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<br /> �-.�.:� .�. . -.. ���.� . ' . ,
<br /> �'� �'�'��• •°�� Lot 5. Hlock 9, H.G. Clerks Addition, Grand Island. Nebraska. �
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<br /> Zbgether adtL teaemente,hes�edItamentel�ead appurtenancea thereunW beloagiog or in enY�gDPe�+aB and the rents.iaeuea an� � G�� � ;,�:
<br /> . prof3tashee�eoL f �"f.��_
<br /> � 74�is eonvepanee ta int�aed fmr the putpoae ot seenring the paymeaE W Bone&cter9 of Rtivafure'Pmmi�or�►naDa o4 oven date{a the ��1::• `
<br /> �: �, :.. ; . amnnnt stated aDove ae�'otal of Peymeate".Said"Totai of PaymenLs"ie reyayable in 24�e nnmber of monttilq insteIm2nta etatea abve. :,r:.r:_ ,••_..
<br /> 3"t-' - •_
<br /> " The amouat of the iaaLalmsnt paymente due on eatd toaa is etated al�ove.The Cust emd Snal iastalment due datea on said taaa era etatsd t;.;�
<br /> i � ebave.Paymeut maq be made ia edvaace in any aznount at eay time.Dafaut0�ln makin8 eDY PaYmenL eLall�at th9 BeLe��i21�f8 u�f0u � .. { , —
<br /> _ aa�witheuL notfee or demaad,render Lhe enHte unpaid balanex otsatd ieaa r�.Lauca dae and pe�yable.leas aqy eequls+ed rebate afch�gsa. r� ,• ��, _-
<br /> -'•',;' - . To Dmtect tlie eecurity of thia Deed of 95ruet,TraeDar covenaats and agrPea: ,�y,::.;�:•::,i:yg���:;'°
<br /> 's'i�.. z:�;`_
<br /> ,�„f;, ,. . 1 Zb keep the Proge�tY in goad caadition ead repair;to permit no waete thareoi;ta eamp lete a�y�n i l d i a g�atraedzce os i m Droveaten t �L�'� �?i,',;, +�.:.`
<br /> " � 5etng 6niit or about W be bailt theieaa:W restore promD�Y�Y b��g•���or arnpeovemeat thereon whida c3y De damaged or �i �`�;;;�;;.�
<br /> '`''�'' , desteoyed:and to comyly with all lawe.ordiaane�s,cegulations.covenente.conditione aad e�cricttoas aA'ecting the pmperty. . � �>'r,,�r
<br /> x. :. :�.:`:>���.*`C�� �, �:r_-
<br /> 4 " . .. 2 To pay Defore deHaquent ali lawtul te�cea and assessments upon the property:W heeq the ympe,ty fiee and clear of ell otAer chargea .. ���. ;.�'.'�:f�?',e �-
<br /> . tiens os encumbsaaoes impairinR the security of thie Deed of Trust. t�` 'ty�� ';`� r_
<br /> `• 8.To teep aU Diiildings aow o:heeeaiter erected on the property deecribed hereia candnuouely iasurad againet lass by 6�e or other ��� ''��;,� ! ••
<br /> ` .�,;i''. � ' �'.:;t;. .. ' ,},."• .
<br /> -'��.:�,::` Aaza=+de ia ea emonnt not tesa than the total debt eecured Dy this Deed of Teust AD�po]icies shell 6e held Dy the Henefleiary.and be ��1� ;, .
<br /> `:�;i�f=� '• ' in sucA companies as the Benelieiary mey aypmve and have tosa payable Hrat to the�eneticiery es ite interest may eppeas and then it{'��;;�, ..;}�tS'�'_. ,• -
<br /> � '
<br /> . ' ••.`_ .' W the 1�ustar.The amo!uit voUectsB nnder eny iasurence policy may be a�ited apon any indebtednesa hereDy secured in such ordes es n�t;�;�;.':,i�'ti-s . �" .
<br /> the BeneSciary ehalt determine.Such applieation by the Senefidasy ehsl[ not cause djaconllauenoe of any prooeedinge W to�eclose 4lils .,�.;t`�,,:• .�'
<br /> � '� ,' ' Deed of ZYvst or cure or walve sny defauit or notice of default or iavalidata anp�act done pursuant W sueh notiae.In the event ot for�class�.�+e, � ���,;: �� : :
<br /> ap righte of the'1lruawr in insurance policiea thea in foroe ehall pase W tAe purchaser at the foreclosure eaie. ,�`. , . :'`�. �� ,
<br /> i. , 4.T o o b t e l n t h e w t 3 t t e n c o a a e n t o f B e n efl c i a ry before eellin g,conve yin g o�otherwise transferring the pmpercy or any pare thereof and : • '� �� � �
<br /> i� , '' � any sueh eate,conveyanre or tranafer without the Beneffclaty's wrltten coneentahall conatitute a detault under the terms hereo L 4� �
<br /> ; ;. . ,;,,. .. 6.To defead aqy action or proceeding Dtuporting to atfect tRe seetulty hereof or the r�ghte or powere of HeneRdary or'Peustee. '
<br /> ;,�t" . . 8.8hould ltvstor fail to pay wren due any taxes.assesementa,iaeurat►oe premiume.liens.eacum6renoea or other charges agatast the �
<br /> propertyr hereinabove descri6ed,Beneflciary may pay the same,and the amounL eo peid�th intezest at the rate ee!forth ia the aote � .
<br /> _ ; � • eecured hereby,ehall be added W and become e part of the debt secured in this D2ed of 7tust as pem►iteed by law.
<br /> �
<br /> °,', Pf L9 MUTUALI.Y AGRBED THAT:
<br /> S :
<br /> ' ' 1. Ia the eveat any portlon of the property ia taken or dameged in an Qminent domain procceding. the entiie amounL of the award i �
<br /> � ._ . • or auch pordon thenwt es may be neceaeary to tL11Y eatiefy the obligntion secured hereby,ahall be paid W BeneBciary to 6e ayplitd W
<br /> ' � . safdobllgaUon. �, �
<br /> ' �� � 2 By acceptiag payenent of any eum secured hereby eRer its due date,Beneficic.ry dcea not waive ita rlght w require prompL paytnent ;
<br /> i�, : when due otatl other sums eo eeeured or w declare default for fuiture to so pay, '.
<br /> `" 8.The Tiustee sha11 reconvey t�ll o�ony part of the property eovered Ey thie Oeed of Truat w the peteon entitted therew.on written
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> ' �Y' . . request of Ne Teuawr ent!the BeneReinry.or upon eatiafaccion of the obligneion eeeured and wrttten rcyueat for reconveyanoe made by
<br /> t•'' . Lhe Be�ticiary or the pereon entitied therew. ! .
<br /> �� �fe.;:_• � : • , � � .
<br /> 991 G93(N6) �
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