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<br /> =�4, proved Dp�F�d��a�Federal Savtnge�Loan Aaaoctatloa at Qrand ralaad ta the sam ot� �s..�•�l � �far . --
<br />- tae bene�a�L�e�aid Assoclatton,aa�i��or asai8as: sad m deD�it eaid polides+�a�i��*'��"^�-a�.�ll nat� - -
<br />� �. '1 comaoft or�saf#er aaY w�ste on esid� and sbaII D� and l�eey e�W re�l�ete�uffi�a ate���li� __—
<br /> . . y` �� sa , � : . . ` �,_--
<br /> '_ a#� �,,`•-�., , - ,i.. T6ir�. Rb Pa7�c�ae to De�i tu the Home Fede.ril Savinp& l�oan Assactattan�'G'Yaad IsT�ab sacepsams ar -_
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<br /> . ' wfta intcnest thereoa�ab1e,acco:dlag to the tenor ead eifect ot the one certein fi�st mort�a8e aota oi said mortg�go� � .� . � ,-.
<br /> �it
<br /> . • 6earing evea date aith these Dresentq. Aiter matnrib� eaid bond draws interes!at the rate ot niae Der ceat ger ana�. • . . ; �� _'�
<br /> ��,•. . � • Ii e�id fases aad sase�sme�s er�►not Dat d w hen d a e.o r i!t h e 6 a i t d i n�s o n e a i d p r e m i s e s a r e n o t i a s u n e d a s a�o�e�rn . ,..• _--
<br /> 1 ° aided.os ff ea3►oi eaid interest is not D��Whea dne,thea eaid whole debt ahatl become dne immediately,at the o�oP t�e • _ �.;'��
<br /> � ' - � ' • said AsaodaUon,aad ahall the:eaiter draw i n t e r e s t at tIIe rate oi nine Der cent per annnm. � . . '
<br /> • ��i ,.. . , The mottgago�1�ereDy a2�fg�to eaid mo:tBegee aII re� end iacome arlstn8 at gav ena eu �e� �s�a _ -
<br /> •'•' .,,:.. �. :�. . • Di'oDerty aad SerebY�xOrir,e eaid mo�ee or its a8eat�at ite option. upaa deiauI� to take charge ot said v�Dert9 and �
<br /> , 1•,t, '., '._� 1R4ii T4'!� `
<br /> oo21ect aI!rent9 and i�rne there�om sud ayP$►t�e same to the D�ent oi iaterest, prlactFal. ''�-- Premiva�.mses. � .
<br /> , . ,°1;.,�,.� pA�A�*p*t�reyaire os improvemente netessarY to �eeb sald proDert9 fn SeaaataDle con� or to a:l�ea cbar8es ar g� � �,.,:.' .
<br /> � � 1. � �b�•-c�� .
<br /> . 4•:t. �� ,�cti.��.•. �� ments Dzovided fo:herefa or inthe note IIereDy secured. This rent e�a1gnment eI�aD continme fa fos+a�r�the unpaid bat � _��;.�• ;.
<br /> � ence of eaid nate is fu11y paid.TIIe takin�oi Dossession bereuader ehall in no maaaer yRCEaL or retasd said mottgagee in
<br /> � •..� , , �•��� ...� � � tIIe coIlection ot eaid autae by forec2osure or otheravise. � i•: � �
<br /> ;.�,.. .
<br /> ' R►hether said deht lsecomes due Dy lapse oi time. or Dq season ot the failure oi t�e party►of tLe tist Dart to comp�p
<br /> , :,:�:•::: ,: wiW any coaditton itercdn.the satd Home Federal Savings&Loan Assaciatfon ot Grand Islaad.the auccesso� and a�s� �, .
<br /> i *��' '` �` '•.^•'��" � sba11 Uave t�e rtgPat to begia the foseclosura of tlils most8age at once on the who2e debt hereDy secured. aad to iadude � • �
<br /> r;.:,• � �i���ti•`>' , .
<br /> : .,.;: rherem a1r�a�enss. insiaaace gremiume ana cosis.pata ey ie or them: or saia Assoelatfon. its sacc� or
<br /> s�° "` -%':` �.".' e�t�s.�fo�+edese �a$►es to the ewa past dne. wlthout Wusy to Ws moitgege. or the disDlaeemeaL or 1m9�
<br /> _ ., '.:.i. : . � ot ehe 11en tIIereaL � • �
<br /> . �F.��� � And!he said&st partyr and!he maB�ere of sal�no�e.esDecia](y egree an�decls+re tbat the sep�arnte eslate oY�D and I .
<br /> ' `�`• , '�� � : ever�one d them.tastuding both tLat aaw owa�! and tLat Qereafter acqairnl. is yledged oad Douad for the D�ment e! �� . .
<br /> _ �' the deLt heteby secm+ed. �
<br /> :; After the commeacement o!ans► snf! ia foreelasu�e the DlaiatSt therein sLall be en8tled totae imffiedlate po�lo�oi .
<br /> �' �.�.�. �• ..�`.. ��• ssid es and the aDDointmeaL oi a receiver therefar.aotwit�standing tae�l�4 be fhe Somectead ot We uceaDant ana
<br />� � 6 ��. - .q }���}�
<br /> i �. tr " •� aotwltbstaIIding the 0��11able tos tIIe debt maq De solveat.eIIA the ttt'et DarRy hee+eDp Consr3ffi to tne ayDo��eIIt o!a
<br /> ' ' Beaeiver aDoa tIIe IA�actiaa oi th�iadenture,without athes evideace. i .
<br /> : . ' . T� im�e8�8 ��ons end e�eemea�, all aad sfa8ulns.oeia�in11v A��e4 ttiis conveYaace a�ari be vo3d.ot�er �
<br /> � alse to be ead remaia fa 8il1 toroe aad eifect .
<br /> �
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