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<br /> �:�= �.: - - —=' .: . —. —�= - : � . .--'r__— ` _—', . _ � — .. -.���...�:.- c'y:— --r' -- C .__—
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<br /> — . ' . • ` O. � .. " . . � �� �� .
<br /> . � ..°:.a�plicaWa iaw�epe�ily.far rainsffite,m�atj bafura sale�t�e Ptoperty p�irsuvit oa!aW►po�'af.�ie�a somteta�d�a�t� �_.�
<br /> - ° �ecurity r*�+�,�q o3 @}en�y of��ad�n t�sforcing t�is 5oa�'tItsrtnsutwr.n�:'1H�ose cOaQitdo�s�d 13���a�iiuwtr. (e?, •
<br /> ��I�sler_alt:sut�w8icb t�ea°vwqutd�dua uads thfs �ecu�t .tuafrtt�nt.Aad$�A1ata a��i na es�t�on�utd 4�
<br /> —S'-- --�._'.
<br /> - . OCCGti'Dd: DCt�+ltijt QIY �' - — _—
<br /> _ ' I1F13W1Q�11t:iflC�11IQD,$',bLL!�0!��Gd't�s t�bl4 BfIDffiOj�B'fBCS�iiD�(� SYC�iCtiQII�9'iRi�i�J►t�i�' ` .
<br /> � < t�11Ii0 C�i4S19�0 t�ift ttl0��CD Of�S$EL�ty�IIS�IIt���U��t�1�kQpQtQr��0[[�D1YOt'�Q�LQ��,
<br /> !0
<br /> s�s sesitned bp tbia Ses�riqr ta�u�t eliall contlnva sd. �Tpon�telnatatement�jt �o�t+�wer. tNa �ecaulty .
<br /> � � tnsfrumi��nd tt�a�Ii�atiomg seem+ed taereby sna11 ten�aia`t1ill�r eftetuva as if�aocelera�on Asd aoctuc+ed._Ropwcv�r.ttiis�. � .
<br /> . , tight W�sta0e sbsll t�at appIylad�case of eooeieratian undet pat�h'17: ' � ` ' •
<br /> � 1�.�Stk:ii!'.t�Y�;,�.a[I�ata.S�ia� '1!�Note or a part�a!iaierest in c�ie Nafc(togeibe�r arlth tT�ts Sscadry � T
<br /> , Inauu�nt��inaY t��nid oa�oi�ztnFb�iaics arI�t�ator db�re ta�o:mwer-�Y eaia m�tesnh ia��a ahffitge W de er�lty �`
<br />- -------- -- -- -�-{8moa��s�:°t�oa��. .-" m�t3►��oa�es�alloteau�lQis��tsltY:[a�t4!�.'D�eatsa--__--_
<br /> _ -- ._ ._ ....--- -
<br /> - . may be m�a�m�g��'taau Sezv'scer�Iate�t w a sate of the Not� If t�+ere is e c&aage of tlte Loan SeNiocr.
<br />- -- ' Hoimwer-a,�16e given wria�a aotics of tIIe c,�ange�n ac�ardance ar[thpa�gaph 24 above and appltcsBle law. 'lTee not�ce
<br /> � w�lsmte the nariie aadeddressof tAe aew La�n Seivtcecaad theaddress to waid�paymenl�should be made. 7�e notice wW .
<br /> aTsawntainenyothesinffarmationt+aquiredt+YagPlicaD2elaw .
<br /> 20. Ha�rdous Sabstanoes. Boimwes shall net caUSe n:peimit tb,e pm'ssaea.us�disFosal+storag�.ar reiease of any
<br /> - Hazandaus S1�Dshamces oa or in tde R+operty. Bomuwer str�l�aot do.nas allow anyas�e else to do,anYt�in$affe�ag�e
<br />- . R�opettX t�at is in violatlon of any.Bavimnmentat Lsw. 9l�e piecedin,�taro�sball out aPYIY����'�►°?
