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<br /> y �rtl�'' r-,�':==_=-
<br />_ �';.�:.>��•; ` �'�� the City of Grand Islaad.by WarreatY Deed recorded ia�Ba�Ds,.132. Page 289, Deed �t._ •_'�, _ ___
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<br /> _ . TOGETNER wrth e11 bwld�npa.fiaturos.�mD�vementa end appurtanancea iro�or haromita�oreated thereon end a[I d�ts-obweY.sassmsnis.ronte. �,,��} - ," .�;:;;,.�•.,,�,:
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<br /> '�� � �> �� �uues,proAt�,mcoms,tenamente,herodrtamento,pdudepes.�purtenancas.roYNWS�eMmnerd,oil.Qesand erator�phta thsreunto batonpnp,uee0 a,ti�' ' •••
<br /> 89
<br /> .. 1 - . '!'.:'
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<br /> 4,ti 1.,� or en�oya0 w�tA sud land or erry peR theroof,aU of wl�eh,inetudit�p ropteeanartts ud ffiditlons thereto she(1�e deemed to bs W rsmrn a pert ot ''� y�;�'ti;�ti'
<br /> � ��,:,. :..�`t;.�, th�properN eovercd�y this Trust Qaed;and e0 ot ehe foropanp tapfther xntt�aad paoptrty ere Mrein refermd to es Ms'Proparty.' a �,�3�
<br /> e
<br /> ' {: '•. `. ° , _ �•`�,;:�,:: ,,
<br /> r ��• ' �� � TO SECURE to L�nder th�rep�yment ot i�ebtedness avtdenaed bV 8orrawer'r Mom�Epuity Un�Wen Apreemsnt ub Mom9 EaultV Not�O�tM �
<br /> 1�.� ' • ,_,r;,x:�� Octol�er 19�19 93 .tap�ihu wlth any e�d aU nnrw�ts,moGifseatlowr.atb ucpmion�tMmof�nd aubstitutlon�or o:alunp�s tMntor .
<br /> �t . /Wlt�l lfl!lftn i!th!f�U ' • r,�.
<br /> , - ,;;��:�;. Itbnin tna•Noa'11n tM modm�rn Drine�t sum outsterdinp�t�mr oros ticrv o!�4w 15.000.00 -topnhe
<br /> (;�' . - provldd therein.with�fl�ul m�tudtv.it not soone�o�id.of October 19 J 18 .ud s Houdtlr for�nY Mur�adwnca that m�Y
<br /> - D�mfde by ths tsndar ta the Bonowsr tram time to dme end as secuntY tw tht ptym�M of any aM dl other indabtednen of tlu 6ortawer to dro ,r� .
<br /> '�� � ' , lende�whicf�mey edes.ef1 of add sums not ta eseaed in the aQgrepate a aum a�ud to three tlmes the odpind Od�dOd amouN of Ns Noto. ior .,
<br /> :`i:.. .
<br /> , pu�poses of the Nome Equity Une loon Apreement,Oarogreph9 2.3,4,5 a+d 11 batow 9fiall 0e Eaemed oovenenta ratstinp to tAs PropsrtV. ,
<br /> i�'''�,,• ��' �,i 808ROWER aovenente thet tM Bonower�s!awluUY e�=ed of tho�opanY h�nebY conveyed end hes the ripAt to prent uW oonveY the VrapertV.thai
<br /> �x•,. ° •='S. ths Vroperty is unenoum6erad bv anp mortgope,trust daad.convact to 0untrmae oe otherw�ee,except for e .
<br /> . '�;; ' . . N/A in tavot ot • .
<br /> � ��� �' ' • _n wlnch ths unpeid Oetenes on tNS Qato daea nat exaeed 0 . The Boaower cavenanto to eomplV wnh dl ths tennf and ;�• •
<br /> 3;, . , ` ,
<br /> � provfsians of any pnor moKp�pe.trust dead or eonuaet to purohaao,upan the WoOefi►end to meke eU peVmente therean botors t�sV beeoms
<br /> ,�t: „ � . , � ' dNlnt�u�nt. N no mm�or emcunt�s insarted�n thia O�epreyh,thon tAO Borrower eovenente thet thero ere no pdor dens or enaumOranaes of eny k1n0 �
<br /> �' . �• upon efu Propsrty. The Barcowar/unhe►oovenenta to werrene and Oet��tAe v0e to ths ProoertV epe�tit aU etdms end dema�Ws. • _
<br />-�:�" �_ � ".,;;.;�>' tt �. .
