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<br /> °�` ` 1���ee o!tls�1°to t��A 8e�tt�d InESr��n;���l':.jf aEl o�a�part o�'tha Pi+�i�aesry��eny 3nttrtss�in�t� `` ..
<br />_ __— _=- � !s soid or transfferrod(or iF���sFal lc�esrst.in Barmwer:�s snid,a�,tr��li��cu�d BEUr��ver is aut o it�tutsl per�anl�oi��..: ���
<br /> � _�_-�— ,; i�ader's prlor written consoat� Lsadrr a�y.ut its optiqa.� �. P�nt ta tL!! o�al!_sums�aarcd i�th�:; �
<br /> _ -- _ '�����<�LAt�viaathta.cvntiruschail�_ha.a*arrim�if�i��,����seLvp�bItEdb�t•.�CI81,�SR�C�921j�4_1�:;.._�__ . - _ .
<br /> — -- OftTil3$aCUtliy.ri1511Uti1CRE��. . ': . � • - .< ~ ° � .:-. . .: , —
<br /> - - -' :�If Le�derexercise�tl�.ogiiRl&Lets�tt saall giv�Botcolv mnt�e�f aobe�iiY�tn�,.,a ao8ae sb3Up�v,tde a j�rEod of.��
<br /> - tess �30 da3►s 8um tt�A�i.th.�aoti.c�Is deUvered ar m��a..��ir��u�3att� a�puy alt snms sec�it+od.by..this
<br /> d
<br /> --- Ser+W�iy'lfnsauioQetei.If Ba�rowac f�ls ta pay thtse sums�rbar.t���:etq��i�t�o�. ���tod.t�d4r�Y iavulcee:any�es
<br />__- - � �permitt�db�y,tttisS�arit�J�witteoutfu�thernflucaard�toa�F.uri�B�s?Y.�,,tfi4.:. ., ;, :.`� .
<br /> - -- ° 18. Ho�mwat's.Rt�f��_tq.R�state.iF Bomoacr maets.:ca�tairt,�c�€ifRt1l�;'�imu+er����ve �s°�riglet:ta:L�ve.;
<br />_= — eaforcement`of this�orurttylns�umeni disoo�tiaued at+2�a�,ti�fs�. �t�Sh�:�r�t's��ta)S ddy�(or su.�h atibec�p4'��es . ...
<br /> aPpl�aaDle lai�maY s�ify�:ion reiastat�aeot) b oisee saTe a�,��t.;d�trtf.v►t��,,tt�;'�rY lwwer of sule aonta#r,�d�:ai this.:
<br /> ---- ------ -- _< ,cneasrit.�tnstn_____�_____,mEmr_ei.�lhlJentev,ifafisdc�suatr�'nrcitta,thi�tS�.catrstrr,�ttsfi��unnt..'t7'use�r.�oot�tiitinnat�iha2I3emaw$t'�(a�navx. - .. _. .. _- -- .
<br /> , � �,,._----r---�-�.---.- ----__�__._.._,.�,�---�-_-.---.. ,:..,..
