�. G •.z r,>w ..._. fL9h7fii a --� - .,:�_,2_. . .` c:^�tts ��� -
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<br /> ;r� k. �.� _` '- ., _ Lc •--�W-r L ,i_.�-- ���� � - —
<br /> �-�___ �� K � .t�=`_"ti _ _' ,s. -• " � - - ` �— -� --� - � �? �.,�+, --- -
<br /> ==-�r�.. -:.-. ��S ;�� ':. � ..i v, . -s• "S.�L - .�.. . ' � � c� � r4 �z�l,._�'.`�':_. _
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<br /> t� i tir C . ,t � `' , ` � `],r�{��{`9�� T, N{� � i ��'��'-� _
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<br /> -' a�%a.lAZ17i.A,'µirit{3.�{li����.ilf�it0�{N��Vi{lv1��Qn HI� ���N 1�+��A�� L'ia�u+�1ef�i �-�q4�` -__'
<br /> -- �.��aow,����ar�uf tbe�ro�eity. A!b ue�tserarie�s aiid lons eh�11�teo`t#�cpvca6 b,'�it s Sc��'., ���° , _ _
<br /> , t�: _�..-,.._ .�� _____.. � --- uaountcni:�ertho_':e�enY"�__,_-=.-=- --_ {� � � _ _
<br /> ' `�.. HE)RR�VYE��OV�NAN73:�Lat Borraw�i is,l�wfl�ity�6eised oY tho ost�ta�aret�camreycd and h�s�hc�giu r��t�t��' ;� - -
<br /> .� a�conveg.t� sa�:tiac t�PtopeKy,fs 6esxsl.oacapt far encuanMaauss oF t�ord�.H�aK=r wsurpm4.����ti= � : - -
<br /> � � � w�lt defead ger�e�titte roithe Prope�i}t agaiast etaims and+kmands��up�tst w�ny enc�m3R�es of rccord . , �' � � � --
<br /> , �
<br /> �.� y` ° -> TE1fS.S�U'R1TY iNS'H'RUMEb1T oa�mt�i�es u�iform c�ven��Par,�at�d��uso and n�ntztfamt coveaants����:' . •`� _ —
<br /> .� t�saited+ra�aa"s Dy Judsd�sa.on to consflture a unif�n s�ecurIty Instname�l cavcrutg tti�pr+epaty.� . . .. . . < ,�;�:----- --
<br /> - — �tS�FQIiA��VSNAI��.�Seu�Wer�td��afl�cuvznaztt�ag�as fa�r�:' . � -. . . . -- �-_-.-,� - --
<br /> . .. .:�.
<br /> . .�. �
<br /> -��:. �. . 1Pa o�Prind tr�d Inte�t;@irt�ya�en!and Late , Y FaY
<br /> . ` ya�4s. ggt C6argc� Sorrower shall pro ts ahen du�the �
<br /> -- -- - = � '�ofam�,in�esto�tYcadeDt�byt�ti�toteasfidaay�nePay�tustitaee �tau�r�teNote.=-� � - }-� — _
<br /> ; ` �. Fhuds for T.�aad Insusansa SaDject to applI�ttble taw or to a wrIttea watv�r y�eadar.Borrowershall pay ta �,' -- = -_
<br /> I.eacfra an�day mnncbly paymenss are�e uader tae Note.unW the Note is gaid in ft�U.a suni.t"Flsttds°)for.(a?Y�IY �• ��=L - -
<br /> � tax�s aoa�sses�n�ts which may aaaia prioiity over tQis Secnrity Instzument es a 1�en on tLe AropeAy;(b)Y�Y��� . ' �`� __=___ -___-
<br /> __._ ,:._c.,- pa}rm�ts ur g�ouad reats on�We Rape�y,i�any;(c)Y�Y G��ot D�n}`:��P��t�'�:(d) Y�Y flOO� � ------ ---
<br /> = ��P���"'�_�Y� te)Y�1Y mortgage�instuanoe piemit�s.if��nYfi�tind(�any sums payuble�1y Boirower to -
<br /> ,, '; �. -
<br /> Lende�',ie e��:"."w�c,�Pn+visiona of P�S�1�S.ia t�eu of the�ynusan:uf mortgage insurance preraiums. 'It�ese -- -
<br /> — items�<::"�dw�s.° Lendermay,at aay time.wltect attd ho 3�rtdR Ii�aa amount n�t to eaceed the maxUnum -__-_ ---_`
<br /> � , .`. ... amouut��e�:,.�a.�ei'a'!{�i telated mortgege Iaan may requt�e fos��rmvier�escrow aconunt nnder the federal:t2ra1 ' , . —_-_--_= -_-�_
<br /> 8stute Seute�eaf�ii"�e�Act of 17)48s ainenicted frt�ti���t�tiiue.i2�US.C:�Z601 et srq:C'RESPIL");unless aao�her . v ��.