<br /> .1;,' _ �. �y,t' TNs BoKOwer erd the lendsr fwthsr aovenant ond epree e9 totiows:
<br /> ;;� - ,,';, "•�•�t`�• 1. Th�Borrowef sfiMi promDtN PeV wAen due the pnnoipel end�ntereat on tt�e Indetitadness OviQencC4 bY th0 Noto.
<br /> � ;��.`i��.�s:�.�,
<br /> ' ��? � f5�`��� �. At teast ten daYa beto�e they Oeeams ddinRuent.Bonower shetl oav all t�es end epeetp a�sesacnents levrod a►ntoeasad eQainst the ,.
<br /> . �:'>'�::. �.� � .
<br /> � ;`;::.;.:.•;. ProL�rtV,or any 0��ereof.end d1 tmce�.tewes en0 eue:aments Ievled�on tfr�Tmst Oeed o►th�debt wtnen it f�curos. .
<br /> '.. .;r,;;;:Y.;.: t`.�
<br /> , ;'`� kr"•' a. Tt�t3onower shdl tup tht ur�paovemenw nnd DuUding9.it enY,uyan ths P�apsrty 8neua0.with a cart�enY or com�onos epptoved LY�he .
<br /> s � �`���;;�i�' L��.tar eo�mourn not ten ma+ths unpdd baUnes oe the►m�cnGness seaued bv eHfl Truae Cesd witn a�wnderd mortgtpe elaune
<br /> , ', �,'��`��h�',r; wJtt►Sose P��to t�e I.tndm: TAa$ortower sheU defive►oaQ C�Y ar patides m tlfe Iacrder. ' '
<br /> . . �;j��+� ��F'�A��;j�, ;_`,.
<br /> • .� S�isr,�+ `'l ���41i�`I��; C1Y!?!A 6YlM bf 4103s.eesaf3orrciwe►aMl1 pivs O*am�rto�ro tAe irts�xa eereierm�c�a.truder em2 f:;�eC�naf ef►ra�. U thA BOtrower if I10! � �„�'t.
<br /> ' t';i�4�'�'�y�:�` ���a�1��A�:'. •oWrwi4�iaQda�db the C3are�►Or msy ela�t to�fV Cce�0������af c¢y�ca ths Q�es�..^�Pre�rtY:it cG�+acdN 1�bla,ana �lr��,•,,; s. ti<�,.
<br /> �'�,�':,'�• ';a�'�ti','�• th�unue�g ed this Ttust 11�0 wnWd oot Cs tmGaimG. cP cLliaRsnrowea ie�Ge�atUt o►dmar.t o�2 to by�cr r�Ce�ts dvan�1d VroPartN ot teWu � `�,, ` `�' `
<br /> ep� �
<br /> '�1':,4 �� �`;>a�•�Y� ot tpl�ewta�+t xioutd nnt�oonom1a11Y frm�(�n►at tt�aa�artY ot Ws T�sM�ad wouta bt imPaired�e+e mr ir.surMC�prmsseQs shM1 b�a�plled to �� ; ; '
<br /> _ `°- ��" s!alCi�g OeY��s Que on th�Nobs �3 tP�e in�ur�ac�asaauds vm asasa��ot Ms totd rmnurt mm cn aid Note.tla�seess c:b�t l�s�aid � 1 _' '. --
<br /> ,_��, ° s:.� ,` ._
<br />� + w�s=.;?!�+:���''. toth�Boerower tnsw�e�vraeNQstm��iamrorra�eenem�lu06�ofsceQ'+n�smo•.uetnexcatott�nc.mer�auntdu�ans�Ha�t3m� ,.T-,- .•�. ,���
<br /> . ,�.. ,..,�t,,, ,
<br /> �'q�i4 �, •••u•S Y•� QNY b�W�d to tM Batto�ea Uauns+e�pracuda for rapeir or npue�nt slull ee olaaed In esorow�e."�e Wdu aeb dbbursid bV tl�e Ler.�im
<br /> �,��.' ':,;���ti�. .
<br /> .r�`y, ' duHnO er upon oar4���of suob nP�u or npt�c�tmnt If ths WiGer sa�WWc�s ntu w ttn ataputV bY ecadsinp it�Oawse of sds.taroclowcs or ' ' .� ,
<br /> . •4� . � �1`,1 ' _ ��'.
<br /> .... :�• � _ ... r� _ "._ . _. __ . ___ ._ . .. _ — `"__..�.�... .f_. . ..
<br />