<br /> —..__
<br /> �toiage aa the Propeny of s�quantiti�of HaTaidous SaDstanoes tha!ate geaeraliy recognizec!m be apptuprlate ta no:mal
<br /> ��sidentiala�s�ltts��bftl�Ptope�ty. � � -�-- - .. . . ---. .. _ ....... ......_ .__....- - -
<br /> Ban�ower sl�sall pma►PdY Bive Lender arritt�notioe of any iuvestigatlon.claim.demana,tawamt ar.other ecti�on by anj► - �
<br /> - — � govetnmetual or zegulato�Y aB�Y�t��P�Y involving the Property and any Ha�dous Snbsmnce or Envimnmental
<br /> - _ � Law of whicb_Bomawer IIas acximl gaow2edg� Ur Boaoa�er.Ie�as.or�s notiHed by any gov�tal or regutatory a_
<br /> -- , authoiity.t6at any iemaval or atLer iemediation of any Ha�adous Substanoe affeqing ttte Ftapeaty is rieoessary,Bonower�
<br /> -___� s�all promptly taYe all nec�csary temedial ac�ions ia accosdamoe with EnviYOnmental Lanr. -____- —
<br /> As used In ttris paragraph?A,"Hazardou�Substaaces"are those substances defiaed as o�xic or harardans substances by
<br /> �' Envitonmental Iav�and tLe following suDstasaes: gasaliae,�oiher tYamn�e ur tosic petro2eum gaodttcts.tau¢ic - - --- -
<br /> - . pes�cides aud h�Cides.volat�Ie solvents.materials conraining asbestas or formaldehyde,aud zadioac6ve maierials. As
<br /> =--.� nsed'm�is patag�apD Z0."Environmenral Law"means fedeial laws and laws of the juiisdiction arhere the P�operty is tocated -
<br />_ � tbat c�ate oo dealth.safery or eavimnmental pmiettion. �
<br /> NONdJNaORM COVENANIS. Bonower an�l�er fluthercovenaat an�ag�ee aa follows: '
<br />�. 2I. Aooeleration.R�edt�. L�der sLs�ll�ve notice to Boirower pdor fo acoet�etlan foliowing Bon+uwer's �,
<br /> - breacb oi any wven�n!ar eg�reement in t�s Secartty Instrmneat(btn not prtor to eooel�ratian under parageaph 17
<br /> - _i�`` . oatesg stppUcable t�w pmvldes atherwLse) 'itt¢nottce st�all spedf�r• (a)the defaW�tb)the adton reqnie+ed to care the
<br /> . . . Y s;��'=:< detatd�(c)a da�uot[esg than 30 dsys 6am the date the nottae is g[ven to Bormarer,by w6icd the ddanit mnst De
<br /> " � ay:"`'".�'" eaned;and(�that tattare wcare t�e def�dt on ar hefo�+e the date sped8ed in the�may resuit�n acocter�on of
<br /> ��"+�����'.-:�;�,:
<br />_ ��s�:�;{`�;,��- • the s�s secm+ed by t�fs Secarlty Instira��t and saie oi fhe PropeetS. 'I�e not��fiuther i�orm Ba�v¢�of ��
<br />- :`�.�:';;.��::;:::':�r�.° tQe rpghl to edase�efter acoeteratton anal�e Ng�t W b�ag a oowt action to asseatt ti�c aoa-�ce of a c'�Ilt or
<br /> - :.5'c7:r, _•,;;,,:•,•-' ,: ,
<br /> ::.. �..:.� .:.:._.... . au,y other d�¢�a�Borrawer to aooetera��md sal� �Pthe de�acrEt f�ceot caepd on or befo�t�d3atc speci8ed in
<br />- �Y;....-:.. . ;.: �� tlue c�tce,I.��tt�opttan may reqnl�+e��gan�t in�cIIl aFa91 s�os secm�ed by this�ty Instrumeat :;
<br /> . . � . _� ,:. �� y e Ww �:s: . .�
<br /> ti°,r;::;;`k;'-,`: `:::_`"::;': ... :. �r�t�ri�er�eiaand end may invoke� �sa�a aad eu otDer remedt� permitted�9 BPp�i _ .. _
<br /> - � .,. .. � Le�3tietr s�all 6e entttted W wUect a1!espensea�cu�ba pursolag the iemedtes pravtded ia Wts paragraph 21, r- _-_
<br /> • _ � : �but not limited t0.reasonabie attorneys'fees a�ff o�ts oititie evldence. '.'�-�^�`'��-
<br /> ':_ ;;�;ti=. : �,�:.
<br /> '. ,, :: 7�t�e power of sate is invoked,7lruatee shall ceoosd a nottce of defaWi in eac8�couaty tn whtch any part of d►e �;
<br /> Property is tocated and shall mail oopies of sach natice ta the maanPr prescribed by epplicab2e taw m Borrawer and to '�•,,�}:-'
<br />- , ,. '�`,r' . tIIe other persoas pmscrlhed 6y appltcable!aw Atter the tlme reqWred by appllcaDle law,ll�astee shall give pablte ' f,__-
<br /> - • � - � � noltce of sate to t6e peesoas ead ia the manner prescribed Dy appllca6ie taw 7�uste�wlWout demaad on Bo�� . s�����_�_
<br /> ` ,`� ' sdaA seD the P+ropesty at pnDltc audion to the highest bidder at tlte ttme and place and under the terms d�3 � �
<br /> : , �1=;ti�.:;:.: :' t-- ._..
<br /> = .,. � =`.�t.t>st,;,•.,.•:• the notice of sale in oae or more parcels an�in aay order 1Yastee determines. 'Itus*,.ee tnay postpone saie of�ar auy . . `���;�,..-
<br /> �" .khac.c . . ,
<br /> � �'`.�•� .. ...:.��:?..��v '.:- . ...-.,-,�
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<br /> �,.- d�igt►ee msY Pm�ase We Property at aay sa!e. `_. ', .'`
<br /> t ��:; . Ugon e+eoea�i�?Qayment of We price&��,'l�ustee sball deUver t�the purc0��r ltiust�'s eCeed cunveylmg We � ',,�.- '•" �fd -;
<br /> " .,. : p�,u�erq, 7'�e recifats in the'Ilrustec's deed s�aD be psIma iacle evidence of We Ur�Clb�f the sta2¢�aents made mhPrein. `' .. ;'' .-, .:�-�"�,jr�;,"
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