Any amounu disbursed by Lender urtder this para�raph 7 shail become additional debt of Bo'rrower secured by this � s :
<br /> '..�, Securiry Instrument Unless Horrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shs116ear interest fram the , �N�
<br /> .. � date o f dis bursement at t he Note rate an d s h�l l b c payrblv.with interetit,u p on norice from Lender to Bortnw•er r e questing • _ .. , �• , `�
<br />: - payrme�� . ,.
<br /> • S. M�rtgage Iasurance. If Lender requi�d martgAge insumnce as a condirion of making the loan secured by this ••
<br /> ,' • � '� .,:. Security lnsaument. Borrower shail pay the premiums requircd to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any ; ��ai�:
<br /> . " reason. the rnortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shaU pay the ' , =;
<br />,;t;�� _. ,_��•` ` _� p�;,miums required tu obtaics coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insi:rance previoasly in effect. at a eost �..r . ,:. .;, :
<br /> `��'' ° s�lbsianG�lly equivalent to�:e cost to Borrawer of the rrcartgage insur.ertce previouss}�in effect,from an altemate mortgage ���.� ;, 5
<br /> �� . insures approved by Lender. jf substantially eyuivalent martgage insur�ce coverage is not availa'ble.8orrower sha!!pay to �' ���.., ,,;' �
<br /> . • �':. ' '�...,F's ,•_•'t���.,:.�ti'�''°T'�'��t;�, ..
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal to one•tweCi'th of the yearly mortgnge insurance premium being pa:�by Borrower when the .._.iy,�,�;��.�Y,�,�.;;
<br /> insurance covera�e lapsed ar ceased to 6e ia�fiect. Lender wiU accept.use und retain these payrrsens as a loss reserve in lieu : ;�;::.t;,„;���:.�;:� .
<br /> . '� �� of mort e insurance. Loss reserve u ment+ma no ton er be re uired,at the o tion of l.endez.if mort e insurance ��� •
<br /> � '�•' " P�S P Y Y g Q p Sa8 �i�:�:�•,,;.�•.` .•, .
<br /> �" � " " � coverage(in the amount as�at Sar the period that Lender requirec)provided by an insurcr approved by Lender again becomes � %�?':��•.�•�• �, � ,. .
<br /> ;;::_:�•:,�,:: . : •.��,..� :�.,. . .:•
<br />=• ��r�_• „ • availabie and is obtained.Sasrower shall pay the premiums required to mainta�n moa�age insurance in effec�or to pmvide a :,,;4>�r.�.:
<br /> .�� :°�•• , toss reserve. uns31 the requ�rement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any�w�ittea a„raement benveen Borrower �� , ,ly��r„�,r..•
<br /> s� ,� . and l.ender vr 'icable iaw. .:: •~:,:"'
<br /> . ,r,. . „ . . �. , �;�.'„
<br /> 9. Iasp�lon. LeRd�Zr or its agent may make c�easonable entries upon and inspecrions of the Ptoperly. Lender shall ,) ... , ?>>�;ff'. ,
<br /> �:� �..`� `� ' ��- give Bormwernotice at t�.�¢a�:.e of or prior ta an inspeccion specifying reasona6le cause fur the inspecuon. • . � , '� •
<br /> ;,� .... ; .4;`��,.. .. .
<br /> �. 10. Condemnatioa. 'LFTu:proceeds of any award ar ctaim for damages.dircct ar consequential.in connectiun with ariy „r„;�•
<br /> �� �.:�• •: ,.^t:;,�:,,�._ . .•
<br /> ��i. ,�',�:�'.. • •�.,.` S�ach Famil �annte AWe1FYeddie Ylrc UNIBORII IN5THUME�T-Gniform Covenaacs 919� Ipa.2e 3 nj6 pager) f��;;�'�;: '
<br /> t:t: ����� �i ';� 9- ���t,Y.• , . �i','t�ti_.:
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