<br /> - � taw that appiies.�?u 3�t t�ii�ds sets a t�sser emouaL if so.t.e�der mey.at anp tlme.collect and hold Funds in en emo�u+t not to =---_-- -- _ _
<br /> _ _ _ __ eaoeed the les�r:��iuuat I.eader msy estirnate the amount of P�nda due on`the basia of�umnt deta aad ceasonabie — :
<br /> ��;-
<br /> - �esdmates of e�of futune Escrow Items or ot6eiwise in accoidance wItb appl�Cabte law. �:x w
<br /> .. 'Ihe�4ud�,s}�1 be held in an institutton�those deposita_ere insured by a fedetal agetuy�in�utuneataliry.ar entIry �r�` `
<br />- �T�� . (inctudipg Lea�4��.euder is such an institution)or in any pederal Hnme l,oau Bank. Lender ehalt apply the Ftmds to pay y �` _ _
<br /> -----� - - - --d�e.Esciow Iteins::<i.�.eYtder may aot chatge Borrower for holdipg and epptyiqg the Flsttds.anauall�r anat�zing tlte esccow.- {�y�-„ _-
<br /> —_-- accoimt,os vent�n��he�Escrow Items.unless i;en@er paye�Bormwer interest on ttre E�nds and appllcaD2e!aw pernnts ��'�, ��_-
<br /> --- I.eader to make sue'�t�charge. However.L'ender may requine Bomowet to pay a one-time�cLarge for ao independent real �•�.�°� - —
<br /> - estate ta�c ie rtin s�vice used b Leader in conaectioa with tbis toan.untess a licabte law rovides otherwise. Untess an `�;��.:�--_
<br /> 4� Pa 8 ... Y . PP P ��,�,,� _
<br /> ageement is made dr applIcable law requices inteiest to Ae paid.Lender shall not 6e cequired to pay Bormwer any interest or . ��--K
<br /> ..� ��1� e ;` �t.i.----
<br />_ � eainmga oa the Fhnd�;Borrower aad Lender may agree in wrlting,however.lhat interest sha116e paid on the FLnds. lxnder �Y�;�,��:��, ,
<br />_ .�r� s�all give to BarroHer.wit�tout charge.an anaual aocountipg of the Fuuds.showing credits and debits to!he E�nds end the { .��+��_
<br /> t� ��,."•��
<br /> � ptnpase for wlrich each dabit to the Fhnds was made. The Funds are pledged as udditional secutity for al!sums secu[ed by �;:�s. ;�� ,,,,�:
<br />_ .a.,., •;:�.�(;... ;t.,��.;ac��_�;
<br /> this Security Instrumei�.. �,•.: � �,�"
<br /> •� �;� If We fi�n d s�li e Id 1 s y L•eaedei exceed the amounts perntitted to be held by appllcable taw. Lender sha11 account to ��s��
<br /> _ �; �;�'� Borrower for the�excess Ru�ds in accoidance with the requireinents of applicabte law. If the amount o8 tho Funds held by .�t r4, �-�-�—n
<br />= ' � I.ender at any Eime:is aot sufficient to pay the Fscrow Iteins when dae.Lender may so notit�+Bo�owet irt wridng.and,in � '• �
<br /> + �`�'K'.,T �, 1). ... . �*r_-:
<br /> - ,� ���.� such case Bomnwcx shaII pag to Lendee the amount aecessary to make up the deficiemy. Botrower sttai) make up the . _
<br /> 7�� �.., f i ..:��.