<br /> . _Laader aU s�uns whfct�t(�.aauld be di�u�this Se�uflty�nssr�rtcN:�nd:�t:l�t�3�If ao moceleratFom had accun�ecJ;(i�- - -
<br />?s_ :cvres mtqr defe3�tt o!any.�ik3�oovat3nis or sgxee�nenis:tc)pa�r�r��cp�&�u�ia enfomiu$d�.s Secvrity�u�ttt„
<br /> r : �nctuding,6uc not iianitcd:�o,reasousAte attotneys'fees:and(�3 rdkxa�ch:actint3,A��1.euder may.reasonabt,y�raquire to.assuz� ��
<br />=° d�at t�iien of�tis Securt 1�dnsttuu�ent, �.�ader's r�ghts in the.�i$Y atM;�ir�c++ac��s obligation to pay the;sums sacv�ed•by
<br />�� ihls Sewrit�i Ltsuumer� �oo�.t�ged. tFpon��reiat�ntatrtant�����s�t, titis Secnnity.,It�pn�nt sud thE
<br />-= QDli�tions seeuce�QereDy�si�il t+�sain Fully effe�tive as if�o�oeTerat�mh�t�.u�di:�owaver,d►is rigt►;m reixast�sAa11:
<br />- aat ap�Iy ia the c�se of acoetet�tian onder para,gcagh 17. �;:
<br /> 19,Sxie.of Nat��.of�ia Se�icer. 'i�e Nots or•,a.par�t�tntorrst�i�;tke Note(togeth�.wiih,tt�s Sec�urity
<br /> - _. .. : Iasaua�ent)�aa�t be sotd oae a�m�o��dams�rithuut prior aotiw m B�r�ner:A sale'�:msult m a ctmage in tl�:eati�r(kuowa :..;:
<br /> as Na'[Aan S�ttvvioer')thac ct�te�xs.t+wzt�Y P�Y�dus cmdar tde.Now:o�d.thiu:Scau�ty rastn�noent.Thei+e+aisa may be one
<br />-` � or more cnamges flf theLoan�a�uniet�tec4 to a sate of tite i�otu,�f sPtere is a��f the Loan Senr�ocr.Bbxrnvir�r will be
<br /> -� --,� . = givea writ�n mitioe of the clsats�e in aaco�am:e�vith pmagraph.l4 a3�ove and eppli�lii�ta�+.'�e aot3oe will state�:aame agd
<br /> edd�ess o€the r�w Loan Servtc�r akd the address t+o which paycuenta�shautd 6e mu�:'il�e uoUoe wilt also oosttsiu aAy flittec ,
<br /> �.. . .•�-�_ ;� - enfnm�ion�t��Y aDP��s.�lavr... _
<br /> �=.. ,-� �:;�;:�.0 1A.Ha�ardnas 5uh�ane�e�Bmrn�ver sha11 not c�ause or pe�mm�ic thff p�enao.,+ase.disFosal.star�e,or reiease uf auy
<br />- _�`�" :: ���:�,. . Haza�dous S�suces an or Ut�ti� Pcapeaty. Benaarer sha11�not�du:tmr siiuvu�:a�o�pe-dse ta dv; �$-a�tia�tt� -
<br /> :�ropeny tLat is in viotation af dny Fr►vimam�tal law.The preoading�two�saueaa�s_�ll notappJy`to the pt�mi:e,use.or
<br /> E �� ' - storage on the PropeKy of smaliiquatnities of Ha�ardous Substana�s thut ate ge�lty�.a�ognined w be�PrFaLe-.�p aoanal --
<br /> �''��;��'�;r.�"��d residentiai�se,s and to 'mara*.ena�xof the Pro . . _-_
<br /> _ c��,-.�.��,.s:, t� perty.
<br /> ':.�.•�..•�`�;�,.��,. Borrower sltaq pmmptly gi���a i.eader wuuen aotice of at�y.ineesti�tion.claim:�.d�nd.�awsuit or ather aaron by arty
<br /> _ '•"`.`'.�?;:�,;;�' govemm�tal orregulawry ageaZyr or pnaateparty iavolving ths 8iuy►P.rt}raad.any�fi�azafdous Subsmnoe or Envitonmeatal taw : _
<br /> '`.:�.::.'.'. .,,, of w1�di Borrowet das actual k�otvtedge.UBormwer teams.or is noti&rd 6y�eny�gamreraiaental or regWatory authority.that . : :�
<br /> . . ,:.�,.; ,` aay temovai or otAer re�uediatio�of cuay Haaardous Substance af£e�n@�•t�e i�openjr is.�oessary.Banuwer s4aU prompdy tuke - -
<br /> .�' all neoessa�y remedial actions iaaccocdauce with Envimnmenml Yuw. ; ___.---
<br /> � �. :'':,'`:: . As nsed in this paragrdpbi20. °H�srdous Substana�°are those su6staaces defcu�d as wuc or ha7ardous substances by . �-�_=
<br /> - '� "�'�.'„• Eavimnmeatal Lativ and the fattmving subsmnces: gasoline. keto.`ene. other QammA6le or toxic peaoteum pioducts. wxle. - -
<br /> ; .''r``,- pesticides snd herbi«des.vofat�e solvents.a�aterials oontaining t�cbestas or fom�aldehydp:end radivactive mater�als.As used in = - -
<br /> � ' ' this pacagraph 20. 'Envimnmentat Law° means federal laws and laws of the jurisdict`o0n where the Propetty is located that --- -
<br /> . . . relate oo health.safety or env'v.ianmental pratection. t_-=-�°
<br /> _ ' NION-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender fw�l4er oovcnunt and ng�e.as follows: ' �r�;;�
<br /> - - ;��- - 2�.Aeoe�erat[ont R�ni�es:I.ender s5a11 give nottce to.�osmw�r pstord�,aco�terat�on foltowing 8ormaer's breach y�;�r.T;_—
<br /> ' . ' . : of soy wvenant or ag�eee�t.:in this Secudty Imstnuaeat (Du�aot�peior tm aca�eratfon under paragraph 1?iunless -,�--_ ':?f`� .
