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<br />= , Oy retson ot anY dams�ads mads bY tna o�jitr�6ortowwer and Boerowe�e auocaasors�+intentt� ' _____--__-_
<br /> _-- - — _ �p)�p�e.W�out a�ecttrp tde lis��t�ry ot arry otRer pereo�ttal�te tor ths oay� of sny oDtl�ort h�tn _-�
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<br /> .marrtlor�a4a��tthoot�cttn�t�o�tenoec�+argeattlsts0�lalYnutu�anyRo�ti�a�thsP��notth�n�tl�elatah ��=-�_----__
<br /> �saee0�aaecu►i�►tartheNftamountotellnnPatdobltaaUOns.londermay.traa►NNmatadmeand wMoutnotla(i)ralermeurY _---,-
<br /> f� �� �
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<br />�'�-- or�ecam►eY.or cause to be caieased ot►ecarneyad et airy tlm�at t+ender'e ep�on snY p�r�RQr�o�or dit af 4Ne Prop�►� , , � :� �
<br />_ ,.-- -_ (v?taxa or�efeaae er�y other or additlanat sa�urtty tor eny abt►g�ttan herein meMtonad.or(vry truico camao:�ians ar ot�r ��'�
<br /> °R'F�Y{i��_'
<br /> - i erranflementaMdthdeatoretnrelstiontitareto� � �;.,.�::�_
<br /> (e)Fo�aner by L�ndu ttat a W�tv.Any focheareace by L,endar tn exerc[a1et9 e�Y�or ramedS►haretut�.at _
<br /> othe�wiaa egpcde0 px 8pptir,npte Iaw:ahafi not be e waiver ot or prectude the axerc1ae�ct un1 suG►�10�r�edY rnv :�
<br /> praatreR+entoltnfuranceooU►ep8ymerttoftaxesa[otAB►It�naoreAeupesbyLenderot�lino2QeseratveroltAnt��t€yMm ,�;:
<br /> acceteraroa ths man��tY o!tl.�tnde�adrteas sepured bY dds peed ot ttuat
<br /> � � (cQ�sttd A�Boueetfi Jotr+t�nd 6�+rard ILpB![Y:aA��Zhe eavenanb end eigreeme+►b neretn eon- . _
<br /> t�tpgd 8ha11 Din4 end the�f8hb hereunQer st�a1!irture e0.�e�esAe�►a euceessors and a9slg�n.9 ot Lender and TFuatnr.Ail - - .�'-
<br /> covenan�and a�eemenb o!Y r u s�or s T i a l i�(o l r n a n d e ev e r a t The c�tlaos end�headin Q s otthe Parasraphs M tNa Oeed o! ' , '� "' '
<br /> h �c^�
<br /> • Thist ar�tcr conventence onty end are nat to be uaed Lo infsrprat or de6ne the DrovG3tons herea�f. ��.���.�,�::,:__.
<br /> ' (e)R�Qwatt�No�ic�TAeDatitesherebyrequastfhatecopyolanyrtoUceMdefaulthereunderandaeopyWanynotice tsr---=
<br /> ��` . ,�;.��;�::
<br /> _ a?�•.r:;��.;;,�' oi�ata herewtster be mailed t�esde party►to thia Deed ot Yrust at tt�e addresa set toriR ebova in tRO�8r pre�C�fbed by .�,. s,:;�-
<br />��.,�.-.��-�,�I_ . applicabte law..Ot�spttor a�ry cMer notica requlred under appitcebte[aw to be g[vert te anot�er manner.eny notice provtded �, =� '�
<br /> � nr ,.;:. tortnthEaDeedaflYustst�atl�egtvenbymatlingsaChno�cabycerdBedmQUaddreasadtoUieotherp�tie9.atlheeddrea�set t �-
<br /> [a�B�orra kr'�aottes iHa�+ld�Q-tos Ite th[s�teed of Trust ahffiI�e eftectJvo upon malitng in the�er8nrte�designated heretn.U r• .�:_��.