<br /> :�;_?.,�',:::,,.�. deficiency in no more than twelvemonthly paymeats,at Lenderk sole discc�etion. ,.;,�' `,� i. ;��—
<br /> _ �;��� . lipon payment in full of att s�s secured by this Security Insuumen�Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrower eny. ..,..� � � �, � -
<br /> �.���ti "I�,� '. Fhnds held by Lendec. If,�mder paragraph ZI,.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.pr3or to the tuqutsition or � �s,._� _
<br /> � •� sate of the Fropeity.shait appiy any l�nds hetd by I.ender at the time af acquisIaon or sate as a credIt a g a[nst the sums ; ,;;,;�;_: `
<br /> ,i;�?.,:.,.., �:. .: ,.,
<br /> - i , .. securea by tiris Security Instrameat , z
<br /> � �� 3. Appli�CBttoa of Paycaents. Unless applicabie Iaw pmvIdes othenvIse.all Qayments recelved by Lender under ' �.lr.���_� -
<br /> • � • .. paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepaymeat charges due under the Note;seoond,to aznounts payab[e under • ��� ;. f�-
<br /> , ,;:.' , p a r a g r a p h 2;t h i r d,to intarest due;fourth.to princi pal du e;and 1 a s t.to an y late char ges due under the Note. 4r_.,
<br /> ' 4 Charges;Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments,charges.fines and impositions�ettributabte to thc �. � t�y��v�
<br /> , . Property wtuch may attain priority over this Security Insm�ment,and leasehold payments or ground rente.if any, Bo�ower . �,���:-
<br /> ' •• ,,i�:"�,�, : shall pay these o6ligadons in Ne manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not psud in that manner,Bocrower shall pay thom on - ,;:t';c°�=�_. '=`:�'�+,;:`_
<br /> 1 � . • time dimctly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender all nodces of amounts to.ba paid under � "'�':.'' :';�:
<br /> . � ` . . ;. :��, this patagraph. If$orrower makes these payments directly,Horrower shall promptlyfumish to Lender receipts evidancing � � �'�::=�.'-.�,:��=;
<br /> ' ,. :��� . .:�;;;:.
<br /> . . the paymenu. ..�.. ,.,,. ,-a,
<br /> � Bomower shall promptiy discharge any tiea which has priority over this Security Instrument uniess Horrower.ta)ogrees ' ' ,.�!'�:''��i�;-:
<br /> • � ,: , � in writi�g to the payment of the obligauon secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Lender.(b)contes�s in gaod faith thc � _ . '�� �5';�
<br /> � .,. :;,��••. lien by,or defends against enforcemeet of t6e lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender�s opinioa operate to prevent the � .,�•�i:.''r�„�s;:<.:
<br /> '�` � � ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender su�ordinating the li�en _ . r:
<br /> � ^i ` � : co this Security Instrument If Lender detemunes that any part of the Pcoperty is subject to a lien which may ottoin pdurlty ' �''
<br /> • ��;�, over this Secunty Insuumen�Lender may give Bonnwer a notice idenafying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the llen or tnke •
<br /> : .. �. one or more of the actions set farth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. � � • '"
<br /> � • , . 5. Ha7ard oc Property Iasuseace. Bwsower shatl keep the impmvements now existing or hereaftor erected on the • • `� ' . � '`
<br /> � . • PropErty Insured against toss by fire,hazards included wtthin the term"extended coverage"and any othor harazds,including . .. , •
<br /> • .'. � flaads or tlooding,for which Lender requires insuran�. This Insurance shall be maintained in thd amounts end for the , `
<br /> ; •� �� '. � . .
<br />_- �- � . Form3U?A 9/90 1paR•2o)e1wR��J a� _
<br /> �_ , , . . • . .
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