<br /> .: i',', �� '°:�' � applicahle Iaw pm�Mea othc�vtse?. 7be not[ce shalt specI�: (a}�.dePault;(b)d�actfoa requircd to cure the defantt; �-��'.``;-��
<br /> � ;.;. ;:
<br /> �,. � . . . (c)e date,not[e�s t6an 30�s from thedate the nottce t�giren�t�Bormwer,by��-htcb We default m�st be cu�ed;aad ;." � � � -�•-_°--.
<br /> ;' • . ' (�that PaUure to cure ttte�defanit on or before tQe date spestfied iu tEe aot�e ara�y result in aeceteratlon of t4e sams ;�, . , ,-�;:�_�
<br /> - � •,.�:;�;;;�� ' secarea by t�is Security Instntmwtt end sate of the Property.The a�otfice.shWt further inform Borrower og tt�e rig6t tu ' :�`�"-'
<br /> ; i '' , - reiastate after socele�Naa�and.the right to 6ring a couct acttoa to assert tt�e aon�extsteace of a detanit or any other ��•��_
<br /> • + � defease of Borra�ves to�ccelerntion uad sa4� [f the defautt iv aot cured on ar.befote the date speciited in tM notice, _ -- _
<br /> : � Lender,at its opiemn,m�requfre immedta�r pAyment in flnit of all sums secuced by thts Securlty Iastn�ment�rithout �:.`L; _
<br /> �. � � . further demand acad mas•iaroke the po�vcr mf sale and any other►e�sedies perm�tled by app!lcaDte law. Leade�shall De _ � �, "--
<br /> . ' • ecrt�clmd to ootlect aU txpenses i�t�rred in puisving the remedtes provided in tbis ps�rag�aph 21.iaclading,but aot limited �:.'•;; . _
<br /> ;: i •• �• to,�onabie attonteve•fees and costs of tttle evidence. =-
<br /> ; s . �P the power o�-sale is ine-mkPd,Trustee shal! record a notice of defau[t in euch county in �rhEcb any paet of the `s�� -°
<br /> t . Property is tocated and shaU meil coptes of such nottce in the�m�er pr�cr�bn�b�r eppltcable law to Borro�er aad ta �;;,;;�,;��:...�,��,:��---=.. -
<br /> ' � � the other persom prescrtAed b�•appUcabte laR.After t6e ume requt�Ed 6y applicuble(aw,Trustee shall give pu6llc notke � ''''�•'���` ����';=�--
<br /> �:.�,v.��
<br /> �ti � ..,,...----
<br /> .,.
<br /> of sale to the pe�a9 and in the manner prv�ribed by appllcnble tu�.T�u.�tee.�viUsout demand on Borro�Yer,shaU seil `��?l;i;';:_ �.��_
<br /> ";;! :. .. : �:;�: ..^,�:,_.�
<br /> ' � �' ._ the Propetty at pub]ic auction to the highest bidder at the time a�ed ptace and undNr the terms designated in the notice of
<br /> = . ._ ,'.:•.c '��:.:a r;.'l�.
<br /> i. -' ... -i:'=. : .' ;"y.--..-.
<br /> �• �.����_..,�; saTe in one or moso parcets and in any order Trustee dete�snines.9'nutee muy posrtQonr sate of all or any pacve!of the - � �.•.-�;.
<br /> �:,� " '�•:>�,. Pmperty b�� pu6flc annouureaient at the dme aad lace uf a�i ' `� � ,�� .' .��
<br /> � : p y prevtously sc6aduted sate.l.ender or i�s desigaee tnay
<br /> , purchase the Prajsert�at any sale. , .� _�;'�
<br /> ��. 1'� �,� - " �r c).- .
<br /> 1 , ..
<br /> - j, . . , � .. . . . .
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