<br /> ������� �a'".i �mr Is mora 8ian otsa Person.noUce sern to tAe add�ess set bM aDove shall be notice to aa 8uc�perso�. .
<br />��� � (i�,tespw�on.Lander may make ar cause w bs mada reasonabte entrles upon and inspeWona of the Propetty.provl�d ��' �
<br />- �.f'`.:- t�,t t8nde►sha11 glve Th�stor notice prior to any sucA inspectlon epecirying resson�bte cause theretor relatad to Lendefe �.�.
<br /> - ',?;;��;�'��:',�,s��:== fre[Breyt tn 9�a Property. :�`';''�: _-
<br /> Z :i�r. ., a �. :
<br /> ,j�y�,�.• , (g)Raopmr�yanc�.UponpaymentotaUsumssecuredbyMis0e8dotTruatLendershellrequeat7rusLeoWreoomroyfhe ., ,�:�:;,-;�
<br /> - ;�,;:':,'-�'`: _�-�,�°°� PropeRysndshatisuRenderthtaQeedotTn�andellnomsevtdencingirtdebtednessaecuredbythtaDeedotTrustmTrua�ae. . �• '
<br /> �s.?}..-.a_i�.� �-� ��+ '�. _��' �_9.�K
<br /> - ,;r,,,�:_�.:-, ' t�n►stea sAal1 reconvey the PropeAy without warranty attd�ttROUt charg�to the perecn or parsons legatry enUtled thereeo� f :,.
<br /> . ' ��,: �
<br /> .�-�.`.. .«; . Tn�t sAall pay all ooste ot recorda�on.it any. '=?�-:,..;�;_ `�:..
<br /> ;}'`.' ;`,:F.`��`�`.,�':• �. -�y P�nonal P�op�Ry;S��fty Apra�m�nt As edd�3'�s:?al seCUrriy tor the payrt�t of tAe Note.Tmator herab�r g�enb �' ���---
<br /> '�� ..;.;.:.'>r' ",`t�'i �
<br /> �'�i�� �+�• ' • .t,�atuaderlt�eNeDraslcaUNtortnCommercialCodea�ty►interestinallflxtures�e�acPmanLanOotherpeisonatproperty �''��^
<br /> � ��:I:,;�• ;: . .. ., 'c=—_
<br /> • • . • � U i�,� �t�con��nwlMthareslesmteortmprovementstocstedthereon.andnotothenrisadectaredordeemedtobeepartof �_� .•,;,� �
<br /> ., u .:� ��, ' , tfia ieR!es�a"sasurad hereby.Thia tnstrument shall 6e cortstrued as a SecuBty Agreeatent under said Coda end the Lender ;` �,;.•��_
<br /> � � 5,... �� ' . shatt ha�alf 4P�ei$1ns and r�medies of a secured paRy urtd�seid CoQe In addi8on to tliu rights and remediea Created under .
<br /> ' � �`�`�'a��-�' : �an4fe�rt�ttreLenderp�tcsranttoMlsQeedotTrus�Plaa�tdedthatLender'srtgt�beecctramedlesunderthisparsg�9T�st�ail ''Y "� : G:
<br /> � �- ��`��` bpa�,cu.^esm.'aMU�reTt�Ith and brno�y e Ilmttatfon on.Lenders e�g�hb and remediea under�]a ct�er securi�f a9rsemers�c�t,�ed b!� ��' �`�`
<br /> ^ `+Y��_�:``��4:r'� �'.
<br /> YA-: �� 4'51..- �W�4��f�`��. . . � . � .'� . � .. Y+.�R .
<br /> , ' �.
<br /> � �}�,��tm�ia�.T�sOOr hereby wanants and re�resents thatthere Is na Qeta��lhep�t�rsef$nY� ' ''�E2�t,��';��,�.
