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<br /> _ .�i� ' ' . �TE���S:e���C�'liwtElfllii�.�" . .
<br /> �u r�o. �i�+�ww
<br /> . - �..������/(rijYr�.����' � "Y - 4• � '
<br /> —. ��:�r�;� _`:: �1i�E�ks;,s�I bg�tr,� �iraeatedr�s �ec�se�-b�;t�e trc�c.�aea��ex�c�cea bY � �
<br /> ��.�` f. - Z��IC£N �hii�tiai�d:and.�uSf.e` �
<br /> :��s t01•' �6tttuYia � s
<br /> "`�'� � Tr�tstes, fi�r 6ene� t�.oP . . 'YII�� �tR .�R8Sf1aI � :{� t'i{ ISEAhp�. . .' .. ,-
<br /> �,\
<br /> : ��`: � t��x.,.tne��enegt�i�ry��a�ea�tn�i�. dated. � . ����e�° . s.19��..� . . . . .- .
<br /> "°� att�i r�corded ' iRax�h-15 . 19 90
<br /> _ p.��1 p ` * , in t�(c��.O�Pnf*i�cpary�o : �:� g s`te_r {p��� Deeds of
<br /> ' � �1i73i f+��4x� . r��! � 1�.9 �{�n��� �7QTWl.4N( ' .. �.,I�.g 11C�'
<br /> eni! said 6eriefi�ary ha� �equested #n.�ari�ing .s �3ed�o :Reaanuayance: 6e�exe-
<br /> - cated. a�ad ideliveseds ',�' �
<br /> _ _ � tibW. TlEREFtIRE: in c�rrsideratior�.���:such 6r��ant�in ec�ort�nce �ith the requsst �
<br /> qg, the bee��:�iarf► rtam�d there#n, tli�,;c�ars�5�. �ea Tr�saEee:,dc�as by these presents, •`�
<br /> grant, �rea�iu�, release.end a��ey:�aa;� persun nr p�rsona entitled thereto all the _
<br /> interest era� estats iDc�ivetf �:�id �a�sa by oa thrcugh�seid��Trc�et'Oeed in Ehe fol- -
<br /> . l�aing described pi�ses. �''4nly as to auch pramisesi � _
<br /> -- ��.�: � A tract oF`la�d �n the South�� Quarter of th� Sauthwest Quarter (5�51�)�of Section —
<br /> = __'���: T�renty Orie _��1); 7oumship E��n (11) North, �ta�rige Nine {9) IJest of. the Bth P.�I.,
<br /> -- mpre pa�rticularly descrihed as follou�s: Begiiining at a�pcfn� on�:�-Gtest Iine of
<br /> - t� Caunty road as �aid out by Courity ��ey#ic' Balah�iin in.1890, saiG� �vnnfng
<br />�._�� a��ng �he East side� t►� seid 6t�SG1�, of.�d�_Ssct3on 21, and �ufiich poin� of b�inning __=.__ _
<br /> =3,: fs lo�atecl� 1520.9 feet Sautli and� 33.Q.:�"e�t �.h�st of the Ndrtheast corrter (as used
<br /> .�� -�...� -
<br /> '`° � � since 1890) of the Northwest Quarter bf..the Sc�ttuueat Quarter {LV�Strl�) af Section �' -
<br /> ;ia , -_ --_ .
<br />_ ,� 21, running thence West at a right ang�:e.'a c�ist�nce of� 300.0 fee't, thence running .�i�;��_,*�-
<br /> South parallel to the West line of sa.id �snty raad a distance oF Z00.0 feet, running , „�
<br /> , �;�, ��'° �� ^_�_ thQnae east a distartce of 300.0 feet .to a pof nt orr the sa�d Irtest line of said County � � � ` .�;��-
<br /> �, .°k3 ��. . '�
<br /> � °t���'��:s��:r�=,��. raad, runnfng thence .North alvng ant? �rr the safd West line of said County road
<br /> _ �;�x,,, •�� �;
<br /> ����:��c�`��.��`�� a distance of 200.0 feet to the point of beginning, all fn Hall Ceuci�yQ Nebraska. ``�'''.;��a
<br /> :�i,;-:,; ���` _. � _
<br /> •� "•• �'1f\�� -
<br /> ,t,hC nJ�:.-.; i�. !� , . _' 7 4�;�".�_,
<br /> til" .. •' i� ��. �.: '-�,.,'>...1�,.. ,�
<br /> ��;,,.., ::•:��P,� , :i�: � ���� .�;�_
<br /> � . s.y .�' .•;ac�k�c� . �r,;u ��i;� ��,,
<br /> i�s. ..-.:,'�.• �i��''�' `�r, . ti��;�,�;ie,t.'�.":
<br /> .ah �i�s - T\i`$�ig,�c � . iSi�i�i.,'°� -
<br /> #.` �i'*�y�rv;�'� o����, fv�a5tit;,,�4r F{ .
<br /> i' '?�4�'�, t ,'t','S��'� '� �ty - -
<br /> "ti. -1 . f �. . ��L ��� }�{l�� .
<br /> } � �`,�; •
<br /> •�� c �.�;�; • �_� • jx�yj����_ i� ` �:';��..
<br /> �, �. ��.:t, :.. �5,,: ,''..',I.,`_
<br /> � ;i ��:sf,•... '...�`:�:.. . .
<br /> �•�' ' � to ether wfth all buf.ldin s, ffxtures, �provemersts and a urtenances belon in to .�?�`�;`':'.'° �t�.�::; '
<br /> � . .� . . .JF: such premis�sa 9 PP 9 9 �,� ..5�����3:,'.
<br />� ��a - � :i�� : _ �;,;;<� ,;�,�.,.
<br /> . ��. � �i' (ti'�.., 'i,`` ;.
<br /> �;�: . =.�� Dated this 22nd day of actober � lg 93 � ��;����:; �. :
<br /> .Y n�.s� .;�.��..•
<br /> :.y�'� . . �tL,Yt'r'i''' . . ` :.
<br /> �7 . /�//tl! -,Fi':'• , . �•_1.
<br />_;1;`- , • ._ .. j/�//1�� ���7� . . ' � ' .V�yy�4�:�
<br /> V ' . tTflt.�� - . . 6'�.
<br />�t��� rtl ..". / � '���S'� -
<br />_:~;4��. ' �;; rus ee prend R. Baack, attorney � . �`, �':���;;;<,
<br />_ _ :;:���� _ .;.: . .
<br /> ''�����ij�1 "t:;';:•''
<br /> , � :;.r.• e�-.�; ,--�;,. 9TATE OF NEBRASKA
<br /> ��,• �`'''`,>;.� .. C�iiI�RY Of HALL §' .
<br /> _ _ °.,
<br />---,.� -;. �,_: '� Qn this � da oP . � .
<br />�� �. . . � ; Y ��, 19 93. before me, the undersigned, a ��
<br /> ';-, ; . .�;,:. NotarY Public�y cammiss oned ead qua ffied for in safd County�, persanally came
<br /> � _ , Trustee� to me known to be the identical persan �� -
<br /> � .. ose nart� s subscr e o the foregoing Trustee�s Oeed of Reconueyance and adcnaw- �
<br /> . , �� ledged the executian thereaf to ba his voluntary act and deed. � •
<br /> ,." :. ,;,,, ;�
<br /> . = �'�' :�.��:.`.� � Witness cny hand and'Notarfel Seal the day and year last eboue ritten. �' � .
<br /> � r .: : �
<br /> -�` ti:a: ��«��� ; . , •
<br /> _ '-�.� 1bq■a4,��� Notary Pub c °
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