<br /> " mortgages:dess3 a�uµsL tease or purchase contract describing ail or any part o!the Property.or ot�a;ontracL Inatr�.�.�r•� � '�a .�;:,
<br /> . s;` .
<br /> , k:` agreerteeni eo�siitudng a lien or encumbtence against sil or any part o!the Properry(collecUvety.'ti2ns"}.extstirtg 8s of!'7t�` . ;
<br /> > } , _ detiaot tt�ts Qeed of Trust,artc!that any and all exlaNng Liens remain unmadifted except es disctosed M Lender trt Ttustflr's ;p ��,
<br /> � c � ' �"i9en tlisctosure of tlerts artd encumbrances provtded for heretn.Trustor ahal!tlrrtely peAorm all of Trustor's obLCatians, . ,i+: ;.',,;; .
<br /> �••. � �• °<� � ca�ien8nts,ropresentaUons artd wa►ranties under any and al!exlstUng artdiuture Ltena.shall prompUy tonvacd tp Le�ca�lea ,;, ;,;�`-_
<br /> ot ell nottces ot defauit sent irt connectlon with any end atl existing or tuture Uens,and shall oot without I.endera prxo2 wcilten ��'�>�•.',�^,
<br /> �`� - cunsen!In any manner moQifyr the provtalons ot or aitow any tuture advances under any exisUng or tu'�.�re Uens. . �� - ,;;.��,._,�'��::
<br /> - � ...��.. ; , N App�ppkiaa�e}payme.�ts.Untassoihe�sser@qulredbylaw,sumspatdtoLenderhereunder.includingwtthouilimitatlon •. ,.,;•,�. �. •.�•: :
<br /> payments of prMctpal and�t irtsurancas Fcoceeds.aondemnaUon proceeds and rents and proflta.sha0 Oe applied by �•�� � �':
<br /> . j;,��,�, .;..
<br /> �.• :� .<r � LendertotheamountsdueandcwingfromTnisWrart�f3o�awerinsuchorderasLertdeP�.�itssotediscreUondeen2sd�.sirabla : 1��,}:_:-:��, : •��;'
<br /> . " •:•. !. ....', ..3���;�� ' .
<br /> liq giytrabOKy.if any P�risi�n vt thss Deed of�r�sR canfltcts with appUcabte 1,wr or 19 dectared invaUd ar C•herwise �ti�•:�,,b�!�.� '• •
<br /> .tt;r - , . .:,.;:::
<br /> ;;t�h' •- � unenforceabte.euch con4ict w invalf0ity s,h�t not atfect t"re other provlsons o!Mis iJ�of Trust or the Note whi�can b9 : ...;�zh��.
<br /> �", "•'�' " , g(veneffeetwithouttl►eeonflietingprovision.andtothlsendtheprovislonaotthisOeedoYTruffiandtheNotearede�aredtobe :.
<br /> �', � '
<br /> :. ••�..... ...3 '�� . 68V8181ilA. .�,.. -'::.',.. �`< '..:, ,
<br /> ' � . • p)Tirtea.The terms"Trustos"anQ"Bac�awer"eha11 include both singular and ptural.and when the Trustor ant!Ba�tswar �, .
<br /> " ' � ara#he sama peraon(s).thosa cc�ms as usBQ in this Deed o1 Trust shall be interchar�le. }��� � � � � _
<br /> _ ' ?�:�.,i�.': ' ` .';��� � �m) GovMmtn�Law.This Q�eed o!Trust ahall 49 gover�ed by the laws o1 the StaGa ot Nebraskfl. ,<*�•�:? ;;Q�:: ..
<br /> - # _'•�� `�. Tn�sto�has executed thle Deed o0lrcr�st as of the date wNtten abovB. ,� �t . ��'!.,` ;� • .
<br /> �i� � • �d'"'"��7 ,! ��►�/(?�lFi 'r;i;'`
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